Myriad Classes in the Endless Universe- Part 2

"Huh? Six Survived this Time Clavis?", A frizzled old woman in a Grey Med Suit arrived to the Secure Room behind Dr.Corvus as he read the Data Tablet while the Kids ate their food.

"Keep your voice down Miss Sabine - Call me Dr. Corvus, Not Clavis",Dr. Corvus frowned a bit as he spoke, there was slight irritation in his eyes but they weren't hostile, just tired.

"Alright - Alright, Don't be such a Sourpuss - So these kids are the Last Six?", Sabine's Pale Blue Eyes stared at the Kids with a curious gaze.

"Yes", Dr. Corvus Dryly replied.

"Wait till they finish Eating - We will begin after", He spoke again before she blurted anything further.

Sabine didn't reply but her old experienced eyes shifted to each Child.

Her gaze then stopped at Aavesh who clearly overheard and observed what they were talking about.

Sabine them grabbed the Data Tablet from Dr. Corvus and read through the Brief Summary - She then tossed it back to Dr.Corvus who was unfazed by her antics.

'Interesting- A Maledict? and a curious one at that- I wonder which class is suitable for you...', She thought before pulling her gaze from Aavesh and focusing on others.

The Kids minded their own business and ate silently without causing a fuss- they were extremely famished after the A.G.E Process and ate the SYNTH food quite voraciously.

After a while, they finished their meals and washed their hands and mouths diligently.

They were then led by the soldiers to stand neatly before Miss Sabine and Dr. Corvus.

Dr. Corvus then spoke in his dry hoarse voice," This is Miss Sabine, She will be Testing you all for your Class- I will explain what the concept of a Class is - It is a set of Training Systems and Your Core Job ! You would have had dreams of what you wanted to become in the Future, These are classes which will help you to Utilize your Mythic Power to your maximum Advantage! Sure you can pickup Knowledge here and there but you will only have a limited amount of Core Classes- You can't be a Master of all in this world, there is a limit-"

Seeing the confusion on the Kid's faces, Sabine shook her head at the Corvus's Dry cut explanations.

"Kids- Who wants to be strong? Raise your hands!", Sabine interrupted Corvus with a bright but crazy smile.

All 6 looked at eachother for a moment but then immediately raised their Right hands.

Seeing this Sabine nodded and continued," To become strong you need a Class! Now Who wants a Class ? Follow Me!"

She immediately turned and led the kids away from the Secure Room while Dr. Corvus followed behind silently. He didn't seem to be offended by her at all- To him it has already become a habit.

Everyone walked through several different Doors and corridors in the Super Complex before stopping at the entrance of an old vault. Aavesh stared at the vault with slight nostalgia- He came to a similar vault in his past life, to choose a Class- There were countless such Vaults across the Galaxy - offered to anyone at an extremely high price by the GRATU- ( Galactic Research Association and Trade Union)- These Vaults contained priceless information and Class Allocators- The Machines that helped identify the best suited class for anyone.

They also had Class Manuals upto Level 20- Each Level represented a Stage... After Stage 20 which was unimaginable for their current selves- They could Establish their own style of Classes! From that stage onwards the information would only be found in the Inner Rings...

Sabine placed her Palm on the Vault's metal wheel- With a Beep Sound- it then rotated in the Anti clockwise direction with several clicks.

With Several Rotations and Mysterious Gears roating- The Galaxy spiral sign of the GRATU lit up!

The Gates let out a heavy sigh as they slowly revealed blinding light- as if a new dimension had been opened.

Sabine stood back a bit as the vault finally opened before them.

The Vault opened to Show a Black Chamber lit up with Glowing runes on Geometrically cut walls- Heck each Brick in the wall had subtle yellow energy sparks fluctuating between.

Sabine then spoke up," Except for Aavesh Adhi- the rest will come in with me- Aavesh wait outside till I come for your turn"

Aavesh complied and waited on the side- ignoring the strange looks given to him again, he clearly didn't wish for this.

The others then quickly followed Sabine into the vault - while Aavesh waited with Dr. Corvus.

Dr. Corvus then spoke," Everytime we use this - We pay a massive Fee, Something you can't understand now- But I won't lie to You- You've already noticed the insurance policy we left within You- during your Cleansing right?"

Aavesh nodded without discomfort. He knew what they injected into his Neck- A deadly Nano Sized Mini Poison Bomb- He did consider removing it but decided to play along - At best he could remove it, at worst he could just control his blood and remove the Poison - albeit at the cost of some Vitality.

