Imperial Sin and the Maledict genes.

The Ship had abruptly stopped.

'What was going on?'


The Lights went out in an instant, causing Aavesh to experience Temporary Blindness. He nearly stumbled over but immediately tried to adjust his vision but before he could.



A cold Metallic hand clasped onto his mouth and dragged him away so fast that even his new reflexes were not fast enough.


He was thrown into a room?-No a hall? No it seems like a test chamber with all the blinding bright white light and Reflective Glass Panels.

But what was this chamber?and How fuck could he get out?

Aavesh had a grim look on his face.

"Aavesh of the Adhi clan- Paternal Grandson of Vishwa Adhi and Sarada Devi - Maternal Grandson of Eitra Kumaran and Maya Shankar- Son of Antriksh Adhi and Kriti Kumaran- How interesting..."

A mocking male voice filled with contempt sounded from a direction he could not perceive.

Aavesh's eyes narrowed as he realised - he was dealing with someone who had ready hands information about him and his Background - Also this person seemed to be powerful enough to speak the names that even he was not told.

"You have been selected to be the Chosen Maledictis of your Generation - Look at that ungrateful expression on your face- You should be grateful for even being seen by the Head Khalid Family -", The voice boasted Before him and berated him for- what?

" You Maledicts are all the same- ungrateful and unteachable! Pitiful Idiots! Khafiri!",The Voice seemed to be scolding him- but what did he do?

Aavesh looked at Eon who looked just as confused as him.

'See a way out of this place?'

'None for you- I'm afraid, Besides your body isn't ready for the High level Escape Techniques- you will disintegrate if I use them',Eon replied back.

'Shit' Aavesh cursed internally.

"Your focus is not on me- Stupid Brat! I will torture your-"The voice spoke angrily but was suddenly cut off by a cold gruff voice.

"Fuck off to the side- Now!", This was a new voice.

"Greetings Imperial Prince Aavesh Adhi- the eldest heir of the Adhi Clan- You have been chosen to become the Maledict of this generation- You-", The new voice paused.


A new sudden flash of light shined in the room along with a loud sound.

A man or rather a Male Metallic Android Robot in an Archaic Military Attire stood before him- He had glowing yellow eyes with a completely terrifying Metallic expression .

He had chrome Black color allover his body with Glowing Yellow lines connecting to his eyes, accentuating his intimidating aura.

His aura felt even more dangerous than His Grandparents aura.

" are quite unique- the Potential I can sniff from you is very good- But but- You don't know us yet-"

"I am Tyr Nalis- Ancient Guardian assigned to regulate the succession matters of the Adhi Empire"

Tyr Nalis extended his hand to Aavesh.

Aavesh slowly reached out and shook it in greetings.

"um Where are my Grandparents?", Aavesh asked the Android before him.

Tyr Nalis spoke in a neutral tone," They are currently being interrogated by my clones in another chamber of this mothership"

"Besides- I would be more worried about your situation than them- I find it quite surprising that you are not flustered at finding out your heritage -", Tyr Nalis asked him with curiosity in his tone.

"I have seen things that have shocked my soul to the point that such information does surprise me but not to the point that it can shock me", Aavesh replied back in a neutral tone as well.

"Interesting - Given your track record, your explanation is highly plausible", Tyr replied but his Metallic face expressed a wierd knowing smile.

"I have a track record?" Aavesh asked bemused at this.

"You are bound to have one- since you were the variable that saved the Galaxy from Complete Destruction", Tyr smiled again at Aavesh causing him to shiver inwardly.

This Android knew a lot- Well, people of his caliber can find out a lot of information if they want to.

"Now about you being a Maledict -you must be feeling why must this happen to you right? You must be feeling unjust and hatred?", Tyr smoke enigmatically.

"It's just irritating for now- But I'll let you know once I start hating it" Aavesh replied back in a non chalant tone.

"Oh you will hate it- But I shan't spoil things for you, What intrigues me is your approach to it- You have no fear, trepidation and spite, atleast not of the normal amount ", Tyr asked with a curious glint in his eyes.

