Unlocking - Part 2

As the Machina Mythic Essence and his Gloves Palm collided.


Blinding Light flashed before his Eyes as the Impact arrived.

He felt like he stopped a Tsunami with his Palm! It was an exhilarating feeling! Like it was clearly impossible but yet he felt he could do it!

Aavesh grinned in his blindness.

He did something that was thought to be Impossible!

"So this- this is my Power? Every Time I feel caged- It reminds me, that it is Not I that is caged- I'm just outside the cage while others are in it! How interesting! All I need to change the situation is to think on a different Perspective - A Perspective that is my own and not others- So I'll react to it differently? Oh Man! I guess anything is possible if you can will it!", Aavesh spoke out in a more clear tone and suprised tone.

It was not just freedom but a strange confidence! Maybe he just needed to rely on himself more!

Eon on the other hand was quite surprised that Aavesh stopped the Machinan Mythic Essence but also confused and Weirded out by Aavesh's words.

What the heck was he going on about? Some Profound Knowledge Revelation or just diluted Narcissism? If it was Aavesh- it was probably Both.

Eon shook his head with a smile and was about to speak but suddenly froze like a Tombstone!

The Blinding Flash disappeared and all that was left was some Floating Golden stuff- It was like glowing Golden Sand? or Crystal- wait!

Aavesh peered into it and observed that this Golden Sand changed it's state in a continuous yet stable way.

The Golden Color was something you'd see it standing out but as he gazed at it- It seemed to more than just Golden! There was a Reddish or Orangish or maybe Yellowish hue which was subtly merged into the Gold making it look Magnificent!

In one Gaze it was Light !

In another gaze it was Burning Fire!

In another gaze it Molten Liquid!

In another it seemed more Darker than ebony!

In another it seemed like an ice sculpture!

What is This?!

He felt it was unpredictable- yet it was so orderly, it was not a trait anything should possess - Unpredictable and Yet Stable?

Contradictory feelings about it began to emerge within him about it. It seemed Good, Evil, Neutral, Chaotic and Lawful at the Same Time!

It seemed so full of possibility! Yet he felt a strange sensation of Control over it- Like he could Mold it! Like it was something that belonged to him? But how?!

It was Power! But it was Sentient as well!

"By the First Light of The Universe! Aavesh WHAT DID YOU DO?!", Eon screamed out in a mix of surprise, horror and incredulousness in his tone.

He shifted into his humanoid form in an instant and he took a size smaller than Aavesh's head, after which he stood on Aavesh's shoulder in Stupor with Trembling Hands!

His Eyes Glowed like Burning Suns as he stared on in Awe!

Aavesh yelped back in suprise as he snapped out of his thoughts of victory and wonder,

" What did I do?!"

Aavesh then turned to see Eon staring at him burning Eyes and immediately Jumped Backwards to hit the Wall!

"Oww! What gives Eon?", Aavesh replied with pain from hitting the wall as he jumped back because he was too suprised with Eon's look.

Eon then took a deep breath in, attempting to Calm himself down but then immediately screamed at Aavesh," You- YOU - Y- AAAAAHHHHH! WHAT DID YOU LAST EAT?!"

"Erm... Sandesh?", Aavesh replied thoughtfully

"Dude- Why- Oh By the Eternal Soul! You are going to kill me one Day! Aavesh - You lucky son of a-", Eon nearly cursed out but stopped when he saw a Dangerous glint in Aavesh's Eyes.

He hurriedly swallowed his words and Spoke," Lucky Son of a Wise Woman! A Very Wise Woman Sanctified to the Highest Heavens!"

The Dangerous glint in Aavesh's eyes disappeared in an instantly and he looked as harmless as a Terminally Sick Patient.

Eon coughed a little and continued," I told you about Coalescing Crystals earlier right?- In my Time, Cultivators Would crush Coalescing Crystals to get this... These are Quanta Myth- Virtual Mythic Particles- also known as the Ever-changing Eternal Sand! These Particles are the Building Blocks of Mythic Power!"

"It's Origin is closely linked with what is called Quantum Foam but enough of that! Now- We will learn about this later- But now you have Quanta Myth! and I have observed that You can even control it!", Eon explained with Awe in his voice as Aavesh looked at the Quanta Myth Particles before him with a stupidly suprised look!

"By the Way- Since you can control it- Apart from you, Spirit Keys like me, Wills of the Higher Dimensions, Archaic Gods and Eldritch Omni Beings - No one else can see these Particles! No matter how hard they Try!", Eon spoke with a smug smile on his face!

This was the Most Perfect Opportunity!

But before that could happen.

*Tip Tap

Like the sound of water dripping slowly-Time Slowed down...

A spiritual Entity formed before them- it took the shape of Two Eyes Glowing Before them.

It then turned to them and spoke in a very Neutral Genderless voice of a Machine," We have come to Parley with you Aavesh Adhi"

Aavesh and Eon looked at eachother on Hearing this.

Eon then nodded silently at Aavesh.

