Prelude To The War Part-1

"The Locations For the Array Components have been updated- It will take a few hours to gather them and assemble the Basic Array Matrix. But the Problem of the Energy Source is more complex than you think - You will have to wield me instead of My Sister Artifact - to handle that much energy and perform a void walk to reach the core of the Rift while hiding my Presence."

"No Problem - Anything to stop This" Aavesh resolutely Replied, He had an upgraded Demon Body which would definitely help him avoid detours - He knew where the core of the Rift was - The 'Man' who started this was also there. He clenched his fists as he recalled the Bastard who started the Abyssal Invasions in his Last Life.

Executor Visor gave Aavesh a more Detailed Analysis of his Plan and warned him further about the dangers they were about to face,

"We will face the full Strength of a Demon Lord's Projection - Not the Small Incarnation that you just faced now - You might die or worse - become a soul slave"

"We have no other choice if my hunch is right - the demons will start building a tathlum soon - It will be a disaster then"

Executor Visor Became silent for a bit and let out a sigh and spoke harshly, "Fine Then, Your Original Mode of Transportation was a rubbish Idea, It will be countless times faster if you Wield me - Plus my Sister Relic can join in as well to improve your chances Brat "

Executor Visor Lowered down to Aavesh' Eye level and floated before him,

" Now wear me and Don't Resist, My Powers will help you modify your Body - But Before we do this Be warned though anything I change from now on is irreversible, I will Be using Origin Mythic Essence within Me for the Modifications- Meaning I can only do this once -Therefore Only You will be able to close the Rift Brat! Do. NOT. LET. YOUR. WORLD. DOWN. Understood?"

"Understood Sir"

"Good, Let us Begin."

Aavesh wore the Specs and instantly felt the Power of Law coursing throughout his Body, Causing his Demonic Blood To Immediately Reject it and giving Aavesh immense Pain. But Aavesh Gritted his teeth and let the Power of Law Modify his Physique.

Blue Rings of Light Revolved around him as chains appeared across his body and imprisoned the Raging chaos of the Demon Blood within. Aavesh's Pupils also experienced a change - His Left Eye Turning Fully Pitch Black and His Right Turned a Bright White.

Metallic Nanomites ejected from the Specs, spread across Aavesh's Body, and formed a new Armor around him. It ate away at his Blood wings and replaced them with Hybrid Metal-Energy Wings that Glowed Dark Neon Blue.

Aavesh then stretched his hand out at the encased Demon Lord's Incarnation and pulled it towards him. He grabbed it and placed it on his Armored chest and the Prison Egg Glowed Molten Red with immense energy shining as a socket formed around it and siphoned it out to let Aavesh Absorb it.

New Energy Lines Formed Around the Silver Armor as a new Silver Helmet formed Around Aavesh - Now the Armor had nearly fused with his Body and he had an Energy Core that was being refined within him for fueling the Array.


Now Imagine a Humanoid Demon Wearing - Highly Enhanced Silver cybernetic Armor from head to toe, a glowing red orb, fixed on the chest, and a Pair of Glowing Wings. This described Aavesh's current look.

Aavesh Looked up and jumped with his Wings spread out to fly. He then Broke through the Roof and shot into the sky, disappearing into a Blur within seconds.

But just as he was about to fly towards the First Location, Aavesh felt a soul-crushing pain and nearly fell. Aavesh Understood what it was, he knew now that changing destiny would not be so simple, he could only entrust this to Senior Executor Visor to get the materials using his body.

He had already shared all the locations of the memories and even drew all the runes of the Counter Symbol Array as well. Now he needed to curb that 'thing' in his soul, otherwise, everything would be in vain.


"Executor Visor - Take control of my Body Now, I will suppress that thing, There's no need to waste Time!"


Aavesh felt his eyes roll back as he allowed Executor Visor to take temporary control of his body.

Just as he blacked out, Aavesh felt himself floating in an unknown place, made of dimensional glass - all arranged in an unknown order, He could sense that he had not fully lost control of his physical body but it was more like - He felt like he was taking the backseat in his body.

He sensed that around his floating soul, was a deep red purplish mist - Abyssal Demonic Power. Aavesh willed powerful mental constructs of Chains made from Order to coil around the Abyssal Mist to restrict it.

He could still sense the powerful corrosion that it brought to his soul. It was the source of the Pain he had felt before. It was to be expected, of course, He was cultivating a Mythic Power that did not belong to this body or this plane.

The mist was reforming the rules of his soul, attempting to sync his fate with the Boundless Abyss. For now, it had been constrained by a powerful chain of order- But not for long, His soul would soon descend into madness if he did not give up this Path of Mythic Power.