" There are no absolutes- One day you are in the sky, the next you are buried beneath the Ground - The Reverse is also possible as well", Aavesh explained while assessing the questions asked to him.

"Not a bad observation Boy, seeing your assessing eyes- you must have figured that I know a great deal about you",Tyr spoke with a smile.

"But my Assessment has just begun- Now do you know the the true Reason the Maledictis Ritual exists?"Tyr asked.

"Is not about Ritual Power that Khoramzzadeh wants to harvest? also to stave off his sins and the sins of the clans under his rule onto one person?", Aavesh recalled his grandparent's explanation about this.

"No, on the contrary the Maledicts were created for a purpose, they were made specifically to fight the Illithid Apocalypse - Mind flayers you call them",Aavesh blood went cold as he remembered that horrific race and the monsters they created in the end times.

The Being that created this Eldritch species was Ilsensine- An Eldritch God born when Cthullu tore a piece of his Mind into the Caverns of Thoughts within the Soul Rending Realm, believing that this piece of his mind was imperfect.

As for how people knew this Illithids never skimped a morsel of origin when spreading Ilsensine's faith. What a Grand Butchering of a faith it was.

For Ilsensine's existence was based on Daddy issues and it Drove him to the extent of creating a so called perfect race and making sure they spread his faith about perfectness across the Universe to prove big Daddy Cthullu wrong.

Well they did- or atleast they came very close to it- They were a species with partial physical and Spiritual bodies - essentially they Powerful Psionic Beings that perfected the art of Mind Control.

They created a language of Power called Qualith which most of the Current Eldritch species use and is mostly indecipherable by Non Eldritch Species.

They reproduced faster than fungal spores, matured even faster than tadpoles and Cultivated at a speed that made one feel true Despair.

They utilized Cloning of Humanoid Species and would lay their eggs on to the Brain - and within hours their eggs would mature and kill the Humanoid host. Although sometimes cannibalism and Plague wars was involved as well to spread their progeny.

The Illithids were nigh unkillable- they could not be easily killed as their physical forms could be regenerated with their Psionic soul force and their Psionic souls could easily be regenerated from soul attacks with their Unique Physical bodies.

The Way to kill them could only be achieved by destroying both the mind and Body together- a very difficult feat that required Bloodborne mastery and practice of rare arts that dealt wit Soul Body Union.

But how could the Illithids watch on as other races tried to find all different ways to kill them off? They honed their natural talent in Psionics to such an extent that they were deemed to be too powerful in soul arts and enslaved countless species in their conquest for perfection.

They also heavily Experimented on Potential Candidate races to create their 'Perfect' Variants and created hordes of similar species that ravaged the Countless Star Species at the command of their creators.

They came very very close to overrunning the Milky Way of not for the Soul Armageddon Event which effectively destroyed most of the High level Soul based Cultivators - It almost sent most of the Galaxy back to stone age.

But the Illithids lost a crucial Backing of their Ancestor level Powerhouses - known as the 'Elder Brain'.

The Elder Brains were mostly wiped out in an instant and while some rare ones may exist in certain labs and Tombs.

Once This Happened they somehow became vulnerable- although details were never shared on how they had become weakened.

Then the Bloody Massacres of the Now weakened Illithid Race had begun!

But no one really knows what really happened but it was said that the countless races used Their Mythic Powers and managed to drive off the Remnant Illithids to the edges of the Galaxy- to never again enter it.

As for why they were not wiped out remains a mystery.

"You've recalled the entire history of the species within a few moments - So I don't need to explain much about their origins, rather the Maledicts will be more interesting to you- You see the Maledict Genes were created by the Godmind that saw Ilsensine's creation as a grave threat to sentient life- They did not see how the other forces would train warriors to battle the Illithids as a successful tactic- They decided to create a Program to create warriors that could be the natural enemy of the Illithids and wanted to mass produce them- After years of research they created a very specific Gene that could enable it's carrier to undergo a series of Mutations that would give them access to the Oblivion Plane- where they mastered Oblivion Energy could wipe out the Mind Body structure of Illithids like nothing before! But connections with the Oblivion Plane had side-effects, Most sentient being were wiped out instantly and sometimes the Gene just receded and faded away - Never reacting to the Activating Liquid "

