Do You Like My Acting?

When June thought that Belledel only meant well for him, he didn't realize it came with the prize of saving the holy men from these people. Then again, it was not like June wouldn't feed them to Lucirien's and his children… especially when they already named someone else in the mix.

"Break a storm? That's a cute way to describe your blatant opposition to the real owner of the city." The suited man laughed out loud, but he then smoothed his suit to keep the creases from ruining the look. "I'm tired of your face making headlines. It's time for you to make a last one, about how you're found dead and washed away downstream."

"That's a really bad way to go… getting all blue and bloated from the bruises and water." June sighed as he raked his hand through his hair. He hadn't wiped off the blood on his lips, either—along with the dirt on his otherwise flawless skin. "You know how I want to go out? With lots of blood… and a bang!"