Learning to Fly without Wings

After she exclaimed, the nurse quickly realized her mistake. She walked inside the room and glanced in the direction of the patient before kneeling next to Ares's couch bed. Seeing that the boy was sound asleep, she sighed without a sound and went to attend to her original duties. 

Still, she had to ask: "Uhm, why is Ares here, June? His aunt came to see him earlier, but he was not in his room. They tried looking all over his ward and floor, but he was nowhere to be found. I have to file a report as to how he was found. Can you tell me why he is with you?"

"…I heard someone crying last night, so I went to take a look. I think he got lost. He didn't tell me where his room is, and he was too tired that he fell asleep shortly after I found him. I was hoping you can tell me where he is rooming." June warped some details, but he was indeed not interested in keeping the child around him. The boy must have gone through a lot if he was haunted by those specters.