Abyssal Invasion Part - 2

The Lesser Demons that came to attack as the first wave were merely between Stage 1 and Stage 2.3, They were thin, hairless, blood red-skinned, and sharp-tailed grotesque Humanoid Demons called Babau, One of the Lower Races of the Abyss that served as Cannon Fodder in every Conflict.

Their Cultivation from Devouring Flesh could Reach up to Stage 3, then they would have to cannibalize other Peak warriors of their Branch Race to evolve into a new species of Demons to continue cultivating mythic Power. Despite their weakness and grotesque appearance, they were very vicious and cunning enough that whenever one died, their Cultivation Blood would splash like Poison at the melee Attacker.

They always liked to toy and horse around their prey and only their leaders would be given a weapon either a pitchfork or Spear while the subordinates would use their claws and fangs to shred their prey. The Babau that attacked Aavesh was a Stage 1.6, But had been instantly killed by him! Why was it so? Aavesh had cultivated the Blood Demon Descending Sutra.

It was a rare Sutra that would never be easily found even in the Inner Ring of the Galaxy - Let alone in the Outer Ring. The fact that he had encountered it in his Past life was a complete mishap and by some twisted fate. The Drow that was Guarding it was already severely injured and had regressed enough for him to at least fight on even Grounds.

Even so, it had already killed more than half of the people he had traveled with before he tore the Drow's Arms off and used an hour to turn its head into Mush. This Sutra already had a twisted Price to even acquire it - it would have Bigger Side effects with the Great Benefits it Offered.

Firstly it was a Sutra to create mass Elite warriors in a short Period! It was akin to consuming poison to cultivate this Sutra as the Foundation of a Cultivation path. It used Blood essence, Abyssal Energy and Demonic Blood as well to absorb into the Body to stimulate the Latent Potential of the Body- Not to increase it like how Other Sutras and Techniques would do.

In Simple Terms, it was burning the Life Span of its User to gain Power and built a false and shaky foundation for actual Cultivation. It corrupted the Existing Human DNA to infuse Demonic DNA into it and slowly the Demonic DNA would replace all parts of the Human DNA as the practitioner progresses further on the Sutra.

It would slowly induce a foreign will and infect the Mind Pond with Madness in Stage 3 and in Stage 4 where the Sutra Stopped, it would create a Pseudo Demonic Natal Spirit that would speed up the progress of Racial Transformation from Human to Demon. By that time The Natal Spirit would replace the Mind Pond of the Human Practitioner if he/she was not strong enough in WILL Attribute.

This was easily accomplished as the Body would almost become a Demon with very less Human DNA Remaining and the process of Rejection of the Body to the Soul would start. It would keep rejecting it until the Soul of the original Body conquered the new Will of the transformed Body.

Otherwise, the Soul would be severed instantly killing the Practitioner and the Body would become a Puppet of the One that created the Sutra. It was a fucked up deal. But this method gave incredible Power and an Unmatched Speed at Cultivating - it was the perfect Temptation, especially for those desperate enough.

Aavesh knew it though, he didn't give a damn. This Sutra was the only one that could help him match the Oncoming Enemy Waves each of which would have stronger Cultivation Bases. He could use this method and simply Devour an M****r Fucking Demon and absorb its cultivation for himself without immediate Backlash.

He would deal with the Problem of Stage 3 and Stage 4 when the time came. Now after breaking through all Sub 10 stages/levels of Stage 0 in like 3 minutes he qualified for activating a special Spiritual Tool that lay dormant in all Beings- The Attochip.

Whenever a soul is created in the Universe, The Power of the True Neutral Higher Dimension - The Unending Boneyard would descend on it and brand the soul with a basic Template or A Fate Record of sorts.

On this Fate Record, The Attochip was created using the Soul strength of the Living Being Once their Race was Qualified to Enter the World of the Mythic Power Cultivation.

It was super complex and an intricate spiritual chip that created a neural interface to display all user Attributes and Cultivation Levels. It would unlock a new function at every new Stage. It would however not be used to track down any individual for any purpose or any type of Misuse to harm the Owner.

