Death of a Demigod Part 2

On the Enemy Mother Ship, in the commander's Quarters, Maksik was kneeling before a massive being.

This being was a terrifying abomination that should not exist in the Mortal World at all- He was giant hulking muscular being with chunks of Eldritch stones on his shoulders, chest, feet, knees and a wierd stone mask his face.

However his skin and muscles seemed to be made of a black slime like fluid and the most disturbing aspect - Black slime Octopus tentacles on his back - it seemed to distort space itself.

"Those humans were quite delicious- I really enjoyed their excruciating pain- But now my prey seems to be leaving- How can I let things be after what he did? Maksik, No more hiding - use your most powerful ships to break their Mythic shield, also prime the Missiles, destroy everything here- Your life essence is on the table, if you want more- I want you to capture some human systems and Make a Human farm- understand ?"

The creepy voice from the being spoke as if relishing the taste of the meal now.

"It will be done immediately my Lord!!", Maksik replied fervently, but the sweat emanating from his pig skin showed how terrified he was of the Person before him.

He immediately got up and sent the commands while the being disappeared from the room Mysteriously.

Soon within seconds, Massive Jogon Ships with Multiple Triangular Monolithic Cannons arrived in the vicinity of the Omega Orbitron.

Maksik looked at the screen and yelled his command through the COMMs channels.

"Fire with full strike!"


The Cannons began to glow red with crimson light in a few seconds and Powerful Red Beams struck the already weakened shield of the Orbitron.

Perseus stared at the screen and spoke in an awe inspiring tone, " Stop Power supply to the shield systems- Divert them to the Omega Cannon- I will fight for time- everyone it was an honor serving with you- For the Human Race!"

"For the Human Race!", Everyone Roared back as well with fervor! They already knew how horrible the enemy was! The enemy never intended to spare any of them- Now they would give their final reply as well!

Sacrifice! They could die but not be humiliated! With this Cannon they will send a message to the Galaxy! If they think those Dark Matter missiles were horrible - Hah! They had not seen the Horror of their Omega Cannon!

The Omega Cannon! It was a prototype idea- an unfinished technology. It was created on a crazy idea that their Demigod had! Make a false short term explosive Supernova!

With the strange knowledge and terrifying computing power of the Implant - Perseus found something that those Power's in the CORE were desperately seeking!

The ability to destroy stars! Or atleast to make a star experience a false supernova!

It was an uncommon treaty between New Gods to not spread any form of Star Destroying knowledge to the Material world.

In the Past 3 Gods attempted to do that- their outcomes were terrifying - because none of the New God's did anything, rather the will of the Mythic Dimensions directly intervened in the most scariest manner!

One God had her divinity ripped off and devoured by Rats - forming the Hive Rat Divine Race.

Another was God had his divinity absorbed by Hell and He was forced to transform into a world devouring cosmic worm- to forever be a slave of the world functions.

The Last God who did that had it's very existence wiped out by the Machina Inevitable - to be reduced to atoms and it's consciousness completely dissolved.

Stars were taboo for New God's but not for Mortals- for some reason it was declared that no External being could interfere in the Material world but Denizens of the Material world could do whatever they wanted.

It was ancient rule set by the cosmos.

New Gods could not directly kill or save people - they were certain rules laid down by the cosmos and even the most chaotic beings were forced to follow it.

Or face the cosmic wrath- It was their choice.

So the people at CORE tried very very hard to find some way to influence stars- If a race found a way to target a Star- it meant it had a literal Nuclear Weapon!

It could control the Galactic Order!

As for artificial Black Holes and Fusion type Technology- it was a dead way.

If an Artificial Black Hole came ahead of its time- the spirit within the star would simply crush it like pinching an ant.

Fusion Type Bombs faces the same fate- After all it was wrong to think such powerful forces of Nature had no spirit.

Dyson spheres were fine as they only absorbed Energy emitted by the star but fusion Bombs heh- you could only target small inferior artificial spiritless stars.

It was of minimal use.

Funny how much money was burned there. But After using the implant on the surface level and sacrificing immense amount of lifespan- Perseus discovered certain loopholes in the Laws and managed to come up with an Idea to temporarily cause the star to go Supernova.

It would be more powerful than an expansion but not a true Supernova.

The expelled Energy would be taken in again.

Essentially it was simply causing the star to sneeze Violently.

Unfortunately the Technology was far toooo terrifying - The ship which triggered the Supernova with the prototype device - would face the full brunt.

Also although it is only a temporary Supernova - the Space-Time around the vicinity would be extremely disturbed and Gravitational storms would only be the beginning.

It was far too deadly than a Mythic Infused Dark Matter Missile.

Perseus tapped the antique watch on his wrist and soft ivory white Mecha Armor formed around him.

On his Armor chest a Name was written - Andromeda - his wife's name.

He placed his palm on her name and whispered, " One Last time and I will be with you forever..."

He then closed his eyes and entered into a strange state.

When he opened his eyes Perseus was in a Strange white hall, It beautiful and bright with soft hymns chanting around - several silver armored angels were gazing at him curiously.