But Dr. Corvus continued, " The Model used is CRC- Upon triggering the signal- it will release Classified Deadly Fluids into your system which will kill you- in 60 Seconds, Every Wraith Knight has a CRC injected into their Necks- Even Me, Even you"

"We will remove it once you relinquish your memories about the Wraith Knight corps provided you have paid off your debts"

Aavesh gazed at him silently as Dr. Corvus spoke with a rare emotional tint in him.

"I'm talking quite morbidly- But that's how it is- You either die or pay the price for freedom..."

Dr. Corvus didn't speak anything after that.

A long silence ensued for several minutes until all the five came out but with a glint in their eyes- they got the classes they wanted!

They had a unique Pattern Encoded into their wrists.

Dr. Corvus stared at them and spoke, " Ansel you have chosen - Cruoromancer with Shadow Blood Necromancer Archetype - Not bad given your body type but be careful where you do that magic"

"Ekon- Your choice was that of a Paladin- With Divine Avenger Archetype - A Powerful Class against Evil- Be careful with your choice, lest you become the Very Monster you chose to slay"

"Ming You chose to be an Oracle with the Possessed Psyker Archetype- Your Choice of Curse was Unchanging Outcome, interesting- Not Bad kid"

"Atohi- You have decided to emulate your Father- Great Man he was- and both of your choices in the Bard Class with the Sylvan Son Archetype- A hard one to master- Good Luck"

"Angelo- You chose the Fighter class with the Armiger Archetype- I see that you wish to follow the Path of a HellKnight - A fearsome Class Against Chaos- Not too bad"

The Five looked at him in Surprise and fear- They didn't even speak a word but he found out everything? Scary!

'Newbies are gonna be Newbies'

"Now All of You- Please switch off the Assigned Class Encoders- It's the Tattoo on Your Wrists, I only need a Decoding Scanner in my Iris to find out what your class is- Yes you can automatically hide it- You can control it with your mind- Kids-It's Simply connected to your minds- You should not let it be on, People will find it easy to deal with you then", Dr. Corvus shook his head as he looked at the 5 immediately scrambling to switch of their Class Encoders.

"Aavesh Adhi- You may come in Now"- Sabine's voice called out to him from the Vault.

Eon then spoke in Aavesh's mind,' I'll stay out Now- This is your choice - You must craft your own path- I'll wait outside "

Aavesh nodded and moved.

When Aavesh stepped into the Vault, it was like entering another world altogether - The Vault looked small on the Outside but inside- it was another story altogether!

Aavesh Gazed at the place with his Aeon Eyes - He Could see that Every black Brick inside was a like a Super Processor- He Could see each Data Stream was condensed and extremely Massive!

It was slightly cold inside as he walked in.

Luckily the Path ahead was straight and it was not a maze- One could definitely get lost inside if it was!

As he walked he thought of the classes he couldn't choose- He was not Evil, He was not Good Either.

He was Neutral now- So some Class requirements would become invalid.

Some Classes needed one to be of a Particular alignment.

Some required Blood heritage.

Some Required Faith to a New God.

And Some Even required you to Blessed by certain Elements or Mysterious Beings from different Planes that randomly intertwine the Material Universe.

Aavesh didn't have blood heritage - Nope, it just didn't come within him. He was born as a normal human unlike his siblings.

He wasn't blessed by Elements- though his affinity to Lightning and Null Shadow elements was something very innate.

He didn't have faith in the new gods either- not even his own Master Irolin and Mistress Sierra- He treated them like family instead.

'It's the same as last time- But I had limited options back then- I became a standard Atheistic Crusader - Not a Great Class for Combat, but enough for survival if you were smart... Truthfully, I don't believe in the New Gods... Not in a bad way but I guess I was brought up to believe in the Old Archaic Gods... by Mom and Dad- Essentially my so called religion is Dharma- and at best I do respect and align People of the Green Faith and Stellar Beliefs which are closest to my Beliefs, So I will not be able to take current classes with Divine Faith Requirements-sheesh', He shook his head and continued.

He walked forward towards A Large Pyramid made up of Dense Black Quarts- The Yellow Sparks around it were quite intense here. The Alien glyphs on Each Block would light up with yellow Sparks randomly. He briefly saw the Pyramid with his Aeon Eyes and immediately closed them.

There was a Singularity within the Pyramid - A Powerful Data Singularity that was Sentient enough to Call upon Immense amounts of Data that it was now invisible. If One could even fathom the Amounts of Data Streams...


This Pyramid was never Simple at all.

