LEGEND-Self Acceptance- Part -3

As soon as Aavesh finished the Oath, A Change had started.

These words would normally mean nothing if the user did not understand the Meaning and intention behind the Vow.

Metaphysics had done great research into Oaths and Vows alike, only to discover a curious fact- The Oaths can resonate with the Universe if the Person that takes the Oath actually means it with his/her full heart especially when it came to Cosmic cultivators.

Aavesh was brought up as an Oriental Hindutva- He did not truly worship Gods in the Abrahamic sense per se- He Learned from the 5 Prime Dharmas - Jain Dharma, Sanatan(Hinduism) Dharma, Sikh Dharma, Bodh Dharma and Tao Dharma.

His Parents brought him up with these teachings- They told him and his siblings stories of the Grand Trinity of Sanatan Dharma, the Legacy of the Original 24 Jain Tirthankaras, The Grand 108 Buddhas and The Legendary Waheguru of Sikhism and the Birth of Pangu that began the first type of Cultivation.

Aavesh was not a very Pious or Religious Person- Until he reincarnated back- He felt that his situation had unknowingly been related to Dharma and the various Time Breaking Stories involved, besides He really believed that the Grand Trinity was real, atleast in some form of way that corresponded to the workings of the Universe .

And he made an oath now with them involved to show his conviction to the Universe!

Now, a process had begun- Since his inner will rejected receiving the Assistance of the Nine Higher Dimensions/Planes - His mantle began to tremble and weaken even further- His mantle was not an external object but an Internal One - Deeply embedded into his soul.

As soon as he finished taking the Oath-


Aavesh felt his ears ringing as a loud sound engulfed him and his vision began to become hazy. From within himself his Mental Mantle- the white spectacles remerged and split from him - floating in a trembling Manner before him.

It was waiting for judgment before the massive Green Glowing Storm Eye - since Aavesh had rejected all known paths of Mythic Power through the Mantle- It served no purpose in the cosmic Scheme- atleast that's what the Cosmic will thought.


Green Lightning struck his Mental Mantle Continuously - breaking the bonds between it and Aavesh and slowly dissolving it into Pure Aetherical Energy to be absorbed back by the Cosmos- The Will felt it to be the only just outcome since Aavesh had 'abandoned' all known forms of Mythic Paths and Aavesh felt the agony his mental mantle suffered in the Process but he held on and kept himself from fainting by sensing his connection with it.

Eon spoke in his mind after this removal and destruction began,

"Aavesh do not faint, try to retain your consciousness as much as possible - do not worry about your Mental Mantle- It is to be destroyed by the Natural Laws of the Cosmos- As long as you are awake you can face the full might of a Minor Cosmic Tribulation and Possibly Survive- But be warned- once it starts the restraining spells on the Heart Demons will be destroyed and they WILL TARGET YOU!"


Yes Aavesh was fully sensing his mental mantle when he was about to lose it forever- His Mental Mantle was not his shackle or the source of all evil in his life- It was not Good or Evil- it was an extension of himself but It had become his shackle that he needed to remove.

Aavesh could now feel another Energy within his Mental Mantle which was being slowly destroyed by the Green Cosmic Lightning - it was a Chaotic Evil Energy- the curse levied upon him by the Abyss - The Abyss that not only stole some crucial parts of power from his Mental Mantle but replaced what it stole with a curse that prevented it from healing back to normal-

He would have never really understood the true nature of his problem if he had not come here- Ahh Fate! He wished to oppose and change its plans for him but it always seemed to add up to provide an opportunity for him.

Evidently, Aavesh realized he was having a wrong notion about fate- He could curse it or be grateful to it but in actuality- he realized that it was a crude way of thinking - Fate was a massive script written in an ambiguous manner where perspective was the key to grasp opportunities and avoid disaster despite being in one.

As that thought came to his mind, Aavesh steeled his will even further as he watched every chunk of That Disgusting Abyssal Curse Being Removed from his Mental Mantle as it was also being disintegrated slowly- It was Slow because the will of the Cosmos wanted Aavesh to feel the consequences of his Decision and Understand the choice he had made.

It was only fair - in its perspective - there was no free lunch in the Cosmos- if you did not pay the bill now, it would be collected later with interest.

The Process made him witness the melting of every Part of the Mental Mantle -Aavesh saw the Spectacles slowly dissolve into the rare almost invisible Aetheric Energy with Each Green Lightning Striking it.

Everytime it struck he felt the Pain and snapping of the ties it shared with him. But also felt something that baffled him. Emotion from this Aspect of himself.

It was not hatred like he received from the Heart Demons- It was empathy and Understanding of this decision.

Aavesh was so shocked while sensing this emotion he shared with his mental Mantle that he forgot the agony he was undergoing.

It was as if time stopped for him and he did not notice anyone in the world but only His mental Mantle and himself.

Words... emerged from it as it turned at Aavesh while slowly disintegrating into Aetheric Energy.