Then a Bell tolled in the distance - A powerful aura arrived and the Angels stepped back respectfully.

A warrior woman with 8 wings on her back arrived before him and gazed at him silently. She had soft red clothed Armor over her body with streaks of steal chainmail. Infact she looked a medieval sword maiden - just without the helmet . A flaming sword floated beside her with lightning flickering on the blade.

She had a black white strip of cloth covering her eyes -

But Perseus kneeled before her in respect - She had many names, Justina, Nyaya, Iona and so on.

She was one of the few pillars of Humanity - The Goddess of Justice and Order!

Her Power was Legendary! She killed a Devil suzerain as a Mortal! She tore through an Army of Demi Lichs as a Demi God! She cleared the Godhood Trials to save Humanity from the influence of Other Gods!

Such a figure deserved Respect!

" You come here to seek the contract of Final Reckoning - not just you - your wife and daughter as well", The Goddess spoke softly but her voice made all the Angels whisper and focus on Perseus.

Perseus was not surprised that the Goddess saw through him at all! Infront of a Full New God- A Demi God was worse than an Ant!

He was about to speak, when the Goddess spoke again," Hmmm? what is that filthy smell of Evil?! Chaos- No - Eldritch Chaos? So that Bastard decided to send his Avatar finally - Perseus Ordynn - I will take your family in as Heralds - Part of the Bright Sword court! In return do you swear eternal service to protect Empyrean from its enemies?"

Perseus immediately Replied," I do!"

"Do you swear the same Andromeda Ordynn?", The Goddess asked while looking in the Distance.

Perseus froze in place and slowly turned his head to see a blurry translucent figure appear behind him.

It was not clear but it was a woman and a faint voice came from the figure, " I do!"

"What say you, Athena Ordynn?", The voice of the Goddess now went into the void and somehow reached Athena who was now hiding with Aavesh in a safe Room.

Athena then replied blankly, " I do!"

Athena felt a burning sensation on her wrist as glowing mark of a Sword formed- This was a stigmata! Divine Mark of the Goddess!

She was now part of the Final Reckoning contract and could gain immense Power Temporarily in exchange for sacrificing her body.

This was the exchange.

Back in the Bright hall, A stigmata also formed on Perseus. The Goddess then spoke, " That Avatar is far too powerful for you to kill- use what you must use to make sure it dies, also the souls lost in this war will be taken to Empyrean- that filth shall not have its way anymore - Go - Bring the my Holy wrath to his Avatar!"

Perseus nodded and then took a brief longing gaze at his wife's translucent soul who whispered to him, " Soon"


Perseus opened his with burning holy light emanating from them. The Armor on his wrist retracted to show his stigmata and then closed back.


* Ssssrrrrrr

The shields were no more. The Orbitron was defenseless.

Massive ships then arrived - They were from the CORE, they were carrying the forbidden Dark Matter Missiles - aimed at the Orbitron.

Perseus smiled faintly at this and disappeared from his spot.

He arrived on Top of the Orbitron, where he saw a Black figure wait for him. He was sitting leisurely while gazing at the Neutron Star.

It was the Eldritch Avatar.

" What a Masterpiece of an Orbitron you have created - But too bad, it will not exist for much longer- You know you can't kill me even if you have a stigmata from her- I will still get what I want", saying that, the Eldritch Avatar Launched a casual punch to Perseus who slapped it away. Perseus was no longer weak while gazing at the Eldritch Avatar. The stigmata he had now protected his mind from the dangerous Eldritch influence.

The Avatar Launched another Casual Punch but now at an stronger speed.


Perseus managed to deflect it again but now his Mecha Gauntlets were having slight scratches.

He narrowed his eyes before condensing a Blue light spear from the Radiating Solar Energy and threw it at the Avatar in an even stronger speed.

But Avatar did not avoid it pierced his body.


It then casually ripped the spear out and gazed at it for a second before saying, " It tickles"

Before disappearing from his spot and Punched Perseus at a Terrifying speed.


Perseus never saw it coming at all- that punch was too fast for him to react.

The Avatar did not wait for Perseus to get back and Punched hundreds of times in a few seconds.


Perseus was helpless before the Avatar and his Mecha Armor had long cracked and was about to shatter to pieces - But then


A Powerful blazing white light emanated from Perseus. His body now Burned furiously with White flames and the sheer explosion from him sent the Monstrous Avatar retreating back.

The Avatar's aura only intensified at this. It spoke with contempt,

" Burning your body for divine strength? Pitiful"

This time the the tentacles on its back stretched out and hardened to act like sharp controllable spikes .

This time it Punched even faster but Perseus caught his fist.

A shockwave spread throughout the entire station at this clash.

Perseus grit his Teeth and caught the other Punch as well.


His Armor was beginning to breakdown.

But he did not relent at all- He had to buy time! for Everyone!

He pushed the fists back but the Avatar was having none of it.



The Tentacles stretched out from the Avatar's back and easily pierced his Demigod Flesh.

The Tentacles then Impaled Perseus in various angles- instantly penetrating the Mech Armor.

Pain and a strange feeling of weakness.