"It was a failure until they began to experiment on humans - Most died, or never integrated with the Gene but Humanity always found a way to adapt and the ancient forefather Sita Raman of our Ancestor Adhi Nayaki managed to be the only human being to Fully integrate with this and survive the Horrific Mutations brought out by the Oblivion Energy - He was then mass cloned to create an army that would eventually exterminate most of the Illithid Race and keep them out of the Milky Way. Before they were called Maledicts these warriors were known as-"

"Manvidarak or known as Mind Breakers or dissecters depending on the meaning you want to go."

" They were the once the most important armies and later became the new hunters who cleaned up the mess left behind by the Illithids - and then", he narrowed his glowing eyes at Aavesh as he continued.

"They were marginalized and hunted down till their numbers reduced to the dozens"

Aavesh then spoke as if realising something,"They had become far too powerful and were seen as threats instead of the saviors they were but there's more... "

"Yes, now to keep the numbers of the Abominations left behind by Illithids under check, the powers that be decided to come with a new proposal with a morally flexible leader gaining power in the Empire, Now the Shaitaan saw an opportunity with this new leader- you see he had a more wider vision-"

"The Shaitaan wanted to spread its influence into the Adhi Empire- and gain a lot of the Hell Bound Souls- He wanted to be the Patron Deity of the Empire and so he struck a deal with this new leader - Granting him Power to remain at the peak of the Empire until a chosen cursed one manages to kill him- the agreement with Khoramzzadeh entailed that the Manvidarak would now become the Maledict, they would carry the Burden of Empire's sin- while flooding the Empire into unprecedented prosperity, the Maledict's family and close ones would become afflicted by the bad luck surrounding them due to the Imperial sins carried by them"

Aavesh's eyes slowly widened, another mystery solved - yet another shackle discovered.

Tyr's eyes shined brightly at Aavesh," They would be killed in the most brutal ways, wouldn't you agree Aavesh?"

Aavesh's lips Trembled as Eon also realised what Tyr implied.

Aavesh was silent, the implication was obvious.

"But due to your interference in saving the Galaxy- inadvertently saving the Adhi Empire, As a Novel Junior of our Imperial clan- I wish to help you out of this situation- I have convinced King Khoramzzadeh and negotiated with him to give you- A Gene destroyer solution that will strip off the Nascent Maledict Genes within you in exchange for 100 years of Loyal Service to the Imperial Family-"Tyr continued with Metallic voice reverberating in the room cheerfully but was cut off by Aavesh.

"Negotiate? He wants a 100 Years of my life, let me guess if I were to suddenly 'die' - he will claim my soul, isn't that Right? Lord Tyr",Aavesh asked with a loud pitch in his voice, red veins slowly popping in his eyes- as his heart rate elevated.

"You seem very passive aggressive ", Tyr spoke with narrowed eyes.


Aavesh clenched his fists as veins across his head began to flare up.

The Anger here was- indescribable to him but he had to control himself.

"Ah Lord Tyr, I don't think it's very wrong to be Passive agressive here- My Whole Life- My Family! My Friends! My HOME! ALL DEAD BECAUSE OF THE BAD LUCK THESE CURSED GENES IS IT NOT?", Aavesh spoke with each world elevating his heart beat - But he controlled himself barely as he wanted the truth behind it all!

"Unfortunately Yes", Lord Tyr Replied in a Solemn tone.



Multicolored lightning Cackled in Aavesh's eyes as it spread into his right arm and he punched the ceiling in anger.


A Hole tore through the Ship.

Aavesh's flesh became pale as his Multicolored Lightning receded back into him.

He had lost a god chunk of vitality with that punch.

Luckily ship instantly vaccum sealed itself despite the Damage caused.

But Aavesh's face was filled with true hate now- But Lord Tyr merely flicked a golden ball of light from his metallic fingers into Aavesh - restoring the lost vitality and letting him calm down.

Aavesh's heart was still beating furiously despite the calming effect. Tyr sighed as he realised - this was not going to be easy at all...