"That little stunt cost you a lot of vitality boy,- you think I am not able to observe the strangeness of your body?",Tyr spoke in order to shake Aavesh's mind as Eon looked on worriedly.
But Aavesh's mind did not shake at all as he was still angry.
"You're going to blame someone else for your bad luck? ", Tyr spoke again in a chiding tone in an attempt to snap Aavesh back to reality.
But Aavesh only glared at him with contempt now.
'That trick didn't work, I'll have to try something else- Something close to his heart'
"Don't you want to know how to save your family?", He spoke again.
Aavesh's heartbeat calmed down and he gazed at Tyr with a Grim Look.
*Huff Huff Hooo
Aavesh took deep breaths and managed to calm down but his anger did not rebate in the slightest.
On the contrary he was very much angry.
"What are you talking about?", Aavesh asked in a grim voice.
"If your family forgets your existence, the Bad luck will remain with You- really simple sounding but a very complex feat, with an offer more dangerous than I gave you before",Tyr smiled as he spoke.
Silence ensued as both Aavesh's and Eon's eyes widened at this reply.
"You- You're lying! Impossible! We both know that Karma is linked with blood as well- it's impossible for them to not be affected..." Aavesh Bellowed at first but then his voice shook a bit, as he realised he didn't know more after linkage of Karma and Blood.
"Well- do you know why I am not lying to you- ask your patron- Divine Lord Irolin, I can sense his ward mark on you- so don't be too surprised ", Tyr spoke plainly.
"Don't pass yourself as a saint- Android", A voice spoke as a semi transparent projection of Irolin appeared between Aavesh and Tyr Nalis.
Irolin turned to Aavesh and spoke," He didn't lie to you- there is indeed a way to circumvent the Blood Karmic Ties from diffusing your bad luck onto your family - But the method to do so- Is far too dangerous, Aavesh think, analyse the situation and I will respect your choice but even I would not easily make a decision here-"
Aavesh's rage calmed down as his Master brought him back to rationality. He suddenly realised something was odd - No , It was an Orchestration!
"You were grooming me!- using my own emotions against me, You- you were directing the flow of conversation from the start! You wanted this Outcome- No you also wanted me to make a very impulsive decision, but you had to make it like I had No choice!", Aavesh roared out against Tyr as he realised that he was being played with.
"Oh- You do have a choice here- Let your family die- After all you can't always protect them forever can you? Can you protect them from yourself?- The Reckoning of Divine Blood Ritual- will continue as long as you stay alive- If you can't kill Khoramzzadeh, The curse of your blood - will always haunt you- Because Khoramzzadeh is the root of it! Well? Can you beat him now? In 10 years? a 100? a 1000? Oh if you can't kill him in 950 Years- He will use a curse and directly kill you, just before the Next Reckoning of Divine Blood Ritual- He has to keep things going you see..."
Aavesh's fists clenched harder as he knew what Tyr was telling him was true - His Teeth gritted hard as he gazed back at Tyr.
"You aren't doing this out of the Kindness of your heart or some misguided favour repayment - What do you want Tyr?", Aavesh retained his temper this time and spoke out.
"Humm, Hahahah - Finally you asked me that, I want you to observe this little Girl- She's of the same age as you, Infact she was born just a minute after you- But the world doesn't remember - Your family doesn't remember...", Tyr spoke enigmatically.
A frown appeared on Aavesh's face, as a Projection of a dirty little girl in ragged clothes appeared before him- in a familiar Building - the Redstone Orphanage - a camouflaged child trafficking site.
Her eyes were dull as she enviously looked out through her barred window at an adboard just outside displaying a video of a child being spoiled by parents lovingly with the latest Candies.
Aavesh noticed a scar on her neck- Just at her voice box.
There was a strange Infernal Black runic Tattoo on her forehead which seemed to make her eerie looking.
*Tap Tap Tap
The Sound of footsteps approaching alarmed her.
She retracted her head and immediately curled up into a ball in a corner of the dirty cell.
"Hey Rored, Look at the cursed child- She always ruins my sight- Look how foolish she is, always gazing stupidly outside - The sight of her makes me want to puke"
"Leave it Mephin, She carries the mark of the Devil's I say! She is bad luck! Even her parents abandoned her at birth because she brought bad luck!"
Two Men dressed in an attendant attire seemed to be mocking her relentlessly.
But she kept silent and ignored the insults, but this riled the men to abuse her even more.
"You know what Rored let's have some fun- turn on the Electrocutor, Fry her!", Mephin spoke Sadistically, as Rored pressed the lightning option on the side panel.
The Girl was immediately electrocuted with her limbs flailing around in reflex. Her mouth was wide open but there was no tongue- she wanted to scream so bad but nothing could ever come out.
Aavesh's heart throbbed in pain at the sight of her torture - but why? He didn't know why but he could not bear to see the poor girl in pain.
"Ok stop it now- we still have to extract the rest of her organs tonight, we can't sell damaged goods now can we?", Rored spoke but Mephin had a disappointed expression on his face. Rored stopped the electrocution, leaving a twitching barely conscious girl on the ground.