Aavesh then spoke," If I am not wrong- you come like an ordinary entity but I sense the Power of the Purest amount of Law I have ever seen- in You, You are the Will Manifested in Reality- You are Machina"

A voice of cold approval came from the Eyes, " Correct Deduction "

Aavesh then folded his arms with a grim look on his face," Let's Hear it"

With a Cold Mechanical Voice Machina then spoke," We are aware that you and us had several Altercations- and differing interests- but we have come to correct that now"

"How so?"

" We understand that you have gained a power to reduce Our Mythic Essence to Quanta Myth - We understand it's Dangerous Implications and We come behalf of all the Mythic Wills to seek a Truce", Machina explained.

"Oh? So what you are implying is that I can Destroy All the Mythic Dimensions?", Aavesh then spoke curiously as he raised his Gloved Black Silver Hand and fiddled with it.

Machina looked at it with a certain amount of uncomfortableness," Maybe you can- One Day... But You've just got it... You can't control it fully yet"

Aavesh raised an Eyebrow at that but Machina shot a stream of harmless Mythic Essence towards the Glove. The Mythic Essence simply bounced back- it did not turn into Quanta Myth.

"You see... We know about it now- We have analysed countless possibilities and have concluded the only reason why it worked the way it did - It only worked because you resonated with that strange Mythic Power of Yours and Our Intent in sending the Earlier Mythic Essence was not exactly Benevolent towards you- Your Mythic Power merely acted in self defense and took action only when your Core Value or the so called 'Oath' was in Threat- Do not be so presumptuous to think that you can Destroy Mythic Dimensions", Machina coldly spoke.

" Is that so? Then I will have to learn it- I'll have to master this New Ability of Mine...", Aavesh spoke nonchalantly.

"You are attempting to test our patience!", Machina spat out with a raised tone.

"And You are attempting to Demoralize me - to make me more 'conducive' to listen to your Offers... You don't realise that as long as I keep a rational mind - Your attempts just mean Bullshit to my ears and don't even intimidate me, Machina- I had so much Respect for you but you throw it down to the Gutter- You have already shown me that you are not what you claim to be, You are Just a Lackey for a middling child, So don't waste your Precious Time in intimidating me and speak, what is your offer to buy Peace from me?", Aavesh spoke with words filled with Extreme Disdain.

Machina coldly stared at him and spoke again," We are not bothered by your views of us- but we will state our conditions -

One!- You will not attack Mythic Beings that Power! Two!- In exchange for not attacking the Mythic Beings -You will recieve locations of Eldritch Mythic Power Users- Eldritch Mythic Power, is just Mythic Power molded to suit their way of Power- You can Extract adequate Quanta Myth Particles from them to suit your needs!

Three!- You will not attack our Dimensions or Interfere with our affairs with or without that power, inexchange we will not interfere with your affairs!

That is all!"

"It is a reasonable and logical offer- if you refuse, You will be viewed by all the Nine Higher Dimensions as a Threat and You Will Be Dealt like a Threat! Our Pact with the Autarch did not mention that we couldn't take 'Alternative' actions that may be indirectly detrimental to you- and other Mythic Dimensions are not afraid of that Merchant! We may not take direct action - But we can always give incentive to those that will!", Machina spoke coldly at Aavesh, awaiting his response.

Eon then looked Grimly towards Machina and was about to intervene when Aavesh stepped forward and clapped his hands.




" A wonderful offer- Truly! It is a Wonderful offer -for you all! Then by the Universal Laws of Common Sense- I am allowed to Negotiate for fair Terms to an Epitome of Lawful Neutral Being like you right? You will uphold Justice for Everyone Right?!", Aavesh spoke with a devious eloquence in his voice.

"Yes- You can negotiate- if The Offer is Unfair -But our Offer is Not Unfair! It is Protecting the Interests of Everyone here!", Machina spoke again with more conviction in its Offer.

" Now we have a conundrum - You are the one that drafted the Offer", Aavesh asked with a smile.

"We have", Machina confirmed.

"But You are Biased-", Aavesh laid the groundwork for his argument when Machina interrupted him.

"We are Not Biased against any individual!", Machina Protested .

Aavesh shook his head, his smile widening at this statement,

"But You are- You admitted that moments ago- You sent that Mythic Essence with Non Benevolent Intentions- You attempted to harm me"

"I don't see Bias being built here! Not according to Cosmic Law! We took action for a veritable Threat! We are being Merciful",Machina rebutted his explanation.

But Aavesh continued," You say that- But you helped create the Threat and when you couldn't control it- You decided to Neutralize it-"

"We didn't Create You! YOU-", Machina went livid at that explanation!

"No- But you Helped Create Me- You Helped Create My Power! You didn't Intervene when My Twin Sister was Taken From me and Toyed with a Mythic Being From Vodovorot! You could have Intervened because she was about to Become a Machinan Goddess! You were her Host! You were her Ideology! You abandoned her when she chose to reincarnate - You are Guilty of Negligence- You should have protected her incarnation! It is a Principle that all Mythic Dimensions Follow regardless of Alignment! Even the Abyss would not let It's Demon Lords be toyed by the Empyrean! You failed Machina! You set the Conditions that led me to this outcome- You can't change it! and Your Actions have made me the victim in your Obsession! You Have failed in your duty!", Aavesh spat out facts like rapid fire.

