The N7 Labs Part - 3

'Dont be So Complacent Rick James!', The Creature spoke again inside Aavesh's head leaving him dumbstruck- This thing- It did not think that he was really Rick James right?

If so this Telepath definitely had Psychological Problems!

If it could use Advanced Mental curse Spells but not mind read his True name- it was a very bad look- because if it was not able to read his Mind at will - Then a huge section of Troublesome Mental Spells would be locked off!

But then again why was this Telepath not aware of Mind Reading? It Sensed his Mental Presence and even communicated with him but didn't read his Mind- Were there such Generous Telepaths in this world?

Nope! There was definitely a Problem...

'You have killed enough Today- Tomorrow you will face the True Strength of My Children! If not for the Fact I was confined by that damnable Mind Breaker- I would have eviscerated you Myself!"

"So what's my Point Count", Aavesh asked the UI in the Suit.

--'2400'--, it displayed blankly.

Damn he killed 48 of those Monsters! 50 per Kill seemed a bit less especially when he did a Group Blitz- Shouldn't he deserve at least some Bonus Points?

"Show me the Market", Aavesh asked a bit with distaste- The Points should have been more but anyway it was pointless to complain.


----' N7 Market

Wraith Full Armor - 6000

Wraith Knight Sword - 4500

Wraith Knight Blaster Pistol - 200

Wraith Knight Martial Technique Set Part 1 - 2000

Wraith Knight Martial Technique Set Part 2 -


Wraith Knight Martial Technique Set Part 3-


Full Wraith Knight Pack - Kill Test Subject Alpha 71

Nutrition Supplies (Includes Nutrient Fluid and Sufficient Water for a Day) - 100

L1 Explosives - 300

L2 Explosives - 1200

L3 Explosives - 4800

L4 Explosives - Not Allowed



"Tch what kind of rubbish Price scaling is this? Are there even enough Monsters to kill to Buy the Upper Packs? What's with such limited Options? And What's this about explosives? Which Idiot designed this?", Aavesh felt annoyed while looking at the Prices - These guys- They thought Killing these things was easy?- not only is the reward less but price is also astronomical?


"Fine- Hmm why is this Blaster Pistol so low priced? And where are the Instruction or feature explanation options?", Aavesh noticed a crucial flaw- These people were deliberately not placing any kind of explanation - Rather they wanted to see the Outcome of his choices.

"Are you Serious? You want to expirement on me? If So You should atleast reduce the Prices - You Stingy Bastards!", Aavesh cursed out but then left it after not getting a response from the shitty UI.

"I'll get the Wraith Knight Blaster Pistol, Nutrition Supplies and the Wraith Knight Set 1 Martial Techniques", Aavesh spoke out and an Acknowledging Message came out- It directed him to a nearby Safe Zone - He had to Find a specific part of the nearby wall and a Safe Scan would occur- after which the Safe Zone would Temporarily open it doors.

He was given a Time Limit of Six Hours- The Other Instruction was that The Safe Zones could only be activated when he made a Purchase and when entering a Safe Zone he absolutely could not be chased or it wouldn't open for him.

Aavesh gave a dry hmmm in response and simply entered the safe Zone to find it was just a lit up White Room with a Glass Panel.

A Section of the Wall opened and an archaic Looking Laser Pistol was present inside.

Aavesh sighed and knew why it was so cheap- It was ancient in the first Place and it was practically worthless- Huh?

Aavesh noticed something odd about it and slowly took out the Blaster Pistol.

It was a of very careful intricate design- the likes of which could not be made by Humans- He then began to observe the Weapon with more attention and activated his Arcane Eye Augmentation.

The Blaster Pistol consisted of a Delicately crafted Black Runic Chamber made of multiple Micro Mechanisms - Was this even a blaster?

But Aavesh who made custom Survival Guns on th flow in the alternate timeline could not truly recognise this design - It was so... odd and yet so familiar.

He couldn't put his finger on it.

Why was it so familiar?

From his Observations the Weapon was not simple Blaster - These Guys never made it in the first Place!

"Use the Power of Oblivion on it", Sabine's voice entered his mind.

'What?', Aavesh was stunned as he looked around and then turned to the Glass Pane.

