The Talk with a Demigod

"Aavesh can see a small ring of Silver Runes forming around you?"

--"I can't use my Astral Vision Lord Perseus- I can't use much actually- so No, I don't see anything, But what is this about?"--

Perseus stood tall before Aavesh and spoke in a nonchalant tone as he displayed a physical model of Aavesh's body before them as Athena observed on the side a bit dully, still miffed about the Aavesh's explanation from before,

"That is a temporal Retrieval Mark- Like a Flare being shot in the middle of an ocean- Don't be too surprised, The Universe has its own way of fixing the Timeline, besides-"

His gaze landed on the slow-forming silver Runes that seemed to be invisible to the normal eyes.

"It won't be long before the Rune Marking completes and sends you to the Nearest Temporal Inquisitor who will then place you back into your Correct Timeline"

--"Oh isnt that good? I was worried I would be stuck here without being able to travel back"--

Aavesh heaved a sigh of relief, but Perseus continued,

"Well in a manner of speaking, you should not have survived the trip itself- You were supposed to die during your brief journey through time- as it was a trap, But you survived..."

--"Is that not even better?"--

Perseus cleared his throat as he rolled his eyes again at the brat! He spoke again,

"Now comes the Twist- the Inquisitor won't give a shit about your body- seeing how broken down it is- He will not heal it as it is not his task- Temporal Inquisitors will merely pick you up and put you down into your timeline, while the injuries you have sustained will not be healed, Quite, frankly speaking, you are alive because you ended up here"

Aavesh's mouth gaped at this explanation,

--"Wait... What?! Are you telling me that if I ended up in another location - I would've died?"--

"Yeah, unless you ended up in the CORE but chances of that happening is like finding a needle from the Atoms of a Dwarf Neutron Star during a Solar storm- Because almost no place has the medical technology advanced enough to treat your wounds... Literally - because you are a Mortal who has never begun the whole Process of Cultivation in either Body, Soul or Energy"

"If you had cultivated- healing you would be extremely easy- You know the Mortal - Cultivator Physique Dichotomy- Right?"

--"... Yep- Wait a minute here, you are asking a lot of leading questions- With all due respect Lord Demigod- What is your intention here and what does it have to do with me? I know the fluid you have injected into my Body- code named AMRITH - An extremely rare Synthesized Drug which can literally stop the Deaging process in Non- Cultivating Mortal Bodies and is a Panacea for Extreme cases of Cellular Degeneration- Am I right?"--

"You have the body of 7-year-old child but your mind and reactions do not conform to that of a 7-year-old- Which means you know way more than simple history..."

--"Well you can't hide much from a Demigod, so what does me knowing more be of use to you?"--

The air in the room had become tense.

Athena looked a bit stunned and turned to stare at her father with curiosity on what was going on here.

Perseus smiled at this and interjected, " You have quite the Knowledge - Aavesh Xander - Seeing that you have deduced a lot of information from observation - But unfortunately You forgot one thing- You won't be able to heal completely from AMRITH fluid because - You lack a crucial set of Channels across your body or should I say you do not have any Meridians in your body that can help stimulate the Healing Process- Infact I'll even assume from observing your body that you had your Meridians- Removed Unwillingly-"

Athena gasped in horror as she heard her father say the last statement as her eyes saw Aavesh's Eyes staring back silently at Perseus- not denying this at all.

Meridian Removal was one of the Most Brutal Ways to Punish your enemies and it always entailed a lifetime of suffering for the victim- No Meridians? Means no more cultivation- Your healing abilities are reduced to less than 1% of the average Human Body, You begin to waste away - bit by bit until you will be forced to leave your birth Body to fully Possess another Body- a process deemed to be flawed and Excruciating for the soul while guaranteeing a name for the Blacklist for a Peaceful Reincarnation.

Whoever did this, did not hesitate to spare a child like Aavesh. It was not a pleasant sight. To think there were still Barbaric Beasts who would be brutal enough to do something like this!

But Perseus continued as he saw Aavesh's unflinching gaze on him,

"As I said before - I'll make one more assumption or should I say? An Educated Guess- that the Person who removed your meridians was also responsible for your forced Time Travel annnnnnnd Judging by your Eyes- I will take it as the truth, which explains a good deal about how you ended up here-"

"Now you must be wondering why do I need to pull all of this 'hot mess' of yours and rub it in your face but there is a very good reason Aavesh..."

Perseus's gaze became sharp as he stared at Aavesh,

"I have proposition for you- I want information about the future and in return, I will let you undergo an experimental Large scale Surgery that will solve your Meridian Problem, Now... Are you interested in making a deal?"

