"Where did you learn that?",His Grandpa immediately got up and asked in a very serious tone.
"A Deity Level figure may have called me and my parents with that surname - also Is Dad's name Antriksh instead of Antrix?-",Aavesh asked on curiously.
" Child listen very VERY CAREFULLY! Throw those names out of your mind for now- As you said you don't want to implicate us, Neither do we want to implicate you, There is a reason why we have not revealed our names to you- So don't ask about it further...", His Grandpa spoke in a stern tone but Aavesh sensed that it was filled with worry...
He nodded his head and looked bit down as the Awkwardness in the room began to increase.
Maybe it would be good if he didn't ask more.
"Your Titan form- I sensed it to made of Raw Emotion Power contain a 'Way' - I know you tried to change the topic from this but We figured it out - It has to do with your soul Constitution -am I right?", His Grandpa asked with a smirk on his face.
Aavesh and Eon - both looked a bit shocked at this question - How did he deduce this?
His Grandparents chuckled at seeing his surprised look.
His Grandma then spoke," You seriously thought people wouldn't know- Kid, Soul Constitutions are Legendary to the point when one became a True Buddha in a Day because he Activated his Soul Constitution. Soul Constitutions are very rare and extremely hard to aquire- But they are the Wild Cards- The Lottery! Your Soul Constitution can change the situation in an instant - It can gel in with Your Mythic Power and bring an Incredible Factor to the situation! Moreover having Soul Constitutions mean that you are immensely talented in Soul Cultivation!"
"But it is a double edged sword as well- Activation Consequences of the Soul Constitutions are hard to predict and sometimes You can die because of your soul Constitution - So although we know now that you have a Soul Constitution, what worries us is the Type - Emotion Type Soul Constitutions incredibly powerful - But have one great weakness - Emotional Intensity, The More Intense your emotions are- the more powerful you are, But you lose Rationality as well- and once you reach the point where you lose your Rationality - You become Incredibly Dangerous to others and yourself in the amount of damage you can cause- and It also becomes very- very easy to deal with you, if people used their brains and were not caught up with the terror of your strength - Inshort the more emotional you get in lethal situations- the quicker you die"
She explained to Aavesh as her eyes were filled with worry.
Aavesh realised the seriousness of the matter now and quickly replied," Ok Grandma!"
A sound came from his Grandpa's smart Gear- He looked at it and discovered a new 'Genetics- Aavesh- iteration 07a' report on his Visual feed.
Aavesh and his Grandma looked a bit surprised at this report.
His Grandpa casually spoke now," It's a genetics report from 'that' I had applied for Aavesh, Leo and Caria- A while back before this disaster"
"Ohhh- So you got your hands on 'that' - You never told me when?!", His Grandma asked him with her Eyes Raised.
" I paid a very high price for it! ofcouse- My Grandchildren will always deserve the best from me!", He simply scoffed at her and crossed his arms.
"Heh Stingy Poser!", She scoffed back at his boasting .
"Um what do you guys mean by 'that'? You both know there is a person here- who doesn't know what and when has been done for him- Yes?",
Aavesh asked while rolling his eyes at them.
These Old People truly knew how to be vague and Mysterious - not giving a damn about confusing the new Generation.
His Grandpa chuckled a bit at this little tantrum," Well it is Classified Information - But you can think of it as a very advanced Genetics Test"
"Hehe just 'Advanced' heh?"His Grandma Sarcastically teased.
" Let's check it out first before you spit venom Woman! Let's see-",His Grandpa launched a jibe back and looked through the Report.
He began to read through it-, suddenly he frowned and then his fists clenched as his face became cold - yet Aavesh could see both desperation and fear in his eyes.
He radiated a sense of unwillingness.
"What is it- Tell Me!", His grandmother grew worried on this.
"He- Aavesh- Ahhhh!- Was given- the Imperial Maledictis Gene! He-"
"YOU LIE!", She growled and lunged at his throat.
But his Grandfather did not resist but showed the report to her- Her face grew pale as her fists covered her mouth in shock.
Aavesh was stunned yet had a another bad feeling about this.
Maledictis Gene? Maledictis - isn't that Latin for insult or Doomed?
But what about him having it? Or as they said it was given to him? How's that possible?!
