Son of Neptune (1)

Ring! Ring! An intrusive music echoed in what seemed to be a perfectly docile bedroom. The man on one side groaned in response as if it was his way of saying 'I'm up, I'm up' to the demanding phone. He sat up from his bed and looked around his dark room, spotting the faint light on the floor. His eyes then turned to the digital clock that registered past midnight.

"If you're not Boss, then why should I answer?" The man pushed the blanket off him and got up from his seat. He took the blue lace panties resting on top first before picking up the phone, soon staring at the caller ID. "He doesn't normally call me… Is this really an urgent matter?"

Clearing his throat, he answered the call as he made his way to the bed to sit: "Hello, June. You called so late tonight. Are you in trouble?"