Prelude To The War Part -2

Deep in Planet Visordin, The Rift had already burned down most Outer rules of Order present on the planet, Spatial and Temporal Abnormalities ran rampant without check, with the terrain having far more distorted Volcanic Craters Popping out and spewing huge amounts of Abyssal Essence into the Atmosphere.

This was the Chaos of the Boundless Abyss bleeding into the Material World.

The Military Bases present there had already been massacred and what remained was overrun with Cult Criminals, Demons, and Undead forces, which were steadily streaming out from the Rift.

Armies from different Demon Lords in an Alliance with the Demon Lord Bathor had begun to arrive with the Projections of their Masters.

Of Course, All the living Beings here could not exceed Stage 6 - Those above Stage 6 had a completely different Stage for the War, and it all depended on this Battle for Planet Visordin. The Main Culprit Behind this - the 'man' was speaking with other representatives who had just arrived.

However not all were pleased with his initiating the Whole plan forward...

"Tell me, Great Archpriest Why Did you Initiate the Plan years ahead of time, the other chosen lands are not even connected yet!"

"The Rift can be easily closed if a God's chosen decided to infiltrate! There IS NO BACKUP!"

The 'man' grinned and spoke in an irritated tone," I'd like to remind you, who chose the Volunteers from this Star Country? YOU! If Your 'Stupid' Karlin Family had not backstabbed us, everything would have gone smoothly!"

The Angry Representative who had spoken first trembled with rage and pointed out his tentacle-like finger back at the 'man' and roared out," They Never Betrayed You, I just contacted them before Entering the Rift, they are surprised as you are!"

The 'man' had a twinge of surprise on his face, but immediately became emotionless again," It does not matter now, Someone Activated a high-level GLNAC Beacon in this system, either way, we would have been found out and our plans would have been for naught! - We had no choice but to initiate the Plan!"

A female representative with a hood around her head and several insects silently swarming around her- calmly said,

"Now is not the time for Petty Squabbles. Several Ships from various Races will enter this System, We must Prepare for the Full-Scale Invasion Soon! Change the Basic Plans, Start Sending High-level Demons to the Habitable Planets, and Begin the Construction of the Tathlum!"

Her creepy voice terrified everyone and those about to speak quickly shut their mouths.

The Representative with the Tentacle finger calmed down for a bit and his tentacle-like fingers drew out several dark runes mid-air, the runes spread out around the ground and a dark dome covered them all, shielding them from possible prying eyes and ears. He then spoke softly, " Is the Obelisk working on that 'thing'?"

The 'man' replies seriously now," Yes, The demon lords have joined in to accelerate the process, The Grand Goddess cannot be disappointed - EVER"

The other Silent Representatives spoke out now reverently in ancient Demon Tongue,

"Hail the Divine Queen!"

"May Her Rage Never Cease"

"Her Eternal Hunger Devours All"

"Holy Mother Of US ALL!"

As they spoke the female Arch priestess ripped out a blood-soaked talisman from her chest and held it out as a slave would.

The Talisman shuddered for a bit before burning into a dark crimson moon - A dead sure Terrifying Symbol of the Demon Goddess. The Symbol floated into the Air and as if sensing its prey - it shot towards the obelisk which was channeling the power of the rift into a mysterious chunk of Rock stuck to the planet's Surface.

The Sheer Energy generated from the Rift was enough to Obliterate the Entire Planet! But it was being concentrated on this small chunk of Rock that did not even heat up with the amount of power being channeled into it.

The Symbol However merged with the Obelisk, which in turn let out a sudden Shockwave throughout the System!

The Rift it had opened began to enlarge even more. If Before it could accommodate a few thousand Demons To Pass through, it was now able to accommodate at least Million in a single trip. It was not only the Rift - even the Domain Expanded Explosively - It consumed at least 90% of the Republic Territory along with a Few other Regions in other Star Countries.

