The Cosmic Knight- New Core Skills

Aavesh accepted the Encoding and left the Vault with Sabine.

As they walked out he saw Eon hovering on the corner while Dr. Corvus then stared at Sabine with a suspecting look.

But he didnt outright accuse her immediately and simply told Aavesh to follow him now.

Sabine Patted on Aavesh's back and let him keep the Data Chip. She turned and left in another Direction.

Eon immediately jumped on to Aavesh's shoulder and began to examine Aavesh's new Class.

Dr. Corvus then led him to the Training Complex, where the other kids were staying.

Apparently it was a free Day Now and a Free Night as well.

To Destress the mind and relax their bodies before the Training Regimen starts.

The Real Training Regimens where most of the People usually fail and die.

Aavesh went to his Assigned Room and saw a Simple room with Bedsheets- No Holo TV or anything else, Just a Regular Bed and Bathroom, with a false Window- The Temperature was completely Automated and out of his control.

Meals would be Given Every 9 Hours and Difference in time between each meal would gradually increase. As for Cultivation Techniques - They could browse it tomorrow after finishing their basic Induction.

Having heard everything from Dr.Corvus- He just went in and sat on the floor.

The Door Closed behind him and the lights shut off.

It was completely dark and silent now.

Eon then lit up a small ball of dim Light and sat down before Aavesh.

"I took a look at your class- You have made your Choice - I respect that, Let's discuss how it works",Eon spoke out with a normal tone that didn't seem to be mad, for now.

"Sure", Aavesh nodded.

"Simply Put your Encoding contains the chained Custom Requirements of 16 Archetypes - All merged together - To achieve Level 1 You need to satisfy basic Requirements of all the 16 Archetypes - Bruh why did you do this? Isn't this just Torture? So Many Godamn classes! It's a very Bad Idea and You got a U Grade- This Custom class of yours is almost impossible to Fully Learn- Dude wait - I see that Familiar Suspicious Glint in your eyes- What did you do?!", Eon asked with a strange unsettling feeling in his heart.

He looked back at the Encoding - It seemed to change imperceptibly.

"I spoke with IO, and Fused the Core Skills of Each Combat Style together - Simply Put Imagine this, In Combat class I fused the Zen Vision( Zen Archer), Blood Forge( Blood Forgemaster), Armiger's Limbs( Armiger) and Knight's Vital Boon( Force Knight) skills together into a new Skill- I named it Combat Blitz Form- Tacky name maybe but It is a New Fused Core Skill, Let me explain the rest as well-", Aavesh spoke with confidence in his gaze and Eon nodded to go on further - Eon had to admit- this move Surprised him.

"For the Rogue Classes- I fused Knight's Quarry(Force Knight), Studied Target( Chaos Killing Slayer), Mechanical Modeling( Mech Specialist) and Intelligent Tracking( Stealth Predator) into a new skill called Automated Analysis, I intend to fully use Augmentations- Vitality used or not "

"For the Divine Caster Classes I fused Oracle's Pain(Soul Purifier), Discern Truth( Truth Judge), Knight's Heart( Force Knight) and World Sense(Ancient Tantric) skills into a new skill I call Divine Intuition- Intuition- a woman's natural Gift, Very hard for men to master- But those that master it- Become Deadly in matters of Survival"

"For the Arcane Caster Classes I fused Ingredient Detector( Synthesizer), Weapon Bond( Weapon Saint), Rune scribe(Runewright), Knight's Hand( Force Knight) and Spell Tongue(Spell Master) to a new skill called Arcane Spiritist- I essentially can create Runes using a Bonded Weapon on any required ingredient to form either a scroll or a Portion, that I can use as Spells without wasting much time with reduced Fatigue- A Dynamic Skill Toolset I'd say"

"For the Mystic Classes- I fused the Elemental Infusion( Psychokineticist), Knight Spirit( Force Knight) and Wrath Focus( Focused Wrathshaper) into a skill called Focused Unyielding Infusion- Infusions are Dangerous- Increase power over a chosen Element- at the cost of a Burn- A Mind Burn in my case- My very spirit will feel the Burn- Normally I would have a weak spirit but due to fusing it with the Knight's Spirit Skill- I would reinforce my Spirit at the Cost of Even More Mental Energy to prevent it from remaining in a Weakened state- and have better Focused control on my impulses-"

"The Core Skills of My Archetype are Combat Blitz Form, Automated Analysis, Divine Intuition, Arcane Spiritist and Focused Unyielding Infusion- Like any other class- Except the Learning Requirements are very high, but It is just a challenge I want to Complete -Eon you didn't think I would bloat myself with unnecessary skills did you?", Aavesh explained his actions to Eon and then asked him with a subtle smirk.

He truly did enjoy this Process - He knew now what kind of class would suit him- not a bloated one but one with skills and abilities with a very High Quality and Intensity Requirement- Aavesh knew that he was foolish at the start- thinking he could simply settle for something small- No he had to break his own caging mindset and think in a more Logical Manner- He needed the Best Skills and a Class that would completely squeeze his Potential - He looked back at the Encoding in his arm, for a moment there were sixteen thin Bar lines, then at his control they shifted into the Standard but very thick 5 Bar lines- This was his secret - Only Sabine and IO knew clearly about this.

Even Corvus wasn't aware.

Not that he could share it out with him.

Man- It was expensive as hell- But worth it. New Abilities would come at Level 5 while his Base Skills would receive a Qualitative upgrade with every Level increase.

That's Good.

Aavesh's reply surprised Eon, he did think that the kid added all 16 Core Skills but he proved him wrong, Eon saw that the kid chose a more Calculated Approach - Eon then carefully noticed Aavesh- There was subtle loss of Vitality being marked by the Slight Paleness in Aavesh's Wheat Brown Skin.

Eon became a bit silent at that, this boy- Aavesh wasn't a fool, he was learning - He was becoming better and was trying his best to not repeat his mistakes- He knew why Aavesh chose to make that Deal with the Nine Dimensional Wills and why he chose this class.

" Not bad- Aavesh, You are not as impulsive as before- But still stop using your vitality like that again - Until you either Cultivate or Learn a Skill to Regenerate Vitality-", Eon chided him but praised him as well.

"Haha- Ok Eon , I won't screw around with my Vitality again - Unless the situation forces me to", Aavesh shrugged and replied- but he was feeling a bit warm in his heart over Eon's concern and approval.

"That's Good Enough for now Let's learn Cultivation Techniques now- You can access your Gifted Memories and maybe understand them now Aavesh- Once you learn them... * Sigh I'll talk about the next steps later- First Meditate and start accessing them", Eon replied back but there was a slight change in his tone. He even sighed but didn't explain further.

Aavesh noticed this, but he didn't ask Eon anything further- If Eon wanted him to know- He would know it later.

" Ok Eon- Let's access them"