Chimera Class Style- Cosmic Knight

'*Sigh - I should have known, My situation isn't normal, I should have predicted this- I have been reformed several times- Ofcourse things will apply differently for me- Now let's focus on creating a class for me', Aavesh gazed on the Light Screen with a Determined gaze. Things had gone out of Control for Too Long.

He needed to step up- The Situation can't be blamed, Only how he reacts to it matters.

Aavesh then interjected," Alright - I can see that you don't have a class that meets the minimum effective Utilisation Law, and you are suggesting a Chimera Class for Me- What's a Chimera Class? You don't possibly mean - Merging two Archetypes Right? - I thought only Mad Men Did that?"


Sabine then felt a Tremor in the Pyramid, a different one than before - A Female Humanoid Face made of Light Particles before Aavesh.

The Humanoid face was well structured with Delicate Lines across it.

'Nano- Tech? No - She radiates A Strange Power of Fate... The Particles used are strange- Mythic Infused Metal? There are several things I don't know... ', Aavesh Carefully observed her.

"You may address me as IO, This Subroutine has been activated due to Situation - You may proceed with Creating a Chimeric Class- Please Choose a Base Class to begin Fusion ", IO- the female AI replied in a neutral Voice.

Sabine shook her head and spoke, " You have quite unnatural Talents- Unfortunately Not a Single Class that you were eligible for- could meet the requirements- Besides you got selected for some pretty strange classes as well- Very Obscure they are- You are right about one thing though "

"Yes only Mad men do that- But in your case you have no choice - Making a Chimera Class is akin to making things difficult for oneself but You- You are a curious case- None of the S Grade Classes were applicable to you but even then your Potential is very high- A Strange Combination... I don't know whether you are lucky or unlucky..."

"Lucky? I doubt that", Aavesh spoke in a slightly depressed tone. His luck was always - So Complicated Man- At times he'd get the worst luck and then he would still survive it... with some gifts.

'I don't know what to feel about my luck... But I just have to focus on creating the Best Class on Me', Aavesh then stared at the screen and spoke," Um Miss Sabine Can you tell me about Force Knight Archetype?"

Sabine thought for a moment then replied," Force Knight - You use your Cultivation energy Techniques to master a Certain 'Force' based on your innate elements- , You then Use the 'Force' to Temper your body and Soul to gain a Strong Spirit, Instead of developing the Knight's Heart, But the Trade off is your 'Spirit' is far more immensely powerful- Your overall Resistances increase Dramatically! With this class - If you spend all of the Resources cultivating your Spirit, you can then recieve a limitless supply of 'Force' which is essential to your class, you can use the 'Force' within you for some truly powerful attacks- But the Spirit takes a lot of time, effort and resources to forge- it is a Super F Grade Money Burner Class because of the sheer amount of resources needed - Well I am not complaining, your debt to the country is only increasing at this Point"

Aavesh ignored that last comment - Though it did Prick his heart a little bit- only a little, he shook his and turned to IO," What about a fusion of the Monk Class- Zen Archer Archetype?"

Zen Archer was an D Grade Class but it could be enhanced to an A+ Grade if one was blessed with 2 features- Eyes of the Blind Sage and Crimson Glazed Tendons.

He didn't have either but his Arcanic Aeon Eyes could potentially step in and he seemed to have an Augmentation that could increase the Strength of his limbs. He ignored the other Monk Archetypes and waited for IO's reply.

--' Accepting Request...

Modifying The Base Class Force Knight Archetype with the Zen Archer Archetype Monk Class...

Calculating Increase in potential...

Detected Synergy in the Fused class-

Class Requirements have been drastically increased - User must develop a Qi Pool with Medium Grade purity by the First Stage...

Calculating Increment in effective Utilisation Metric...'--

Aavesh and Sabine gazed again at the Light screen for the result...


--' Ineffective Increase... Candidate E7Z9- you need to choose another Class as well...'--, IO's subtle disappointed voice arrived.

Something was not right here... A third Class fusion? This wasn't normal.

Aavesh too realised this and gazed at Sabine...

Sabine immediately spoke then," Show us the Live Data on our screens-"

--'Very Well'-- IO replied.

A New Line of Characters were added onto Both Light screens.

--' Effective Utilisation - 18%

Minimum Requirement - 75%'--

Silence Ensued.

Aavesh looked at this in shock.

Sabine gazed at this in Bewilderment.

She then looked at Aavesh, as if gazing at a new Specimen...

Aavesh meanwhile went into an inner Brainstorm- Trying to find the Cause of this .

What could cause this?

Mythic Power?...

Could it be...

Aavesh suddenly had a dreadful thought...

'I have 2 Mythic Powers, In terms of Mythic Powers it is never as 1 + 1 = 2...'

'Shit- This IS the consequence OF two Mythic Powers', Aavesh knew that it was true in his heart!

He felt that familiar Tiredness...

He pulled at his bald ...

