Planning The Mission!

Under the Raging Crimson sky of Planet Sarkon, In an Open field - A few Kilometers away from the Atrios Group Grounds, A small portal opened - with a Blurry Figure Jumping out and it immediately closed behind him.

The Blurriness around the small figure slowly disappeared revealing a light purplish-red skinned human child dropping to his knees and panting for breath. Aavesh who was naturally the now odd child , gasped for breath and energy as he sat down for a while to run the Blood Demon Descending Sutra around his body to regain energy.

Even though Demonic Cultivators have a greater Boost and advantage under the Abyssal Demon Lord's Domain, They still need to keep an eye on energy consumption as the space had not been completely corrupted with chaos yet.

They could recover their energy much faster than the denizens of the Space, but once they lost Power any advantage they had would Go off and they would have to face their enemies in a fair fight.

Aavesh naturally knew this and did not let his guard down for a second. He then vigilantly looked around his surroundings and after making sure there was no one nearby, he then stopped while looking at the Atrios Group Grounds with a sad smile.

He could have stayed back and tried to conceal his now demonized body and even try to hide his cultivation so as to not give his family such Pain, But to protect them and change the Destiny of his Family - he had to leave.

The Blur Spell which he used to mask his face and features could fool low level warriors but not High level warriors like his father who had reached the 4.0 Stage like his mother in their Cultivation Paths.

But the Technology on Sarkon was not high enough to unmask his appearance and he would not use any arts and skills he learned from his family in his past life, to not implicate them for the sake of his mission.

The fight and Teleportation spell cost a lot of mental and Blood Energy - even with the help of a Domain. He naturally did not leave any tracking device on him and had burned it down with the Abyssal Flames.

Aavesh now had to Find a secure location to gather his bearings and plan his next move - He also needed to calm his mood down a bit with some meditation. Aavesh then looked past the fence Surrounding the Open Field - Thick Lush Forests and Wild Life existed there.

Sarkon was never fully colonized or had any Planetary revamp done - It was originally a Dense Wild and Overgrown Planet with deep spirituality behind its savage outlook. It had 2 moons and Highly Deep Oceanic Bodies with a rich variety of wildlife across its huge continents as well.

Even the Boundless Abyss was never able to fully Terraform this Planet and the Demons then Destroyed the Planet so no one else could occupy it once they had completed their Objective. Aavesh Opened Another Portal and Used the Power of the Domain to find a location to Anchor the other side of the Portal.

It was an ability he had received from the Crimson Vortex after Reaching Stage 2.0 - It was a very convenient ability that let him use a set of Blood Runes to invoke the Abyssal Chaos and create a temporary Demonic Eye to quickly find an anchor location to create the Portal and it would dissipate as soon as he entered it.

Aavesh quickly created a new portal and created an anchor near a cave in the Forest which looked mysterious and ominous under the Crimson Sky. He quickly entered it for the fear his father might sense him again and chase after him.

He entered outside the cave and used his senses to detect if anybody was within it - he crouched down and took a deep sniff , focused on his hearing to listen to sounds within the cave and touched the ground to feel any vibration or spiritual energy within the cave.

He then opened his eyes which had an uneasy crimson glow with a purple tint around the pupils, despite being extremely dark, he was able to make out few green scaled bats , few insects and paw prints of small animals whom he did not know about.

Apart from that the cave was devoid of any other things apart from animal fecal matter and parasitic moss in some of the corners. Aavesh quietly entered the cave with and went towards a corner which seemed to be empty apart from some few insects and moss.

He cleared them out silently and sat down in a meditative pose and kept breathing to clear his mind to calm his mood down. He stayed in the pose for thirty minutes and opened his eyes with a calm look. The eerie red glow around his eyes calmed down while the purple tint remained , his body too lost its reddish color while it did have a slight purple tint on the skin and hair.

The Demonization had already started to affect his body. His hands did not revert back completely and black scales had formed on his spine and chest. It would not be possible to look fully human at stage 3.0, and at stage 4.0 there would be very less human aspects left of him.

He had to tread this path down with an absolute will so as to not overtaken by his body's new demonic nature. He opened his Attochip interface to check his Status.



AGE: 7




STR : 24

DEX : 23

CON : 22.5

INT : 18

WIS : 23

CHA : 14









Learned :-

Mortal Level - Blur Image(F), Blood Steel Implosion art (E), Shadow Cicada Flicker(D), Lunar Runic Fist Blast (B)

Imbued :-

Low Planar Level - Blood Essence Devour (B), Corpse Poison Infusion (C), Mini Chaos Portal(A)







~Attribute increase is... Well as I expected - the sutra doesn't disappoint, The skills I have Executed Succesfully are listed here... cool, the Condition Feature will be helpful to keep a check on the Demonization Process - Welp my Mind has already started to become affected~

Aavesh thought silently as he made a self evaluation based on the Attochip's Information. He then gave out a silent sigh. His Family must be very worried now, His Mom and Dad considering their natures they might be blaming their selves about this.

