The Final Will of the Order Autarch

Slaanesh snapped her fingers and the Implants forcefully awakened Aavesh.

She spoke in an eerie tone, " Little Boy, this is but the beginning - You should know my curse... It wasn't meant to Kill People or destroy their souls- We'll if the soul isn't strong enough, they will die but- "

She then gave him a wierd smile," If the soul is strong enough - They Become my Beloved Slaves! You have the priceless opportunity here- ofcourse you won't agree willingly now would you? So-"

A Dark Rune formed on her Palm as she clenched it, causing the Implants to give off an Powerful Energy Wave from his body-


The Curse was now activated - Lines of Dark tendrils creeped into Aavesh's mind pond to wrap around his soul.


They seeped into his soul like black ink spilling on water.

9 Dark Emotions tore onto his soul in each direction- Sloth, Greed, Envy, Lust, Rage, Gluttony, Pride, Apathy and Sadism.

His soul was in immense turmoil - Death seemed a much better option than - this...

Aavesh could not even scream at this point.

'I don't want to feel this!', He screamed internally!

" You will feel this whether you want to or not-", Slaanesh spoke with a sadistic smile on her face.

She savoured the sight before her, She relished the painful agonizing emotions of Aavesh.

"In the end your soul will belong to me-"

'No.', Aavesh stopped writhing all of a sudden.

His closed third Eye twitched suddenly and a steel silver mist like energy began to revolve around him.

'My Soul', The Steel Silver mist seeped into his Implants and the Dark Energy fluctuations stopped.

Slaanesh stopped in her tracks as her expressions froze.

'Belongs to No One but me!'


A Silver Blast Erupted From Aavesh while soul glowed in a Bright Multicolored Manner, causing all the Dark Tendrils around his soul burned away as strips of Multicolored light emitted from him and seeped into the Implants - taking control back from Slaanesh.

"How is this possible?", Slaanesh looked surprised but raised her hand to target Aavesh again.



Lightning Cackled in the Horizon - Slaanesh stepped back as she sensed a very familiar aura that was closing on their location.



Before Aavesh, A Blue Crack in Reality appeared - A metallic hand reached out and performed a hand sign over which a tiny glowing blue circle appeared , The hand held the circle with the thumb and Index finger and merely rotated it.



The Space before Aavesh Broke like glass as a strange figure appeared before them.

The Figure had Blue Flames for a head, while it's body was made of a strange Automaton Armor not belonging to the current Era, the figure had a Blue Cape with strange insignias that Aavesh did not understand.

But Slaanesh's body shivered in terror at this sight.

She screamed out in mania," How!- I Saw You Die! You are supposed to be dead- Dead!"

A cold male voice came from the Flames," Oh But I am Dead- Just haven't disappeared yet Slaanesh..."

"You picked on the wrong people today- But First let's have a proper Jury for the Trial I am about to conduct for you!", The Voice from the Flames spoke in an absolute tone and Blue strips of light immediately bound Slaanesh.

The figure then ignored her and then walked into the ruins of the Building - He then held the glowing circle in his hand and turned it anti clockwise -



The Hexagon Building restored itself obediently as the coin that binded Kronos immediately stopped and floated towards the Figure, Irolin's and Sierra's wounds healed back as the Chaos orb reformed itself along with all the vile curses and strange energies had also turned into grey ball of smoke which obediently floated before The Figure.

Eon and Kronika also stood up with no more wounds on their bodies and we're fully restored.

Irolin, Kronos and Sierra gazed at him in awe as they felt what he had just done- It was beyond their understanding.

Kronos's hands shook tremblingly and while Eon choked his voice and spoke," You are- back?"

"Sorry to disappoint you - But my true body is long dead- I am but the final Will stored in the Implants - should the chosen person ever fight and beat the curse down, I would show up, to assist them- this is the only Viable Test..."

Eon and Kronos fell silent.

They almost had hope but it was gone immediately.

The Figure then turned to Aavesh who was still trying to fight for control over the Implants with the curse.


The figure snapped his metallic fingers and the curse dissipated in a split second, allowing Aavesh to fully gain control over the Implants.

"Thank You!",Aavesh replied in an exhausted tone.

"You've done well- but these Implants... are completely imperfect and incapable of true Evolution...", The Figure replied in a disappointed voice.

Aavesh was stunned at this revelation - he didn't expect this reply at all.

But the Figure continued, ignoring Aavesh's stunned look, " Ahh I knew I was wrong - These Implants are just Implants, ultimately they are not genetically encoded at all- a weaker form of evolution... But I can still fix this "

"You...- you created them?", Aavesh asked in an incredibly stunned voice as his heart pounded loudly.

"My true body did- but yes you can call me the Order Autarch - Now stay still and Endure what comes next", The Figure - or rather the Order Autarch spoke .

Blue Energy erupted from his finger tips as they covered Aavesh completely.



Aavesh felt an incomparable heat engulf him as his flesh and bones began to rip apart and remold again and again - he didn't complain or rather he could not complain at all.

The Autarch modified Aavesh's body to continuously- to the genetic level, he didn't remove anything core or important but altered the auxiliary genes to accomodate a completely new blueprint.

He wasn't creating a different species per se just improving the human one- After what seemed like a lifetime, a naked sweating Aavesh, woke up with a towel wrapped around him.

