"You should not have awoken Brat! It would have been painless, but since you so stupidly woke up right before the last step, You will experience True Pain -Once Again HAHAHA"

The Monstrous Blood Face cackled with a perverted smile that sent chills down Aavesh's Spine.

"I know your Hatred, I SAW Your MEMORIES- You are Doing this for your Family are You not? I Do Wonder How you got those memories in the First Place? You Possess 'Them' Those Memories - I wonder what kind of secrets were hidden in them- Heh Now to complete the Last STEP, We will GO TO YOUR HOME AND WE WILL KILL EVERYONE!! HAHAHAHA -"

"Fuck... OFF!"

At the Mention of his Family becoming involved in this twisted Demonic Scheme, Aavesh trembled for a bit before forcibly breaking out of the Demon's Mental Grasp and Retreating a few steps away from the Blood Pool.

The Demonic Blood Face sneered at this and sank into the Blood Pool. The Blood Pool began to boil vigorously and began to swirl into where the Blood Face Sank and began to churn ominously, as an invisible lock had latched on to Aavesh, immobilizing him - this time with even greater force.


A hideous Crimson Hand made of Claws Tore out From the churning Blood Pool and it began to churn even faster around it - revealing an obnoxiously thin and tall creature with a monstrous Humanoid Face - It was way too tall but its body was so thin, almost as if it had been sucked dry, it had no pupils - only simple eye holes that seemed to be an abyss themselves. The Being looked like a creepy boogeyman with Blood Swirling Around him.

Aavesh felt this Blood freeze as he saw it merely moving a finger to control his blood.

Its very presence had seemed to darken everything around Aavesh, The concentration of Abyssal Essence had increased by 30 - 40 times around it. Aavesh could sense Reality Distort and shudder at the Being's very presence. Dark Chaos was spreading all around with the Order of the Material Plane Creaking incredibly hard to withstand it.

This was a Blood Incarnation of a Demon Lord. But it was linked to him- Because he practiced the Blood Demon Descending Sutra - He was a literal Gateway to the Demon Lord to his Home Plane- Plus the Demon Lord Knew about his Memories.

He was a fool.

There were no such things as safe Demon Lord Level Cultivation Techniques, Each had its traps, and He was so naive to think that he could control it for his Mission, There was no control in Techniques that Dabbled in Chaos.

Now There was only one thing Left. He had to kill himself to protect those he cared about. If He could not move his body. He could still shatter his Mind Pond and sever the connection between his Soul and Body. Just as the Demon Lord's Blood Incarnation was about to walk towards him, an unexpected event took Place-

A Powerful Object with Blue Light crashed through the Def Sec Hall Roof - Right Between Them. Its very Presence Forced the Chaos to recede and stabilized Reality.

The Demon Lord Stopped in his tracks and the Remnant Blood Pool Around him Evaporated - Heck Even the Abyss Essence retreated to such a degree, that even the Domain Unleashed in that area that begun to lose its hold!

Order was coming Back and Aavesh could feel the Darkness in his vision clear away as he saw the object emitting Bright Blue light. "OH SHIIT!-" He could even hear the Demon Lord cursing out Loud in Fear at the object and He was stunned by what he saw.

It was a Metal Rimmed Spectacle - the kind that had been phased out years ago.

~This was the Domineering Object that resolved the situation? WTF-'



The Demon Lord's Incarnation Unleashed its Full Chaotic Distortion on the Spectacles, even blurring into extreme speed to swipe its claws at the Spectacles - and it did hit.


It hit again and again and again But The Spectacles was unharmed.

The Demon Lord stopped claw swiping awkwardly and then burned it with Intense Abyssal Chaos Fire, But the Specs was spotless. It did not even have a scratch. It stood emotionlessly in the air as if waiting for the next move.


The Demon Lord Sprayed out his corrosive Blood on the Specs from his mouth, It was so angry that it spat Blood!

But specs did not melt, It did not even move from its place. The Demon Lord's Incarnation started to seriously doubt his existence as an incarnation. When did Divine relics go and become so strong?!

The Incarnation Collapsed down, having a mental Breakdown about the Universe and his place in it.

Even Aavesh had a lot of questions in his heart as he saw the whole scene before him - But Invisible Spatial Tendrils had already wrapped around the Demon Lord and Blue Light shot out from the lens of the Spectacles that had miniaturized the Horrible Demon Lord to the Sized of an Egg and wrapped it up in crystalline Essence made Up of Law.

'This... This... How in the Name of Fuck' Aavesh had his brains fried as he saw the scene. He was speechless - A Demon Lord's Incarnation could be caught like this?

A cold- impartial voice emitted out from the Spectacles as it wrapped the Chained Demon Lord into the shape of an Easter Egg chocolate,

"This is Your Punishment For Trespassing the Material Plane, You shall receive Judgement from the Grand God Adiyogi Irolin. Now Stay Put" -The Spectacles had already dropped the Prison Egg Down and then Floated towards Aavesh.

