Unlocking - Part 1

Aavesh followed Dr.Corvus for a while before stopping in front of a Sealed Chamber.

Dr. Corvus then spoke to Aavesh," You must remember few important Details -

One - you have 30 Minutes in the A.G.E. Chamber which is already Dangerous Enough but as the new Order states- instead of the safe time of 14 minutes you will have to endure a full 30 minutes before coming out-

Two - Once you begin to feel the High Essence take affect which is when you will feel an indescribable pull towards something invisible - You must accept it - for example if you had a Nirvanic Dragon Mythic Power, you will feel a 'True Dragon Spirit' forming within you when the A.G.E process begins- it may manifest as scales on the body or claws or wherever the focal point of the Mythic Power is- Same goes for other Mythic Powers"

"- You must feel the formation of a Conduit and then you must siphon the Mythic Essence from it to your respective Dantians through your Main Meridian Channels- Do not worry, the Mythic Essence is partially Sentient - It will automatically detect the required main Meridian Pathways to Travel through - Your Job is to carefully detect these Pathways and Control the Flow of Mythic Essence between the Three Dantians - You need Mythic Essence to unlock the Three Dantians-

the Upper Dantian Requires the Most Mythic Essence and Lots of Time to slowly unlock it,

It's very risky to choose this option and the success rate is very low-

the Middle Dantian Requires an adequate amount of Mythic Essence and Time as well, it's a moderately risky option for you to choose it but the Success Rate is variable

The Lower Dantian has lower requirements on Mythic Essence and Time- it is the safest option and you can finish it fast with your life intact "

" Three- The Conduits will collect Raw Mythic Essence from the respective Aligned Higher Dimensions as long as your Gene Locks are Broken by the High Essence and the Required Genetic Breakdown and reformation occur- But this will only happen until your body is supplied with High Essence- Once it is stopped, your Conduit will fully materialize and stop producing Mythic Essence essential for Evolution, Your Evolved Genes will stabilize with new Gene Locks- That will mean that A.G.E Process is over"

"Four- If you Successfully Unlock a Dantian, the A.G.E Process will immediately stop- So that if you want to Open Multiple Dantians you must open them Together, if a Dantian is on the verge Of Unlocking- you WILL FEEL it, It is the Optimal State, you must control the process to wait until your other Dantians reach the same state and open them together or if you have other plans do it accordingly - Finally -You Fail - You Die, You Literally Die Because if even one Dantian isn't opened - Your Gene Reformation will remain incomplete- you will suffer a Painful Death"

"That's all", Dr. Corvus finally finished while Aavesh and Eon watched him slightly dazed eyes.


Shaking his number head, Aavesh mentally noted down all these details and decided to ask a doubt which was plaguing his mind.

"Uh just one more thing -", Aavesh asked.

"Hmmm?", Dr. Corvus frowned. People were always hesitant on the last step. Did the Brat need more 'Motivation' ?

"The Dantians decide our Future Classes as well, right?", Aavesh asked with slight nervousness.

Dr. Corvus have out a painful sigh and spoke with a No nonsense Tone," You will stop HERE- Survive the A.G.E and then we Will talk about Classes- Don't get your hopes up just because you want to Target a particular Class- that's the fastest way to Seeking Death- So NO, Get in the Chamber immediately Cadet!"

"Yes Sir!"

Aavesh immediately saluted him and entered the Chamber with an unembarrassed Expression.


* Pat!

The Doors of the Chamber Sealed Tight behind him.

Dr. Corvus cringed hard on that salute and a slight curve could be seen in his face.

" Don't Die Kid! Good Luck"

He then walked to the Monitoring Room and spoke in the Intercom to all the Kids in their Respective Chambers, " The A.G.E Process will start in few minutes, I will begin the Count Down in 4 Minutes, Stay alert and make sure you don't Day Dream or sleep- Stay Vigilant all of you- Survive"

He then closed the Intercom.

He spoke to the other Assistants in the Monitoring Room," Get the Medical Staff on Standby, Keep an eye on their Vitals - Proceed with Injection of High Essence into the Nebulizer Cells, Begin CountDown in 4 Minutes "

Aavesh on the other hand spoke with Eon with Nervousness.

" Eon - You once said that I had lost those special Genes that I require for triggering stuff- is it fine now?"

"Yes- Your Genetic Issues were fixed over multiple occasions - when you cleared the Heart Demon Tribulation, When you lay in a Vat filled with AMRITH, when you meditated to improve your Telomeres and finally when you awakened your Maledict Genes, you restored all the necessary Genes", Eon replied with confidence.

" *Hufff That's Good!", Aavesh let out a sigh of relief but then immediately his mind felt an instinctive reminder about something crucial.

" I am missing something - Wait, My Oath! I - I can't use Outside Mythic Power! Oh Shit!", Aavesh exclaimed as he realised what he missed- No this A.G.E Process won't help him at all! It was going to KILL Him!

