Aftermath of the Assessment

Everyone was silent in that Studio. Aavesh's Assessment results were... quite colorful. At first they were worried about the test ending few minutes early as both Kriti and Rayna Took the full 30 minutes but looking at this...

They were speechless. Kriti and Antrix were hoping only hoping Aavesh to get a decent Passing Grade, so that they could encourage him slowly to focus on few set Goals. They knew how it was near impossible to fix his Problem with Mythic Power and were just trying to make sure Aavesh did not feel disheartened and worthless because he could not cultivate Mythic Power.

They had to be extremely supportive of their son and ensure he did not fall too deep into the Abyss of misery(used as a Quote here). But this result... It filled them with mixed emotions, on one hand, they were extremely surprised, flabbergasted, and happy at the Results but on the other, their heart hurt at the fact that Aavesh could not Truly use this full Talent as he could not Cultivate Mythic Power.

But they could not show it now, atleast not in front of Aavesh.

Rayna also sighed secretly as she saw the Results - Aavesh had a mortal talent in Runes that was one of a Kind in the whole Galaxy. If it could be infused and transformed with Mythic Power, Aavesh could easily enter the Inner Rings - Maybe he might have even entered the Secretive Galactic Core... But Now, Those Powers would not look twice and simply leave.

No matter how strong mortal Talents were, if the Cultivator could not Access Mythic Power, The Talent would just be a seed that never sprouted.

Maybe the answer to cure Aavesh's condition could come from those 'memories' of his? Who knows when it would come...

Anyways none of them could let Aavesh down now- Since he showed interest in learning and even passed the Assessment Test which was compulsory for all People at the Mortal Stage. They could now formally and legally begin teaching him about Rune Craft.

Before that, however, Rayna flicked her fingers to the Book that was displaying the results and spoke in an extremely Authoritative tone,

"You Will Not Publish this Information to the Public Domain without the Consent of the Guardians - Withhold the Score Updation Process Immediately."

The spirit in the Book Hummed Angrily at her! But she merely turned her head and gazed at the Glowing Rune Cube, Miniature Runes flashing in her Irises.


The Cube Shuddered and Turned into Dust with a POP sound- The Book stopped humming and looked at her in a Trembling Manner. Rayna then shifted her gaze back to the trembling book, now her face cold with no emotion.

The spirit in the Book hurriedly canceled the Score Updation and deleted the Records in the Servers where it had begun storing. Before a Grand Rune Master that was at the verge of becoming a Sage Rune Master - the spirit in the book could only bow down.

The Book then floated to Antrix and Kriti and sent out spiritual messages in a Flattering Manner. But both of them gave a decisive Reply,



Downheartedly the spirit in the Book only sent a public Score Update of a person from Outer Rings that had broken all records. No Personal Information could be given further to the Spirit in the Book as they knew that this spirit likely had contact with a certain Rune Master Guild that would stop at nothing to publicize such a grand affair in the hopes of getting more funding and Promotion.

These People would stoop to any lengths to get more Recognition from the higher ups even at the cost of a Child's future. Luckily They had Teacher Rayna's backing which prevented the spirit in the book from being too unscrupulous.

The Book then Disappeared in a flash of light - it was a one-off Testing Kit anyway and would return back to the company and disappear into the Massive Database Records.

The Studio had once again returned back to calm.

Aavesh understood what had happened, but could not help but feel pain as he looked at the pile of Dust where the Cube remained. He had put so much effort into solving that Cube, till his brain began to heat up ahh! His face turned into a sad scrunch with a bitter smile- he did not even dare to argue about its destruction- One Can only Lament what was before!

Seeing Aavesh's bitter smile and his sad scrunched face, Rayna suddenly realized what she had done and let out a slight chuckle while patting the little brat's head to provide some comfort. The Couple also saw this and felt that this side of their son was a bit cute as well.

Rayna then pointed a finger back at the pile of dust, while a mysterious silky force left her finger and merged into the Dust.

The Silky force then reconstructed the Dust into a beautiful chromatic crystal Rune Sphere with several colors intermingling in a Harmonious Manner. A Bunch of Uniform Runes could be seen layered step by step on the Sphere's surface - glowing in a slight gold color.

It was magnificent! Aavesh stopped crunching and stared at the Beautiful Rune Sphere and which then floated towards him and landed on his hand. The Rune Arrangements - Plus the whole Script which seemed to have minimal similarity with the Rune Script he had learned during the Assessment.

The Whole Structure was beyond beautiful, Plus this Rune sphere had way more elements than that simple Rune Cube. Comparing them was like comparing a Crude work of art to a Masterpiece!

