LEGEND-The Oath that Angered the Cosmic Will Part - 2

"Aavesh What do you think of Oaths?"

"A Promise Never Meant to be Broken right?"

"It is a Self-imposed Strict standard- a discipline by which you will always follow"

"Aavesh Listen Carefully- This Oath is crucial for the Rest of your life, You must always abide by it! It is intrinsically connected to the Unnamed Mythic Power You are about to Cultivate- If you Deviate, You will never be able to cultivate..."

"Before You make a choice- First ascertain your alignment Aavesh, What Alignment will you choose? It is incredibly critical that you fix an alignment for yourself before Taking the Oath- Certain Aspects of the Oath will change Once you have chosen your Alignment!"

"It is imperative that you choose now before I explain the Oath- I would have taken a while more but the current situation requires this urgency!"

"Alignment..." It was crucial to the Cosmic Cultivators! Alignment meant Personality, Factions that would be friendly to you and the Factions that would kill you on sight- What kind of Person you would turn into- Situations where you could use that unique skill set that comes with the Alignment- And Finally What Mythic Path One would Eventually choose!

Alignment- The Alignment System was created to symbolize the 9 Combinations of the Five Personality Traits- Good, Evil, Law, Chaos and Neutral. One must choose the Alignment with which they personally Resonate.

A rebellious individual who did not like to be restrained could choose to follow Chaos, A Disciplined Soldier who always followed his duty would choose Law, A selfish Person with the Dark Personality Triad Traits could would obviously choose the Path of Evil, A selfless saint who embodies the Light Triad Personally Traits was suited for the Good Alignment and People who did not like Extremes could choose the Path of Neutrality.

In his Past Timeline Aavesh chose to be Lawful Good at first but after witnessing the horrors of the Inter Planar Wars and the Eventual Collapse of the Human Stronghold in the Milky Way Galaxy, realized that he could not see the world in form of Black and White Anymore.

He closed his eyes to introspect what he felt in his heart.

He could not be chaotic- He preferred to be more Rational and Disciplined, did not mind the Restraints of Law until it tried to compromise his own Set of Laws- His Principles as a Human Being.

He could not be fully Good- He did not wish to have any mercy on Enemies but he could not be Fully Evil - He did not want to harm Innocent people.

As For being Completely Neutral? No he aligned to discipline more than the Neutrality between Law and Chaos, But the Neutrality between Good and Evil?

He opened his eyes and smiled as a quote came to his mind,

"I am not Good or Evil but sometimes I wish I could be both... because are they not 2 sides of the same coin?"

When one tried to embrace both Good and Evil within themselves- They would either reject both Good and Evil influences in their minds- damping the Power of Emotions running through them making them either Machine like or Madness incarnate.

There was another way as well- Embrace the Path of Paradox between Good and Evil to remain Neutral between Both and have the freedom to perform both Good and Evil Actions.

But there was a price to this - One Need to be incredibly focused and principled or a slight mishap might break their minds...

But this was what he always wanted to choose.

So a Paradox of Good and Evil? But Lawful.

"Eon, I choose to be Lawful Neutral"

Eon became a bit stumped as soon as he heard this- Aavesh chose to be Lawful Neutral? Just like himself and his Old Partner?

Eon trembled a bit as he thought,' Is this Fate? Fine since he chose this Path- I will Guide him Personally to the End'

"Very well- I hope you are completely sure on this Path- It is important for what kind of Power you want to grow within Yourself..."

Aavesh nodded, and Eon spoke out,

"Now We Shall Discuss the Oath with you as a Lawful Neutral Being"

Aavesh became a bit more serious on hearing this, a solemn look appearing on his partially blood-stained face,

"Let's hear what it entails"

Eon explained with strict focus,

"This Oath is Too Powerful for me to Recite- It is a Personal Oath Crafted by My First Partner- The Infinite Void Celestial Autarch!"

As soon as Eon spoke, Aavesh felt the void tremble for a moment in grief, and he too felt its pain. Eon continued explaining but Aavesh could feel strong emotions in his voice,

"I Can Explain the constraints you will face and rules you must abide "

"First of All you can never Accept External Powers from other Beings! You must depend on your Power alone!"

"Second You can seek knowledge but never depend on Power that is not Yours- You Must apply the Knowledge with your Power and find a way to utilize it!"

"Third You can worship any Divine Being you want to but cannot ask for their Divine Power- They can bless you but they can never bestow Power Into You! It is better if you only worship to learn their teachings or focus on their values- So be Pious but don't be Dogmatic"

"Fourth There shall be no idolization of any being! You can't limit yourself by simply idolizing People- You can set them as temporary Goals but never believe that they are the Limit! You are the True Limit to yourself- Work on Yourself rather than blindly follow an Idol!"

"Fifth Follow Your Dharma and Ensure you are true to Yourself- I highly recommend you to align yourself with a Specific Mythic Alignment - You must follow your Dharma Fully and Do Not Walk on the Path Of Adharma!"

Seeing that Aavesh was a bit confused with the terminology used in the last tenet, Eon explained further to give a full Picture to Aavesh,

"Think of Dharma as The Purpose- the duty in your heart which you must do! Dharma is different for many people- For some they find it in Chaos and Some find it in Order, Others Find it in Between! There is no concept of Good and Evil when it comes to Cosmic Dharma- there is only the Self! If You are true to yourself no matter your Alignment- You are walking on the Path of Dharma"

"If you are untrue to yourself and decide to betray the rules you have set for yourself you would be walking on the Path of Adharma- Adharma is the root cause of imbalance between Good and Evil and the Frequent Clashes Between Lawful, Neutral and Chaos. Any Person of any Alignment can walk on the Path of Adharma! Adharma is to injure the Very Core of Existence - To Break the Balance between the Alignments!"