'Wait Aavesh! You can't leave just like this- Like you said the Gene Lock softening Aerosol agents have already been absorbed by you! You have to undergo this one way or another - or the Consequences -", Eon hurriedly warned Aavesh before he could break out of the Cell.

Aavesh then checked his body and blood cells with his Augmentations and Forcibly found the dreaded information, "Shit! I can't reverse the Softening Process! FUCK! Oh Man- I- how many minutes do I have before he releases the High Essence?"

Aavesh felt super stressed - and this only increased the effective absorption of the Gene Lock Softening Agents!

"2 Minutes - Think Aavesh! How can we solve this? I could try and attempt to refine for You-", Eon pitched in.

"No Eon- My Oath is Definite- My Power has to be my Own - I must have control over it! Not the Other Way around!", Aavesh exclaimed with frustration.

"Aargh!- What do I do? Come On! There's got to be something!"

"Wait- I need to think- I can't stress mindlessly- Gotta Calm Down...", Aavesh then leaned against a wall on the side and tried to Calm down.

"Count Down Begins Now..."

Hearing that from the Intercom fried Aavesh's Brain!

What the Heck Man!





"I need Time!"





"Awww Come On!", Aavesh yelled out in frustration.



"All the Best", Dr. Corvus's dry voice came from the Intercom.


The Nebulizers then flooded Aavesh's Chamber with Shining Purple High Essence.


Aavesh almost instinctively punched it away with his Soul Constitution but stopped.

He was a caged animal now - with no choice left now.

If he got out - the consequences of being chased and his physique worsening was there.

If he stayed in - His Oath would be in Peril.

He was screwed Either way.

An expression of defeat appeared in his eyes as he let the High Essence into his body.


Aavesh's body immediately shriveled at a rapid rate and Aavesh fell on his butt as his strength wanted incredibly fast.

His skin became as yellow as that of Leper and seemed to have aged a 100 years.

His Blood was boiling until his body turned from yellow to blood red!

His Blood for some reason had been aggressively stimulated after ingesting the High Essence!

His Blood Pressure had increased too abnormal levels.

He felt a dangerous premonition coming.

'Wait- My Heart- Must Protect it!"

He painfully activated his Heart Augmentation and Braced for the incoming blast from his Aggressive Blood!



His Heart Almost tore apart from the High Blood Pressure but he forcibly controlled it!

But the Blood Flow around his heart only increased and like acid- his Blood had changed began to attack his own Body!

This Changed blood of his was Essentially Transporting High Essence throughout his Body at very high Speeds.

The High Essence began to break his gene structure at an even faster rate and this meant bad news for his Body.

His flesh and muscles thinned at a Rapid rate while his bones Weakened significantly while his Nervous system began to malfunction y

due to several anomalies in the Modified Nerve Cells.

This caused him to nearly faint!

Yes! Even his Brain felt dreary now and just wanted to sleep.

But Aavesh shook his head and bit his tongue.

" No- Can't lose... Conscwnss", He began to slur as his Brain Cells were also being affected by the High Essence.

The High Essence Penetrated his very DNA and began to break all the Base Genetic Locks, causing severe instability and Cellular Breakdown across his body.


Before he could he fall asleep - Aavesh then felt a strange feeling of Danger.

'Oh Shit!'

It was like a Bomb was about to Explode.

He immediately tightened his body and braced for the danger.

Suddenly his mind began to feel a Powerful Rush of Energy causing him to nearly pop his Eyeballs.

A Burning Greyish white Energy Rippled exploded outward from him and hit the Reinforced Walls in an Agressive Manner!

Strained Veins and Bruises appeared on his body as his Pores had been badly injured at that Energy Explosion.

His Body which had been shriveled up before, was now covered with Neutral Greyish white flames

But the flames did not burn his Body- The Greyish White Flames was merely the result of his Mortal Energy being Modified by High Essence!

The Greyish White Flames were merely the Side effect of his Energy being altered...

That's right! Even his Mortal Energy had been altered by High Essence!

His Lower Dantian seemed to be Burning outward!

It was like tossing a Lit Matchstick into Pool of Gasoline!

It was Bloody Painful! Even if his Dantian had been Augmented before the pain was only enhanced for him!

If he lost consciousness at that last moment and lost full control of his body- His Body would have exploded with flesh and blood splattering all around in the Room.

'Fuck! Too Goddamn Dangerous!'

But the Strange feeling of Danger did not subside.

He mentally cursed.

'What Now? Gonna Explode my Mind Too?!- Wait'

He felt a Fiery sensation in his Mind- The High Essence was Interacting with his Soul- What the F?

Aavesh felt that familiar Bad feeling.

He was about to Suffer again!

He immediately hardened his Mind!



It was the biggest fucking Headache he ever felt!