A powerful fate oath was released along with a Universe Life-Death contract signed by the Ruler Of the Unending Boneyard to Guarantee the Privacy of every user. It was a powerful contract that could not be laughed at all!

If the Ruler Violated it, She would Die and Perish - Leaving the Divine Throne of Fate, Death, and Reincarnation Empty. God's oaths were terrifying- each oath would be akin to writing their destiny.

Aavesh quickly used the Attochip to display its Basic Function after Breaking through Stage 0. It displayed -



AGE: 7




STR : 14

DEX : 13

CON : 16

INT : 13

WIS : 15

CHA : 10











It seemed that his attributes were not too bad , except he had evolved pretty much toward a physical style, his mental attributes did not upgrade much except for the WIS attribute, he himself was a bit surprised at this though but thought of it as a side effect of his Rebirth.

He had decent attributes enough to qualify as a Class B- level Stage 1 Warrior. With his combat experiences and various skills he could easily put up a fight upto Class A warriors and even escape from some Class S warriors with his speed techniques.

Each stage had an attribute limit, Stage 0 was upto 7, Stage 1 had upto 22, Stage 2 had upto 47 and So on.

These limits were nigh unsurmountable and helped to determine what kind of Warrior they were in each Stage. Now, he re-collected all his old skills with his new found Power and enhanced Thinking capacity to deal with the Babau who was about to Pounce towards him.

A plan had been formed in his mind with the right skills to test out, He then simply smirked at the Babau who foolishly chose to be target practice for him.

He then executed a beginner skill called Blood Steel Implosion art to compress enough Blood energy into his transformed blood claw like hands and used a speed skill called Shadow Cicada Flicker art to take advantage of the Babau Demon's carelessness and stabbed at the right moment to catch it off Guard.

He then Chanted "Blood Devour" In demon tongue to use the Sutra to Absorb the Babau' Cultivation Blood Essence which would splash out like poison in seconds. He then turned to the Babau's Demon Posse(Comrades) with mad killing intent filling his eyes.

The Demons felt a shiver down their spine as they felt a strong bloodthirsty intent from the mist and then a small figure blurred through the Mist with a burst of speed that took them by Surprise.

The Figure Rushed upto the first Babau Demon with was nearest to the Dissipating Mist and the Demon's Neck and back were twisted to an Unnatural Angle and thrown to the side.

The Blurry Figure then leaped to the Next Demon Babau who stood there watching the scene unfold before him in a daze. That moment of carelessness was enough for the Demon's Throat to Ripped by the Crimson claws of the Blurry Figure.

The Babau leader then collected himself and screamed to the other 3 left to encircle this freaky killer and bring it to him. But the Blurry Figure was a tad bit too fast and had already anticipated this move and simply targeted the Babau who was approaching him from the left.

The Babau was a bit alert this time and tried to catch him, But the Blurry figure simply performed a feint to get behind the Babau with inhuman speed and performed a surgical crunch on The Babau's spine with his claws. The Babau fell down motionlessly on the floor .

He then turned his attention on the final 3 Babau Demons left - The Babau Squad Leader and 2 Regular Babau troops who roared at him while the Squad Leader performing a suspicious ritual using the spear as a conduit.

The remaining 2 Babau rushed at him like mad dogs, The Blurry Figure then calmly stretched his tiny arms out, it lit ablaze with Abyssal Flames Burning on thin Ring like Blood Lines which appeared on both of his hands.

He then leapt into the air towards the oncoming Babau with peculiar Blood Runes shaped like characters of old Earth, forming around his fists and pivoted his body mid air to shoot down fist first right at the Moment the Babau Demons got close enough.

This was Lunar Runic Fist Blast, a special technique that used any type of Energy to condense into explosive Blood runes to create a Deadly Blast at oncoming opponents.

As his fists touched the ground , the Runes surrounding his fist gathered together to form a tiny Blood Moon which expanded and exploded outwards leaving a Massive Blast of Crimson Energy to erupt.

The Blast generated enough force dent the Steel Ground and easily threw the oncoming enemy off the Ground - severely injuring and knocking them down.

