The Consequences

Aavesh remembered, it began when his new Grandma introduced herself.

Memories Played like a stashed Video Tape- each distorted frame which induced powerful emotions into him.

The Conflict between the two Memories began to affect him deeply. His mind was going to break- things that shouldn't have happened occured and things that happened disappeared.

Imagine Memories spontaneously playing in different directions- One Moment you are winning the battle- Next moment beings from your worst Nightmare arrive to destroy your victory out of Nowhere.

People who you thought safe - Nearly died protecting you- their pain rends your flesh- Pierced your meaning of existence.

It was a powerful breaker of spirits

He felt like giving up- Sinking into that bottomless despair...




But he remembered two words," Hold On!"

And Aavesh forced himself to view every bit of these memories - No matter how painful it was- It was his fault- His guilt!

Now he must face the music- Take the Punishment in.

His mind was nearly on the verge of shattering from emotional pain and his soul felt deeply agitated as if something wanted to explode out again - But his Aeon Mythic Power cooled down the situation involuntarily and helped him merge with those New Memories Piece by Piece.

That Pool of Blood- Emerged one - No Three Projections.

They wiped out the Demigods in a fraction of a second and unleashed the Projection of the White Octopus to Lay waste to the Planet.

The Black Knight was especially cruel- He forced Aavesh to give up his Meridians to the Crooked Clocksmith in exchange for his family. Aavesh did not hesitate and let the Crooked Clocksmith take his Meridians away.

But the Sadistic Trio laughed at this and wanted to make Aavesh feel Despair by killing off his Siblings but his father erupted with power in an instant and took the Brunt of the Black Knight's savage blow- and was pinned to a destroyed wall, but the siblings still lost part of their limbs.

The Clocksmith's projection then decided to roast them alive but Kriti put herself in between despite her injuries.

Aavesh saw his father trying to remove himself from the wall but Black Knight punched his lower body to a pulp.

His Mother was being charred while protecting his siblings and his father about to die was too much For Aavesh.

His soul Constitution instinctively activated a forbidden ability. Multicolored lightning erupted across his physique- His mind was going berserk and was about to explode,then He remembered Eon Cursing out "No!" and quickly merged into him.

After that all Aavesh saw was black but when he snapped back- He saw the curse placed on Caria and managed to use his Legend Mythic Power to transfer the curse on to himself.

A violent Time Rift then pulled him away from his family. Then things happened the same as before. Except Eon Sealed Aavesh's New Memories to prevent Him from causing anymore alternative Timelines, as he had not fully comprehended the Mythic Powers of the Aeon.

But during his Time in Omega Orbitron the seal had begun to become unstable - Until Irolin stepped in and sealed them again.

Now He was bound to suffer the consequences.

He would have been exterminated if not for Irolin and Eon due to the fact that he could potentially cause a Loop event.

While the explanation was quite simple and condensed here- To Aavesh it was a familiar yet new Nightmare.


He awoke in a white med chamber, with his Grandpa waiting beside him.

Aavesh's face was sweating profusely with intense breathing.

His was beating rapidly.

His Grandpa seemed to have recovered his limbs- but Aavesh could still see the scars on his body.

" You are finally awake brat! -", His Grandpa spoke up. But Aavesh immediately got up from his bed and hugged him with tears filling out of his eyes.

He cried bitterly to his grandpa who had a surprised look on his face and immediately comforted him.

" It's ok Brat- it's ok- it's all over now, you are back home now!"

Aavesh asked with reddened eyes," Mom, Dad, Caria, Leo, Grandmaster Traven and Rayna, also Grandma- where are they?! I want to go-"

His grandpa immediately interjected," Don't worry- Every one made it out and are in IMC units- they are undergoing treatment for injuries on Your Grandma's Spaceship - Regenerating Lost Body parts is not a problem here, Your Grandma will be out in a few minutes but for others it will take a while, everyone will recover in a few months eventually - Have a look at these screens- we can't disturb them for the Time Being"

He then displayed a few light screens showing everyone in Individual Sleek Orange Med Pods filled transparent blue liquid - All of them were sleeping serenely.

His Mom's face was healing slowly as well.

Aavesh sighed in pain and touched the light screens.

He wanted to meet them so badly but he still could not...

He had to wait.