Poor Aavesh. If only he had the records that Athena stored in his Implants - he would understand a bit more about his situation now.
His Grandfather looked at him in pity and sighed.
He then spoke with pain in his tone," I never told you about our family - our clan, for a reason- l wanted you to live your lives in Peace, But- Some there are always- some fucked up idiots who would do anything to drag you into a mess that you never belonged to... Our Family has a Tradition - of every millennial Born Generation - It's called the The New Reckoning of Divine Blood, 9999 chosen Children would be given very specific Gene to Boost their Body Tempering Capability, Cultivation Prowess and Soul Affinity, but there is always an outlier- The Last 1 Gene - Maledictis Gene, instead gives you Fatal Weakness, it allows a very specific defect within your heart than can be triggered by a specific laser - they can kill you at will!"
"What- wait isn't that kind of tech banned?",Asked Aavesh as he felt uneasy.
"When you can rewrite Laws at will - do you think any restriction could stop them from such a simple matter? Child -Out of all the Ten Thousand- you were chosen to face a path filled with extreme hardship, having a fatal weakness is just the beginning, by now the every star in the Human Territory should have your Information- The way to treat you, No matter your money or status- you will be treated like as the lowest of the low, The Adhi Imperium has deemed it so- or the ones that act differently will be retaliated against...", His grandfather spoke in a dull tone.
"But why? I didn't do anything wrong-", Aavesh asked in a tone filled with unwillingness. Why must he suffer for some Random Tradition...
"It's because you are the barbaric sacrifice of King Khoramzzadeh's created ritual to his Eternal Devil God - You will suffer the sins of the So Called Human Empire, your blood and progeny are forever cursed with that goddamn ancient label 'Khafiri' - They are kill you on site- because killing you would mean the End of the New Reckoning of Divine Blood Ritual- The Empire will gain opportunities to prosper and King Khalid Fucking Khorramzadeh will gain more Power- ", His Grandmother spoke with hate from the depths of her heart for this King Khorramzadeh.
"Our clan is an Ancient clan from - old Terra- Earth, The Birth Place of our Civilization, it's collectively called Adhi- It is our sacred sealed surname offered to us by our Ancestor Adhi Nayaki, The Woman who established one of the three Grand Empires - The Adhi Empire- Hub of Lawful Neutral Faction in Humanity, For Thousands of years the Main Branch of the Adhi Clan were in Power But few 1000 Years ago, Our Branch Families rebelled and their leader Made a deal with an Ancient Shaitaan and named himself Khalid Khoramzzadeh- He didn't spare any Ancient Religion and created a Terrifying curse for the Abrahamic Remnants!He made An Infernal Sealed name by sacrificing a Hundred 100000 Children each from Dharma, Abrahamic and Taoist Families in the old Adhi Empire, His Former best friend was named Khalid Adhi, to spite the shit out of him - he did this infernal ritual and took that Sealed name! Transfering the Karmic luck of anyone named Khalid to him!"
" But it was only one of his Blasted schemes! According to surviving Records- After that deal with the Shaitaan - he had suddenly gotten immense power thatbHe was then able to force the main branch out of Power with incredible Ease and took total control of the Adhi Empire- But he never recieved the Title of Emperor - Because he never killed the Imperial Chosen Heir of the direct line- the Adhi Line, Akshatra Adhi!"
"She is the Direct Ancestor My Bloodline! For now we have survived the onslaught temporarily -because she decided to leave the fight for throne behind while preserving the last embers of the once great Adhi Clan, She had decided to carve out our own space away from Adhi Imperium"
"But Khalid Khoramzzadeh, being the Devil then-was very very greedy, He toyed with us for years and years!"
" He wanted to crush each generation so they may never rise up! He went after everyone who tried to help us or chose to become family with us"
"He is the one who sent a Bounty hunter after your Paternal Grandmother and forced her into such a cursed state that even I am unable to help her"
" I hid your father because I wanted him to live a peaceful life but I didn't think that he would send someone to this- He wants you to participate in the Reckoning - to survive and become an Imperial Chosen Heir"
"So that he can invoke the Trial of Ancestral Combat and finally gain Ancestral acknowledgement to Activate the Imperial Sage Treasure, He will then become the Official new Human Emperor..."
