Crucible of Metamorphosis

"Eon's condition is not something you can help with - it has to do with his injuries from the Last War right when the Order Autarch was about to die,Eon was hurt from a Weapon called Soul Killing Dagger from a new born Eldritch God that severely broke his foundations beyond Repair- unfortunately the Order Autarch was at his last breathe and could only seal Eon before the Eldritch God could get their hands on him- Aavesh, Eon wasn't supposed to survive even if his prison broke, he was going to die eventually from his wounds", Sara spoke with a depressed tone as both of them observed Eon's rapidly worsening condition.

"Was I responsible for this?- Eon saved me so many times- I", Aavesh choked as words came out painfully.

But Eon shook his head," I was going to Die anyway - Better to use my remaining Power for you than to let it waste, I was initially planning to somehow survive longer by using your Mental Energy and it did work for a while", Eon spoke wearily but with a smile while gazing at Aavesh.

He was almost About to lose strength but he continued,"I healed a bit slowly, It seemed fine but soon I saw my wounds reappear -

When you had passed out and the last Will of the Order Autarch was augmenting you- he gazed at my condition and told me that my wounds were not healing at all- He wished he could heal me but being a remnant will meant his Power was essentially powerless before my Wounds - Nevertheless he helped slow down the progression"

"I was shocked at first but then I realised that they could not Fully heal from the Root- It was after we came back to the current Timeline that I realised the healing through your Mental Energy had become increasingly ineffective and Soon I would Pass on"

His breathing became laboured as Aavesh and Sara held him as he spoke with a struggling expression," The Reason I wanted you to learn- Cosmic Force was because if you did you would be able to Recieve my Spirit Key- The 'Ankh' within me- The Autarch's Treasure cannot fall into the wrong hands- I will - Fa aa de... soouuun... Taaaa-kkke Keeeyyyy.... Yukti", Eon spoke that last word with immense strength as then immediately fainted as his body became increasingly grey.

Sara clasped her mouth as she heard that name.


Aavesh bit his teeth Hard as he could not believe - Eon was going to die soon and all this pain , this struggle to save him, was all for nothing!

He didn't want the Damn Key- He wanted his friend back!

Tears dripped down from Sara as she spoke Eon's will,

"Once Eon dies- His Spirit Key will remain - It's not something that anyone can pick up- one needs to achieve Cosmic Force as the Basic Requirement to even pick it up- otherwise it would simply Phase away - Eon put his all into Teaching you so that you could go on and become an Autarch one Day, and maybe win this Eternal War- I can't believe - he's going to go- *Sniffle "

"NO", Aavesh spoke out with reddened eyes to Sara.

"There's another way right? It can't end this way - THERE is another Way Sara- TELL ME!", Aavesh yelled hoarsely.

"A Divine Chaos Treasure- The Daughter's Primordial Crucible", Sara Muttered out.

"Where's this Crucible?", Aavesh asked hurriedly.

Sara gazed into his eyes as if realising something and said, "Yukti"

Aavesh looked at her with rapt attention.

"Yukti and the other Key Spirits, They will know- " Sara spoke as as she then turned sliced the void with her palm as droplets of her Tears stained the ground before them.


The Void Tore like paper to show another location and a Pink Glowing Fairy like Key Spirit appeared from the Other side.

"Sara- How rare of you to summon me like this", The Pink fairy spoke from the Other side with a Chaotic tone.

"Yukti *Sob", Sara burst into Tears causing Yukti in her Pink Fairy form to become astonished and then she gazed at the greying body of Eon Being held on by the grieving Duo before her - she froze...

"E- Eon?No- No! NO! EEOOOOOOONNNN!", Yukti burst into the duo and ripped Eon away from them as she Screamed in anguish.

"YOU DAMNED FOOL! *SOB Nooo You don't get to die first ! You idiot *sob haa *Sob!", She kept crying as she cradled Eon's dying Body.