Aavesh suddenly interjected at this,

--"Wait! You - CAN - RESTORE - MY - MERIDIANS!?"--

Aavesh used the NEURAL TALK device to ask carefully as his eyes stared at Perseus.

"Of course, but I can't reveal anything else due to confidentiality clauses- You Must sign this contract and fill this Memory Cube with all memories related to this Battle and any kind of future Technologies you know- My Reason to ask this is pretty simple Aavesh, I want to change fate a little - I am unworried about my fate but I can't let my Legacy- the work here to go to waste!"

"So, I want your knowledge to devise a strategy acceptable to the Arbiters of Time to let my Legacy survive- Let the work of Omega Orbitron survive! So what will you choose?"

Athena looked on at Aavesh with hope in her eyes, she always trusted that her father would definitely come up with a solution! Now it was all Aavesh's choice! Only he could choose...

Aavesh observed Perseus's eyes - they did not seem to be lying... Besides if he wanted to retain his original body- this procedure was the only known way and he was sure almost no one else would be able to do the same in his timeline...

But messing with History- Huh...

'Well Fuck it- I changed Fate once, No reason not to change it again, this deal is also bound by a contract- meaning Perseus would keep his end of the Bargain!'

He also had some time left before the Temporal Retrieval Runes were finished- Sigh, He really did not have much of a choice here to either go back as a cripple or undergo an unsanctioned Medical Experiment that could Give him a new set of Meridians!

He internally sighed and spoke,

--"Alright I accept your Deal"--

Athena heaved a sigh of relief while Perseus clasped his hands as he looked at Aavesh more Kindly, He snapped his fingers and a Beautiful female AI appeared in the room holding a Empyrean Backed Digital Contract before Aavesh. The AI spoke in an elegant tone,

"Please confirm your consent again for the contract Mr. Aavesh Xander"

--"I consent and agree to fulfill my part of the Deal"--

The AI turned to Perseus with a smile and asked again,

"Please confirm your consent to the contract Mr. Perseus Ordynn"

"I consent and agree to complete my part of the deal as well"

"Contract is Established"

The AI then disappeared into soft rays of light and merged back into the sub systems of the space Station.

"Athena Attach this Mental Storage Cube to the Neural TALK module, Aavesh I hope you will keep your end - Just focus useful Memories as it comes as option to your Neural Interface- I guarantee it will not harm you anyway possible and the Cube is a simple blank piece of canvas- waiting to painted by your Memories- Go On!"

Athena then took the Cube from her Father and tinkered with Neural TALK Module for a moment before saying,

"Ok Testing- Aavesh can you view a new notification on your interface? If you see it just will it with your thoughts as before and then simply recollect memories you think would be useful..."

Aavesh then received a 'Blip' sound on his interface and saw the new option-

--"Yeah I got the Notification! Give me some time", saying that he closed his eyes but his eyelids trembled as he began the process. His eyes kept twitching as Countless datastreams from his mind sank into the cube.

Athena and Perseus observed this process silently and patiently. They could not be too anxious despite the anticipation building in their eyes. Truth be told Even if they wanted to, they could not escape Omega Orbitron's eventual massacre and the Destruction of their Pinnacle System as 'those' beings had already begun to hide and block any form of escape routes.

Undoubtedly, Traitors were responsible for all this- Once they made a move, Extremely Powerful Ships would descend destroy whatever they had- The only thing that could take on those ships was the Omega Orbitron. Therefore it would become their burial ground, atleast none of their accomplishments would fall into the hands of their enemies!

Aavesh on the other hand, mentally decided to be sincere with this despite his initial apprehension- He began to recollect and record whatever he knew... He just hoped that it would be enough though...

30 minutes later,

Aavesh opened his tired eyes and his neural TALK module came out with a haggard voice,

--"I'm done, check the Results- I hope you find what you need"--

Perseus then took the cube in his Palm and closed his eyes to absorb the fully stored Mental Memories present in the cube. His expressions turned from shock, awe and then into gratitude.

This time Perseus looked sharply at Aavesh with an intense fighting spirit and spoke in strong tone,

"You have made the Right Choice! Thank You Aavesh! This is More than the adequate! I will keep my End of the Deal as well! Athena - retrieve blood samples from our friend and take him to Class S Med Labs- We will begin as soon as possible - Prep the Tech as well- I need to have a small chat with the entire council- It seems Protocol Prometheus will have to be launched soon... Go Daughter- Make a move first!"

After saying this Perseus left the Cryo chamber.

Athena then interacted with a portable data pad and spoke, "Transportation has been arranged! Don't worry Aavesh I will handle this- You just focus on recovering!"

She gave him a Thumbs Up.