Roots of Origin, Eon's Worsening Condition

----"I'm afraid that you will not find the resources you need- appear in a natural manner, and there is a limit to collecting and Refining Natural Resources to suit your needs- the higher you go the need for more and more Rare Natural resources and Treasures will increase exponentially, it will be simply unviable !"----, ArcV1.0 explained in a patient manner to Aavesh who looked visibly depressed again.

'If what Arc is saying is true, then becoming stronger is going to be such a Pain! Damn', he became a bit frustrated at the thought. He then sighed and asked,

"What would you recommend? You brought this up for a reason didn't you?", Aavesh asked inquisitively.

----"The answer is Artificial Synthesis of Resources needed, the Technology suprisingly lies in you- specifically within your Augmentations! It's very hard to actually delete data from Autarch Level constructs, You can use Cosmic Force to recover the broken cache within Your augmentations- During my scans I learned something interesting from these broken down bits of information- Whoever worked on this Tech was a True Pioneer - despite it being very rudimentary, it's actually a new way of looking at Synthesis Technology... Alright I have spoken enough - Time to help you form your roots of Origin "----, ArcV1.0 then appeared before Aavesh in the form of a Glowing green holographic Compass with an Eye at the Center.

"Thanks for the advice, Now- what's a root of Origin, How do I form it and how's it going to help me?", Aavesh asked immediately to the Green Hologram before him.

----"A Root of Origin can be formed only in the unlocked Dantians- All 3 in your case! But the shape and form of these roots will depend solely on Your talents- what you can contribute!"----

----"The Root of Origin converts the hidden energy in the Fabric of the cosmos, within the void itself to make Cosmic Force! Cosmic Force can essentially make Cultivation Easier and eventually help you understand Your Mythic Powers on a level that others can only dream off! It is like a Midas Touch! *Sigh this can not be explained - You must experience it!"----

----"That Hidden energy within the void is Cosmic Qi ! Cosmic Qi! Heh I could give you a years lecture about it but you won't understand - Just know few things, Cosmic Qi is essential for Stimulating Evolution- Mythic Power is one way to draw it out in a safe and structured manner, it can be used as a Universal Source and it is Extremely hard for something apart from a root of Origin to extract! that's all"----

----" Cosmic Force is a watered down version of Cosmic Qi, Because Those Below Immortal Stage can never handle Cosmic Qi, The Roots of Origin, we will proceed now, the method is simple yet very very very deadly, one thing goes wrong - then Poof, off to the Gates of Reincarnation"---- ArcV1.0 advised with caution.

"Sure I will be- extra careful", Aavesh nodded.

----"Good, Now understand - Your Soul Constitution's Power will be used to create them, in exchange you will not be able to use the upscaling ability to quickly kick ass- You will be back to fighting within your Realm- No Peak level stuff anymore- Say Goodbye to that shit! Instead the abilities you gain from your soul Constitution will be not be directly overpowering but they will be quite suprising- I won't spoil that, that's your thing, Now Open your Third Eye and focus on the void before you"----

Aavesh's Third Eye twitched open before a painful- expression appeared on Aavesh's face as the void at which the third Eye gazed began to slowly vibrate.

----"Keep at it, you are almost there, just a little bit more"----

Aavesh's face turned red as he bit his lower lip in pain and clenched his fists.

----"Come on- a few seconds more...."----

Steam began to emerge from Aavesh's head as he was barely able to withstand the third eye.



The Void before Aavesh let out a faint shattering sound and invisible wave of unfathomable energy almost seemed to sleep out.

But a glass of familiar Emerald Liquid appeared before him.

----"Quick Close your third Eye now and drink the Waters of the Pond"----, ArcV1.0 hurriedly advised.

Aavesh shut his third Eye and immediately chugged down the contents of the Glass before him.

A cooling sensation spread across his body as he slowly felt normal and shivered as if he had just escaped disaster.

----"Sure enough - you have the Manifested Third Eye which appeared as your soul Quality reached True Perfected Mortal Peak! Damn no wonder you have achieved the Rank 1 Soul Constitution, a word of advice, don't ever use the Third Eye casually - It's not a power that even the current Gods are allowed to use, be careful with it- the backlash for this power is not something you can survive "----

"Ok, I've done what you told, what's next?"

----"let out the power of your soul Constitution and envelop yourself with it"----

Aavesh let the strange haze emerge from within him and enveloped himself with it with a thought and waited.

