Death of a Demigod Part -1

Beside the strange ship, A Complex Helix like Carrier Ship appeared in a flash and opened its Bay, Hundreds of Minor Class Starships spewed out all aiming for the Omega Orbitron.

But it did not end there, Fifty Helix Carrier Ships Arrived from Warp and Blockaded the Entire Space.

Their Carrier Bays Opened and Swarms of ships flew out. They were all aiming at One Target- Omega Orbitron.

In the Command Deck, The Generals stared at the screen with theirs fist clenched.


Perseus teleported in along with Aavesh and Athena with steeled gaze. He stared at the Screen as he calmly uttered his order,

"Activate Magnetic Infusion Array - Fry the Incoming Swarm of bugs"

The Station AI immediately complied and a female Mechanical Voice sounded throughout the Station,

"Activating MIA , Restoring Shields- Switching ship status to Emergency Code Full RED"


The Station Whirred And a Powerful Pulse Wave was emitted out catching the incoming Swarm of ships like a Mega Net.


A terrifying sound spread throughout the Station, 2 Massive Ring structures detached from the Omega Orbitron.

These Rings began to Spin at an incredibly high velocity and and they generated erratic Magnetic Field Signatures which inturn created a terrifying Magnetic Field Storm-

The Effect was immediate and Swarms of invading ships collided into eachother like and snapped like twigs in the massive storm.

But these ships did not contain a life signature - They were filled with Droids.


The Entire Swarm of ships was completely decimated but Perseus and the Generals were not pleased at all, rather they only looked at the screen with colder eyes.

They were waiting.

" That was only the First Wave - Supercharge the Shields - Brace for Impact!",

A General Bellowed out and everyone in the Room caught something to hold on as the Black Horizontal Monolithic Ship Began to charge it's Pulse Energy Beam again at the Orbitron.


This time a massive Crimson Red Beam had been deployed on the Orbitron and it Quickly Pierced through the Shields to and Managed to Hit the Hull.


The Impacts of the Energy Beam did not shake the Ship as before.

The Beam had stopped mid way.

Everyone gazed at Perseus who made a catching motion with a hand.

He then basically performed something famously known as the Bitch Slap at the Beam of Light with his free hand.


The Ominous Crimson Beam split off to another direction harmlessly.

There was no impact like before.

The General who mouthed the Previous order became speechless.

That slap was a bit too hard.

Suddenly, The Helix Carrier Ships then began to turn into a Helix Canons as they charged up with a Different Power altogether. Perseus raised an Eyebrow at this and simply uttered, " Sacrifice the Rings - Don't let them attack..."

Complying with his Order, The Detached Rings Revolved at an Incredibly fast speed before coming to an abrupt stop and exploding



They released a white Pulse of Light which ripped apart all of the Helix Carrier Ships and the Horizontal Monolithic Ship.

They were destroyed - just like that.

After the white Pulse dissipated, Aavesh looked on strangely at this screen- Only Burnt Debris was floating now- This Power was quite similar to the one he had died to before.

Except the Power he witnessed here was at the Nascent stage.

'So this is how Planet Destroyer Technology was born?'



An Incoming Local Transmission from an unknown source was contacting the Orbitron.

The Comms Operator was about to reject it but Perseus shook his head and spoke calmly, " Accept it, Let's us Hail our Enemies"

The Screen flickered and A Purple hairless Pig faced Muscular humanoid Alien in a sharp Black combat Armor Suit appeared.

He had a look of contempt as he stared at them - He was Nhyukt Maksik - Heir to the Imperial Star Throne of the Jogon Race. Also known as Purple Pigman Race but if anyone dared to speak that - they would have to pay a painful price. He opened his mouth and smiled creepily as he stared at Perseus and Aavesh. His insidious voice sounded out,

" Perseus, I hope you are enjoying your last Day- Unfortunately for you, I have been appointed as the adjudicator by the CORE Disciplinary Council for your transgressions against Intergalactic Peace and theft of sacred knowledge with intent to Abuse! "

A stunned silence appeared on everyone in the room, But Athena roared back with fury,

" How Dare you accuse my father of Crime! Know your Place Damned Pig! Fuck your Ten Thousand Generations I'll-"

" It's ok"

Perseus reigned her back in and calmed her down as he patted her shoulder gently. However Athena still stared at Maksik with disgust and hatred in her eyes.

