The Eldritch Want His Blood

"The Black Blood and the Pitch Black Eyes - A Heart Demon Invocation Spell, Noth-Yidik, Serpentine of Madness, Servant of Yog-Sothoth, Madness Out of Time... You're here"

"You Triggered his Heart Demons?"

The Armored Man Coldly spoke out coldly.

The Voice in the Black Gate Laughed Out Loud and smoke with Mockery in his tone,

"Of Course! Where would the fun be if I Didn't? Since He was sent to your Testament of Nightmares - he would live even if he suffers defeat at the hands of the Heart Demons- at most he would always remain a mortal but he would have an endless scar that might even create a New Heart Demon!"

"Think about it! A Human Being having multiple heart Demons that actually cooperate to conspire against their host instead of immediately killing him- What a funny situation! HAHAHAHAHA! What eternal Torment should await him, because... Hehe you kept him inside to keep him A.L.I.V.E, So What Time do you think he gets out, I Will Wait and Destroy his world... Not that you can do something about it...Hypocrite Demi-God hehhehhehehehe"

The Armored Man became silent, while the others with him fell into despair.

"Now you have a choice-"


Most of the House blew away, yet none were harmed due to the Armored Man Shielding every One.

The Full Black Gate that seemed like a portal to an endless eldritch Hell was revealed before them, A Serpent with No tail - rather another Head, stood within the Gate. It had red skin with insect like eyes but the Mouth and Body of a serpent.

Both Heads were looking at the Armored Man With Mockery and disdain.

"I did not come alone Yidik - If you think you can strong-arm me in giving my Grandchild to you, I Will feed your head to your other head and Throw you to the Pits Ouroboros to compare the figures, Without a Doubt Ouroboros will win, but it will be much more interesting to watch than watch you try to threaten me-"

"Fuck Off Hyprocrite, I saw everything you did, you deliberately wanted to judge him so that you could get Consent from the Alliance to enter the Outer Rings, You purposefully made him feel guilt because you would then execute your family laws to Protect him from me!"

Suddenly everyone gasped, they finally understood why the Armored Man behaved like that- So the real Culprit was this... Eldritch Snake?

"Unfortunately for you, I saw through your full Plan- You Dumb ASS! If you don't want to break the kid's mind let him out and give him to me, I might Consider it a favor- Scratch that, the Crooked Clocksmith will consider it a favor- You Know him right! A favor from him could save your Eternally Asleep Wife-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!", The Armored Man spoke in a Brutal cold tone to the Eldritch snake, it was apparent that snake had touched a nerve that should have been left untouched. Antrix looked a bit dim when he heard this and clenched his fists as he looked back at the Snake with even more Cold Hatred.

No One Could Talk About Her like That! No One!

The Armored Man took a deep breath, before staring at the snake as if he was looking at a Target. Just as he was about to mobilize his power to beat that filthy snake. 5 Beings came out of the Void and stopped him from causing a rampage.

The Silver Draco Agathion who was currently concealed - sent him a mental message.

"I have marked this clone body- We will destroy it later, but if you use your full power, you will harm the Natural Order of the Nature Spirit within this Planet- Calm Brother- I have yet to take revenge as well on this poor sap for passing information about my Husband to that Undead Wench- Relax, let us Solve the Problem at hand"

Hearing this the Armored man stopped and looked on Coldly at Noth-Yidik. If he could find the lair of this little shit's true body - He would personally capture it and cook it flesh every day to eat roasted snake flesh before the Damn Snake's head. He would like to see it roll its tongue again after that.

Such thoughts calmed him down but the Snake Within the Eldritch Gate, felt a cold chilling shudder for some reason and then kept quiet as it stared back at the Armored Man Coldly in a disdainful way.

Ice seemed to form between their cold stares when a cloaked orange figure interjected-

"Let us break this impasse"

Then the Grey robed Female figure Smoke as well,

"Noth-Yidik Please Go Fuck off in the Great Beyond- Your Existence in the Material Plane is not welcomed - You will be forcibly removed if you do not comply-"

"The Crooked Clocksmith will go after Your heads if his Blood Depth is not settled- Hypocrite here can take him on but none of you all can if you let me leave without trying to get the boy first! He will go after your great Powers and Personally eviscerate your Bloodlines, his words not mine- I am just an errand Being- So Choose... what's it going to be?"

The Snake smilingly smoke while the other snake head gave them all a smug Grin.

The Other Beings Frowned but the One in the Orange cloak looked Strangely at the Snake,

"You want to gamble with us? Want to actually Gamble? Ah, that is quite the Idea you have-"

"I did not say anything about gambling you infer-"

"I must disagree- You clearly meant that snake, How about this we will let the boy come out if he is unable to handle the Heart Demons further and let you gaze at him- see if you can mesmerize him into leaving with you- None of us will stop that if you win , but hehehehe if you lose you will become our Slave - Life for a Life! is that not fair snake?"

Although the others furrowed their brows at this, The Armored Man saw the Orange Cloak figure revealing a small BleakWood Wand that was only visible to him. The Armored man saw that secret gesture and smiled inwardly.

"I highly doubt that I can't get the Other Demigods to act on that Clocksmith if he tries something funny - An Army of Demigods might be a bit too much but it doesn't matter am I right Snake? You will not get anything else from anyone here and we will chop your body into a barbeque if you try bringing others into it"

The Orange Cloaked figure then smirked at the Snake,

"So Choose... what's it going to be?"

Noth-Yidik felt a bit enraged as he could sense the Orange Cloaked Figure mocking him in that last statement. He then gave a predatory glance back at the Armored Man and Secretly smirked as well, He had a high-level illusion personally grafted to him by the Crooked Clocksmith for such situations- No Matter what tricks the Brat would definitely be Mesmerized!

But Between these 2 Schemers Who would Truly win? Nobody Knew...

"Fine, I accept your Deal", It replied in a cool voice.

"Okay, I will join this farce once", The Armored Man folded his hands and spoke to the Snake.

"But We will wait till his inner demons subside, He must be in the Best Possible condition to face this Bet"

"Okay whatever you say Hypocrite"

And the Group Waited for Aavesh.


Aavesh looked at the three copies of himself who looked right back at him.

One was a Ghastly undead with a monstrous visage of himself- his body proportion was distorted, with dark mist-like rotten clothes and he had a partially pale skeletal figure of himself looking like a lifeless husk having desolate pale eyes without any hope - it was filled with Extreme hatred, Despair and desolation.

The second Copy was a Strong Muscular demonic being with Broken Horns and crimson Eyes, he wore burning Clothes that kept burning and did not dissipate.In his inhuman claw-like hands there were 2 burning Horns being wielded as weapons. His Face was a dark mockery of Aavesh's face and it was filled with so much Rage and Killing Intent as he stared at Aavesh.

The Third Copy was a thin but evenly built figure but he was the most horrific-looking one. He had painful red hot chains pierced into his eyes and these chains wrapped over his burnt black soot like clothes spanning across his body and piercing it at vital points. He had Black metallic carved horns with a dark orange halo over his head. He had his creep eerie guilty smile as he stared at Aavesh, even though he did not have Physical eyes- it seemed he did not need one.

What made him stranger was that all the chains across his body connected to a large Piece of a... Rock? But it did not hinder him in the slightest.

All three suddenly spoke to Aavesh,

"Hello Aavesh- I Hope you are Ready to Die- Now Die!"