----"Do you know why your Soul Constitution is Rank 1? Because it's a formless Haze of Power formed from the Depths of Soul whose Emotions had shattered into Nine Distinct Personas and then Reconciled by the Root self! Such a thing is a Paradox! This allows it to tap into Mysterious Powers that are capable of tearing Order and Chaos to shreds! You've already seen the just a tip of what it is capable of! Your Key Spirit was right to bring you here to achieve Cosmic Force- You need to do this to let your Soul Constitution to truly integrate within your Body and Qi, So that Your Soul Can Grow to Reach Human, Earth, Heaven, Martial, Nascent, Golden, Grand, Imperial, Sage and Immortal Grades respectively! Your Soul Quality can Immensely help you increase the Quality of Your Body and Qi! Now Begin to Cultivate Your Unified Technique! Complete one Revolution without Fail Aavesh! You must Endure what comes next or you will perish!"---- ArcV1.0 deployed an a strange set of Arrays within the Room as Aavesh began to circulate the first Revolution of the Unified Technique!

'Celestial Convergence Communion- The Zero Stage of this Technique is to Create a Link between the 3 Innate Main Powers- Soul Wisp, Body Essence, Innate Energy, it is a Painful process but a Converging Tri Vortex Must be formed in all the Dantians! This Tri Vortex creation would be equivalent to circulating the Technique Once! Normally this would be impossible- but the Power of my Soul Constitution will help me out here!', Aavesh focused his Thoughts as he began to slowly chip away at his own Body, Soul and Inner Energy or Internal Qi as it is called.

This Process was essentially hurting ones own foundation and was probably Fatal, But Aavesh was determined to do this! In Theory of his derived Cultivation Process- He intended to create 3 Tri Vortexes of Power within this Three Dantians to establish a Unified Link between them- Like Celestial Bodies!

Hypothetically if he succeeded, He would alter the Very Nature and Structure of each of his Dantians! They would forever be linked and if any fool decided to cripple him, they would find it very very difficult and highly annoying.

A Unified Cultivation Technique was Unique, in this Wide Galaxy, there would be barely even less than 20 such Techniques!

What was the End Goal of the Celestial Convergence Communion? To become a complete walking talking Universe! To Follow the Birth and Death of the Universe! To become as Eternal as the Universe itself!

To Do that a Tri Vortex was the fundamental requirement - The Tri Vortex was necessary to build the required Foundation for such an impossible Technique!

*Ssssssss BURN*

Ghastly White flames burned around his Body, as Multicoloured Lightning flickered across his skin, causing it to crack, Black Liquid oozed from his orifices.

Aavesh Endured this extreme self Inflicted harn as he continued to use his Soul Constitution against his Own Self - Even his Soul felt the Pain as he tried to collect the Soul Wisps needed!

Blood trickled from his mouth as he stood very still, as his very Body Essence was being Extracted, His Hair began to turn grey as his Inner Energy began to be extracted as well!

His Fingers began to tremble as his vision began to shake, Aavesh could feel his Body cry out in Pain Wanting him to stop! But he had to go on, this Cultivation Technique could push him beyond anything he had achieved before!

Then he might finally meet the Requirements of Upgrading his Mythic Powers to Rank 1 and truly step onto the Path Towards the Apex.

The Universe was the Apex. He must reach the Apex if he wanted to gain true Strength to protect everything and everyone he cared about.

But the problem was even after injuring himself, the Process of collecting enough resources was too slow.

Aavesh then sat down in a Forced Meditative Position with a terrifying expression with his mind set on increasing the intensity of the Process.

"If Ageing Creation leads to Eventual Destruction Then Destruction Leads to Birth of New Creation, To Create I Must Destroy", Muttered Aavesh with a feverish yet determined Voice.



The White Flames raged around his body along with Multicoloured Lightning streaking all over his Vital Parts as his Orifices did not stop spewing Black Blood.

As if Responding to his intent his Eyes Glowed with a subtle Blue Glow while his Body seemed to have a dull silver Glow.

His Mythic Powers had not abandoned him at all! They resonated with his Goal.

He could feel the Renegade Aeon Mythic Power approve his decision to Cultivate this Technique as it mirrored the Cosmic Balance which was the True Ethos the Renegade Aeon, He could feel the immense resonance from the Legend Mythic Power for trying to cultivate a Type of Power that would be Unique, Unique to him and mastered by him alone.

They were helping him Focus and Endure this arduous Process.

After a while a skinny charred Aavesh finally breathed in a sigh of relief as he had gotten enough material to form the Tri Vortexes within his Dantians.

Noticing this ArcV1.0 spoke out,

----"Your Cultivation Technique did it ever take Roots of Origin and Cosmic Force into its calculation?"----

"No, but I suppose it should not have any major conflict with the Other Techniques and Cosmic Force should not be having negative effects right? as you explained", Aavesh replied back as he focused hard on dealing with the pain


----"Activating Secondary Assistance Array, Aavesh now just form the Tri Vortexes as planned, do not worry about what happens next, I'm right here with you"----

The Arrays in the Room lit up and began to create a whirlpool of Elemental Chaos and the strange Cosmic Qi from the rupture that Aavesh had caused in the Void.

