Just Until He Goes Away

It was barely seven in the morning, but Ares had already run out of their house. He was released from the hospital the afternoon after June was, and he quickly jumped into his room with his tablet in his hands. News and crumbs about June were easy to find, and so when Ares said he wanted to walk his dog that morning, he actually went to the other side of the city to find Perseus.

Ares stood outside the glass doors with his small Pomeranian that could fit in his arms if he carried her. He tried to find June inside the lobby, but he found the other man that was with June yesterday. Since Lantis let him in, he only walked in after picking up his Pomeranian.

"Young Ares, how did you find us?" Lantis asked as the boy made his way to the other side of the tall desk. The other man reached out to hold the dog for him as the boy climbed the high chair for the receptionists. "Does your auntie know you're here?"