The Glowing Eyes of Machina before him twitched violently for awhile before speaking with even more coldness," You have established Bias- What is your argument to fully prove that my offer is Unfair?"

"There are obvious Loopholes- One! Anyone Can attack me apart from the Higher Dimensions- You said you wouldn't interfere in my affairs but you never mentioned about your Mythic Armies and Gods, Two- You ignore my Safety and Freedom by levying unreasonable Restrictions - The Lawful and The Neutral Dimensions might Respect the Offer! But the Chaotic Dimensions will not- The Abyss has it out for me - So you are jeopardizing my safety on an Offer they will Break anytime!

Three! I have a Better Offer that let's us stop antagonizing eachother!-" Aavesh then seemed to speak in a very 'Reasonable' Tone.

"You!... have a valid point...but but but... you may state your Offer Mortal" The Machina coldly replied with gritted Teeth!

It had never been so thoroughly Humiliated by a Human before...

Aavesh then spoke with even more Eloquence," My Offer is simple- I will not Use my new Ability on any Higher Dimension or Being unless they attack me first - I am allowed self defense and freedom am I not? I will not actively scheme against any Higher Dimension unless they do it first, Inexchange for Universal Peace you will Give me Targets Eldritch Mythic Power and I will kill them for You- Thoroughly- their Power will decrease while you have lesser Threats- We can form a Mutually beneficial Partnership here... We can even split the Mythic Essence Evenly among us- I don't need to take the whole share now? Do I? I am not a Tyrant - I am perfectly reasonable here- Look If I die killing Eldritch my power Dies with me - and I don't think anyone else can wield my Mythic Power and Oblivion Energy, As for my Descendants they will follow the same Treaty! That's if any of them manage to Achieve both Legend Mythic Power and Master Mind Breaker Genes! If I break the Offer- I will kill myself, Simple as that and I never Break my paths!" Aavesh spoke the last sentence with deathly conviction...

He then raised his hands in a friendly manner,

" See- a fixed reasonable offer with a Clear Quotation- You reap what you sow- That's Karma for you! Now what do you think of my offer?"

Machina stared at him closely... and then spoke in a less hostile tone," You haven't lied about anything in your offer- your intent is genuine, We are curious- You could have asked for a more unfair offer... But you didn't, You are biased as well against us but we did not detect any Bias in it, what was your thought process? You did lose your respect for us..."

Aavesh sighed and spoke out, " I don't want more trouble - I'd rather recieve your help in beating the Eldritch - They are our common Enemy - It's better if we stop fighting against eachother and unite against the Eldritch, Look I don't want to break and mess around Rules if I can help it, I-"

Machina seemed suprised and the Eyes gazed no longer gazed at Aavesh indifferently, it knew Aavesh spoke genuinely from the depths of his soul.

Machina then recieved messages from Multiple Cosmic Dimensional Wills which surprised it more! Even the Abyss did not want to mess with Aavesh for the Time Being, it readily accepted Aavesh's offer despite its hatred against Aavesh.

Machina then spoke in a neutral tone without that coldness,

" You prefer Order over Chaos... We have misjudged you greatly... We apologize for our previous Altercations Aavesh, your reasoning is wise and convincing enough for us all - All the Nine Dimensional Wills have replied - We accept your Offer Mortal!"



A loud Gong Like sounded in Aavesh's Ears... They accepted it. No more foolish antagonism... Now he had fewer potential enemies and recieved a new set of unlikely Allies. This was Good.

Eon smiled at Aavesh! He was proud of the way Aavesh handled this...

Aavesh was a bit stunned at Machina's reply. To have the mighty Dimensional will apologize to him was indeed something...

Aavesh sensed that Machina was indeed genuinely apologetic about their Past Altercations. He then nodded and spoke," I accept your apology and take back most of my harsh words on you- it seems you are not what I thought... "

" We could say the same Aavesh Adhi, but you must understand very well- We did what we thought was the most logical option... We have our own Shadows...", Machina replied in a Cryptic Manner Making Aavesh think that there was something more Machina did not speak about - Everyone had their own secrets, It was wise to not pry into such matters so Aavesh did not question him further.

"Aavesh Adhi- You may seek Us in a Mirror with your Aeon Mythic Power- when you achieve the Basic Mastery of Your Ability and have sufficient Cultivation will we tell you about the ones with Eldritch Mythic Power- they are more in numbers than you think...", Machina spoke again and then dissipated away like nothing had happened before.

*Tip *Tip *Tip

Time returned to its normal flow and Aavesh was back in the A.G.E process.

Staring at the Quanta Myth before him, Aavesh spoke to Eon,

"I need your help with this"