" You should've told... me and... the others- Eon- why"Yukti could only cry as the Aura around her turned Chaotic.

But Aavesh was unwilling to Give up and he grit his Teeth again - He felt a bit ashamed for interrupting Yukti but she knew the Treasure that could save Eon. He had to speak even if it meant hurting her feelings.

"Yukti- Sara told me you know something about a Divine Crucible to save Eon- Tell us now- Please"

Yukti then looked up to them with dull and hurt eyes stained with pink tears...

"It's useless - But why would this bitch want to help you - Sara are you manipulating a Scheme again? You Dare Use Eon Now?", Yukti spoke hoarsely - She didn't trust Sara one bit, as far she was concerned - Sara was the one who caused them immense Problems and was responsible for their constant reincarnations.

"Yukti- Check my Memories and you'll understand why Sara wants to help!", Aavesh quickly spoke up- He didn't want an infighting situation that could waste time- He immediately offered himself.

"Oh?", Yukti changed her gaze to him and she reached her palm out as Aavesh felt a quick invasive feeling shake his mind a bit but it quickly went back to normal.

"..." Yukti had become silent and then looked at Sara with a complicated gaze.

She then slowly spoke," It's still useless- That Treasure" She plucked out a Strange looking Spherical Treasure from a hidden space and threw it before them.

"There's no one alive left to activate it- If any of the Autarch's were alive - it would open in a split second and start Metamorphosis Protocols", She spoke dully without Hope as she caressed Eon sadly.

Aavesh felt his hope crash as he heard that - He slumped to the ground as Sara gazed at the Treasure with pain.

"This Treasure was handcrafted by The Chaos Autarch, Rebel Autarch, Life Autarch and Justice Autarch to Evolve the Key Spirits to a Combat form- it has unparalleled healing Power for Key Spirits but due to it's Powerful features it was locked with a single requirement - Yukti is it possible to temporarily awaken the Chaos Autarch to Open the Crucible?"

"She can't awaken at all now- None of Reincarnated Autarch's can be awoken- Their Bodies are not Powerful enough to withstand the Devastating Autarch Energy they will summon ", Yukti shook her head sadly, how could she have not considered this Plan?

Time- Time was against them.

Was it too late?



Aavesh suddenly vomited blood as a strange pulsing sensation engulfed his heart as he stared at the Spherical Treasure- he began to have a splitting headache as his Legend Mythic Powers began to react vigorously upon sensing the Spherical Treasure.

The Divine Primordial Crucible was lying right there but he felt a deep churning within him- like, it was a sensation that he couldn't handle at all.

"AAVESH! Are you ok? Talk to me!", A horrified Sara immediately cradled Aavesh's weak body as he kept gazing at the Divine Treasure with Anticipation and Agony.

" Tha- That Treasure", Aavesh pointed towards the Crucible with a bloody finger that lay just a few feet away from them.

His Mythic Powers had become unstable at the sight of it causing excess energy to surge within him- injuring him internally.

He felt an extreme urge to go and touch it.

"Sara - give that treasure here- Please", He pleaded her as his body still spasmed uncomfortably.

Sara bit her lip before summoning the Crucible to her palm and then gave it to Aavesh.


Aavesh held on to it with his Bloodied hands and new wounds across his body suddenly split open and blood surged onto the Crucible.


Upon making contact with the Crucible the Blood Burst into Silver Flames and sparks appeared around Aavesh as the Lifeless Crucible suddenly lit up at the Touch of the Blood.

Yukti and Sara gazed on with shock as they couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

The Crucible was still burning with Silver Flames that seemed to strangely awaken the spirit placed within- it let off a Terrifying Aura as it floated above.

Dark chunks of matter ejected out from it as if it had been purified and baptized by the Silver Flames.

"Haaaaahhhh- Uf *Deep Breathing", Aavesh took in deep breathes of relief as the uncomfortable Excess Mythic Energy within him had left his Body- he felt his wounds heal back and then suddenly felt a subtle mental connection out of nowhere.