If he rejected This Power, The Consequences would be disastrous but if accepted it and let it transform his mortal human soul into an Abyssal Demon Soul, The consequences would be equally disastrous.

Soon the Time would come to choose, To Be Man or Demon...

Aavesh Contemplated Silently as he drifted around the unknown room.

Meanwhile, Outside the Domain, Rathiel Republic Star Space,

The SS-V Veritas had arrived alongside several other High Tech Ships that the Rathiel Republic could only dream of. Rayna and Traven's Threats forced the Republic to lift their Lock Down Temporarily, letting Other Factions Take advantage of this to come and observe the First Rift in the Outer Rings.

However, these factions didn't dare to make trouble for the GLNAC Fleet headed by Rayna and Traven. The GLNAC was a peaceful Faction, but their peaceful policies were justified by their Terrifying Strength and Influence.

No one dared to provoke or interfere yet, the others were simply waiting for other Factions as strong as the GLNAC to arrive - They would then fish in the chaos caused by other factions clashing with the GLNAC.

Why would they fish? Every time a rift in the Inner Rings, The Higher Dimensional Energy released would affect the whole area, Precious Materials typically not found in the Mortal Material Plane - would sprout out like wild grass after a rainy day, The collision of energies would result in rare events, lifeforms, materials, and Energy crystals.

It would be a new opportunity to get rich, that is if the country in question, would trade for them or let them set up negotiations. The possibilities were endless! They naturally did not fear if the rift got bigger, even if it did, those big shots at the Galactic Center would send someone to take care of it.

It was a win-win situation for them anyways. Now they would simply wait and see the situation.

Rayna: "Did we get clearance for the Domain Penetrating Technology yet?"

Traven: "Not yet, dear, It seems there's something happened in the Inner Regions, The Undead and Demon Factions seem to have more and more cooperation in dealing with our Nirvanloka actions, while a new civil war broke out in the Infernal Factions, The Machina and Vodovorot Factions have started a New War, while the Duat Factions have stopped resurrections and oracle forecasts, The Empyrean Priests have felt an uneasy unrest in their prayers and the bards of Somnium Feel a dark gloom in their Dreamwave..."

Both felt an impending premonition of doom in their hearts, all the major factions were restless now.

Rayna: "It can't be, all factions are having a period of unrest? Is something big going to happen?"

Traven sighed as he spoke," All signs indicate that something is about to happen, but what I don't understand is why now, why to have so much unrest right after the first rift in the Outer Rings opened? What the hell is even going on?"

Rayna: "Damn, what scheme have those lunatics set in motion?"

She grabbed her temples in frustration as she spoke out. Just then Traven felt his communicator flash red, He quickly responded and an image of an Injured Old Female Elf was projected out.

It was HQ Director Mianne Starsong, Responsible for all GLNAC operations in the Outer Rings. She was extremely powerful and stood at the apex of Power Levels. Yet She spoke in a desperate tone, " To all Citizens of the Milk way Galaxy, This may be my last Transmission - To Those who can still fight , I urge you to head to The Rathiel Republic Rift Immediately! The Plans of the Demons must not succeed or Our Galaxy WILL FALL. I REPEAT, THEY MUST NOT SUCCEED!" *Cough *cough

She coughed out blood but wiped her lips and spoke with determination, "I have authorized all major Wormholes and Domain Piercers to head to Rathiel. You all cannot fail! They will try to -"


A massive orange light engulfed the whole video and it went black. The Whole Galaxy came to a Stand Still.

Traven and Rayna looked on in horror at what they saw.

It was not just them, Powerhouses across the Galaxy who received the Transmission were horrified. The entire Higher Echelons were in Uproar!

Massive Wormholes opened in on Rathiel as Ships of Several Factions Descended into the Starspace, Many Powerhouses in Next Generation Mech Suits Flew Out to guard their Respective Ships. Then Several Unique Ships flew out, It was not just GLNAC that Sent out Domain Piercers, it seemed that all major Factions had decided to use the expensive option of Deploying The Rift Piercers.

Normally the Piercing Fuel, consisted of Several Rare materials, usually not found in the Material Plane, and required one to explore Higher Realms. But now, Nobody could give a flying Fuck about the price when the fate of the Galaxy was at stake.

They just saw Mianne, that stoic old elf who would never joke around, speak in a desperate tone, To be clear, she was on the verge of becoming a Mythic Ascender. She had no time to joke or lie - which people of her alignment do not do. Her messages would be taken seriously by everyone, including her enemies.

The Domain Piercing Ships launched out several Mythic laser beams on the Entrapping Domain Border. It would not be long before holes could be pierced through- A war with Demons was coming.