The Entire Allied Force that had assembled to make Tear through the Domain was taken by Surprise and Scrambled quickly to get back communications.

The Rival Star Countries were so alarmed that they began to pull out forces near the Rathiel Republic's Border and began to follow evacuation Protocols!

As for attempting to take the territories that were left unprotected - they dare not! Who knows when the Domain Expands again? What they earn now would simply be taken by the Abyss. They could not afford to take such risks and their international image was also important.

They would wait and watch what happens.

Meanwhile, the Allied Force Consisting of the Non-Evil Alignments that were trying to break through the Domain Barrier to Get their Armies Inside immediately went into full Alert mode. The Demons managed to expand the Rift - meaning they knew that the Allied Force had come and were unwilling to face any surprise Assault.

The Demons had decided to bring the Fight to them!

On their Upgraded Navigation and Communication Gear which could work without interference from the Domain's influence, they could sense Hordes of Portals being Deployed across the Swallowed Regions.

Planets would soon face full-fledged armies of Demons and if any Planet Fell, it would become a powerful Stronghold by which the Demons could plan Assaults and Restrict Resource Transports!

It was akin to having a lobster pinch your Ball-sack!

The Demons were trying to split their forces at different Choke Points - the reason was quite obvious, they wanted more time for whatever their Plan was in the Deion Tempest Systems and needed to keep their forces Distracted.

The Allied Forces Decided to convene an emergency Council to draft a plan to solve this issue fast albeit a bit begrudgingly, Make no mistake - The alliance here was unified by their common distaste for Demons - it was no secret that few forces in the Allied that most forces hated each other's guts and on the council, few had any real friendship at all.

But they could not go on like this - the Demons knew about their fragile Alliance and were obviously attempting to cause chaos in their ranks by putting them in a problem like this - The members of the Allied Forces would have to cooperate if they wanted to stand against a full Interplanar War!

The Council consisted of the respective factions - Divine Light Crusade Legion (DLCL), Golden Lotus Nirvana Alliance Corps (GLNAC), Free Nomad Caravans (FNC), Arbiter of Order Executive Nexus (AEON), Galactic Research Association and Trade Union (GRATU), and the Chaos Collision Committee (CCC).

Each Force had some conflict with the other for some reason due to their differing philosophies and approach to Mythic Power. But now that must be put aside. They decided to realistically approach the situation with their strengths and weaknesses -

AEON - has strong Transportation, Offense and Defense. Lacks Skilled Mech Warriors.

CCC - Has a lot of Unorthodox tricks, Highly Unpredictable tactics, the best getaways and powerful Mages. Lacked Mecha Warriors and the Offense was weak as heck, prone to stupid or weird actions.

DLCL - Skilled Mecha Warriors and Clerics with powerful Anti-curse Knowledge, Incredible Willpower and Tolerance. They can be stubborn and Did not have the Best Ships or Stealth Tech.

FNC - Skilled Mecha Warriors and Pilots, Warriors were highly attuned to Nature and Music, had Unorthodox approaches in tactics and spirit talk, have tamed void Beasts and Sonic Technology. Horrible Organization and Not the Best Ships, but better than DLCL at least.

GRATU - Had decent Mecha Warriors with cutting-edge Technology in Research and Analysis along with clerics who were fate and death sensitive. Ships were Decent but not the best for Battle and They Lacked Specialization in combat tactics.

GLNAC - Skilled Mecha Warriors and Rune Masters, With Top-notch Medical Capabilities and Specialized in Spirit Healing - Very well rounded but lacked Specialization in Ships and Combat Technology.

With this, they came to a quick agreement in the distribution of their Resources to help patch in what the other forces lacked the most.

They divided the battle stratagem into 2 major frontlines, The Deion Tempest Star System and the Swallowed Regions to prevent anyone from bringing Reinforcements for the Demons, also once the situation was contained in the Swallowed Regions, they would launch the bulk of their forces into the Deion Star System for a decisive battle.