Plus the place gave him a wierd vibe.

This Place was quite balanced. It gave off a whiff of absolute Neutrality.

He stopped thinking about such Distracting thoughts and saw Sabine waiting for him outside the Pyramid and quickly walking towards her.

As he reached her, Sabine immediately lit up like a Researcher seeing a new Test Subject.

Aavesh cringed inwardly at her expression and ignored her scrutinizing Gaze.

"You'll be an Interesting Experience- Follow my instructions carefully - One Misstep and we are done for- Economically ", Sabine spoke seriously while leading Aavesh inside the Intricate Pyramid.

"How much does this cost?", Aavesh asked curiously when he heard the Last word.

"It costs 1 Trillion Rathiel Credits- or 100 Universal Credits or 100 Million Galactic Credits, A Very Expensive Relic- And Yes- This does not belong to Rathiel Republic, We are simply borrowing it from The Imperium Federation", Sabine quite replied plainly at that question.

'Shit- Too Expensive - Way too Expensive ', Aavesh shivered at the thought of the Price.

"Why would they let us Borrow it? You make it sound like they gave it to us without expecting us Return it", Aavesh immediately asked the question that came to his mind.

Sabine laughed loudly as she heard this," Hahahah- Corvus was right - I just give you a little hint- You jump at it like a shark - You remind me of myself when I was younger- Heheh... Culturally and Ethnically, the Federalists are the same as us - We have the same ideals and practices- You would never be able to find the difference between a Rathielite and an Imperium Federalist- You won't believe the amount of the Relatives both sides have with eachother - Inshort The Citizens of the Imperium Federation don't want us to die or be enslaved by those that had forsaken the Values of Old Terra- or Some other Goddamned Reason- But they have always been helping us for some reason- You in fact would be Highly welcomed by them even more- You are after all a child of the Main Adhi Clan-"

Aavesh looked at her in confusion - Wasn't The Imperium Federation a Human Star Country? They should treat him like a subhuman. Infact the only reason he was given humane treatment here was because of that Commander Sam Manek. He had no illusions of being treated fairly should he step out.

"If you survive one Day- And reach the Imperium Federation you'll find out why - Besides the Imperium Federation in our Sector is but one of the many enclave states in several Sectors- Hehe I won't spoil such good stuff for you more - Find Out More yourself!", She Teased Aavesh who immediately pouted at this reply.

' Seriously when you know the Goddamn answer why don't you say it straight- Keeping it so mysterious '

"Enough chit chat- See that Throne, sit on it to commence your Evaluation", Sabine pointed at the Black Carved Throne with Golden Titanite Embedded onto it.

Aavesh wordlessly followed her command and climbed up the steps that led up to the Throne.

The Throne was quite big for hint- atleast the current hint- He immediately sat on the Chair.

A Yellow scanning light flashes from the Throne and immediately scanned Aavesh- Sabine then tossed an ancient Black Gold Coin into a Black Well that appeared next to her.

A Clear and almost human like female voice sounded out in the Pyramid.

"Initial Data Shard Payment accepted- Request Initiated by Registered Class Curator Sabine Blizen, Curator Authorization Accepted- Processing New Candidate - Code Named E7Z9- Aavesh Adhi, aged 8, Born May 9- Human Year 20000 SY, Projecting Digital Data Evaluation "

A Stream of Yellow Light Poured before Aavesh and Sabine.

--' Name: Aavesh Adhi

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Race: Enhanced Bionized Human

Blood Type: Sage Universal( Universal Antigens Produced- Detected to be Compatible with any human genes)

->No Strong Bloodlines Detected

->Detecting Body Quality to be True Perfected Mortal Peak Grade

->Detecting Soul Quality to be True Perfected Mortal Peak Grade

->Detecting that the Candidate has achieved a Soul Constitution... Ranking- Unknown... Warning Detected , Divine Protocols override activated, Abandoning Search for Soul Constitution- Continuing Evaluation

Physique- Enhanced, Several Augmentations Detected, Third Eye Detected, Detected Active Manvidarak Genes.

Intelligence- Sound Mind detected...

Faith- Dharmic

Alignment - Lawful Neutral

Elemental affinity - Lightning, Null- Error, Processing- Retrieving older Records- Nullifying/ Oblivion.

Hidden Talents - Candidate Mind is attuned to

-> Candidate has Unlocked All 3 Dantians

Mythic Power - Machinan Axiomite Mythic Power

Processing Potential Possible Classes and Mental Limit ...

Please Wait