"You too have violated the Rules by Practicing a Sutra that spreads Chaos and unnecessary Evil, You have endangered Your People as well, as such you should be turned into ashes and sent to the Gate of Reincarnation for judgment for your crimes. What do you say in your Defense, Let's hear it - Speak."

Aavesh swallowed his saliva in, Damn this thing was ruthless enough to punish a child - but then again it was right in an objective perspective. He calmed himself and spoke,

"You know about the Domain Invasion?"


"I chose to become a Demon because I had no other choice if I wanted to Stop this and keep my world Safe"

The Spectacles was gauging each and every part of his response and emitted a voice,

"You are speaking the Truth, Continue. Tell me what made you think you could stop a demon lord with a demonic Power?"

"This is caused by a rift between the Boundless Abyss and the Material Plane"

"I have Observed."

"I know how to Stop it and mend the reality."


Aavesh stretched out his hand and cut it with a Blood spilling down. But he controlled it to form a visual projection of a unique Array model along with the necessary components.

He also showed the principles involved that could help improve the chances to shut the rift down and reinforce the Dimensional Border between the Planes.

The Spectacles let out a voice filled with critical analysis,

"Your Hypothetical plan does have merit - But it still lacks a core component"

"Wait What! How could it lack anything? The Principles around it are sound! It should work!"

"Your Plan Lacks enough Energy- due to the fact that the Rift has been recently opened, It is still unstable and hence requires even more Energy to close. It would work if the rift was not too stable or unstable, Preferably after 10 Days of the Rift Opening and Provided the Demons Stop Sending any creature through it."

"Well shit"

Aavesh now grabbed his horns in frustration as he realized what the Spectacle told him was right. How could he forget to take the stability of the Rift into Account? He dropped to his knees down and spoke out in frustration," My Planet can not wait for more than 2 Days, What would you suggest as an alternative?"

He looked Pleadingly at the Glowing Spectacles.

"You will have to Devour the Trespasser, along with the Being who opened the rift to generate enough energy to close the Rift, But we are still not done talking about your Punishment-"

Aavesh readily stood up and spoke out respectfully, "I will accept any Punishment as long as this is Resolved, I await your Judgement, Besides I did not get your name Great Machinan"

"I acknowledge your compliance with Law and my Judgement -You may address me as Executor Visor, I serve as the Axiomatic Relic of Grand God Irolin, assigned to Patrol The Outer Rims"

"Your Punishment will be decided tentatively due to your acknowledgment of your crimes and willingness to perform reparations - You will receive your verdict later Transgressor. Now Tell me in Detail how you wish to procure the components for the Array"

Arrays were a Mystical set of runes that could invoke different reactions from the world, Powerful Arrays could even kill Cosmic Entities! For example, If you wished to infuse your Power and reuse it later - Arrays were the solution, But they still required finesse, skill, and material components to work!

"But First let me restart, the Power and Defense Controls of the Town, The people here won't last long without it."

"Go Ahead"

Aavesh rushed into the Sec Consoles which had been nearly smashed apart by the Demons.

'As Expected' It was obvious they would smash the Console Panels, But Aavesh Knew a trick widely practiced in the Star Systems - there was always a backup console hidden in the room. It was a Standard Procedure in case of any form of Sabotage or Invasion. Such Critical Hardware would definitely have a Backup!

He slowly felt the Marble Floor with his hands, until he spotted a tiny indent. He clicked on it and the Floor Beneath him parted - a new Console Appeared. It was obviously asking for Security Verification - it was powered by a low-level VI.

Aavesh spoke a coded word,

"Zol Fulthom Kolipsin"

"Acknowledged Emergency Activation Code"

"Generating Data from Main Console... Error Main Console Detected to Be Destroyed, Restarting Town Defense Protocol... Alerting RMF - Thank You User - Activating Secure Stealth Mode - Recommending User to Vacate the Def Sec Building to resume Security Sweep"

Aavesh Stepped away from there and breathed in a sigh of relief. He then walked towards Executor Visor.

"Before I tell you how to procure the components, How Did you find me?"

Executor Visor emitted a plain dry voice,

"I received word from a Sister Relic in this System, the one located in your Planet - I was just about to Jump Back to the Infinite Machina Dimension when I received news about the Invasion- She at first Discerned the presence of a single Demon Lord Domain and then detected another demon lord Energy fluctuation - she found out the user of a Demon Lord Level technique - You."

"Each Demon Lord Technique has long been recorded in the Infinite Neural Nexus, It was not hard to find - She has been tracking your movements since you started using chaos Portals to travel around and has kept me posted on you. Anything Else?"


"Now Tell me Clearly about the Component Procurement"