Abyssal Invasion Part-1

Aavesh looked dazedly at the sky as a bright green gold Pulse was sent out from his Mother's Transponder.

~What just happened? I know what I said might have given a shock But Not to this degree! Wait I remember this! This is an exclusive Transponder Device which is only accessible to Elite Members of Golden Lotus Nirvana Alliance Corps~

~Why Does Mom Have it? Wait! why would she use it? I don't remember her ever using that badge before - She died with Dad in the first Abyssal Invasion when they had gone to Voltin City... ~

His eyes turned a bit gloomy as he recalled his Past life a bit. He and his siblings were attending the Redhane Military Academy at the time and it was around 5 years into the future that this invasion happened.

" What Happened ! What did you do Kriti? That light what was it!?"

A bunch of anxious voices called out towards them . Aavesh broke out of his introspection to see 2 elderly couples rushing towards them. It was his grandparents.

They were relatively powerful as well, but due to injuries from the Old Wars, they had regressed quite a bit. Still, Their strength and wisdom was nothing to laugh at! They were all survivors of the once in a Decade Territory Scramble - Bronze Star Blitz and successfully defended Rathiel Republic Territory back then !

Aavesh controlled his emotions a bit as another wave of unpleasant memories tried to resurface - His Last memory of them when the First Abyssal invasion began. They had joined hands to break through a demonic occupied territory where he and other children had been trapped. They succeeded but at the cost of their lives.

Aavesh felt his blood burning as memories of the that cursed incident began to replay again. His eyes had begun moisten a little as he saw them approach and his little fists had unconsciously clenched very hard. He tried to control his emotions and attempted to open his mouth when -



It had not been a few minutes since that Transponder-badge had sent out that signal when a massive Dark Red Flaming Energy Ripped Through The Skies! It was like the Sky itself had turned red and the Sun itself had become a bright Red Star. Every sentient being that did not resonate with the Energy felt a powerful Environmental force knocking them down.

It was an Overwhelming feeling that they were no longer in the material world but in someone else's world - one that was forged from the Boundless Abyss!. This world like Domain had been released to overlap with the Material world. It was worming itself into the laws of this space to slowly taint it with the Chaos of the Abyss.

There was no doubt - A demonic Cultist had performed a ritual to cause this. The Republic Defense Corps Tried scrambled immediately to make sense of the situation and some attempted to contact the Capital for Reinforcements.

But it seemed that all major communication methods both Technological and Spiritual were being suppressed by the field and any Major Weapons had broken down mysteriously.

To top it all they felt the domain weakening them and their original abilities were being suppressed. Even Ordinary people felt more weaker under this Domain. If anyone of the same level attempted to fight them now, they would definitely lose without a doubt.

They could not escape even if they wanted to, Any ship or being that tried to leave the Domain would get sucked back in and anyone that wanted to enter the domain would have to use a higher technology to create a pseudo domain strong enough to counter the one occupying the space to enter it.

Even worse was the enemy who did this now could teleport randomly within the domain at will, No one could prevent this as long as the domain was active and one would need to create minor wards to create small spaces of safety to guard against this.

But minor wards were very expensive to create and one needed a High Ranking warrior, who knew runes enough to create a ward that could help maintain it long enough for reinforcements to arrive

But there was no preparation time given the sudden assault. Now Only Raging Chaos Reigned.

Aavesh was knocked down from the Domain pretty fast as a crushing pain and a sense of weakness soon entered his body. He struggled to get up as he saw the skies turn Red with a flaming tinge and the screams of people nearby.

He became like stone as he saw this . It was happening again but this time it was early way too early. Was his rebirth a trigger- was it a butterfly effect? He saw his Mom get up and grab him with her arms with horror in her face and his father quickly grabbing his siblings with shock and surprise to check on them.

Everyone soon managed to get up from this as they saw the skies Reddish Orange Skies with dread on their faces, they had all seen videos of such events happening in the Star Sectors Deeper within the Galaxy. They had never expected that such an event would occur with their Star System as well.

