Myriad Classes in the Endless Universe- Part 1

In a well lit Canteen, 6 Bald and hairless boys with glowing clean new skin at the age of 8, wearing Comfortable White Pyjamas - sat at a Dinner Table with Luxurious Synth Meals prepared for them - in a Secure Room with Heavily armed Soldiers guarding them...

But No started to gorge on the food.

They all had a Dazed dull look in their Eyes as they stared lifelessly at the Blank ceiling.


The Automated Doors Opened and Dr. Corvus entered with his usual dry Emotionless face but there was a Sad Weary Glint in his Eyes.

20 Kids had come- Just Six survived the Enhanced A.G.E Process. Maybe- if they had some of those Safety Treasures, their survival rate would have improved... But The Purity of the Mythic Power would Degrade Heavily - They were not Part of a First Class Power that had Next Gen Technology to help perfect the Purity- They were simply too poor for that.

But the Urgency of the Plan requires Monster Level Candidates who would brave through the Toughest of Obstacles and survive inspite of Immense hardships, if they fail All of Rathiel's Citizens will die.

He gazed at the Six Boys who Survived and he opened their profiles on his Data Tablet


1. Candidate E7V1-

Male, with Pale skin- Red Eyed - Aged 8 Ansel Vladicus- Abandoned Dhampir Orphan who survived on the Harsh Poor Camps on Sarkon.

Was Kidnapped by an Organ Cartel- Saved by a Byrd who was on the scene. Has endured Horrific Torture- No Living Relatives Found... All have Died.

Unlocked Body Core and Mind Pond- Has Decent affinity to Blood, Death and Darkness Elements.

Very Rare Cruoromancer Talent...

Mythic Power - Rare High Vampiric Kayaamat Mythic Power (Mythic Grade A-)

2. Candidate E7A8-

Male, with Dark Brown Skin with Obsidian Black Left Eye and Snow White Right Eye - aged 8, Ekon Abrafo- An Aasimar Orphan whose parents were hounded just after his Birth - Hid him in Sarkon with an Ageing Wraith Knight Relative - His Parents were killed upon Leaving the Sarkon, The Relative Died a few days ago but not before sending him to a Secure Pick Up Location.

Unlocked Mind Pond and Energy Dantian

Gifted in Spear Arts, Dual Light and Dark Elements,

Excellent Paladin or Cleric Talent.

Mythic Power- Perikin Angelic Mythic Power (Mythic Grade B+)

3. Candidate E7Y6-

Male, with Yellow skin, Blind White Eyes- aged 8, ErDa Ming- Parents were killed right after his birth in the Hospital Assault by Desian Forces- Rescued by Counter Offensive Team and Taken to Sarkon to be Raised by an ageing Grandmother who was later cut down by Debt Collectors.

Unlocked Only Mind Pond- Has Gift of Premonition, Very Intelligent, Affinity to Astral Energy Extremely High - Considering For Oracle Class or Stigmatized Wizard. (Mythic Grade A- Duathic Fate Seer Mythic Power)

4. Candidate E7B3-

Male, with Reddish Brown Skin, Light Green Eyes- aged 8, Atohi Bidziil, Son of a Recently Exposed Wraith Knight, The Mother was a Civillian - The Parents were Killed infront of the Boy but a Byrd asset deployed to Extract the family managed to retrieve the child who had been hidden in the Destroyed Residence. Unlocked Energy Dantian and Body Core, has an Unnatural Vitality and High Affinity to Composite Sonic Element, Wood and Air Elements as well, Will make a Perfect Bard Type Class or Sylvan Sorcerer like his Father.(Mythic Grade B+ Azatan Sylvanite Power)

5. Candidate E7S5-

Male, With Caucasian Skin, Orange Eyes- aged 8, Angelo Savartis, Child born with Pit Blood- Subjected to Severe Abuse by Old Faith Priests, Background traced to Formerly Destroyed Military Family- Savartis that used to be Part of the Storm Academy administration - They were presumably wiped out by a Rival Devil Mythic Practitioner Force, Angelo is the only known survivor- No other Family Member exists- has no Tiefling aspect apart from his eyes, Angelo was retrieved from the Old faith Church by a Byrd who appeared on the scene and recognised his Talent. Unlocked Mind Pond and Body Core, Excellent Affinity to Flame, Sealing Elements and Darkness Element, Recommend HellKnight or Overwhelming Mage with Infernal Blood. (Mythic Grade B+ Diabolic Ifrit Mythic Power)

6. Candidate E7Z9-

Male, light wheatbrown skin, (Earlier Dark Brown Eyes) Now Dark Bluish Purple Eyes- aged 8( few days ago), Aavesh Adhi( Formerly Named Aavesh Xander by his Guardians, Confirmed Descendant of Adhi Imperial Clan- New Maledictis of the current Millennium, Parents or any other Direct Relatives are likely Deceased, Sent to the E7 Transport convoy by an unknown Entity- The Chief Commander himself was involved in kid's admission to the Wraith Knight Initiative,The child has history of being unusual- Gifted Memories from a Mysterious Higher Being, Voluntarily Chose to cultivate Demonic Techniques at the age of 7 during the rift incident of the Deion Tempest

Systems, Stopped the Invasion with the Help of Irolin and Redeemed by Irolin Later, Preliminary Medical Reports suggest that the child has Never Seen before Augmentations that are genetically encoded in,The Augmentations Can not be transferred from blood to blood, Or Cloned- The Augmented Cells Do not leave his body whatsoever, Maybe if the child matures and has children- These Augmentations will Pass on, Detected Several Unique Inactive Augmentations within the Child's Body, Likely due to lack of Energy to activate them- Persona is that of a Mature Child, has Redacted records in Rune Assessments, Has a very Powerful and Pure Soul, has an unnatural Third Eye Slit on his Glabella region, Body Quality is excellent for the Body Path despite lack of Activated Bloodlines. Unlocked Energy Dantian, Mind Pool and Body Core , has terribly weak Talent for Most Elements, has decent affinity with Lightning and Unknown Nullifying Elements, Class Recommendations unknown - Required further investigation. (Mythic Grade F+ Mutated Machinan Axiomite Mythic Power)


Corvus raised an eyebrow at the Last Candidate on his list. ' This Kid is strange... and very intelligent - the child has horrible elemental Affinity but is pretty sharp in understanding Advanced concepts, and rationalisation - A teachable Student'

He then cleared his voice and spoke up," Alright Kids- Dig in before I send you back to the cleansing room!"


Immediately The Six boys dug into the feast prepared for them without batting an Eye.

They were too horrified and traumatized by The cleansing room that they ate even faster during the feast provided to them.