"The power he will gain will be catastrophic and he will wage an all out war to control the Human Territory, which is why I was forced to start my own Little Rebellion against his Rule,"
" Our Ancestors had left behind Enclaves across the Outer Rings- These Enclaves were unaffected by Khorramzadeh's Massacre in the Territory within the Inner Rings"
"It would not be long before he decided to crush these Enclaves -So I was provoked well enough and decided to join my Cousins and the Loyalist Branch Clans to officially declare Independence and Rejection from the Adhi Empire!", Aavesh gazed in awe as his grandfather narrated.
" We started the Radiant Crusade- as I was the one of few Direct line members - according to Former Imperium Law I - I had the Power to rally our forces and amass an army to stop the horrific campaign of Khorramzadeh "
" I've been through a lot- I didn't want my son to suffer as I did, So I hid his records and arranged a family background to let him do whatever he wanted in the Imperium Federation Enclave while I would watch in the shadows "
" *Sigh - but I didn't expect to have been seen through so thoroughly by that Bastard!", His Grandpa explained to him with more context, while gnashing his Teeth in that last bit.
Aavesh sighed a bit and asked," How could he even drive the main clan away? Weren't you guys at the Peak?"
"Heh - Peak? We may have been at the peak but caught us in the moment of disunity in our family - it was easy for a Master schemer like him to remove us! It was like taking candy from a Baby -sigh, Every Child at the age of 7, once aware of the Gene must begin their trials immediately- No I wish I Never did apply for the Test... The Infernal Enforcers should have a copy of your report now!"
"Sigh* Your life is going to be hard- We abolished the Caste Systems before but Khoramzzadeh brought it back and now you have worst caste possible - A Maledict - You will be treated like a Xeno or a Bastard Hybrid on Most of Human Territory - Unless the powers wish to defy him..."
"It will affect your interactions on all levels, You will have specific restrictions on Travelling to the Inner Rings and Core- You will have to pass a series of Trials to even get the eligibility to Pass- rather there is already a Trial initiated for you- called the Ten Tyrants Program- Where you will have to undergo a series of Ten Torturous so called Training Trials in absurd difficulties to even leave Rathiel Republic- There's also another Trial waiting for you to be even able to leave the Sector- If you don't do those Trials- You will be hunted by the spirit of an Imperial Demigod who has reached the Material Peak Realm-", His Grandpa elaborated further and gave him the heads up of the Road ahead.
Aavesh grit his Teeth - So this was the alternate Outcome- This was the fruit he had been given after saving the Galaxy from a Future War- "Damned if I do, Damned if Don't- So be it, I'll participate in this farce but they can't blame me if things don't go the way they want!", Aavesh spoke with gritted teeth - irritation could be seen in his eyes.
" Grandpa and Grandma - Can you take my Parents with you- To keep them safe from this Madness and Don't worry- I'll get through everything thrown at me! But My parents and siblings should not get involved in this- Just tell them for the Time Being that I am undergoing Training and Trials, that I am fine...", Aavesh spoke resolutely at first but his voice began to quiet down at the mention of his Family - He could not even reunite with them now.
Life was fucked up!
His Grandparents stared at him in sorrow- there was nothing they could do.
"Kid- We will take them to our Estates in the Inner Rings- I have some connections with the Non Human colonies and Hybrids - take this Space Ring, it can help you store stuff and has a Visitor Card to the Universalist Factions like DLCL and AEON- they should treat you fairly and There some credit chips with 200 Million Galactic Credits- I can't give you more than this or he will unleash those hunters on me, I will drop you to a friend who will help you with The Process", His Grandpa spoke with weariness in his tone.
"I'm sorry you can't give him a thing- or you will Implicate him, Maledicts can never recieve free items from those outside of the Clan- It must be earned and Even Members of the clan can't do much to help...", His grandpa quickly spoke seeing that she was about to to do something.
" Kid have some food, before you go- Come with us to Kitchen - We'll have a small family Dinner, Let's us cook some food for you- ", He spoke with a sad smile in his voice...
" Aavesh , it'll be ok- We'll get through this- it won't be the last time you meet them", Eon consoled Aavesh.
Aavesh simply nodded his head silently and followed them.