"That is all- Remember the Five tenets that explain the Oath as you recite the Ancient Words- keep yourself Mentally Prepared, any insincerity in your Oath will only anger the Cosmos- So if you want to back out, do it now! Once you start- The Will of the Cosmos will watch you carefully because this path is a new concept- one that can induce change into the Very Ideas that Define Mythic Power!"

"Now the Oath comes from one of the Nine Prime Root Languages- It is in Ancient Sanskrit that my Partner Learnt in his era- But make no mistake, each of these words carries Immense Power!"

Eon then transmitted the knowledge of the Oath into Aavesh's mind.

The Knowledge shook his mind and despite being in a Mental Realm Aavesh looked at flickering Dark Sky before him where Green Lightning flashes could be frequently seen.

With Burning Determination in his Eyes, Aavesh took the Oath,

"मम शपथस्य साक्षी भवतु इति ब्रह्माण्डं प्रार्थयामि यदा अहं मयि स्थापितान् निरोधं तिरस्कुर्वन् अस्मि"

(I ask the universe to witness my oath as I reject the restraints placed on me)


The sound of Thunder Roared in the Mental Tribulation Realm, As Aavesh spoke the first sentence,


Green Lightning Struck Right before him but Aavesh did not flinch and continued to take the oath.

"अहं विशालब्रह्माण्डे मम शाश्वतमार्गदर्शकरूपेण न्यायस्य कृते शुभाशुभयोः विरोधाभासमार्गे गन्तुं चयनं करोमि"

(I choose to walk the paradoxical path of good and evil for the sake of justice as my eternal guide in the vast universe)


A massive explosion could be heard in the sky, A Massive Storm Eye had formed up as if a Cosmic eye had opened to see Aavesh take the terriying oath!

"मम कस्मिन् अपि जन्मनि कदापि न भङ्गयिष्यामि इति शपथेन भवतः पुरतः तिष्ठामि"

(I stand before you with an Oath never to break in any birth of mine)


This Oath had reached the Ears of All deities who had turned their attention onto the insignificant mortal that dared o say he would not take any external Power. Even Irolin tuned in to see the situation- 'This Brat... what the Heck was he doing?But I approve' He respected it anyway and continued to watch along with the curious wills of the other Deities.

"अहं केवलं मम अन्तः यथार्थं शक्तिं अन्वेष्टुं एतत् मार्गं गच्छामि यत् कस्यापि बाह्यस्रोतस्य नास्ति"

(I walk this Path to only seek the true power within me that belongs to no external source)

This time Slight Cracking Sounds Began to form around Aavesh- All the Nine Dimensions had heard this and became instantly curious to see what this Boy was doing!

"अहं प्रतिज्ञां करोमि यत् कदापि प्रलोभनात् शक्तिं न अन्वेषयामि भवेत् तत् परोपकारी स्रोतः, विधिवत् स्रोतः, दुष्टस्रोतः, तटस्थस्रोतः वा अराजकस्रोतः वा- कोऽपि मां केवलं मम एव शक्तितः निवर्तयिष्यति"

(I Vow to never seek Power from the Temptations be it from a Benevolent Source, A Lawful Source, A Vile Source, A Neutral Source Or an Anarchic Source- None shall deter me from the Power that belongs to me alone)


Nine Strikes Of Lightning flashed all around Aavesh as if to point a finger at him- How Foolish could a Human be reject all known sources of Mythic Power! The Wills of the Nine Higher Dimensions were flabbergasted on hearing this!-'What the hell was going on?'

"अहं प्रतिज्ञां करोमि यत् जगतः ज्ञानं अन्वेष्टुं, मानवतायाः भावनायाः माध्यमेन गच्छन्तीनां ऋषिणां प्रज्ञां च अवगन्तुं किन्तु अन्येषां कृते मूर्तिीकरणं न धारयिष्यामि"

(I vow to seek knowledge of the world and understand the wisdom of the Sages that course through the spirit of Humanity but I shall hold no Idolization for others)


A loud Sound slapped behind Aavesh as if to make him remember that they would remember what he just said Now.

"अहं भव्यत्रित्वशक्तयः प्रतिज्ञां करोमि यत् अहं धर्ममार्गेण शाश्वतं चरामि तथा च यदि मम मार्गाद् विमुखः भवेयम् तर्हि भगवान् ब्रह्मा मम मनः भङ्गयतु, भगवान् विष्णुः मम वास्तविकसम्बन्धं विदारयतु, भगवान् शिवः मां अस्तित्वात् दहतु मम धर्मं पुनः स्थापयितुं आत्मा"

(I vow by the Powers of the Grand trinity to eternally walk on the path of Dharma and should I stray from my Path May Lord Brahma Break my Mind, Lord Vishnu shatter my ties to reality and may Lord Shiva burn me from existence to restore Dharma to my soul )

This Time all the New Gods were shook at those statements! He brought in those legendary Archaic Gods Too into his Oath? Was he not going to spare anyone?

"नवभिः अहं नश्यामि, नवभिः अहं पुनर्जन्म प्राप्नोमि, यतः नवभिः विना ब्रह्माण्डारोहणस्य पौराणिकं मार्गं गमिष्यामि"

(By the Nine, I perish, By the Nine, I am Reborn, For I will walk the Legendary Path to Cosmic Ascension without the Nine)


It sounded like a blade severing through all crucial arteries at once! This This This... was a bit too Arrogant!

The Oath had been completed but the Process which it started was just beginning within Aavesh-