Just as things were about to get chaotic, A Powerful Energy Filled Voice of a gruff Man projected across the Atrios Compounds,







The voice belonged to Dominic Xander, Aavesh's Eldest Uncle who was a Legendary Major General in Rathiel Republic's Wrath Troops. He was the Back Bone of the Atrios Group when it came to military matters and had a solid record of skillful Leadership during Emergency situations. He was the De-Facto leader if the group faced a sudden attack or was about to get dragged in a war.

He was currently enjoying a vacation with his family when this happened. He was no outsider when it came to Inter Dimensional Invasions and immediately took the necessary steps to get the Group organized to face this threat as much as possible until a Council was formed to take measures to adapt to the situation.

Upon Hearing his orders Everyone who was familiar with the Protocol 78 drills started to get to work and executed all of the Leader's orders. Stage 2 Warriors of the group began escorting all non awakened warriors , stage 0 and stage 1 warriors to marked ward sites nearby.

Soon a stage 2 Warrior approached Aavesh and his Family to escort all non combat personnel to safety. His Parents had to immediately Part with them to establish a secure defense zone around the Compound to ensure no enemies breached the place.

Kriti and Antriksh Emotionally parted with them, although his siblings tried to cling to them, they coaxed them down. Aavesh was still in shock as he saw them embrace him for a hug and leave him in inhuman speed to execute their respective duties as well.

His Grandparents however accompanied them along with the Stage 2 warrior to the marked ward site . After entering the common lounge of a building nearby , his Grandfather Xander approached him and his siblings to give a tiny silver trident each from Interspace Belt and Grandma Xander gave them a green candy while telling them to take it if anything happens.

Grandpa and Grandma Kumaran then began to draw runes protection runes on all 3 of them and inscribed it into their bodies. They also gave a small black earpiece and strictly told them to never take it off. Aavesh, Chhavi and Vatsya nodded like chicks as they listened to all advices and precautions their grandparents told them to follow.

Then their Grandparents embraced them and immediately left to join the Compound Defense. Aavesh then stared at everything they had given him, he immediately recognized the tiny silver trident as the Silver Thunder Meteor Atrifact created by Artificers belonging to the Grand Infinite Silver Star Empire, it was a hot one use item that could smite Beings which were of any Chaotic Alignment under 4th Stage and seriously injure anyone in the lower levels of the Fourth Stage.

The Green candy was an emergency first aid Chem Pill that could save anyone who still had some brain activity in their bodies. It could even create temporary tissue to support injured organs. It could even fight against low level poison.

The Runes engraved on them were one time body protection runes that could block attacks upto Stage 4 and even warned them of any sudden attack , to create an appropriate time window to dodge. The last black earpiece were truly powerful artifacts created jointly by engineers , rune masters and Artificers to protect against any mental or sound type attack.

It was also a locator for the one who had the main black box and could be used as a communicator to communicate in a secure channel within the Same Star System, but this could only be activated at the cost of intense energy supplied by the main user.

Aavesh's heart trembled a bit at these gifts given to him as simply stood limply staring where his grandparents left. He knew the sacrifices and hard work they had to do in order to procure these Life saving items had been very high! They still went and did it anyway.

But then images of their haunting demise kept assaulting him, he kneeled down with his hands covering his face as every memory of their hardship and death began to replay again in his mind. He had a strong hunch that unless some one tried to change the course of the situation, Everything would go down the same path as his last life.

A burning flame of desire slowly took root in his heart, There was something that could be done! It took nearly 7 years later that a proper counter measure developed to close any Domain Type Rifts that had opened. It would require one to Go to Heart of the Domain and Place a Special Counter Artifact on the Obelisk that had created the Rift.

Simply Destroying the Obelisk would only weaken the Defending Laws of the Material World, It would make that space even more susceptible to New Rifts Formations. It was the root cause of the successive invasions that happened in his last life. As for any Reinforcements to arrive, He did not have any optimistic hope for them to come in time and maybe even breach The Domain.