Aavesh was a bit surprised but presumed that this was part of creating the Roots of Origin.

"Now I must create the Trivortex and circulate all this across my Three Dantians", Aavesh murmured.

He closed his Eyes and began to follow the Steps he had derived for Stage 0 by using the Power of his Soul Constitution this time albeit a bit more gently in laying down the Route of this New Cycle of Celestial Convergence Communion within his body.

He carefully mixed in Body Essence, Soul Wisp and Inner Energy into a tiny glowing nectar thread like structure and began to pass it through all the connecting Pathways between his Dantians using his Soul Constitution - like laying out new Highways- Be it through his Meridians, Essential Network of Body Passages and Mental Channels in order to create a new intricate set of fixed Paths to form the 'Link'.

He had purposely designed the Nectar Thread to have a Mega Source Junction like Structure within each of his Dantians to create the Tri Vortex and send a synergistic Energy Essence or whatever this new thing would be across his Body to the Other Dantians as they did the same, the New Routes were carefully Designed by Aavesh so that an 'Overload' Situation doesn't occur.

As he had theorized the New Energy Thread would be made up of Three Components, Soul Wisp, Body Essence and Inner Energy but their concentration Ratio may not be Uniform across the Entire New Paths, Near the Upper Dantian the Soul Wisp would be in higher concentration, Near the Middle Dantian the Body Essence would have higher Concentration and Near the Lower Dantian the Inner Energy would have higher Concentration... this would result in the Major Critical Pathways of his Body to have a rather Uniform and Near Equal Concentration of the three when they were away from the Three Dantians - Just like he needed.

Aavesh grit his Teeth as the Structure had been created but the Trivortex had to now be initiated- all three at the Same Time or he might die from Deviation, He could feel the Concentration of Elemental Chaos getting higher slowly bit by bit along with the Mysterious Cosmic Qi- His Window to create Roots of Origin was rapidly closing- He had to do this Now!

Aavesh focused as he split his Concentration Threeways and carefully began to Circulate around the three different Dantians at the Same - He literally used his Soul Constitution to help lay down the Routes and create the Source Junction structures in each of his Dantians with the Nectar Thread and Now once he started the Circulation - He would not be able to use it anymore like he did before, unless he wanted die.


As if to activate all 3 Source Junctures at the same Time, Multicoloured Lightning streaked across the entire route as Aavesh took a deep breathe in.

His Soul Orb at the center of his Mind Pond where the Source Juncture was created was now being rapidly surrounded by the Nectar Threads in a Vortex while Faint Multicoloured Lightning Flickered.

The Same Could be Said for his Heart and the Lower Dantian.

From Now Onwards, this Power of his Soul Constitution had been sacrificed for Progress and Growth.

'*Sigh I already Miss it', Aavesh bitterly smiled.

This was the way of things.

He then focused on Running the Full Cycle Circulation.

A moment later Aavesh exhaled Turbid air as veins popped around his body...

The Tri Vortexes had been made and a Full Cycle of the Cultivation Technique had been completed.

But now his Dantians began to change, leaving him with Paralysing Pain.

"Urghhhh", Aavesh barely got out some words as he began to fall backwards as the Pain rendered him immobile and unable to shout out.

His Dantians were now being altered by the Tri Vortexes at a Great Cost. He had to not lose consciousness at this critical moment or everything would be in vain.

----"Now assisting Candidate to Build Roots of Origin"---- ArcV1.0 spoke out suddenly.

Aavesh saw the strange Glowing Green Runes forming above him flickering like stars.

----"Using All Resource Reserves left to Create 3 Roots of Origin... Forming Array Runes... Complete"----

----"Root Formation Array is ready, Suppressing Warning Protocols, Overriding Emergency Shut Down Orders, Following next step of R147 Process,

Checking Compulsory Requirements...

Detected that candidate has viable Mind Pond that has Reconciled all Possible Mental Energy types,

Detected that Candidate Physique has reached necessary Threshold to bear the Root of Origin and detected additional element of Tribulation enmeshed with the Physique...

Detected that Candidate Elemental Energy Affinity for all Primal Elements has reached 75% - Viable Threshold for Surviving Elemental Chaos

Candidate Has Cultivated a Unified Technique and is currently in the Process of Modifying all 3 Dantians, Perfect Period for Implanting Roots of Origin,

Candidate has Digitized Soul- Roots of Origin should automatically receive additional encryption from the Soul Constitution - Soul Substructure is clear and Ready,

Authorised Candidate to skip all Learning Materials,

Candidate meets all requirements, Proceeding to Create Root Template "----

The Runes began to create 3 Neon Green Nebulas above Aavesh and this caused the Compass Structure to become more and more unstable.

Sara facepalmed at the scene and shook her head as she gazed at the confused look of the Pale Phantom Codec.

