Little Humans

Whether Ares lied when he said he lied or not, the child was still shocked by the fact that June didn't seem to fall right after hopping. Whether it would qualify as flying or not, Ares still thought it was impossible. Then, as if breaking him out of his trance, someone suddenly sat on the edge of the couch. A teen girl showed up and had a huge white cat in her arms.

The girl huffed as she propped the huge cat on her lap. "Cheap trick, but you might want to return this child to his guardian now. Your friends are coming here again, and the auntie is just a hair's width away from getting into a catfight with your mom. Not that her patience is thicker than a thumb."

"…do you really have to do this, Miranda?" June hissed as if his stunt was wasted. He just wondered what she meant. "Did Mom and Lantis run into Ares's auntie? Uh, should I fetch them? I mean, Lantis won't let Mom get in trouble, right?"