By the Time they would enter most of the populace would be killed by the invading army and their blood and spirits would be harvested to form a despicable weapon called Tathlum which could be used to spread Spirit plagues, hunt down people who had any connection with the Victims and Create a strong Planar Anchor with a specific Dimension(Evil Ones Only).

The Tathlum created in this system had killed Vatsya and Severely injured Aavesh and Chhavi when they were about to leave the system in a Mass Rescue ship which had infiltrated the Domain a bit too late in his last life. It would penetrate a Person's mind pond and trap the victim in a dangerous nightmare loop to mentally torture them.

When they had been attacked Aavesh and Chhavi were able to be saved first due to use of a Spirit antidote and the Tired Rune master who used every bit of her Power to Save them first. But by the time she got to Vatsya, It was too late.

Aavesh did not intend to let this happen again EVER! The Counter Symbol needed a specific artifact infused with the Energies of an Opposing Dimension and had to specifically blessed by a priest or a cleric of a God Level Being of that dimension.

A simple yet intricate Rune array either created by Blood, Energy or Mind Power needed to be created around the artifact and a significant amount of Cultivation Essence from either of 3 Paths - Energy, Body and Mind needed to be used to Activate the Counter Symbol to Summon a projection of the Opposing Being.

There was no need to hesitate in this. The material Universe was strictly a zone where No higher dimension God could impose their domain beside the allocated spaces.

However Recently due to a breakthrough in Portal Technology by the denizens of the Material world- Mythic Lords could impose their Domains if a rift was created between the Dimensions and they could send a part of Power- a projection to slowly worm into the That particular Space's Laws and slowly infect them to become more like the Higher Dimensions they had come from.

But this practice was Banned by 5 Higher Dimensions leaving Only the 3 Evil Dimensions and the Chaotic Neutral Dimension which allowed this practice this in open secrecy. If any such Rift was found by the 5 Higher Dimensions, they would immediately close it and try to purify the laws of that space through their followers though it took a long time.

So they found another way 7 years later, was to create a special summoning array and activate on the heart of the Rift to use the Rift itself to create a connection with another Higher Dimension using the Blessed energy of the Summoning Array's Conduit vessel.

This would allow Mythic Lords of the 5 Higher Dimensions to go around the Agreement of the Gods and send their projections to invoke Power of Law within the Universe to Expel the Violating Lord's Projection while repairing the Laws of the Space and Leave after Closing the Rift.

Unfortunately this method was discovered a tad bit too late while Aavesh's Star Country burned Down. Aavesh however obsessively memorized it to atleast use it if Required in the Future.

Now this knowledge was very precious to him, It could be used to change the fate of his family!

Then- * Whizzzzzzzzz!

A burning ball of flame had just appeared in the midst of the ward site. All the Stage 2 warriors grabbed their weapons pointing against it while a Stage 1 warriors let out Multiple Energy Shouts that a portal was about to form at their location.

The Stage 2 warriors led all People to Move away from the Ball of flame that seemed to be growing bigger and bigger. Almost Everyone shrieked in fear as they saw this and even the Warriors had cold sweat dripping down their backs.

Aavesh could see both Chhavi and Vatsya were afraid of this instinctively and huddled close to each other near him. Aavesh then turned towards the Growing Abyssal Portal. He had seen this countless times in the past and everytime it opened there would be massacre.

Just as it grew Bigger and Bigger, Aavesh's Rage grew stronger and stronger as he clenched his fists and his eyes Reddened as he felt History was about to repeat itself. Then something snapped within him.

A memory of a demon he had killed came to his mind, He remembered they were escaping from place to place, until a similar portal opened before him, and a Demonic Drow with Cricket like arms and legs had arrived and started to attack his group.

It had killed more than half before he brought it down with all his might. As he checked the body he saw 'it'. A demonic Sutra that allowed one to absorb any kind of Abyssal Energy and allowed its users to practice 50 times faster than regular Sutras.

It was a Soldier Sutra, a Quick Sutra that allowed to create Strong armies in short periods of time without even needing the awakening process. He did not need to undergo A.G.E, he could directly cultivate it.