Protective Runes flickered translucently around the Blurry Figure as soon as the Blast Occured but his limbs still trembled a bit . The Blurry looked at knocked down Babau and was about to finish them off when, The Blurriness of the figure shimmered even more as if danger had been sensed -

Just then a hot red Abyssal Beam shot out from the Spear tip in Babau Squad Leader's Hands towards the Blurry Figure. The Blurry Figure calmly dodged the incoming Beam and Grabbed a dead Babau.

The Babau Squad Leader did not stop and kept shooting red beams at the Blurry Figure without Restraint. The Blurry Figure Dodged every single attack while inscribing a new blood rune on the corpse and infused some blood essence which caused the Babau Corpse to become bloated.

He then threw the corpse at the Babau Squad Leader and backed off Several Yards as if to keep distance between them. As if Knowing that the corpse was not a Good Thing, the Babau Squad Leader shot an even stronger blast at the Oncoming Corpse to destroy it to ashes.

As soon as the Red Beam came in contact with the corpse, The Corpse Exploded into a mist of Green and Red Bloody Fog around the Babau Squad Leader. Thinking that it was a ploy to trick him to let that horrible figure escape, The Leader angrily exhaled and inhaled not caring about the Strange Green and Red Mist.

Its Stamped its feet to the ground while letting out several curse words in demon tongue. All of a sudden the Leader began to choke blood and painful green Blisters started appear all over its body. The Leader began choking out blood as it felt a strong weakness entering his body - rotting his body to become like a corpse.

His prized spear too fell from his hands as he no longer felt them anymore as his back seemed to have weakened a bit as he sat on the Ground and tried to circulate his blood Energy to Over Power this Poison that was shredding his body apart.


The Blurry Figure came again and walked unharmed through the Corpse Poison like mist towards the Leader whose ears and eyes had started to Give out. The Leader stared at the Blurry Figure who came and Picked up his spear.

The Leader tried to grab the spear back but excruciating pain , partial vision and hearing, along with a slow receptive brain that could not even give a command to hold any items . The Blurry Figure then charged the spear with his own Blood Energy and immediately Pierced the forehead of Babau Squad Leader like a hot knife passing through butter.

The Squad leader struggled in shock for a bit and then his eyes went limp. The Blurry Figure then went to check on the two Babau Demons that got knocked out cold with his Earlier Runic Fist Blast. He used the spear to Pierce the Unconscious Babau Troops and made sure all of them were dead.

Any Kind of Cultivation Blood Burst from the Dead Babau Demons was absorbed by the Blurry Figure who used the staff as a support to keep Standing while voraciously absorbing every last morsel of Blood Energy these Demon's could give him while activating his Sutra.

The Energy from several dead Babau Demons especially from the Squad Leader who had a high cultivation of 2.3 easily filled up the Requirement of the Sutra to breakthrough to Stage 2.0 . He accidentally broke the spear handle with its strong grip but focused on absorbing the blood energy while the broken spear fell from its hands.

In just a minute a new Crimson Vortex surrounded the Blurry Figure who was breaking through stage 2.0, when the sound of hurried footsteps, along with metallic stomps and the sound of an ion rocket booster entered the Blurry Figure's ears awakening him.

The Vortex around the Blurry Figure disappeared into his body and he let out a shockwave - indicating a successful breakthrough. The Blurry Figure then chanted several words in demonic tongue and used the Power of The Abyssal Domain to Create a small Portal as the Sounds got closer and closer.


An Angry shout came towards the Blurry figure from a man wearing a Grey Steel Mecha as it flew towards him with its metal arms extended like giant claws to catch him. The Blurry Figure immediately jumped in the portal which closed as soon as he passed through leaving the metal arm of the mecha to grab at nothing.


Antriksh screamed in despair as he kneeled down - the Blurry Figure was no where to be seen. Even though many parts of the body was blurred, he could easily see through that simple Trick, which simply made light reflections around the Body a bit Blurred, causing ordinary people and low level tech to see a distorted-near unrecognizable image.

It was his son. There was no mistaking it, Some Fucking Demon had Possessed his Child's Body- The thought of which made his blood boil. With a grim blood thirsty look on his face, he grit his teeth with his eyes red with fury as he swore -


Antriksh Roared out in Pain and Fury as he punched the Ground hard, as other members of the Atrios Group Closed in On his position.