For this, a staging ground needed to be set up by the most Balanced Forces so that Demons would not be able to hit their weak spots immediately.

They would however need to send at least a small detachment of Specialists to aid with unexpected situations.

The main forces of AEON, DLCL, FNC and CCC would take the battle across the Rathiel Republic and Coordinate with the Republic Military Forces along with the few outliers that had snuck in for quick profit.

The GLNAC and GRATU would focus heavily on the Deion Tempest System instead along with a set of specialists sent by the other forces to help in unexpected Situations.

This was done because both Forces had done more research on Rift Technology other than AEON and were far more neutral than the other forces - meaning there would be a very low chance of internal conflicts.

With the Frontlines Assigned, the Allied Forces began to mobilize their military strength to immediately quash all nearby portals. While the GLNAC and GRATU ships sailed towards the Deion Tempest Systems with Extreme Prudence.

Who knows what sort of traps the Demons had set?

On the SS-V Veritas, a group of armored people sat in the main command. These People were Grandmaster Rayna's Direct Disciples and had immediately warped in when they heard her Emergency call about their youngest Junior Sister.

They sat solemnly while receiving active updates on the Military Mobilization and Reestablishment of Communication. The Reports were anything but good - High-Level Demons had begun to pour in quickly through portals and intense fighting was going on to stop them from winning.

It was pure luck that they had mobilized enough forces with the intent of repelling an invasion and that the Allied Forces came to a quick agreement even if it was due to their HQ Director Mianne Starsong's warning.

It was pure Luck that they had not gone out into the frontier sectors yet to explore, otherwise they may have never received the Distress signal from their Masters.

But Luck might only last for so long - no one knew what might happen next! Plus that Galactic Announcement from Mianne Starsong made them feel uneasy for some reason.

There was something ominous about that warning and the Orange Light that covered the Broadcast and cut it off, At first Even they did not Believe Her words just like that- a Plan that could make the Galaxy Fall? If anyone else said this they would laugh and crack jokes about it but it was her, Mianne Starsong - the most Straight-laced Lady in the Outer Ring and they did not know whether she survived or not.

The Unknown was Often terrifying for the mind to comprehend.

Besides even the other Directors must be anxious at her warning to send all their forces at once. Now whatever plan it was - it was up to them to stop it. No matter how dangerous it was, They would destroy it, and help rescue their Junior Sister Kriti and her family that got caught up in the middle of this!

They stared back at the visage of their Teachers Navigating through the space while disarming invisible traps and beacons. Battle might come at any time, they must be ready for anything!

At Another Place in a Secret Location in the Outer Rings, Massive ships - the size of a small moon had collided with each other and drifted in ruins. Bodies and broken Objects floated aimlessly. The Entire Technological Structure of the Star System was thoroughly fried and unusable.

Remnants of a Strange Orange Energy drifted around the Ships and interacted with matter in a restricted manner.

*Cough *Cough

A massive Lotus made from energy tore out from the wreckage, with a Bleeding Half-elf at its center along with several unconscious crew members and souls of the fallen. The Half-elf was none other than Mianne Starsong, the woman who was responsible for the full mobilization of the Allied Forces in the Rathiel Republic.

She looked at the other ship's wreckage as an orange light began to blast out from the wrecked ship.

Her Golden Lotus Bubbled hardened even more as it took on the whole force of the Blast. She was prepared this time. Her eyes were filled with hatred for the one responsible for the massacre. After the Blast Dissipated, it revealed a middle-aged man with a pair of horns and a Dark orange Halo around his head.

He smiled devilishly at her, " No hard feelings Mi, But the Boss has spoken, You are to die Today, I even revealed a few steps of the Plan so that you will die knowing what you Died For! It doesn't matter if you spout it out to the Whole Galaxy. Nothing can be changed - The Plan is simply inevitable, Although if you sign a contract with me, I will let you reincarnate as a Devil in Naraka under my command - that way you will live to see what happens and even be a part of the winning Side!- "

His Bullshit was cut down by her sharp words,

"Adoneus, You talk too much, since you laid a finger on my people, All discussions are out - I WILL KILL YOU!"

