Slaanesh's Arrival

" Um what do you mean by me having Ultimate Prime Soul Constitution?", Aavesh asked with confused eyes.

In the alternate Timeline, he didn't have time for soul Constitutions which were an incredibly dangerous and costly affair.

But now someone told him that he - unknowingly had the Topmost Rank 1 Soul Constitution- Was this a joke?

Sure he Merged all of his fractured personalities back into him and somehow managed improve his Soul quality to True Perfected Mortal Quality...

Sierra however smiled at him warmly, understanding his confusion and the curious gazes of the others, she spoke," Ultimate Prime Soul Constitution - I did my own research on it, After all why only a single person achieved it? But first what makes a soul Constitution - Ultimate Prime? It is not unattainable but rather it is almost impossible and insane- like no one would dare to do it! The process involved fragmenting all 9 emotions from one's personality, understanding self with and without them and then fully Re-merging them with Your Own Will- sounds simple right? But it's Incredibly Impossible! Because people become fragmented, broken down or end up in a master slave contract to mimic the incredible structure of the Constitution - They always fail at one or another step and always fail at the final step!"

"As for the actual effects of the Constitution I know less - infact there is not much about it's effects and why it is a Rank 1 Soul Constitution- almost everything about it is Mysterious-"

"The final step is to allow oneself to be completely changed while Re-merging all emotional selves!- This can only happen if the Person grasps both the Emotional and Emotionless Ways!"

"This is what I have learnt but I dare not attempt this process... it is Insane to do so on many levels!"

"I can't ever imagine fragmenting or suppressing my own emotions besides there's something else I must say, not now though - first we'll talk about helping you solve your curse!", She spoke as she weirdly stared at Aavesh who only rubbed his nose wryly- as Irolin chuckled a bit on this- his disciple definitely did not lack guts as his mater he naturally approved it.

" Unfortunately I can't help you on cultivating this soul Constitution further- But I have a hypothesis that can help you with your Implants! Specifically the Curse!- Your Constitution is the answer to it, you only need guidance to lift the curse..."

Everyone's eyes lit up as she spoke the last bit, Aavesh's hearts were immediately filled with hope!

But in the next moment her eyes were filled with a rare solemn look as she spoke in a very serious tone,

"Aavesh the process is going to be very - very painful, but if you can't stand it, you will die in one of the most horrible way known to Humanoids - Your soul will be ripped apart should you fail..."

"I understand - I can only do my best",Aavesh replied back with a firm tone in his voice. Difficulty was always there- There are No risk without rewards! So be it.

Sierra and the others sighed a bit. at the child..

But they approved of his attitude - Who among them did not fight hard to survive? Who among them did not give their best? One could not afford to hold back if one wanted to survive!


Sierra was about to speak when everyone felt something off, Aavesh suddenly felt a horrifying instinct to run but his legs froze literally while

Sierra's lips seemed to melt and fuse together as if they never existed - She could not speak! Her eyes were filled with horror!


Kronika's face warped with pain - Her body crumbled to dust as she turned back into her sword form within seconds.

A dark spear came out of the void and aimed directly at Sierra's Head !


Space froze as Kronos raised his palm as the dark spear shattered like glass Fragments.

Eon and Aavesh gazed in horror at the whole situation- Irolin immediately embraced his wife as the rest of her face began to fuse but he could sense the pain in her eyes.

Her Divine body began to writhe in pain but Irolin stopped the attack of the strange spell with Bluish Golden light from his pupils - protecting her.

He then immediately turned around to cast a teleportation spell on Aavesh but sensed something off- A distorted thing entering his physique - it had transmitted from his wife and into his body- A power that far surpassed his own...

What was this?

How could it-?

" You cast your Teleportation spell, I will crush your wife's Divine Spark"

A dangerously seductive female voice came from the side, they turned their gaze to see a resting Semi- Naked Pink skinned Female elf- No It should be Eldar with Ghost white hair. Pink Tentacles were present on her back moving in ambiguous and sexual manner- they seemed to be pleasuring her constantly.

She was breathtakingly beautiful but not as Beautiful as Sierra but her beauty was very eerie.

Her black thin strip Armor barely covering her privates along with the wierd purple tattoos on her skin accentuated her seductive appeal. Her big eyes glowed an strange dark black purple color but if one gazed too long into them - they would probably become her slaves.