It was a feeling of someone bashing you on the head with an Iron Pillar.

A sinking depressing feeling.

His breathing elevated to an asthamatic level.

Sabine's gaze changed as she observed Aavesh- He was on the verge of a Mental Breakdown.

She was about to intervene when Aavesh snapped!


Aavesh had a stern gaze now with somewhat unhinged glint.

"IO Merge the Classes I tell you! I am not going to wait for the same results - I know this won't improve if I just keep adding just another class- So Merge what I say now"

His Aura had changed .

Sabine wanted to speak but kept her mouth quiet- as She saw the other change as well as in Aavesh's aura.

His Look- His voice- Even his posture was brimming with strength and a familiar desire- A desire to Control!

Control the course of his Life!

Even she felt that once in her life as well...

'This brat - Fine, as the class curator - I will only support him- The Way he needs'

It was time for action Now- She then summoned a Data Chip from her Storage ring and tossed it to Aavesh who caught it...

Aavesh saw the look in her eyes as she nodded at him.

"Wait a sec- One Moment IO", Aavesh immediately Activated his Augmentations at the cost of some Vitality and connected with the Data Chip.


A Truck load of Class Based information bombarded into his mind - But he stopped it immediately.

He then filtered the Data to find the Classes he was eligible for and went through them alone. His Eyes Glowed Blue as he processed all the information he needed and was able to form a small list of classes, but with a different mindset.

He broke the thought of 'I can't' within his mind- To establish Order in his situation he had to think in Terms of 'I can' and 'I Will'.

It would be on his terms now.

He looked at Sabine and Nodded his head in gratitude towards her.

She simply smiled her usual crazy smile with a Thumbs Up Gesture.

Inwardly she was exceptionally entertained by Aavesh who kept surprising her in unexpected ways. It was like watching an entertaining series for her and possibly living it as well. She just wanted to see how Aavesh would surprise her next!

Aavesh then turned to IO and spoke in a firm tone," Please Merge the following archetypes Knight class Force Knight, Monk Class Zen Archer, Bloodrager class Primal Forgemaster, Fighter Class Armiger, Hunter Class Stealth Predator, Alchemist Class Synthesizer, Arcanist Class Runewright, Magus Class Weapon Saint, Wizard Class Spell Master, Druid Class Ancient Tantric, Inquisitor Class Truth Judge, Oracle Class Soul Purifier, Ranger Class Mech Specialist, Slayer Class Chaos Killing Slayer, Kineticist Class Psychokineticist and Shifter Class Focused Wrathshaper- Merge them with the Force Knight class as the Base and Remove anything that hampers the other - I want A Complete Synergy Only-"

Sabine's Jaw dropped at the list- 'The Brat did not spare even one class! What the F? But there seems to be a strange reason behind this- But let's how IO reacts'

IO still had a neutral expression on her face,--' Are you sure about this?'--

Aavesh spoke," Yes- These Classes were showed to me for a Reason - I studied these different Archetypes... This is What I want To Do- So that in the future, I will not be fucked up in a situation where I can't do anything! The Situation will change- But it will never again hold me by my Balls!"




--'Noted, Merging the Archetypes according to your Request ...'--, IO replied Neutrally in her usual Tone.

--' Merging... Merging... Merging '--

Aavesh and Sabine's faced remained fixed on the Yellow Lightscreens.

10 Minutes later a New Detailed Archetype popped up on the Light Screen with an 'U' Grade.

--'New Archetype From the Knight Class- The Candidate needs to Train in Multiple Disciplines and reach a suitable Proficiency to be eligible for Class Advancement, Candidate needs to Build A Qi Pool, Heart Blood Pool and Arcane Mind Pool infused with the Elements he is familiar with, Candidate needs to Ensure all Pools are of Perfected Quality '--

--' Candidate will have a Multi Modular way of Combat , Information, Strategic Thinking through this Class'--

--' Candidate also needs to Ensure that All the 3 Prime Knight Forces- Energy Force, Blood Force and Soul Force are Merged into a Single Unilateral Cosmic Force'--

--' Candidate Please Name the New Archetype you have helped to Synthesize despite the Incredibly Impossible Difficulty of Practice'--

--' You will receive all other information if you accept the Encoding'--

Aavesh then felt that moment- It was of a wierd feeling of Destiny... He knew now- He was never going to cultivate a Simple Class...

"You said I had to Develop A Cosmic Force? Is this Crucial to using the Abilities of this Archetype?", Aavesh spoke.

--'Yes - Without Which You will Never be able to use any of the Abilities and Styles of the Class'--, IO replied back.

" Then let's name it- Cosmic Knight- A Knight with the Force of the Cosmic... A Knight with Abilities of all 5 Class Styles- A Universal Archetype", Aavesh spoke with conviction from his heart- This was it- This is the Answer!

--' Effective Utilisation Metric is at 100% , Proceed with Knowledge Encoding?'-- IO asked Aavesh.