Hearing this the man sighed. He raised his hands helplessly and spoke in a fake sorrowful manner,

"Oh Well, At least I tried to give you a way out, Now since you do not want it, You leave me with no choice - You will pay the price now, I Brought some special Back Up to deal with you!"

He smirked as his raised hands became a welcoming gesture for two new Oncomers, A skeletal man with a robe made from undead souls and a wand made from the dripping blood of innocents stepped out from the void, He was no doubt a lich as his eye sockets were ablaze with dark neon green flames, he walked out emotionlessly as he stood beside the Devil Adoneus, with his gaze fixed sharply on her.

He was followed by an Enchanting four-horned Succubus, whose body was literally lit in violet-pinkish flames, with her tail playfully swinging around. Her body seemed to be almost naked but yet not as if a terrifying armor was present on her skin.

Her chaotic gaze remained ablaze on the unconscious men beside her. Mianne Starsong simply chuckled, as her gaze revealed a crafty glint that seemed to irritate the Devil a bit. As she conjured two new Golden Lotuses beside the Main Lotus, She spoke with a little disdain,

"Oh little devil, Did you think I only had those few means of communication? That only you had such 'friends' for backup? I hope you didn't but then again you are not as assiduous as I! your Father..."

As she finished speaking, A man dressed in a warrior monk's attire appeared from the void behind her, His Powerful Gaze made even the Devil Swallow his saliva inwards . A Blazing Female angel appeared behind the Succubus startling her to death. A Massive Gold Dragon broke out above from the void with a powerful Roar that even woke up the Unconscious inside the Golden Lotus Bubble. It stared at the lich as if identifying its Prey.

The Devil then steeled his gaze and spoke in a vicious tone, " Well Well we almost have the whole Gang here, Too bad the others are probably dead since they did not arrive -"

The Monk calmly threw the head of an Ancient Vampire and the Severed Head of an Infernal - Incubi Hybrid at the Devil's feet. He spoke in a calm tone, " I was in the place, scolding those two for creating chaos in the Nearby Star Systems when these two clowns popped in."

"Luckily the Songstress and the Trickster are only lightly injured, with Merchant taking care of them. As for You Three..."

He turned his sharp yet calm gaze on the 3 as if judging criminals who broke the law, his voice terrifyingly cold and impartial,

"Now we may have our differences but we had an Agreement - a contract in your terms, To not harm each other in our Part of the Rings"

" And You Three Decided to Break it - Don't even tell me! I would've had four more heads of The Special People you sent out to kill us - But unfortunately Only these 2 had intact heads - Now I do not know whether you will have one for me to present in the High council - try not to die Easily!"

Just as finished speaking, The Devil Roared out as a Flaming Pitch Fork appeared in arms. The Succubus's Claws grew out with black mist as she faced the Angel who had already unleashed her Blue Flaming Sword and pointed it at the Succubus.

The Lich pointed his wand at the Golden Dragon as it opened its mouth to unleash its Devastating Gold Myth breath upon it.

The Devil then charged at the Monk who took on a simple yet firm fighting stance, welcoming His Flaming Lance to Play.

The Onlookers watched as an Epic Battle between Mythic Path Users took place, while Mianne Starsong sighed a bit while trying to heal her injuries with the new Lotuses. She then spoke in a hoarse voice, " I hope my warning was enough, I hope someone can stop them" She stared at the endless infinite stars silently wishing she could go there and help her comrades.

Her Eyes became a bit Wistful at this thought.

/*Author Note: These Powerhouses are speaking out using their Spirits in a Psychic manner, cause sound does not travel in space - in case if you feel something is off*/