Lots to Lose, Wants Everything

"What a strange piece… I've never seen anything like this… but these carvings…" The expert worked on examining and appraising the empty vessel of a doll on the table. Next to it was the bone pendulum that was picked from the dead. Left to his own devices, the expert studied the items on a distant operating table. His clients, however, chose to watch him from a lounge steps away.

The music of the club barely penetrated the mezzanine floor, where Stefano meets with his guests. The only noises to listen to were normally the guests' pleas and cries. Tonight was special, however, as tonight, he hosted one of his favorite people.

Stefano watched June from across the table. The actor was given a single-couch seat on which he sat without a care, even not minding appearing so casual in such a setting. Drinking the alcohol slowly, June kept his eyes on the expert on occult items instead.