"But- you should see her squirming more! Aww Man Fuck, Alright let's go, don't wanna lose that extra cash just cause of her", Mephin spoke reluctantly and left with Rored.
But Aavesh could see the Despair in the girl's face. He reached out to her projection with a strange feeling in his heart, his eyes recorded all of her features and his mind began to run comparison reverse simulations between his and her features.
Shock flooded his mind as he they both seemed to share several same traits, the same hair color, same eye color, same skin tone, infact her body structure was quite similar to his mother Kriti's while his resembled his father's.
*Thunder Struck within his mind as there was a realisation yet he could not believe it. It was impossible right? It must be impossible!
His eyes widened in horror ashis mins came with the realisation. He grabbed his head as he kneeled down before the Projection with a horrified expression on his face muttering, " No, Not possible, It CANT BE"
"It is the Truth Aavesh- She is your little twin sister, forgotten by Your Family", Tyr Replied solemnly as he put a hand on Aavesh's shoulders.
"But- But they would never let this Happen- I know they would never-",Aavesh muttered incredulously.
"Ofcourse they would not- I was the one who made your family forget about her and sent her there-"
"There"Tyr spoke but realised something seemed to be wrong. There was deathly silence-
Multicolored Lightning sprouted around Aavesh again as he didn't speak this time. He ripped of Tyr's arm Present on him in an instant.
And then smacked Tyr on the face with his Torn Metallic Arm.
"No- Wait", Tyr tried to talk.
But Aavesh did not relent - His fists charged with the Multicolored Lightning as he threw the Arm like a projectile which Impaled Tyr's Torso- He leapt at a speed even Tyr could not move - and began to Punch his metallic face.
His face thinned as his vitality drained faster but Aavesh could not give a solitary fuck about his own body. He continued punching with ferocity.
"No! Please -"
"Listen to-"
" Save her-"
"Frm Kmzadeh-"
Aavesh thoroughly disfigured Tyr's Metallic phase but only paused as he heard something important.
From Tyr's point of view he never thought that one Day a scrawny kid would literally sent his face and make him feel scared.
He quickly adjusted his broken face seeing the Grim Look on Aavesh increasing and hurriedly spoke," I took her to save her from getting into Khoramzzadeh's sights"
"The other dude- the rude one who spoke before - is he still here?", Aavesh asked with a deathly cold voice.
"He's dead, I have killed him- He's a very minor character!", Tyr quickly replied.
"Why did you take my Sister?" Aavesh continued as his tone grew colder- He knew it was not simple and this B*Stard was hiding something.
Tyr hesitated at first but spoke as he saw the Lightning flicker in Aavesh's eyes again.
"I'll explain - Your sister is the Reincarnation of Adhi Nayaki, I wanted to not only help her regain her memories and hide her from Khoramzzadeh! It's the truth! ", Tyr hurriedly spoke.
"You're not telling everything", Aavesh spoke again with blood thirst in his voice.
"I- I - ", The struggles to speak.
"Ofcourse he's hiding a lot of information Disciple-",Irolin's Phantom once again projected out with his arms crossed and leaning on the nearby wall.
" Your Sister is the Reincarnation of Adhi Nayaki - But do you know why Adhi Nayaki who was an inch from becoming a True God,- choose to reincarnate? She lost her family in the first Age of Mythic Power when she became one of the chosen heroes, It became her obsession even after becoming a Mythic Immortal and just an inch from becoming a True God- Infact your entire clan was actually created using IVF and cloning to create successful heirs because she didn't have a desire to ever love or start a family because she could never get over the loss- in the end she struck a deal with me and requested my help to get her reincarnated to her parents in the alternate life"
"She had done a huge favor for the realm then and seeing that this was the only way for her to resolve her obsession - I accepted it and pulled a few strings to make it happen - But what do you know, This Tyr Nalis fellow shows up at the moment of her birth and signs a deal with an ancient infernal being to erase any memory of her existence in the Material Universe- I could not intervene because of this Idiot and your sister's protection clause, and after the deal was struck- I could change nothing otherwise that Infernal Being would harm her, as he holds her hostage now, although things haven't escalated yet, that being knows that I would kill it if it tried something funny with your sister, Oh and the Tyr Nalis fellow is your sister's personal Protector Guard, as for why he did what he did... you have to ask him", Irolin explained as Aavesh heard it all in shock.
Aavesh pondered for a moment and spoke to Tyr, "You took her away from my parents as an infant so that she would never remember the love of a family and she would not be obsessed in this life- right?"
"You misguided piece of shit- She was never going to Be under any danger from Khoramzzadeh immediately because only Men can have the Maledict Gene while the females will only be inactive carriers- You thought she would successfully become a God if she had no family meaning no obsession and you put her in here to stimulate her will and mental pain to activate the memories of her past life- But you failed- You fucked Up- Big Time, The Only Reason you are still alive Tyr is I want to know- What was the Deal to you made on behalf of my Sister with that Infernal Being? Tell Me!"