But Maksik only sneered back at her and continued,

" It's not an easy thing - to judge you despite your contributions but... - You have left us no choice but to Thoroughly wash your influence from Humanity - As we don't want the Human Race to pay for your sins now do we?"

"However seeing that you have that boy with you - I can permit your foul mouthed daughter to live- if you give the boy to me - I will let her leave with a Galactic contract that will assure her safety when I destroy everything here... Don't bargain with me on this, I am already merciful enough to let you have a bloodline left."

At that time both Athena and Aavesh stared at Perseus who was gazing straight at the screen.

Athena could not help but speak out, " Father don't -"

But Perseus merely scoffed and spoke out, " I assume Eldritch entities are not included in this Contact?"

Maksik's eyes held a tinge of surprise at Perseus for being able to discern something. But he simply snorted and spoke-" You are quite perceptive for a demigod! You wont die in vain by my hand-"

"Cut the crap, I know how I die - Send your Master out- I'm done talking to Snot nosed milk drinking children- shoo ", Perseus ruthlessly cut him off and disdained to speak further.

Veins could be seen popping up on Maksik s' face but he controlled himself and spoke with venom dripping from his words,

" As you wish - Know that you will be one responsible for the Pain you are about to suffer now..."

He then disappeared from the screen and the transmission was put on Hold.

On the Massive Jogon Mothership, Maksik kneeled before the altar and spoke in a reverent manner to the Stone Altar before him,

" My Lord, I don't know how but the Human Demigod seems to be aware of your existence - I could see it in his eyes - He knows something my lord - I swear we never leaked anything about your existence to anyone! I-"

An ominous creepy voice cut him off, " I know this - A stray time revenant showed him some details - Nothing else, Now Since things have come to this, I will give the deadman his final wish- I am Merciful afterall- But keep an eye on anything that's trying to hide from our fleet - Don't let anything be hidden, Everything alive there must die without fail! "

"As you wish my lord!"

Maksik kowtowed before the stone Altar and acknowledged the command.


The stone Altar then began to crack all over as black slime began to ooze out. It's very sight could make a normal person insane. Even Maksik trembled in terror at this sight. He knew what the lord would want next - a hundred sacrifices.

He shivered and contacted his men," Send the Human scouts you captured along with other prisoners of nearby human settlements to my chamber immediately or I will cut your Head off! Don't delay!"

He then looked down and closed his eyes as he began to sweat as his ears captured the dreadful moans and voices coming out of the Altar before him.

"Aahhh, Urghhhhh, Eooorhhhh"

*Squelch *Crack *Buuuulch

A horrific monstrous incarnation was being born now- An Eldritch one at that.

The cracked Stone Altar slowly transformed into a masked Humanoid stone- slime like being. It was like hearing an egg cracking and flesh mulching together. It was not a pleasant sight for anyone to gaze at. It was quite lethal.

"MmmAaaKkssiiikkk- Lleettt hhhiimm ssee", A distorted voice from still transforming being came out.

Maksik immediately turned his head and scrambled to restart the transmission and then hid in the corner while squealing in fear. His pig like squeals could be heard in the background now.

On the human side in the Omega Orbitron, everyone wanted to see who the Mysterious Mastermind that dared to attack them. They waited patiently for a few minutes as the Transmission reconnected only to see a terrified Maksik who immediately disappeared and the screen focused on a grotesque humanoid mass of stone and black slime that was still transforming and squirming before them.

Someone spoke up immediately,

" What the fuck is that?!"

But nobody spoke after that as their eyes were somehow transfixed at the strange scene before them.

Only the grotesque squishing and mulching sounds of the being could be heard.

No one spoke a word at all.

Unknown to them tears of blood began to ooze out slowly from their eyes - even Perseus was not an exception.

Their minds were almost enraptured by the Terrifying Chaos emanating from the being.

Athena mumbled randomly as her bleeding eyes kept oozing blood.

Even ship AI had frozen as if something was stopping it from cutting off the call. It could not move as well.

Perseus's mouth trembled as he tried to fight back against the strange being's influence.