"Ah he's awake now, This trial can finally end- first some finishing touches", The Autarch spoke as he reconstructed the clothes on Aavesh in a micro second.

"How do you feel?" The Autarch asked Aavesh.

Aavesh now truly saw the Majestic Autarch before him, He was able to see now! But wait what was with his Eyes?

There seemed to be something more from it and why was he thinking so fast?

Aavesh now felt a surge of strength in his body- Despite the fact that he never cultivated before...

His reflexes had improved - his limbs seemed different, more strong and he could even switch the vision in his Eyes! From the normal spectrum to Astral and Infrared alike- What was this!? The Implants? But they-

"Yes - I converted the Implants to Proper Augmentations to your body - Now even your children by default in the future will carry this Template - maybe they will even improve it!", The Autarch Spoke.

"Wait what!? You converted those Implants within me?" Aavesh asked, feeling shocked.

"I'll give a brief overview on the new update - I decided to first convert the structures from metal Nanotech to Bio Nano Cells! From now onwards- The Implants will use these Bio nano cells produced in your body to perform the Basic Functions! "

"I have also altered your default body to accept these Bio Nano Cells as a form of superior communication and exchange!"

" Beyond the Bio Nano cells are the Implants themselves - have been altered to a significant degree based on my new findings! Now you can generate a separate interface to track the progress on your own body - rather than using the old fashioned attochip!

"Your Former Implants have been permanently added to your Genetic Blueprint - meaning even if you lose an arm or sustain heavy injuries, the new Implant - Or Augmentations will simply regenerate as it was before!! But you will need the classic healing items for it! "

"Your Artificial Meridians have also been remolded by me- The Divorarium was exceptionally useful! They are now more or less Organic in structure but with Enriched Divorarium laced into them- You will still have to work on improving them- just that the enhancements will have better effect and actual improvements can be made to your Meridians!"

"Now You are technically a Bio- Machine with the prowess of a fledgling Evolving AI with sentience, you must come to terms about it- Your New Body has functions that have been reduced to preserve your lifespan! But they can evolve and grow stronger with you! I have left a little package - a manual if you will in your mind for helping with that!"

" But there is bad news as well- as a Mortal you don't have long to live before your body breaks down due to the New Augmentations- you will die eventually if you do not cultivate, the energy requirements for the Augmentations and Bio Nano Cells are very dense and high quality!"

" You have around a Decade or so left but if you cultivate - More essentially you use the Upgraded Power Core which I have fully Merged into your Lower Dantian, Your Lifespan issues can be resolved - But this will be your weakness and You have to keep improving!"

It was a lot to Take in! Even Aavesh was stunned at the boatload of New Information! He would have stood like a stump if he was not processing the informations so fast- He was truly shocked now, As for the Lifespan Issues- he kinda made his peace with it, As the Autarch said, he only needed to Cultivate to resolve the issues! He could do it!

Aavesh bowed down before the Autarch and spoke in a grateful tone," Thanks for Everything Lord Autarch!"

The Autarch waved his hand and simply said," Everyone else is waiting for you! We have trial to conduct! Come on!"

They walked to the side where Slaanesh was still restrained, everyone surrounded her but with disgust and indifference on their faces.

She was suffering with torture of her Existence being shattered and fused back. The Autarch was very vicious but vicious people like her deserved it.

"The trial will End now! - Slaanesh for breaking the Treaties and using that Idiot God's items - Your clone here will be destroyed and your true Body shall pay the Cosmic Price- invoked by me now!", The Autarch spoke in a fluent and Calm tone.

He turned to Aavesh and spoke," Look carefully here- You and me share the Same Mythic Power, No matter it's name now- You should understand something - we are not Merciful Gold Dragons, Righteous Angels or Reckless Azatas- we are Aeons and when we execute -"

He then beheaded Slaanesh with ease with his bare hands,

-"We execute Fully! No hesitation! No Moral Conflict! Just the Task and Result! If the Universe is in her place-"

He crushed her skull and blue fire burned the flesh and blood away from his hands.

"We do the same to it! Nothing can stop us- For we have chosen to accept a duty, an endeavour which will be carried out- whether Good is Required or Evil is Required - Anything that does the job and maintains balance!"

He then threw a blue Fire ball on the lifeless body and spoke," One final thing- We need to mask your Renegade Aeon Mythic Power "

He cast a Blue Rune on Aavesh's forehead and spoke," For now call your Mythic Power as Mutated Machinan Axiomite- the lowest form of Machinan Mythic Power"

The Autarch then spoke to void," I am going to dissipate soon, But you will co-operate with me Machina! Or I will destroy your Godmind - Do not think I am unaware of what you did- You will mask his Mythic Power as a Machinan Mythic Power and allow him to absorb and refine Machinan Essence! You need to just shut the fuck up and obey my Order - or face my Final Wrath!"

The Void Trembled as a change slightly appeared above Aavesh imperceptibly.

The Autarch sighed in relief,"Now everything is done- this form can dissipate..."

He gazed at Eon and Kronos who looked back at him with complicated gazes.

"Goodbye Grandpa Kronos- Take Care Eon, Live Well!"

His Body turned Translucent and began to slowly dissipate Until only the Blue Flames where left.

He then looked At Aavesh who looked right back at him," Save them in this Life!" The Blue Flames went out- He was truly gone now.

Aavesh froze as he heard this.