Elsewhere in the Phedron System, Aboard SS-V Veritas :

Lieutenant Damien was Communicating with GLNAC Intelligence Stationed in Rathiel Republic's Capital Star System to try and check any News about Planet Sarkon of the Deion-Tempest Star System.

At first he got a report that everything was fine and there was no Pirate incursion or Rebel Group Attacks, Plus Sarkoris was located in a pretty safe Neighborhood and did not even have much incidents around it.

Just as he was about to Report the Information, An urgent Call from the Intelligence HQ at the Rathiel's Capital came. He connected to the call and received and alarming report -The entire Capital had just been Thrown into Chaos Seconds ago and the matter was indeed related to the Deion-Tempest Star System!

All communications with the Star System had gone down Suddenly and the deep space SAT Tech present there, was not Responding. The Whole System had Gone Dark in a few seconds.

This would mean either the whole system had been wiped out by Some Means - leaving almost nothing behind, but such weapon Emissions were detectable in Stellar Scanners and there was no such emission occurring.

This meant something else had happened - something much worse. A Rift had been opened in that Star System.

A minute later all Stellar Scanners in Rathiel Republic Reported Signs of Spatial Anomalies around the Space where the Star System had been. Any Image or Spectral Scanner would give garbled data, The Images produced were extremely chaotic - had a reddish tint and a pattern of a Goat head kept occurring at random positions around the Star System.

It was confirmed - Deion-Tempest Star System had been swallowed by a Domain from an Active Rift. Such cases were not uncommon in the Galactic Center , Not too frequent in the Inner Rings and unheard of in the Outer Rings. It was the first case to ever happen!

The whole Republic had shifted into Martial Law, Stringent Security Measures were being executed and Reserve Armed Forces were Re-Deployed around the Deion-Tempest Star to prepare for any sudden Expansion.

All kinds of Measures and investigations were being executed and Interstellar Travel had been Banned! No one could Leave or Enter Republic Space. A total Lockdown was underway.

The info had spread to other Neighboring Star Countries as well and similar measures were being adopted. This was spreading like a disease around the Ho-Jax sector, even the Jaxos empire was alarmed!

Lieutenant Damien was sweating uncontrollably as he read all of the Intel that was reported.

*Whooosh! *Click!

The Doors to central command had opened and 2 people were Mech suits entered. Lt. Damien Could not help shiver a bit as he saw the Grandmaster and her Husband fully decked for War enter in. Reyna had an grim frown on her face as she turned towards him with her Husband Traven Following behind her with a solemn look on his face.

Lt. Damien became stiff as he could sense her violent anger radiating towards him, his heart started beating loudly as very step sounded like the Laser Block. (Guillotine in the Interstellar era)

A frigid cold voice assaulted his ears,

"Its been 10 minutes Lieutenant..."

Reyna asked him with her hands crossed, while staring at him very coldly. Poor Lt. Damien swallowed the lump forming in his throat and Answered,

"Sorry for the Delay Grandmaster Ramirez! The Intel had to be Updated, due to a Sudden Event, here I have compiled everything about the new situation in this Data Shard!"

He Respectfully gave her the Prepared Data Shard, she took it and held it with her Husband Traven. Both activated their implants to sync with the Data Shard and received the info within. A few seconds later the Data Shard Cracked into multiple fragments as dense killing intent came out from the Couple's Eyes!



Both of them bellowed consecutive orders like the imperial decree. Captain Cayne immediately worked on relaying the Orders without a single question. Lt. Damien and the others hurried to execute all the previous orders as well!

He got back to his terminal to check all new updates on the whole Situation - It was undoubtable that whatever happened at Rathiel Republic might affect the whole of the Outer Rings! It was the First known case of a rift forming in the Outer Rings with a Domain Invasion as well!

He could not help but wish they would not go to War - The last time they did, they created a huge ruckus that GLNAC had to step in stop the whole Situation from escalating to something even bigger!

When he looked at how Angry the Couple were, he could not help thinking depressingly - Shit had Officially hit the Fan!