Aavesh felt his veins pop on his forehead and Cardion kept displaying kept displaying warning signs in his mind.

He felt powerless as he kept on staring at the screen with bleeding eyes - Like a wooden block.

Everyone could feel that this was wrong but none could move their muscles. It was as if their body's were not responding to their commands at all!

A distorted hypnotic voice could be heard from the thing, " Ahhuhhh auhhhh Hhhuuuunnnggrrryyyyy"


A sound of a Hatch opening could be heard along with footsteps of people being hushed in.

The screen Zoomed out to display a large crowd of dishevelled humans has come on the screen.

Some of them wore tattered scout uniforms signifying that they were part of the Omega Orbitron staff.

Others wore civillian and simple security outfits.

There were even children and pregnant women in the crowd.

All of them stared at the being before them in terror but could not move at all.

The Being then approached a young scout who stood at the front and then slowly wrapped him up bit by bit.

You could see the terror in the man's eyes as he was consumed without a voice or any resistance against the being.

They all saw this horrible scene.

The Generals felt rage but could not speak at all.

It was a silent devouring.

The thing as if gaining some essence then turned to the screen. The distorted creepy voice, was now more clear and filled with predatory playfulness,

"Aaahhh! Now that is better - how young and tasty! I should say the younger - the more sweeter and purer the essence they have! Don't you agree Perseus? Hahahaha"

It laughed in a creepy manner that sent chills down everyone's heart. It continued, " But Perseus - I admire your courage to stand up against beings like me despite knowing your fate- Very admirable- But but but, There are consequences to courage! and I want you to witness the Consequences! If you had listened before they would have died painlessly- but you had to go ahead and reject my offer- You have audacity, Good- Now watch carefully as I devour your People, As I consume the innocents which you implicated in the most painful manner- Heh it is said that the pain is so great that their deceased souls beg for relief by the soul Grindstone and everyone here will experience that because of You! so congratulations Perseus, I can't wait to devour your daughter as well! "

The being then focused on Aavesh, and spoke derisively, " Ahhh my favourite new Interloper! Hello Aavesh! I hope you are ready for being devoured- or you could just kill yourself and spare yourself all the Pain, you are just as responsible as Perseus here for their deaths - so if you have any guilt here- you should keep yourself alive and let me devour You! Heh I- Wait what is that thing emanating from you? Destiny Energy?!"

There was shock in its voice as it suddenly focused more on Aavesh, causing him to nearly collapse from the pressure.


As the influence intensified on Aavesh who fell down on the ground from the pressure emanated by the Being.

Athena managed to regain temporary control of her eyes and forcibly closed them to cut off the gaze of the strange being into her- She immediately gained more control and slipped to the side while aiming for COMMs Control Panel.



The Transmission Cut off Midway as Athena Punched the Control Panel for Power to the Transmission screen.

The stranglehold of that being had been lifted off- It was finally a release from that being's influence but everyone still felt the horror and the cold chill in their hearts as they thought of the helpless crowd with that Being.


Suddenly they heard the terrified voices of everyone being devoured by that Being in their Minds.

It was... too horrific.

Men, women, children, infants- it spared no one! They heard the haunting screams of everyone being cruelly devoured by that thing.

*Wooosh Swish

This Time a bright light emanated from Perseus -

It cleansed their minds of the voices .

Those Haunting voices.

Everyone stared Perseus as blood dripped from his mouth, his aura had become unstable. His legs had become weak, as a drops of tears fell from his eyes,

"I'm sorry, I failed you..."

"Father! No-", Athena quickly hugged and supported his weak frame.

"Father steel yourself - it's not your fault - Please- that fucking thing killed them! Not you!"

Perseus's reddened eyes then turned to Aavesh, he wanted to speak something harsh, but did not- instead his voice became hoarse, " How much time do you have left Boy?"


Aavesh who had become a bit numb due to the huge mental pressure of that being suddenly awoke with a throbbing pain in his head, he turned to Perseus and spoke in a low voice, " 20 minutes before the runes complete"

"It's not enough"

Perseus spoke in a hoarse tone, "That being is going to come here in 7 minutes - I can fucking sense it"

"That distorted Eldritch Aura - It has locked on to this Station"

He saw Aavesh not paying much attention and seemed to be quite disturbed.