Her visage was visually disturbing - Almost all everyone who gazed at her would become horny.

However Irolin had a steel will and could not be influenced by external beauty while Kronos was an Inevitable, unfazed by external influences.

Eon did not see her beauty at all- he was a Key Spirit but he sensed the deadly aura she brought.


But Aavesh puked - He Puked outright on seeing her.

Why did he puke? Because his instincts drove him mad at her sight, making home feel a suffocating -crushing feeling that suppressed all feelings and he wanted to get away from her.

His instincts screamed in terror and drowned out any other influence.

But the Female Eldar frowned at his behaviour and then turned to Kronos who was already moving to deal with her.

But before he could make a move she merely tossed a strange coin before Kronos who suddenly froze in Place- Kronos's face contorted as he could no longer move or speak.

"I'm sorry, But I like to cheat- a lot!", She spoke in a very ambiguous tone.

It was obvious what she had done! She didn't use her own Power at all but that strange coin to deal with Kronos.

Irolin coldly spat," Slaanesh - What you did now Violated the Treaty! You dared to use that?! Every Inevitable will come to kill you now!"

Slaanesh merely smiled at his jibe, and spoke softly," How beautiful your wife is- Do you know how many Gods want to covet such a pretty little thing? I can't help but be torn between defiling her face or ravaging her in front of you-"

Irolin immediately punched at her but She threw a Dark Chaos Sphere at his wife Causing him to instinctively retract his attack and immediately shield her with his Physical Divine Flesh as Eon Immediately Shielded Aavesh from the Blast.


A Black Light like blast tore a hole through the Hexagonal Building and shook the Space -Time Junction.

Black smoke emerged from the ruins of the room, But a pink hand merely waved and the smoke Dissipated forcibly revealing a severely injured Irolin with golden blood dripping from his charred Body, Sierra also had some burns but Irolin bore the full brunt but even she lay unconscious - embraced by her husband.

Kronika's sword revealed several cracks but survived the Blast.

Aavesh was protected by Eon who's spirit body fell down, unconscious with several cracks. Anymore stronger and his Body would have exploded.

Slaanesh arrived before Aavesh and held him by his neck in front of her.

" What a delicious little boy you are- Now You stole food from my child? People who do that-", She lightly clenched her fist, breaking Aavesh's neck.

*SNAP *Crack


She then threw Aavesh like a Rag Doll around the Ruined room.


Her casual throw broke every bone in his body.

Aavesh did not die as the Implant kept him alive- it immediately began repairing the damages.


"Are destined to -"

She then summoned her Power within the other 8 Implants and merely deleted whatever influence that the Cosmic Will had placed- she took full control of them now- Even Aavesh's heart Implant twitched strangely- as if something was about to Break out.



At her command- the Implants the flew to Aavesh and painfully embedded on to his body and burrowed inwards- not giving a damn about his organs.


The Arcanic Eyes mercilessly squashed his natural eyes as they burrowed into his eye sockets like maggots causing Aavesh to scream at the inhuman pain.

The Stomach Implant tore into his abdomen along with the Power Core which shattered his innate Dantian and devoured it.

"Aaaaaaaaaa Augh uhhhh ukga ", Blood splattered through his mouth as He felt the sensation of his stomach being ripped to shreds while something else burrows into his body with sharp hooks.

The Cybernetic Limb Tissues pierced into his hands and legs excruciatingly as they destroyed his muscles present .



The Spinus Implant embedded itself into his back and cannibalized his spinal structure as new protuding foreign nerve systems burrowed into every corner of this body in an unforgiving manner.

"Auuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaarh bleegh Blaaaaatchhh", Aavesh did not stop screaming- because since it started his pain centers were amplified to a level that had far surpassed human endurance.

His heart Implant began to cannibalize his natural heart in a gruesome manner that made him nearly want to die!

But his Implants would not let him- The Marrow Implant seeped into his bones began to contort and twist his body at insane postures that only served to give Aavesh excruciating pain.

The Last 2 Implants related to his brain simply dug into his Skull and ravaged at his Brain.

This time he lost consciousness due to feeling of extreme pain and Neural shock.

But How could Slaanesh be done yet? The party had just started.