Not a Happy Occassion

"Free! Finally free!" June laughed as he pulled the gas mask off his face. He then shook his hair that stuck to his head after getting pressed down by the hood. "Remember what we discussed down there, Lucirien. Soak in a lake or something for hours!"

"The smell of the physical world does not stick to my spirit body, June." Lantis walked toward the actor and reached out to touch his face, but June evaded him. "Hmm, dipping into a lake, then."

The grand demon vanished, and June didn't even care as he went to check up on the drained student. Phillip just went through an arduous exorcism that he didn't even know how to do. If Belledel wasn't forcing the words into his head, he wouldn't have made it. Still, the actor figured Phillip should be happy. After all, the demon that took away everything from a simple child was no more.