He turned to look at the Crucible which had now gained a silvery sheen and realised it was contacting him mentally.

---"Did you wake me and upgrade my Body?"---, a strange Robitic voice asked out within his head.

"Uhh What the Fuck?", Aavesh exclaimed as he stared at the Floating Crucible incredulously.

He then immediately turned to Sara and Yukti who had their jaws dropped before him.

"How...?", Yukti spoke while still in shock.

"I have no idea why this actually happens- It's my Legend Mythic Power - It acts up suddenly and things... end up like this?", Aavesh spoke while looking at his still blood stained hands.

"You woke up the Crucible and significantly altered it- Aavesh -That Mythic Power of yours- We were certain Autarch Energy was required but your Mythic Power did it instead... It's something that breaks our Understanding of the supreme Tenets of Order and Chaos!", Sara spoke out wide eyes and a tremor in her voice- This Power broke the impossible and overrided the Rules - literally.

Aavesh was just as shocked as her- What's this thing about the Legend Mythic Power? Why does it react so fervently with Autarch Artifacts? It was something he didn't know for now.

"Aavesh we can't waste time- You woke it up and I sense you are able to connect and command it- State the Metamorphosis Protocols, Eon Cannot hold much longer!", Sara immediately spoke and Yukti nodded as well, " Don't worry about other Key Spirits and their partners - They are currently safe for the Time Being, Go ahead- The Others are already aware of Eon's Condition through me and will join us soon, Do this now- Save Eon!"

Yukti had already alerted all of the Key Spirits the moment she saw Eon. They were like family after all.

"Okay - Crucible - Activate Metamorphosis Protocols", Aavesh immediately spoke the command - Causing the Crucible to Glow with a Powerful Purple Light.

Ancient Power surged from the Ruins of the Archway as the Crucible split to form a Hyper Dimensional Portal.

"All Key Spirits Proceed to Enter the Metamorphosis Realm by order of the Nine Supreme Autarchs", The Crucible's mechanical voice sounded within all of the Key Spirits.

The World seemed to become extremely unstable as if a Chaotic storm had been initiated by the Crucible.

Yukti carried Eon to the Portal and before entering it- She turned back and spoke to Aavesh and Sara," You both must all leave now, this world will be controlled by the Crucible and it will kill anything that isn't a Key Spirit, it's got the Power to be invincible below the Autarch Level- Thank you Aavesh- You have no idea how much this means to me- We'll be gone for 10 Years atleast to finish Metamorphosis, Stay safe- both of you"

With this she entered the Portal with Eon.

Aavesh looked on with mixed feelings, as Sara softly placed her palm on Aavesh, to comfort him.

"Aavesh once this is over, Come back to this Dimension - there's more to the Archway than you have seen- I can't say too much now, I'm sending you back", Sara whispered as she hugged Aavesh and then smiled at him as she sent him back to that Room.

Aavesh didn't have a moment to speak before being sent back.

He'd come back to same room but now he felt a sense of loneliness, Eon had truly gone now- Though he still felt the feeble contract connection between them but knowing his condition made the situation bittersweet.

'Atleast he's with his girlfriend Now- Damn dude has got more Rizz than me heh- hahaha- Take care Eon, We'll meet eachother soon one day', Aavesh joked a bit mentally to accept his current situation, He emotionally bid Eon Farewell for now.

He then sat down and stared at the wall silently.

Meanwhile, Sara arrived within the Space Time Junction.

But her face changed into a bit of an emotional Joy yet Two lines of crystal tears dripped down From Her Eyes, as she whispered mentally,'I knew you could never die, Brother'

"Crying already as you enter my Realm? Huh?! Wait- Sarakshi you seem different", a suprised grizzled old voice spoke behind her.

She didn't need to turn around as she was extremely familiar with this voice as she grinned and spoke," Long Time No See - Grandpa Kronos"