He then left his daughter's support and looked at Aavesh sternly and then slapped Aavesh, snapping him back to reality.


Seeing Aavesh jerk at the moment, Perseus let out a sigh of relief, and spoke like an elder advising his junior, " Kid, You can't lose your heart over this like me, I am old and tired- if it were not for my daughter supporting me, I would have died now- It's not your fault kid, I may be the most Powerful Demigod but as you see- all it took to break my Divine heart was that - I took an oath to protect everyone here and I failed - My own oath has backfired on me and severed my way forward - but it's fine, You can't lose yourself over to it- you couldn't do anything more"

But Aavesh replied in a broken voice, tears dripping from his blood stained eyes," But why am I the only one who sees this suffering? Why am I the witness to death? Why? Why do horrific things happen when I am involved? Why? why? WHY?"

Hearing this Perseus smiled sadly, " It's always people like us who must carry the Burden forward- When you see innocents die- when you see people you care for die- It breaks your heart- That's good, because that means you still have humanity left- Most Cultivators see these feelings as a hindrance but this a test Aavesh- The test whether you can still be a human yet."

"These sufferings - whether you like it or not - are a part of you- they will be everywhere- but if you want to truly overcome them- accept it Aavesh- for they will be a part of the burning flame of life within you- No one is asking you to shoulder everyone's sorrows - but to have empathy towards others is something else entirely kid- these sufferings, find your way to deal with it- because they will make you stronger kid- Remember my words repeat after me- suffering in the heart births will in the mind, will forges strength, strength brings suffering in the heart "

Aavesh suddenly looked up at the Wise Demigod before him as this seemed to breaking a cursed shackle in his mind. Perseus continued as Athena had tears in her eyes when she heard her father say this, even the others had become solemn.

What Perseus was teaching was a very rare and unique heart refining method - it meant that he was passing his inheritance to this kid.

"The cycle continues eternal, emotions freeze to pierce the soul, pain shatters the heart, desolate is the soul, desolate soul reaches for will, will seeks hope, hope mends the heart anew"

" The flame of hope is many, not many needed for the heart, hope must be stronger to conquer the pain, not erase it but conquer, to melt the emotions frozen in the soul, flowing emotions seep into the shattered heart, face the test of rebirth, reforge the heart till no pain can shatter, but don't let it be a heart of stone, let it be heart of metal that can shatter but reform as well- to be all encompassing, the carefree heart, careless heart, the careful heart, all are mere states of the indestructible heart..."

Aavesh's final mental shackles had been chipped at this- although he did not comprehend this fully but what he understood was enough to break the lull within him.

The Pain of decades- he had accepted them but never fully understood what to do next, this knowledge showed him a glimpse of the path forward.

He spoke the words again, causing a divine rune from Perseus to move and merge into Aavesh. It settled into Aavesh's mind pond, gently nurturing his soul.

Aavesh kneeled down and sincerely Kowtowed to Perseus,

" Thank You Master!"

Perseus smiled as he saw Aavesh and spoke softly, " Do you understand the implications of accepting me as your Master? You will gain the Karma of my lineage, my burdens will be shared with you- Your future will not be easy, think again - do you wish to be my disciple?"

Aavesh replied back with resolution," A master guides the wayward, he lights the paths, like you did for me- I will accept you as my Master! You let me cultivate again and saved me from the quagmire I was trapped in! You are My Master- Your Karma, I'll share it!"

Perseus then closed his eyes in relief and then opened them with a steel gaze," Daughter, I have decided to seek Heraldry from the Goddess of Justice - I "

"Say no more father- I understand and I will do it too- if he doesn't get your soul- he will take mine, don't deter me, Mom is here as well, She will join us too- We will never be separated again!", Athena understood her father and made her stand.

Perseus gazed at her resolute eyes and nodded helplessly. He spoke, " Take the your junior brother with you to Safe Haven- It's almost time for that being to come- Go! Live well Aavesh!"

A somewhat confused Aavesh reached out to Perseus but was dragged away by Athena. He could only see the kind old man wave at him smilingly, as if there was peace within his eyes.

The Door closed behind them as they Quickly moved.

Perseus's gaze then moved to the blank screen and turned cold.

"You want our Souls? You will get nothing!"