10000 Years into the Past and a Death Trap- How Bad could things get?...

Ever felt in an endless dark place, feeling intense pain, yet not being able to move a single inch of your body? Not being able to control it in the endless peaceful darkness and simply drifting around...

Aavesh was currently experiencing this feeling in a dream- He did not like it- No it was too annoying and excruciating to not be able to use your senses or even be able to move...


Suddenly a Bright blue light flashed illuminating the darkness present- The source of the Blue light was a tattered Eon- His key spirit body had cracks and seemed to be slowly healing... But Eon then grabbed at Aavesh's mental construct and managed to make him lucid enough to experience this dream with his energy...

"Cough Cough, Aavesh we... took quite a beating, Hah it has been what?- several eras? or maybe a Yuga or two - since I got beat up so badly..."

"Yeah... Eon I don't ever want to experience that shit storm of a tunnel again- Bro... you ok? You don't look so good..."

Eon wearily replied back in a tired tone," Time Travel- The worst form of travelling... Aavesh I am still too tired... Wake up now... If you dont wake up... I caaant heeaaalll..."

Eon began to slur but not before sending off a blast of blue light which engulfed Aavesh's dream scape completely.



Aavesh's eyes widened open in pain only to see a pair of beautiful silver eyes staring right back at him...

The eyes belonged to a familiar female figure- Besides she was incredibly beautiful with faint starlight in her silver hair- her perfectly proportioned body which resembled that of a mature Kindness incarnate Goddess.

She wore comfortable white grey lab suit and cute silver orbs roamed around her suit which gave off a Gentle Radiating Aura.

'Wait a minute- it's her!-'

It was that beautiful elder sister named Athena Ordynn, who he had met when he crashed in to the station.


'I cant move my body- not even an inch- moving my eyes itself is quite painful... I feel a lot of tubes and wires attached and wrapped around me.

Ugh- I... can't move or talk... At least I can see and hear... for now'

'My Ears are still in Pain... but functional to certain extent- But useless'

His mouth would not open as well- only his eyes painfully saw Athena looking at him closely but he could not say a single word...

'What the Fuck Man!'

'I keep getting into shit storm of situations like this... I need a break...'

"You actually managed to awaken without the medication I prepared for you- Impressive"

Athena suddenly spoke up which startled him- but he could not move anyway... only his eyes were able to move to an extent and he could not for the life oh him communicate...

"Wait let me activate the voice module- one sec- there! Now think about what you want to say and this speaker module will assist you and read out the words you wish to convey to me- Lets have a nice brief conversation..."

Athena spoke again while entering a set of symbols on her datapad and clicked on an 'Activate' sign.

Aavesh was stunned as if he felt something connect with him- but Physically with his brain- There was no need for neural feedback- just scanning his Psionic Brain Waves- or Rather Brain waves formed by his thoughts - It was Deep NEURAL TALK Tech... It was black technology, Only the Star Countries in the Inner Rings were had full access to this while others had to use Neural Interfaces that was incredibly hard to master and Brain washing was far more simpler in that Basic Neural Tech but NEURAL TALK was a different beast altogether...

Just as he speculated about it in his mind,

--"IS this NEURAL TALK?"--

--"Oh crap this thing works- Thank you beautiful Goddess Lady Athena"--


Athena smiled a bit as she spoke," Well atleast you are honest about your thoughts- I like straight forward little brothers! How about this- lets ask each other questions and we both will answer to the best of our abilities- Cool? I'll go first- What's your name? if its convinient to tell..."

Aavesh replied without hesitation,

--"My name is Aavesh Xander or maybe some other surname that I am not aware of - Yeah so I may have accidentally time travelled- and my Body hurts a lot! Like really a loootttt!"--

Athena calmly listened and nodded her head as she observed a Polygraph datapad- verifying the Authenticity of his replies. She then spoke,

"Aavesh Xander- Hmmm, Your Turn Aavesh- ask away-"

--"Which year is it and where am I?!"--

"It is the year 5060 and you are currently in one of the Pinnacle Systems- specifically you are on Omega Orbitron Space Station and Relay", She Quickly replied to this query.

Aavesh on the other hand was stunned!

--"Woah, I travelled 10000 years back into this Future- Damn Too Crazy! Wait!- Did you say Pinnacle Systems?"

"Yep", Athena replied with a straight face while staring at Aavesh.

--"The Pinnacle Systems where the most insane God - Like Upgrades were being Researched?"--


"The Pinnacle System where the Omega Orbitron Space station, protected by Perseus Ordynn the only Demigod to reach Perfected Avatar Level?"


There were 2 Major Events in Galactic Human History before the Rift Invasions that Aavesh was taught in his school- 2 Grand Large Scale Tragedies!

They were dubbed 'Icarus's Folly' and 'Perfect Storm'-

Icarus's Folly referred to the Unstable Era in early 51st Century- The Arrogant attitude of the Factions, the Civil war, the fragmenting of Human Territory, Destruction of the Old Federation and the Sudden Invasions.

The Sudden Invasions reduced the Original 50+ star Sector Human Territory to 35+ Star Sectors and Destroyed the Pinnacle Systems! The Nine Pinnacle Systems Named after the Greek alphabets- Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Rho, Psi and Omega...

All of them were Bombed with Concentrated Dark matter Missiles- Imagine Using the Material that can literally Move Stars in a flash and weaponize it to an extent that can disrupt Space Time to a terrifying extent! Regular Dark Matter was already Dangerous! Concentrated Dark Matter was apocalyptic!

Realizing the mess he had gotten into Aavesh inwardly cringed hard! His Luck brought him to a certain death Area! He was Hyper Screwed!

--"Lady Athena?--


--" Is it a Bad time to say that We are Royally Screwed and We MUST EVACUATE IF We want to survive ?"--

Athena was stunned as she heard this- that means what her father saw in his visions was true!

Athena interjected immediately on impulse, " WAIT! What do you mean By Evacuate and being Royally Screwed if we stay here? Tell me what do you Know!"

Aavesh hurriedly explained, --" The Pinnacle Systems are Destined to be Destroyed in the year 5060! Not a SINGLE System Survived! THERE WERE FORIEGN FORCES USING CONCENTRATED DARK MATTER BOMBS! Almost everyone knows about this history! It is the Reason why we are not powerful enough as a species to establish Permament Member Status in the CORE institute..."--

Athena stared at him wideyed and grit her teeth as she asked, " We... us... our efforts here... All gone? Everything we accomplished... was a waste?"

--"I'm Sorry, We never were able to recover what was lost in the Pinnacle Systems"--

"He's telling the truth daughter", A voice came from the void, as an old man silently appeared before them in the Cryo Lab...

Aavesh looked at the the Old Man and his eyes widened as he recognized him from History Videos- Perseus Ordynn! The Demigod of that Era!

Perseus approached them and spoke with an urgent tone, " We need to Talk - Now!"


A Legion of High Level Alien Ships from various races seemed to be autonomously controlled and was heading towards Omega Orbitron- The leader of this Cabal was Nhyukt Maksik- of the Jogon Species that coveted the Enviable territory of the Human Race...

In his Prime Ship Nhyukt Maksik was kneeling before a Humanoid Altar of a Black Armored being atop a white Void Octopus...

"You did not disappoint me Maksik- My Prey has come to this Time! I will reward you 1000 Years of Life Essence- Go Destroy Each and EVery Pinnacle System- Cripple the Human Race's Dream of becoming a superior Species! You have my Blessing Maksik- Dont fuck it up!"

The Ships silently continued on their Journey towards the Space ship.