The Verdict

"Ok that's enough, We do not need a trial Anymore"

Antrix spoke while giving a soft look to his son - He knew now why Aavesh did not tell them the full story, Aavesh did not want them to know how much he was suffering mentally - The Kid was traumatized after receiving those memories.

Antrix recognized the mental affliction from seeing his son tremble as he spoke with vivid hate, while his eyes were stuck in those scenes that disturbed him the most. It was PTSD- an affliction for war veterans. But somehow Aavesh did not go full Beserk or Uncontrolled, atleast not yet-

It would explain his actions and make it extremely important that as Aavesh's Parents they had to help him recover and heal the wounds in his Mind.

"Well I need to have a talk with my son after this - But he is right, you were never there when it mattered Father - You only came Now, Months after the Invasion-"

The Armored Man cut off Antrix and ignored him as he focused back on Aavesh and replied to Aavesh with a crafty smile,

"No, Like I said before when you were 10, I have my reasons and I can't always be there Antrix- But this time, things have a taken dangerous turn... But first We will conclude the Trial, Do you have anything else to say Aavesh? Anything else you want to put the blame on me for? I also have a spoiler for you as well- You think you changed your Path - your fate- But My dear Grandson, you have changed nothing"

"Because You refuse to let go of that Rage completely! Do not think that simply letting go some of it will help you heal- No ! It absolutely wont, If you continue down this Path- You will become something worse than a Demon"

"Ever since you lost your ability to cultivate Mythic Power Your inferiority complex was already budding in and you are just going to revert back to that Pathetic Path- Heh, You should know that there are Weird Mythic Paths that do not require you to have the ability to cultivate Mythic Power!"

"And I have divined your future, I know what you will become- Don't doubt my abilities, My Predictions have always been accurate. Tell me do you know what a Heart Demon is?"

Aavesh furrowed his brows, as his eyes turned wide- Heart Demons- Literal Manifestations of extreme Emotions, they are born to kill the main Consciousness and replace them. But after that they always end up causing carnage. They can be formed within any Being be it mortal, immortal or divine.

And usually one person forms one Heart Demon due to their 'obsession' in a single emotion.

But would Aavesh have it easy?

"Wait could it be-"

Yes, You have already created them - and by them I mean you have created 3 heart Demons But You have just not realized it yet"

"Since you professed to willfully becoming a Demon- You have committed a cardinal Sin and My Stupid Son did not bother to correct your Transgressions - So I will take the Responsibility instead!"

"Aavesh you have become a liability, like a nuclear warhead that can explode at any time, So I must deal with you and Punish you for your crimes- My Verdict is - Stay for a 100 years in my Demi Plane considering you tried to Restore Order that is already a merciful sentence, You will face the Testament Of Nightmares- Your Sentence begins Now!"

The Armored Man Stepped forward and made an invisible slash with his right index finger above Aavesh's head. Aavesh's eyes turned black and vomited black Blood out from his mouth. At the same time to his horror - red chains began to quickly wrap around him tightly and the A Strange White Light consumed him - He could hear his Parents screaming frantically along with his siblings.

Then Everything became blank.

Aavesh then fell into a deep sleep and woke up in a ruined Ancient Temple - Where was he?

The Sky was dark as ever as a storm was brewing, Aavesh stood up - and found that he was no longer bound by red chains.


Lightning Striked in the sky as, red rain began to fall down. Aavesh then looked out to see where the temple was, He saw a sea of blood and Bones being illuminated with the Green Lightning, The Temple was situated on a mound of skeletons.

Aavesh felt that something was horribly wrong as he walked out of the temple to see that apart from the Mound of Bones, there was no other Landmass in his Vision.





Three distinct calls filled with Malicious Intent carrying his name were heard. Aavesh then saw 3 figures that had the same height and facial structure as him, A Demonized form, an Undead Form and an Infernal Form - They were literally personifying it.

Aavesh could already feel the dread in his heart fester.

Only time could tell what was about to happen there.

Meanwhile, Back On Sarkon,

The Armored Man then cast several protection spells on the remaining people, as he knew what was going to happen at any moment.

A Pitch Black Gate began to form outside of the Xander Residency.

"Don't think that you have won simply because you hid the child in your Demi plane. I have a debt of blood that I must collect. Are you going to Stop me? HAHAHAHAHAHAH