It could allow any creature of the Mortal Realm practice it and it was a Body type Sutra. Body cultivators could practice it. He even learned the forbidden demon tongue to study this Sutra but gave up when he saw its Side effects.

Its Side Effects Included gradual demonic Physique transformation, Abyssal corruption of the Spirit and Demonic nature being induced in the mind. He would become a Public Enemy of Most the Worlds if he followed this Path.

The Sutra's Name was Blood Demon Descending Sutra. It reflected the Truest nature of the Abyss. He would have definitely not used this before but seeing the situation now gave him few choices:

A) Run from this place and convince one of the Family Elder's of his Plan.

B) Use the Silver Trident and then try to defend this site to the death while buying time For his Siblings to escape.

C) Let history Repeat, hide somewhere in the Building along with his siblings and wait for the Adults to sort it out.

D) Become A Demonized warrior and kill your way through the portal. End this Situation through the Portal.

If he Chose A) he would not be believed and even come under suspicion of demonic influence.

If he Chose B) he would die, but his siblings may or may not survive, it was too uncertain.

If he Chose C) Everything would be the same, just happening a bit earlier, He had already experienced it and did not want to go through it again.

If he Chose D) He might become a target, but there would be no Domain suppression, he could easily use Higher Skills and arts to find out the location of Blessed Artifacts to close the Damn rift. Plus he was a good Pilot in his last life. He could easily break into a Space ship and travel to the Planet where the Heart of the Rift was located.

Yeah out of all options D simply was the only way to truly change things around here, even if it meant becoming a target for all sides. This was the only way they could live and he was willing to pay any price for that!

He then stepped away from his siblings with a longing look and a sad smile which disaapeared as he looked at the portal that was about to open.

With mad glint in his eyes, Aavesh began to recite the Sutra in Forbidden Demon Tongue and began to breathe the Boundless Abyssal Essence within the Domain into his body. He then Kneeled down with his left foot due to severe pain and Rage Burning within his body as his eyes bulged out a bit and his body began to turn purplish red.

*SSSH! *sssssssH!

Hissing steaming sounds came from his body where everyone soon noticed a crimson vortex slowly forming around him. Chhavi and Vatsya were frightened and wanted to jump in to help, but the Stage 2 Warrior held them back as he and the others slowly backed away from both sides in horror. He then escaped with the others fearing that phenomenon might happen again.

Soon Dark Flames appeared on Aavesh's Body within the crimson Vortex. Aavesh then let out a Guttural Scream filled with RAGE AND PAIN,


The Vortex exploded the same time the Portal fully opened. As red skinned and red tailed lesser demons rushed out to attack but soon stopped seeing a light purplish crimson mist before them. A shadow of a child could be scene through the mist kneeling down.

"Heh Nothing Special, Lets Rip it and enjoy it as our first meal! YAAARH!"

A lesser demon gleefully raised its claws before leaping into the mist with its claws and fangs dreaming of juicy human flesh and aiming at the shadow of the child figure.

But its ecstasy was short lived as a tiny claw like hand rip through its heart in the mist. Shocked it limply looked down to see a Demonic Human Child Grinning at him from below as the claw like hand crushed his heart.

*Schnick! *Spurt!

The Child then ripped its claw like hand out with blood spurting out of the horrific wound, the demon then fell down but it caught the dead demon by its neck and punched again through its lower abdomen and chanted a few words of the Demon tongue, which caused the dissipating Cultivation Blood Essence to rush into the Body of the Demonic Child.

Aavesh had a crazy blood thirsty smile as he broke through all Levels of Stage 0 and and reached the peak level of stage 1. He looked crazily at the other demons outside the mist as snack. All the other demons had a high cultivation between 1.5 - 2.4 stages respectively.

But it did not matter to Aavesh as his Rage burned further with Boundless Abyssal Flames burning out of his body and a demonic grin flashed on his face as he saw the confused Demonic Posse waiting for the Lesser Demon to bring his Prey out!

He then cracked his knuckles as small flames started to burn around his fingers. He looked at the Other demons with mad glee like a predator staring at delicious Prey!