"Now you are screwed*Sigh you destroyed one the few places I truly enjoyed", She spoke sorrowfully.

"This - THIS CAN'T BE! ARC STOP! PLACE ALL STOP PROTOCOLS - AAAAAAHHH! I WILL FUCKING DESTROY YOU ALL!", Codec Roared out in anger as he tried to stop the Process.

"*Cough *Cough *Cough We did warn you- Besides, I don't think you will kill them, It is guaranteed You will die before he comes out- Because you are life linked to the Structure and Arc will destroy what's barely left", Eon coughed in pain as he calmly spoke out.

"No- NO NONO IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS!", He screamed out in anguish as went to punch the Structure to force it open.

But it was to No Avail.


The Glowing Green Nebulas began to fuse into the Tri vortexes of Aavesh's Dantians-


The Runes within the Nebulas let out immense Power Suddenly as a Mutation took place.

ArcV1.0 looked on in shock as the Roots began to Take a strange turn from the Norm as it fused into the Tri Vortexes.

'This is new', Arc gazed at the strange Mutation during the Root Formation within Aavesh's Dantians.

The Fused Tri Vortexes Condensed into a seed within each Dantian.

The Upper Dantian's Seed had completely enveloped the Soul Orb within the Mind Pond, with a Lotus Engraved onto it.

The Middle Dantian too had a Strange Seed form within it and it had a 'Trishul' with a strangely shaped 'Drum' attached to it.

The Lower Dantian had a Strange Seed condensed as well with a 'Chakra' etched into it.

Aavesh opened his eyes in a snap as an invisible strength surged in within him- His wounds healed at a rapid pace while he felt- changed and immediately tried to observe the changes within him.

----"I don't know what you did but whatever it was, it's fused your root of origin into the Seeds of your Cultivation Cores- Aavesh I expected some Mutation to happen but this- this is uncharted territory - I am not sure how this works for you"---- ArcV1.0 replied with worry.

Aavesh got up and took a deep breathe. He tapped into that strange feeling of Pull and felt a trickle of a Unique Energy seeping into him from the Void at will, this Energy immediately assimilated into his seeds.

These seeds were not only His Roots of Origins but also Now a Full Part of his Cultivation.

This was incredible.

Aavesh tapped into his altered Inner Energy and felt it to be exceptionally Strong- This was now the New Energy Mix - The Nectar Thread- It felt Immensely upgraded and more unified after Cosmic Force was fused into it.

Besides Aavesh's Vitality surged like a Tidal Wave- he felt it restore itself automatically after this.

He estimated that he needed a few more days before he could start activating all of his Augmentations and not die.

Aavesh felt Good, in a long while. This upgrade was crucial for him to survive.

"Thanks Arc- I suppose you don't plan on staying here with how unstable the Structure is becoming", Aavesh gratefully thanked Arc.

Arc simply spoke, ----"Well it's good that this has succeeded to a Decent degree, Oh Well Time for me to go, All the Best Aavesh- See you in my next life"----


With that brief farewell Arc Shut himself down and the Structure exploded outwards as a Green Shield enveloped Aavesh.

Codec dissipated with grief upon ArcV1.0's death.

He died without even having a chance to see Arc or Aavesh, He died breaking his oath and definitely had hell to Pay in the Afterlife.

Sara flicked her fingers and the dust, debris and smoke flitted Away from Aavesh as she smiled awkwardly at him.

"We should have explained earlier but unfortunately Codec went rogue - But it's good now- I sense you have become more similar to me and you can Tap into the same Power I have been using for Long", She spoke as the Shield around Aavesh dissipated and he dropped down.

"It's Fine- I feel much much stronger now- Besides where's Eon? - He owes me an explanation now", Aavesh spoke out as he walked towards her.

"I'm here", A much worse for wear Eon came before them and Aavesh could feel his connection with Eon become extremely faint- like it would be severed at any moment.

This was bad.

Aavesh's expression turned dark as he gazed at Eon's worsening condition.

Both Sara and Aavesh quickly hurried to Eon's Side.

"What's happening with him- why is his body degrading?", Aavesh asked Sara in Panic.

"He's almost fading away- We don't have much Time " Sara spoke with a dull voice as she realised Eon's conditions had suddenly accelerated.

'I thought we had more time- But But...'

Her expression fell as Aavesh observed her and then turned to Eon who was gazing at him with an expression filled with Pride.

"You learned Cosmic Force-", Eon spoke weakly with a smile.

"Of Course I Did! Tell Me Eon! How Do I help You?", Aavesh asked with a hoarse voice as he felt the Aura of Death surround Eon.

He frantically tried to hold onto Eon but his hands kept Passing through Eon's shimmering Body.

The End was nearing.

Sara placed her Palm on Aavesh's back as he turned to meet her sad Eyes.

Eon then spoke out to Aavesh,

" It's Ok"