Eon popped out in his orb form and spoke wearily," Damn my head hurts, Aavesh how are you feeling?"

"Miserable as One can feel", Aavesh spoke wearily as well.

He was still exhausted both - physically and mentally- there were things he could never change and now he accepted it, but that didn't mean he would not take revenge on the Culprits - Nah! one day, they would face the consequences as well.

But he also wouldn't consider Time Travel as a fun game anymore - He now truly understood the headache of the Legion of Axiomites whenever an idiotic prick Went to change the Past.

He had to be careful and very measured of his actions in the future - Although on could say Aavesh was technically living in the Past as well due to his memories of the future - But that only made Aavesh more aware that are things he should let it be... and be very very very careful about making a change, if he ever got sucked back into the past from now on.

His Time Travel had already invited the wrath of Eldritch gods and some New Gods would probably consider him to be a threat- For his actions destroyed the schemes of these individuals.

Aavesh then sat down with a tired expression.

But in the next his Grandpa spoke seriously," Aavesh- I just want to ask something..."

"Sure Gramps", Aavesh replied nonchalantly.

" Your body scans- they have identified several alarming issues- ", He spoke in a concerned tone.

There was no Human Doctor here and the Robots here were connected to a Local LAN, so no news would get out about this.

"What the heck is up with your body- you had an internal Hemorrhage, but your Cells repaired it with absolute precision - You are supposed to be a mortal but you have the Healing factor of a 5th Stage Cultivator! Besides, Your Meridians are something else- But that is not even the main part- Your Genes have been altered to accomodate these- New Version of Organs? Your Brain subconsciously activated connectivity without a Physical Implant!"

"There is a strange delicate new structure with Wild Activity in your Brain! Your Eyes seemed to have changed as well- Your Pupils have additional 'advanced Cells' and they are Miraculously capable of Manipulating the Pupil from switching to alternative vision modes and Zooming distances- Not to mention your Spine and Limbs, Even Your Heart has a completely new structuring! There's so much that has changed but I noticed this- Nano sized Bio cells that your body produces- The level of this-", He shook his head, His Grandpa was truly speechless! Questions like what the fuck Happened and How did you end up in this state? Who when where and why were also waiting to be asked...

But he had a grave concern that he had to speak to Aavesh about,

" But your body is not strong enough for this new set of Biological Processes - You have about 10-11 Years before rapid degeneration occurs, Currently your Bio Nano Cells are functioning at a cost of the extremely dense yet minute energy from your Telomeres, You are approaching the Hayflick limit a bit too fast- You need to-"

"I know grandpa but this stays between us!", Aavesh immediately spoke firmly.


The door to his Med Chamber Opened with his Grandma walking in with a questioning look," Save it brat, Your Grandpa here already told me about the unique situation of your body..."


"Ok it stays between the three of us", Aavesh spoke out.

He truly did not want anyone else to worry about this.

They looked at him in a complicated manner and looked at each other.

Aavesh then immediately Replied," The less people know about this, the better - how I got them is kind of very sensitive..."

They gazed at him again seriously and slowly nodded, Aavesh then spoke," This has to do with the war between the Eldritch, the New Gods and their factions- Those projections dragged me into their mess and I ended up with my Unique conditions- I say anything more- I will Implicate you both!"

"That serious?", His grandma asked, Aavesh nodded helplessly. They became silent for a moment.

"Should we tell him?", His Grandma spoke worriedly at his Grandpa.

"Tell me about what?", Aavesh asked in suspicion. He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

His Grandpa's face contorted a bit and sighed," Kid- You - do you remember what happened to you completely when we fought those Eldritch Projections?"

" I remember most of it - except I blacked out when they attacked my Parents and then I remembered seeing Caria with a curse around her neck and I used my Mythic Power to transfuse it onto me and then the rift happened...", Aavesh spoke but felt something did not add up.

"Oh Heh", His Grandma chuckled a bit wryly- a bit bewildered at this reply

"Heheh You don't remember anything between that- not even a bit?", His grandpa was also surprised at this.

" What's going on, why are you both being Mysterious about it- What did I do?!", Aavesh asked out while feeling uncertain in his heart.

He turned to Eon," What happened Eon? What do I DO?!"

" You - um I think it's best if they tell you...", Eon replied weakly.

