Testament of Nightmares

"Ukh, Blergh"

Aavesh spat out blood as he looked down at the Demonic Blazing Horns impaled in his chest, His feet were trapped by shadowy undead energy Tendrils in his place. 2 red hot Infernal Chain spikes piercing both of his hands and restraining them tightly.

The Demonic Copy blurred before him and punched the Horns on his Chest, Like a Hammer hammering the Nails, The Undead Copy appeared to clench Aavesh's feet and tried to drag him down when the Infernal copy appeared above Aavesh and controlled the infernal chains to drag him Upward.





Aavesh's mouth overflowed with blood and injured organ parts- He could not help but scream out in Extreme Pain.

His Arms had broken and his legs had been crushed forcibly together.


The Demonic Copy pulled both of the Horns out of Aavesh's chest, letting blood Spurt out, and dug his claws into the Gaping hole. He then ripped apart Aavesh's ribcage to reveal a beating heart.

He then looked into Aavesh's Eyes and spoke as he crushed the beating heart into a pulp.

"Die Bitch!"

Aavesh's vision turned dark and he died.



Aavesh woke up again in the Ruined Temple at the Sound Thunder. His heart was beating extremely fast and he felt a bit weak, he quickly checked his chest- His heart was still beating and his arms and legs were fine. He was not injured anymore.

But He felt that he lost something and began to feel a bit weaker.

Wait, Did he just not die a few seconds ago- Wait the temple- He Was Back in This Place? What the Fuck was going on? Why the heck did that New Idiot Grandfather of his send him to a horrible place like this...

And what was up with those 3 copies of himself- they seemed to be Sadistic Killing Maniacs! Besides, why did he even come back to life after getting killed by that Demonic Copy! What a Fucked Up Situation...

*crunch *Squelch

Aavesh heard the sound of bones crunching and blood flesh stomping- His heart went on full Alert as he popped his head out of the Broken Temple Door.

Sure Enough, those 3 Maniacs were heading toward him.

The Infernal Copy stopped as he observed Aavesh's head popping out, he turned to the Undead Copy and spoke,

"You Didn't die? Ghost face is his body in some kind of testament?"

Ghost Face, the Undead Copy spoke after thinking furtively,

"It seems to be Chained Eyes, looks like that snake tricked us into attacking him beforehand, This testament will reset his Spirit Every Time He gets killed preventing us from leaving his Mental Realm- Broken Horns do you think we can kill him in a Testament?"

The Demonic Copy, Broken Horns looked at Aavesh with Bloodlust in his eyes and spoke in a Definite Tone,

"We can- just have to kill him multiple times in different manners to break his mind and will- besides he knows about us now, If he leaves and Requests a God to clear us, We will be finished, Ghost Face Trap Him again!"

Ghost Face then bent down at an unnatural angle and pierced the Mound Ground with his shadowy tendril-like arms.


But this time, Aavesh instinctively leaped back narrowly avoiding the Undead Shadowy Tendrils that erupted out to catch him.

Aavesh instinctively knew these maniacs were after his life again. He had to get out and get away from here- But How?

Aavesh scanned the insides of the dark ruined temple for another exit and only found a pitch-black hole in the corner. It seemed to be quite deep- he could use his inner vision to try and make out the Path to a certain extent but that would be over-exertion.

*Thud *Thud *Thud

Those Maniacs were running and that ghost copy had retracted his Tendrils! It meant that they were going to target him again!


He had no choice anymore! Aavesh reluctantly jumped down into the Dark Hole while the Broken Horns Smashed the Dangling Front Door.

But something weird happened- The hole was not there anymore, like it never existed Before.

Upon Not finding his Prey, The Demonic Copy Roared in Anger while the Undead Ghost Copy wailed out in despair and hatred.

Only the Infernal Copy, Chained Eyes remained calm and spoke,

"Don't get too anxious, He's here- he can't leave this space unless a Demi-God Intervenes or Either he or all of us Die- Let me sense him"

Broken Horns Replied angrily,

"Can You even smell him? Something cleared all traces of him here, Tell me how are you going to sense this Bitch!?"

But Chained Eyes replied with a smug grin,

"I caN't sense his physical body, but who needs to do that? I can sense his Guilt-"

"Oh then why can't Ghost Face sense his Despair and Why Can't I sense His Rage?"

"Simple, You both are Idiots and don't care about using your innate Heart Demon Abilities! Especially You Broken Horns! At least Ghost Face is attempting to incorporate his innate abilities in his Battle despite not knowing the full potential!"

He then paused for a moment and then spoke with a bit of narcissism in his voice,

" But I am different - I am an infernal Heart Demon Born from his Guilt- As Infernal I have always known my full Potential! When you both were Busy Trying to find ways to kill him- I sought to understand myself! After all, after he dies- Only One of us Gets His Body - The Other 2 Shall be expelled! Do Not think that I have Never Prepared for our Fight!"