He clenched his fists hard as silent tears came out of his eyes when he thought of the Pain they might be experiencing - all because of him. The Guilt in his heart was increasing, he shuddered for a bit and let out a slow breath from his mouth.

He could not go back now, atleast not until he closed the Damn Rift. If he closed it successfully without destroying the Obelisk, Any Future attacks would become hard, his family might have a different fate than his previous life - They would not die like Before! He swore on it!

A determined look flash across his eyes as he decided to properly organize his plan to close the rift. He rechecked facts from his Past life for any clues and came to a conclusion - The Rift was most likely Opened on Planet Visordin and the ones who did it must atleast be between Stage 4.0 to Stage 5.9 .

Stage 6.0 was impossible as they would be immediately detected by the 9 Great Powers. It had something to do with the Special Nature of Stage 6 and Above. He barely reached stage 5.8 in his last life when he was Disintegrated by "Them".

He needed to improve his strength and not loose his mind until then. That was the easy part - he could keep killing demons that used Portals to invade.

The Hard part was the materials for the Counter Symbol Array and Transportation between Planets.

The list was not too long - he needed a Blessed Higher Dimensional Relic - one that was attuned with Strength of Law. There were 3 types -

Holy Relics - Relics Blessed with the Energy of a Divine Spirit - Being of the Eternal Empyrean Higher Dimension . It would be of Lawful Good Alignment.

Axiomatic Relics - Relics Blessed with the Energy of a True Machine - Being of the Infinte Machina Higher Dimension . It would be of Lawful Neutral Alignment.

Infernal Relics - Relics Blessed with the Energy of a Diabolical Devil - Being of the Immemorial Naraka Higher Dimension . It would be of Lawful Evil Alignment.

These Relics were of a Spiritual Nature and could sense everything around them. They were naturally choosy when it came to selecting a wielder. Such a nature would naturally make it hard for him to take.

Holy Relics would help others at the cost of their very existence - It cared deeply about its wielder and would jump to fray to be the Bulwark against evil. It did not like Chaos much either. It would be the most suitable asset for the Mission if not for a single glaring flaw.

Holy Relics would likely burn him down with Heavenly Flame if they sensed his existence - According to Eternal Heaven, No matter what a Human who voluntarily underwent demonization had broken sacred rules of the 7 principles.

They were beyond saving and redemption! Any Holy Relic would reject him no matter what his intentions were - So Holy relics were out of the Picture.

Infernal Relics were a trap and a scam! Aavesh gnashed his teeth for a bit when he thought of them- in his last life he did witness a friend getting corrupted from her original self after she reluctantly made a deal with the Weapon. She became a puppet who killed her own remaining family before he could Kill her and free her from suffering more.

As Lawful weapons they did dislike chaos but they exploited their own Laws So anyone could use Infernal Relics but they had to pay a certain "Price" to wield them. These Relics were of Infernal nature anyways - they were obviously created to lure and trap unwitting desperate souls to damn themselves to the Immemorial Hell as its Prisoners and Slaves.

Aavesh did not care about the Price it had - Its Infernal influence might trigger his Demonization to go out of control and all his evil desires would rage to be acted out. It was a literal time Bomb. It did not need reasoning but required a deal which would most probably interfere with his mission.

As they say, A deal with Infernal Beings is always a bad idea - who knows they might create a backdoor to hell in the Obelisk. The risk was a bit too high - It had to be ruled out.

Axiomatic Relics were Judgy to say the least, the relic would definitely be angry with his demonization but not for it being evil rather for it being a source of chaos. These Relics hated chaos and would rather allow some evil actions to be performed to uphold order. They cared about order the most!

But the good news was they would hear out his case, besides he was doing this to remove the Chaos of the Abyss and Restore Order to the material plane. It perfectly aligned with the intent of these Relics. Plus if he managed to convince one , it would exert calmness on him and stave off demonic influence of his body from affecting his mind.

But that would not stop it from punishing him after his mission was over, it would definitely punish him for choosing Chaos - And it might comment a lot on his actions during his mission as well. It represented Law in its most unbiased and absolute form without being confused with notions of Good and Evil.

~Looks I don't have a choice but to choose an Axiomatic Relic - At least it would hear me out and not do something insidious behind my back. It should hate the Obelisk the most...~

Aavesh sighed out in mental Pain about this decision. He didn't have a choice either. However he knew that every Planet in Rathiel Republic would have at least Low Level Blessed Artifacts created by its Own Cultivators who had gone and returned from the Inner Rings.

These Blessed Relics where often Given to Training Academies Present in the Star Systems. Rathiel Republic allowed allowed 5 Alignments to be followed and their Cultivation Sutras to be recommended - Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, True Neutral and Neutral Good with each Ruling family Representing one of the Five Alignments.

The Deion-Tempest Star System had 3 Basic Training Academies - The Storm Academy which had an Infernal Relic, The Legion Academy which had a Holy Relic and The Oculus Academy which had an Axiomatic Relic Respectively.