It was like a weak, small fearful child with sadness and relief in its voice,

"I'm Sorry... I understand why you chose this way- It was the only way for you to survive- I... am fine with it... I know... I was a... shackle to you... in protecting your family... It is... the only way... forward... At least... I was... finally useful... to you... and I... don't blame you... after all... I am...-"


Aavesh finished what the Mental Mantle conveyed to him, with beads of tears dropping from his eyes bit by bit in his unchanging shocked face as he saw it slowly disintegrate bit by bit...

'I am... destroying myself? Killing an aspect of myself for... Power? Do I even know Myself? Or What I am? Is this the Way?' How could such a process of gaining Power ever be simple? How naive of him to think like that! There was always a catch to gaining power but this... it was inhuman!

Realization struck his mind as he asked himself these questions.

A quote from the God of Alcohol and Philosophy emerged in his broken mind.

'Knowledge was a blessing and a curse Depending on the Perspective- A blessing when you know how to utilize it to change things that make you feel better- A curse when you realize what unchangeable deed you had done and to forever face the regret in your actions...'

'This Way was supposed to be an Indirect Blessing... Borne out of the knowledge I had gained from Eon- It was supposed to be me feeling the Pain and hardship but... It was not supposed to Be LIKE THIS!' Aavesh could feel the emotions hitting him as his heart felt the weight of what he had just done- It was like sending a child to death for his own benefit.

And it was not just ordinary guilt he would feel if he simply felt hatred from it but he felt even more guilt and self-loathe when the Mental Mantle said that it did not blame him... Yes he treated it like a sentient being Now, as he realized that it was him- at least in a way it WAS him.

Another thought blasted within his mind,' So this is what my Grandpa was referring to- I hated myself and I wanted to remove these aspects of myself that I hated - But I forgot to realize that though they were flawed- they were me... and I could not accept them in order for myself to improve but they were ME- Hence I did not accept MYSELF and I never improved- Ha... hahaha'

He bitterly smiled and chuckled mentally, as he realized the source of why his Grandfather Criticized him and said that he never changed- His Grandfather was right- Aavesh was still stuck in this mental torture cycle where he would feel an extreme emotion and then he would try to sever it from himself in order to improve...

What The Fuck he had done to himself?


He let out a painfilled laughter as he fully realized this.

"Aavesh- Buddy, why are you laughing?- The Pain did not break your mind right? Answer me my Friend, what is happening? How can I help?", Eon asked in a perplexed manner as he saw Aavesh let out laughter during this process.

Heck even the New Gods and Eldritch Beings watching this had the same question in their Minds? Why was this fool laughing now after the borderline insane things he had done- Even Irolin fell into deep thought on seeing this but His wife Sierra- the Goddess of Beauty and Empathy from Nirvanloka smiled gently as if she understood what had happened.

She genuinely hoped Aavesh would be able to forgive himself from such mistakes and move on- It was painful to stay in the Past and she understood it more than most- She wished she could help him but this was his Test and She could not intervene as to not infringe on his free will- should he ever turn to her, she would counsel him and help him become better, She had a good impression of this curious young man from what her husband Irolin had told her.

She could only sigh as she saw this scene- it reminded her of a painful past before she became the Goddess of Beauty and Empathy and it also reminded her of what Irolin was before he became the God of Martial Perfection. She could not help but feel only goodwill and empathy for Aavesh as she saw his plight.

Aavesh who was unaware of the fact that he had just become a Cosmic Spectacle for Deities to watch and eat popcorn seeing his situation, replied in a low voice,

"Is this Destruction Necessary Eon..."

Could he accept this price for power? Were the rules absolute? Should his mental Mantle pay the price for something it was not even responsible for? A strange thought emerged in his mind as he waited for Eon's explanation. A strange thought to do something... unthinkable.

"Yes- This is how it should be...", Eon replied thoughtfully as he recalled the explanations given by his dead Partner.

"I see...", Aavesh spoke as he gaze at the Mental Mantle that had already lost the shape of the spectacle and only a thread like bond remained between it and Him. The Next Lightning strike would break this final bond and the Will of the Cosmos would claim it.

He replied in a strange tone that worried Eon even more, Suddenly Eon felt a feeling of Deja Vu'- This tone and gaze was quite familiar to what had happened when Aavesh was in the Blood Melting Chamber.

Eon trembled and his spirit Key heart trembled and constricted as he was about to ask what Aavesh was going to do but Aavesh already spoke,

"This Plan of yours... it never said anything about Recreation after Destruction- Did it? If so I don't think anything would happen if I did this!"

"OH SHIT AAVESH DON'T!" Eon bellowed As he Saw what Aavesh was about to do.


Aavesh stretched his right arm out and willed with all his being to the utterly Destroyed Mental Mantle to merge back with him as the Final Green Lightning Strike Struck down following the trajectory of the Mental Mantle which was recalled by Aavesh into his body...

Eon was horrified.

The New Gods Were Stunned.

The Eldritch Popped their Eyes Out as they saw this.

The Wills of the Nine Higher Dimension were completely agape.

The Will of the Cosmos itself was flabbergasted and felt that this Human today was Mad.





This was not Ordinary Lightning! It was a form of Lightning used to target the Soul!

Nobody knew what was about to happen- Even a Demigod would not be able to reverse the damage caused by the Lightning.

But Fate always has opportunities in Risks- Especially in Such Tribulations.