He smiled deviously while looking at the Duo. Irritated by the Smart Ass's Behavior, Broken Horns was about to beat him up but Ghost Face spoke up,

"If you can track him, then get to it! Let's not fight anymore- Remember, We may be Heart Demons- But we are Alive! Our Existence is to feel continuous Pain at the Cost of our Creator- Aavesh, Whether He created us intentionally or unintentionally, I will stop at nothing to take destroy him!"

Being the Embodiment of Aavesh's Despair, His tone was filled with hatred, hopeless despair and strange self-awareness,

"This is not the First Time We have tried to invade his Mind! We Manipulated his dreams- his moods and thoughts- For What?! To Just See Him Grow Stronger? We WERE ABOUT TO BE FADED AWAY! IF IT WERE NOT FOR AN ELDRITCH DEMI-GOD TO STRENGTHEN US AND ALLOW US TO TRIGGER THIS MENTAL TRIBULATION- DO YOU THINK WE WOULD GET THIS OPPORTUNITY?"

On hearing Ghost Face's Rebuke, Broken Horns and Chained Eyes turned Silent- They did not retort. Ghost Face Continued Speaking,

"Now We have a choice in our Miserable Existence as Heart Demons- We Kill his main Consciousness and Take over his Body or We get obliterated out of existence- We Don't have a soul- we can't Reincarnate, that means we will never exist once we die- No one except him might even remember us- I hate the fact that I must feed off his Despair just to exist in this miserable form! NOW NEITHER OF YOU WILL DELAY HIS DEATH- CHAINED EYES TRACK THAT BASTARD!!"

Chained Eyes Faced the Ground and two bloody Chaines ripped from his Eyes and Dove into the Mound Ground and began to try and sense the guilty essence within Aavesh to track him.

Meanwhile, Aavesh tumbled into a strange Cavernous Tunnel made of Amalgamated Dust, Flesh and Bones- At atleast that was what he could sense, He could not see anything in the Pitch Black Tunnel.


A sound came from ahead of him, all of a sudden.

It was the sound of a crystal chime! But Aavesh was sure he had not touched anything crystalline- But the sound...

*Ling *Ring *Chime

The Sound Came Again! But this time it seemed to be more... urgent?

Aavesh tried to go forward and exerted his Inner Vision to augment his eyes to perceive the path before him shrouded in darkness- But it was hopeless, There was no real Natural Source of Light Down underground- Even a little bit would allow him to see something at least- But there was none.

Aavesh suddenly realized, what if there was another Maniac that wanted to kill him? He was Powerless here and was really not in a shape to use Runes. What if that noise was a trap to kill him again? Aavesh felt a bit anxious and annoyed in his heart- He could not help but curse his New Grandfather for sending him to this... Damn Creepy Ass Place.

As if Sensing his thoughts, right ahead of him, A Hand Sized Reflective Crystal Shimmered Brightly with Blue Light, illuminating the Tunnel.

It almost Blinded Aavesh but he managed to Quickly see that it was a Glowing Blue Crystal, showing a Projection of Eon in his Humanoid Form. Eon could not help but sternly shake his head and spoke in a reproachful tone,

"As Expected you don't have the instincts to sense Good things when they fall into your lap, Aavesh You will definitely Undergo Intense Mental Training with Me to sense Chance and Luck- I will have No Excuses-"


Aavesh Cried out Bitterly, with relief in his heart to finally find someone familiar in this Prison Like World, apart from those Maniacs. He hurriedly spoke in an aggrieved tone,

"Bro My New Grandpa sent me to this weird Place after Forcing me to come clean and there are Maniacs Running Around trying to kill me! And I don't seem to be able to die permanently-"

Eon Cut Him off as usual,

"STOP! Don't Curse the Demi-God! He has actually saved you! And This world does not belong to him-"

Aavesh had his eyes grow wide at this, Blinking stupidly at this revelation.




A Red Blood Chain Stabbed Aavesh's Left leg and wrapped around his leg ;like a python choking its prey causing Aavesh to let out a cry of Pain.

"Aavesh Quick touch the Crystal and We will be able to make contact the Next Time you Reset- They Will Kill You NOW!"



Another Blood Red Chain pierced Straight through his chest! Aavesh vomited Blood as he held his chest and the chain wrapped around tightly around his neck, causing him to fall down right beside the Glowing Crystal.

Aavesh tried to free himself but to no avail as the sharp chain constricted Tighter and Tighter around his neck! His blood-stained right hand reached out to the crystal to seek help and managed to touch it with his fingertips before the Chains Ripped his head out - Directly beheading him with his fluids sloshing out of his Broken Stump of a Neck

His Eyes Lolled with Mouth Agape- lifeless.

But Somehow in his final seconds, Aavesh heard Eon speak,

"Connection Established Don't Worry Aavesh, You might Have to Die a Few More times Before We Can Escape, Hang in there Buddy!"

As Aavesh's Vision went dark, He could not help but Mentally Curse - "FUCKKKKK!"