Luckily Sarkon housed the Oculus Academy as it seemed to offer more rationality than the other 2 Academies which had begun competing for Talents in the Neighboring Planet Mendevor.

Mendevor was bigger and more Prosperous than Sarkon in terms of Trade in the Heavy Arms and The Pharmaceuticals Industries while Sarkon became a stable Farming Planet and a Trading Hub for Rune manufacturing and Basic Wild Herbs. Each Academy had their own preferences and chose to settle in those Planets Accordingly.

In his Last life he did not have the Qualifications to attend either of the Three Academies and only attended an affiliate academy to learn more about cultivation.

His Family - the Atrios Group were more specialized in Giving a Military Prep to those students who wanted to get selected for the Defense Corps Academy and Taught Students to work with Various Mecha and to quickly get adapted to Neural Bonding with Machines.

This Subject required years of Experience and skills that could be grasped by a specific set of people who not only mastered them but were actually able to pass them down. The Atrios Group and few other Local Powers specialized heavily on that and were pretty famous in the Republic for producing Distinguished Mech Pilots and Elite Armor Masters.

It was because of this Reputation they were able to Request the Oculus Academy to teach him for a month in exchange for teaching 30 students in the Mecha and Armor ways. It was a big compromise his Grandpa Xander made by giving out few rare Metals and Exotic Resources to the Group from his personal stash to allow this exchange to happen.

Those 30 days had indeed helped him to awaken his Basic Blood Talent and taught him quite a lot of skills he needed to survive the First Invasion - He was able to then attend a basic Affiliate academy along with his siblings as he was finally qualified to be a proper cultivator due to his awakened talent.

He simply shook off unnecessary thoughts and focused back on how to reach the Academy - He knew where the Relic was in the Academy and would have to either Steal it or Convince those old farts to 'Borrow' it.

The other things needed was High Grade Rune Parchment to cast the Runes along with Synthesized Solar Ink to inscribe the Essence Conversion Runes and a set of Low Grade Mithril Wires to connect all the components.

For the Parchments and the Solar Ink , he could go to the Main HQ of Lin Xin's Apothecary, a Famous Local brand which sold reliable products as he did go to Buy Rune and Herb based Goods with his Mom Once.

For the Mithril wires he probably had to Mazer Kramen's Work Shop where all Light Technical materials for armors and Mecha could be bought.

His Father Once apprenticed under the Old Man to learn more about Building Mechas and Armors.(Antriksh) He often Purchased Goods from there as he felt that the Old Man's hand crafted items were more reliable than factory made 'rubbish' as he kept saying.

Aavesh had not Gone there but his dad did show him the Card of the place so he had memorized the Address.

~Good Atleast I know where to get the components! Now all that is left is Transport~

Aavesh knew that he could not keep creating Portals Continuously to reach these destinations. Those places were in Different Continents Altogether after all. He needed an AV (Aeronautical Vehicle) and a high quality one at that.

He could 'borrow' one from an Atrios Group Safehouse Nearby, he could reach the place in 40 minutes as long as he kept using the Chaos Portal Spell properly. Although he might encounter few fellow members, he had to quickly get in stealthily and get out using the AV.

~The Rudimentary Plan is Ready, Now I should Portal Spells to Move quickly towards The Safehouse~

As Aavesh Started to create a new Portal to move from the cave, An upheaval occurred in the Atrios Group Grounds due to his 'demon massacre' and 'disappearance'. His Mother Kriti had become hysterical and almost charged out of the Group Grounds to find him and it took Antriksh and their Familes to stop her from doing anything rash.

She then sobbed hard on her Husband's Chest for her missing son while blaming herself for not seeing The signs and exorcising the Damn thing out of her son. Antriksh consoled her and kept reassuring her that he would find the Boy No matter what!

Upon Hearing the situation their Parents immediately rushed from their duties to see the couple who also brought back Chhavi and Vatsya with them.

Upon finding that almost all tracking devices on the Aavesh was destroyed and inactive, Grandpa Kumaran suggested to try using a Rune tracking ritual to track Aavesh's Location as he and Grandma Kumaran had personally inscribed Protective Runes onto Aavesh's body.

It would require a extreme finesse in Runes and require a complete copy of the Rune master's Orginal Rune Array along with right energy to track other copies of the same Rune Array set. Kriti could do it but it would take some time to create the runes and execute it.

This was still Better than nothing and they all gathered at the Elder council to discuss and implement the Plan. They were not worried about their Proposal getting rejected after All No One In the Atrios Group Abandons Family - No One!

Meanwhile on Planet Visordin, The Rift Base,

The "Man" Looked at Giant Projection of the Goat Demon Lord Baphos with slight satisfaction in his eyes, Soon Other Demon armies will Arrive through the Rift and their hold on this Star System will become irreversible.

Soon His Lord's Friends will come and EVERYTHING WILL BURN LIKE THE BOUNDLESS ABYSS!!!

As this thought came to his mind, the "Man" gave the most creepiest Grin as he looked at the Obelisk with Mad Glee!
