You Have My Gratitude, Not My Mercy

June's eyes widened at the truth spoken by the demon. Even if he knew he shouldn't trust everything they said, he was still triggered by the fact that it could have been true. After all, his family was suddenly torn apart without a reason he could use to convince himself. His dad just left them all of a sudden, and his mother fell into a deathly depression.

He then dropped his gaze to the floor, a hand holding onto his head. "…what do you mean? If you know him, then… shouldn't you be interested in him first? I don't… How come you knew…?"

"Hahaha… poor twinkle star…" Merodios walked closer and hovered his arms around June as if hugging the actor without touching him for him. "You know how I operate, don't you? You and your brother… such delectable treats. I've always wanted children who were once loved by their parents… only to be torn into despair by neglect and abuse…