Aavesh turned to his Grandpa whose face cringed a bit- as he spoke," Aavesh you - Um well You may have sent a Planet out of Orbit - That is the most Tamest stuff you did- watch the video- You are currently the Most Famous Person in the Human Territory for Now"

Aavesh was bewildered at the explanation and immediately clicked on the Light screen before him to view the Video.

The Video depicted the White Octopus Rampaging Cities and causing several disasters everywhere.

It was destroying an Entire City and killing people indiscriminately. The Strongest Cultivators were of no match to it.

But suddenly a Massive Dark Cloud Hand Tore through the Atmosphere and Grabbed the Colossal White Octopus like a Chicken.

The Video Drone which was capturing this event went to the sky to catch a Glimpse of the Mysterious Newcomer.

It caught a Massive Dark Cloud like being with Multicoloured Lightning flickered across it's Titanic Cloud Body- It's face had 2 Eyes- 2 Glowing Eyes like Suns!

It brought the White Octopus to the Sky and threw it at the Projection of the Black Knight like a Ping Pong Ball.

The sheer size of the Titan dwarfed the other 3 Projections.

The Titan - then leaped at the Other Skull like Bloody Projection , which tried to escape.

It went into a Gaseous Planet But the Titan merely crashed into the Whole Planet like 100000 Nuclear Fusion Bombs.

The Gas Planet was trembled and Astronomers swore that the Gas Planet moved out of Orbit and was currently in a collision course with the Deion-Tempest Star.

The Titan emerged from the shattered atmosphere while Dragging the Projection of the Eldritch Entity.

The Titan threw the Projection and punched at it with an Incredible ferocity that the Projection forcibly shattered from the Punch.

The Titan then charged at the Black Knight who attempted to flee with octopus.

They flew like streaks of light but The Titan was faster.

In a second the Titan caught both of them and then the stuffed the Black Knight into the - Uh Well - hole of the Octopus and Forcibly made it fit.

He grew even bigger in size and began to crush the Duo into Ball like shape and then threw it at the Star.

They definitely died there.

A Most Humiliating death.

But then a Massive Robot Entered the vicinity from warp.

It was the Kailean Enforcer! It spoke with multiple God Killing lasers trailed on the Titan.

" Cease your Fighting! By the Treaty- Demigods are not allowed to-"

The Titan grabbed the Robot who blasted God Killer Lasers on to his Body.

But the Devastating Lasers were mere absorbed into the Titan's Body.

It didn't do shit.

The Titan ripped the arms of the robot like Tearing Paper and Kicked it across the Star System like Football.

A fist filled with the Multicolored lightning smashed into the drifting robot at a blink of the Eye.

The Following scenes were a bit blurry due to the speed of the Violence committed on the Robot.

But it was safe to say that the Titan sent the robot out of commission.

The Titan then turned it's head as if sensing something and disappeared in an instant.

The video ended there.

It had over 450 Billion Views. The Population of the Human Race was estimated to be 1.2 Trillion.

So Atleast a Third of the Human Race had watched the Blood boiling fight.

But the Light screen changed and this Time he saw his Grandpa's Memories - Showing Aavesh spontaneously turning into the Titan in an instant while throwing the Projections to Outer space.

The Feed then changed to A Bright Flash of light emitting from the Destroyed Atrios Complex - revealing Aavesh standing before Caria and then taking the curse away from her and onto him.

The Clip ended.





"So Aavesh- do you have any idea why you turned into that Titan?", His Grandpa asked with a curious smile...

The Grim and Grumpy old man seemed to be smiling.

"More Importantly - what the heck was that crazy Multicolored lightning - I felt chills at just gazing it...", His maternal Grandma popped a new question candidly giving no regard to his Paternal Grandpa.

But Aavesh's brains were fried at the whole situation.

'I did that? But I don't remember it - at all'

"As far as we know - you are not Possessed by any ancient soul-, your spirit partner - Eon could he have helped you there?" , His Grandpa carefully asked.

But Eon quickly shook his head and put a finger on his mouth in his mini form.

"Uh Maybe- I am not sure...", Aavesh replied in an uncertain tone. Even he was terribly confused.

"Um Wait a moment Grandpa, I want to Inquire something - Is our surname Adhi?",Aavesh changed the Topic to the curious surname he had heard during the Time Travel...