It completely blew his mind, He had just become a Rune addict and was just about to ask for more information- anything on Runes!

He always saw some weird shit about those Rune Artifacts and never really understood what they were. But now ever since that Assessment he understood atleast the basic world of Runes and was extremely fascinated by it. This feeling and thirst... How long had it been that he liked something and really wanted to badly explore it?

In his previous life, he never explored the Sciences and Crafts, He was more focused on survival and escape. He never showed any interest in learning about Runes as a Mortal. He picked up some random skills here and there to get by, while only being Combat Oriented.

Now he was feeling the raw emotions of wonder and discovery again - something he had long forgotten. Grandmaster Rayna ruffled his hair softly as his parents smiled at the scene. They too understood that unique feeling when one sees something new.

"Better than the cube right? Keep it as a gift for passing the Assessment and becoming one of us" Grandmaster Rayna smiled at him as she spoke.

"Yes! Thank You Grandmaster Rayna!"

Aavesh hugged her in Gratitude and then stared back at the Chromatic Crystal Rune Sphere. Seeing Aavesh behave like this the Couple felt joy in their hearts, it was good to be young and passionate - They secretly made a wish in their hearts that Aavesh should always have this Passion towards life and never feel broken down again.

This happiness... if only if it could last...

At that moment, Aavesh could feel his shudder at the core of his heart, Something was about to happen at any moment.

But what could it be? Were the Demons not enough?

Even Traven who was staying with Caria and Leo felt that instinct, He got up, with hairs standing all over his body.

An Exalted Existence had locked on to them, Traven never met these so called Exalted Existences- But these were beings who had reach the Apex level in the Demi God Stage - They were a just a breakthrough away from becoming Full Divine Gods.

His family always told stories about these God Like Beings, But Why Here, Why Now?


Like a gentle breeze touching them, Traven felt incomparably cold in his soul. He tried to open his mouth but to his horror, The Kids were nowhere to be found!

Traven Realized he could not move at all - Caria and Leo had already disappeared right from his sight and he could do nothing about it. An imposing voice sounded in his panicking mind.

"Calm yourself Zenix Boy - Come to the Studio for the Trial"

Traven could only walk mechanically like robot, his whole body trembling - That Voice, Why was he here.

But then a Gentle soothing energy wrapped around him, calming his tense nerves and spirit. Traven saw the silhoutte of a Female Silver Draco Agathion. Seeing her he kneeled, but she shook her hands and raised a finger to his lips.

Traven naturally understood the Message and immediately shut up. The Silver Draco Agathion spoke in a gentle soothing tone,

" Relax Traven, I mean you no harm, I am not him- Instead I must thank you for taking care of Kriti all this time - But alas time always runs out, Come let us hope that Old codger would not make things too hard for his Descendants, Do not worry just do not mention my name or anything related to me There are others who have come as well to collect their Heirs"

Traven could not help but feel horror in his heart- Others had come too? What the heck! He could not understand the situation but kept quiet. He dare not ask questions.

Demi- Gods were beings who could literally snap a planet in half, survive leisurely in extreme Star Temperatures and One Demi-God even Escaped from the clutches of a Black Hole. They stood very close to the apex limits of the Universe and were one step away from attaining God Level. It was said that they could Travel at Light Speed when Not Serious and Even Physically warp Space and Time Travel Faster than Light.

The Silver Draco Agathion flicked her fingers and they immediately were in the Studio to see a Mysterious Armored man who was looking coldly at Aavesh while both Caria and Leo had rushed to Kriti and Rayna.

Only Antrix returned back the stare to the Mysterious Armored man.

The Mysterious Armored man switched from retractable helmet off and a face that greatly resembled Aavesh and Antrix was seen, except his face was incredibly perfect without flaws. His armor was incredibly sleek and breathtakingly dark with only two symbols being visualised ☀☽.

This man was incredibly strong but no one knew why he had even come in the first place. He slowly spat out few words at Aavesh which mad Antrix's face green,

"You... Do you know what your crime is? You defiled the Blood of our clan with Abyssal Energy and you even became a demon... You don't have to explain a word, I already know what happened..."

Antrix however became red with anger as he looked at the Armored Man,

"Then let him be Dad"

It was everyone else's turn to be shocked now, even Aavesh...

But the Armored Man shook his head and restrained both Kriti and Antrix along with the kids, He then turned to look at the Silver Draco Agathion and nodded at her.

Now he pulled out Aavesh from his family and looked in a very threatening manner at Aavesh ,as he spoke,

"It is time for the Trial of Aavesh - I will strictly follow the clan laws and abide by it to ensure the unworthy descendant before me shall pay the Price of breaking the clan laws."

"Let us begin"