His soul exploded Mental power outward from his mind- literally Erupting out from his enhanced Mind Pond!


The Reinforced Wall began to have dents from his Mental Power Messing around!


It was like Triggering a Goddamn Volcano as well!

If he didn't get that dangerous feeling he might really have blasted his own Mind Pond to pieces from that Mental Blast!

His Soul Constitution was no joke either!

If he had lost control...

He would have literally cried until there were no tears left!

So there were 3 Explosions in his body!


* Freeeeze

It was as if a forbidden wall was touched and the world forced a reaction within him.

A strange turn of events took place all of a sudden- His Blood around his heart began to coalesce into a strange Lock wrapping around his Heart.

His Mortal Energy stopped burning and began to cool down and wrap around his Dantian like a Lock As well.

Aavesh's Overwhelmingly Altered Mental/Soul Power cooled down to form a Lock Around his Mind Pond- Wrapping it Tightly!

Aavesh then felt a strange set of Characters that Appeared on Each Lock.

They were 'ᚢᚾᛁᚢᛖᚱᛊᚨᛚ ᛚᛟᚲᚲ'.

But before he could say anything, he felt a calling within him.

His Aeon Mythic Power had been triggered!

He felt his eyes heat up a bit... but now he could 'see' what the Aeon Mythic Power called.

A powerful stream of Machinan Mythic Essence was heading towards him! He could sense it's familiarity - he'd seen several people with that Aura of Law...

The Infinite Machina - Epitome of Order, The Nexus of Absolute Logic, the Upholder of Law...

'His Aeon Mythic Power had been altered to never recieve it's support, but the Order Autarch's words were Absolute- The Machina had to give me Essence and Mask my Mythic Power'

The Order Autarch would never want to kill him...

So why?

And this Purplish Blue Stream of Mythic Essence was heading towards him.

More like heading towards his Eyes!

He could feel it- His Eyes were the Conduit of his Aeon Mythic Power.

But doing so would violate his Oath.

Could he stop this?

Eon wanted to stop the Flow but couldn't... Aavesh would die without it... but he would also die with it.

Eon truly cursed himself - He set Aavesh on that Path. He helped Aavesh gain his Legend Mythic Power.

But due to the recent situations - he never had Time to figure out a way for Aavesh to undergo A.G.E in the way of the Legend Mythic Power.

And Now the price had come.

Eon readied himself to cast a Spirit Sigil on Aavesh's Soul- If Aavesh died, he would follow him! Aavesh was... his friend and Contracter!

No way he was going to abandon him! Not even in death!

'No more way? I die on every step? My Check Mate?', Aavesh gazed at the Stream of Mythic Essence that came through the void towards him from the Machina Dimension.

'No - I refuse this outcome '

A rumbling sensation built within Aavesh, His eyes sparkled with Steely Silver Light! His Body was covered in a Familiar Steel Grey Silver Aura.

He felt his Legend Mythic Power rise up within his Soul to Resonate with his thoughts... It was this Strange feeling of ... - Maybe 'Defying'

Maybe Rebellion?

No it was much more stronger.

His Legend Mythic Power seemed to call on something else within him. Something that was him and yet hidden.

Hidden in Shadows.

It called for his 'Shadow'- That very 'Shadow' formed when he Awakened his Mind Breaker Genes.

Time slowed down for him for that instant.

He reached his Right Palm out and Sliver of Steel Silver Power along with his Shadow Power- Or should he call it Oblivion Energy? No for now he would call it Null Shadow Energy. He was still ways off from Truly controlling True Oblivion Energy.

But Something Unique happened to him. Something he had never witnessed - The Legend Mythic Power and Null Shadow Energy fused together!

Like Black foggy cloud filled with Flickering Steel Silver light like lightning.

So what was this new format? Energy or Power- No- it felt like clay to him- was it ... Mass?

A union of Power and Energy - A Union Mass then.

By Instinct a shape formed in his Mind and this Union Mass Materialized into Silvery Black Glove on his Right Palm.

His Heart- even though covered by a lock Beated Rapidly, His Soul Shivered within his Mind Pond- while the Dantian seemed to Tremble at this union of A Mythic Power and Primal Energy.

The words formed into his Mind with the Third Resonance and he raised his Right Palm to Touch the Stream of Mythic Essence that was about to reach him.

"Machina - You Wish to Gift me this Massive Stream of Mythic Essence- don't you? You still wish to Play several Gambits - don't you? But it's ok- Keep on sending your Mythic Essence! But do you know why I am not Despairing? I want you to Understand Something - I want you to see the Strength of a Mythic Power that comes from Within me! So keep sending your Gift-! Because I-

The Two Simple invokation words arrived in his mind and his lips Trembled.

With Power Emanating from his Voice-

He spoke,"I Reject!"


The Stream of Mythic Essence collided with the Silver Black Glove and a deafening Explosion took place.