General Stricker continued to look through the building, although he couldn't find him.
"Where was he?" General Stricker hissed.
He wasn't sure, but he continued to search around, and other Ikes were starting to get tired.
"Maybe he escaped the building and is warning his friends right now, or something like that," one of them said quietly.
General Stricker took no thought of it and continued to search. He walked up the stairs that led to the second level of the building, with a new set of doors. With six doors on the floor, he barged through each of them, finding a pattern of a desk and lamp that was on the right side of the room.
"Where is Dr. Vicks?" he barked to the Ikes, who were trembling as he spoke.
"We're not sure sir," one of them said. "I sort of agree he might've escaped."
"You say," he muttered to himself, starting to believe it.
But then, he found another way to find out.