Perseus could feel the pain and poison which the tentacles diffused into his body and impaled him.

It was going to destroy his body!

Would he still give up though?

Perseus smiled.

His strong point was never close combat but spells.

He looked at the Dark Mask of the Avatar with a smile and spoke,

"Celestial Blood Sacrifice - Cosmic Equivalent exchange!"

A wisp of runes from his blood spread into the Eldritch Avatar.

The Eldritch Avatar felt something wrong-

Black Mass exploded from his physique and like Black mist- forcing him to kneel down. His vitality was heavily damaged with this attack.

The stone masked head of the Avatar then turned to look at Perseus who was grinning coldly at him. He spoke,

" Sure enough - You actually learnt a Empyrean Mythic spell- Too think you were talented enough to learn such Terrifying Magic- Ok Enough Playing - Now die"

Perseus frowned as he heard the Avatar say that.

He suddenly felt the Tentacles move and his eyes widened, A tentacle impaled within him, softened and wrapped around his heart. It then crushed his Semi Divine heart and while another tentacle from wrapped around his neck and snapped it .

Blood spurted from Perseus's orifices and his eyes became lifeless - He was no longer alive.

The Human Demigod was Dead.

The Avatar then threw the bleeding body on the side, Blood spewed out slowly as the body began to float aimlessly.

It then sat down as if Waiting for someone.

The People on the Orbitron were stunned while Athena who was observing the fight with Aavesh spat blood and fell down with tears erupting from her eyes.

Aavesh kneeled down as well - that stinky kind old man- the man who tricked him several times but also saved his life- his first master in this life - was dead.

His hands shivered as certain painful memories resurfaced but he clenched his fist as he stared at the screen with reddened eyes.

His nails pierced his palms as drops of blood fell down.

Pain .

He felt Intense Pain now.

But he remembered Perseus's words. He understood them - then he stared at the Avatar that wanted to kill him.


Athena got up with a dull look on her face, she did not face Aavesh but spoke in a plain dull tone, " You have still 8 minutes left, I will go to buy more time - Don't say a word, Aavesh heed my command as your senior sister! You will stay here and not leave till the runes form ! I will have no arguments! "

Her voice then softened a bit, " Aavesh this is my Good Bye to you- Be good ok? Don't get too worked up alright? Someday, if you're strong enough - visit us at Bright Sword court- alright?"

She then turned and hugged Aavesh tightly, as she spoke," I don't blame you! No one blames you here! You have to understand that this is our fate! Now be good and smile for me ok?"

Aavesh then tremblingly smiled at her with tears streaming down his cheeks.

She giggled for a bit and squeezed his cheeks and spoke, " Take care little brother! See how strong your Senior sister is ! Watch me kick his Ass!"

She waved her fists and Aavesh Waved Back at her!

She then smiled beautifully at him - her silvery hair shining brightly as she disappeared before his eyes.

Aavesh fell down as tears erupted from his eyes as he spoke unwillingly, " No! I don't want this..."

On the surface of the Orbitron.

A flash of light appeared before Perseus's Body- Athena caught her father and hugged him closely as his Blood stained her.

Her tears floated in empty space as they froze slowly.

She then carefully laid his lifeless body beside her.

She then turned to look at the Avatar sitting not far from her.

"Your Father fought well- I respect that - But you should just kill yourself - You are not even a Demigod - a mere ant at the brink of the Demigodhood", It spoke casually at her .

" I am not strong enough for you?"

Bright light surrounded her now, glowing even more brighter at every step she took as she walked.

"Hmmm?" The Eldritch Avatar frowned as he stared at her glowing figure.

She then smiled as she spoke," The goal of a fight is to win- isn't it? You underestimate an ant too much"

With that 2 pairs of glowing angelic wings erupted from her back.

A Golden Halo emerged on her head. Her eyes glowed with silver light and a Celestial Aura emerged around her.

"Aasimar!?" The Avatar let out a shocked response and immediately lunged at her.

But he was too late. Athena smiled brilliantly as she spoke in a Powerful tone," Chains of Heaven - Ultimatum"


Her Body evaporated as a bright light exploded from her- Not even her Ashes was left.

The Avatar only lunged at air.He then instinctively felt a horrible feeling. He cursed out loudly in anger," Damn!"





The space above him exploded with light and heavenly clouds.

Silver Chains of Heaven immediately pierced allover- Keeping him in place as a Multicolored Terrifying Bright Vortex descended down upon him. It sundered his flesh and he felt the full terror of the Five Elements! He felt his Eldritch essence burn away and screamed out in pain.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHG!!!", A horrible scream came from him as the onlookers watched in trepidation. Was the Monster finally dead?


Suddenly a Black Explosion burst from him- that eliminated the Heavenly Restriction.

As the smoke cleared, a thin man sized figure was seen. The Avatar was still alive!

He said survived Heavenly Wrath! Damn!

He let out an angry voice," I fucking hate Aasimars! No matter what that was close- Now no more interruptions!"

He then gazed at Orbitron as if scanning it completely and found Aavesh. He grinned evilly, " There you are!"