There was no reply - only silence.

Aavesh held the Pistol in his hand and then passed a soft wisp of Oblivion Energy into the Gun.


The Gun Chamber rotated Rapidly as if getting charged.

Upon seeing this, Aavesh increased the Output and the Gun Chamber stopped rotating but it's runes were Glowing completely.


A tiny needle suddenly pricked Aavesh through his glove Armor as he held the Trigger and he felt a strange connection forming with the Gun.

He could somehow sense a greater accuracy as if the Gun had merged with him.

Aavesh could feel the strength of the connection growing and he learned a basic command from it.


The Gun disappeared from his hand in a puff of black smoke and he felt it enter his Lower Dantian - Resting at his command.


The Gun reappeared in his and once again - primed to fire a Bolt of Concentrated Oblivion Energy at his enemies.

Aavesh could feel that were was more to the weapon but he couldn't find out now- The Weapon required a Higher Grade of Oblivion Energy before he could do anything more with it...

"I'll call you Black Volt", Aavesh spoke softly and in response he felt the Gun humm in his hand in approval.

With that he put Black Volt back into his Lower Dantian and then gazed at the Glass Panel again, waiting for the Other Products.

*Hatch Open.

A bottle of Pale Green Opaque Fluid popped out along with a Transparent Bottle of Water.

'One liter huh? Should have known', Aavesh opened his Helmet and placed it on the side and sat down next to the bottles *Sighing.

Aavesh opened the Nutrition Fluid and Gulped it Fully down.


'I can't say much about the Taste but that shit hits the spot! Let me catch a quick wink and then I'll get the Technique set and leave'

Aavesh closed his eyes and began to let his body and mind rest.

He drifted into a dream like world made of glowing sand.

It was dusk and Aavesh could see the Massive Expanse of a Dream Sand Desert before him.

"You killed my Children" A voice whispered behind his ear in a chilling tone.

Aavesh immediately turned and punched but he didn't find anyone.

"What's going on?", Aavesh spoke out loud.


But then the Entire Desert trembled as a massive head the size of a Mountain emerged from the Sands.

The Head was mostly human and female- But face was partially melted and the Head had huge Pale pinkish Tentacles along with the hair.

The Distorted Mouth opened unnaturally wide as it was about to swallow Aavesh alive.

Aavesh raised his hands in a vain attempt to defend himself as the Mouth Covered his Vision.


Aavesh felt a Lightning Shock at the back of his neck.

The Ground before him suddenly disappeared and he fell into free fall and then slammed right onto a wall and the world Snapped out before him.


Aavesh's Eyes opened with a little bit of pain.

"And He's back!", Sabine spoke as Aavesh saw her channel Shocking Grasp spell on his neck while trying to grab the bottle from his mouth.

"You were trying to choke yourself! Aren't these things such a Bitch?", Sabine spoke with her usual crazed smile and stopped her spell as she let go of the bottle.

Aavesh immediately took the Bottle out of his throat and gazed at it's crushed shape.

As a Cultivator he could crush it to bits but even he would have to go hardcore if the Bottle got stuck in his throat - It would take couple of days for his Tissues heal, not kill him like others but still it would be agonizing!

He felt the insides of his mouth hurt a lot and he could only give out a bitter smile to Sabine as he couldn't speak for a few minutes while his throat healed.

"Take some water, Slowly - It has healing properties", Sabine Passed his water bottle to him as he opened it and took a soft sip.


A cooling sensation spread inside and he felt the Slightly damaged tissues heal back quickly.

"Awwww", Aavesh still felt the Pain as he groaned.

"You want to know how it Bypassed your Awareness, Sank you into a Dream Realm and Even your Mythic Powers didn't flare up right?" Sabine spoke out with a Know all Gesture as Aavesh just nodded at her.

"The Problem is split two ways- Your Brain is Slow - You didn't activate your Mental Augmentations and simply decided to rely on your Mythic Power to protect your Mind- The Second Part is it's Brain is extremely fast when using this Move- So fast your Mythic Powers didn't even have time to Protect you! Did you really think your Augmentations and Your Mythic Power could act as an amulet to protect you against all sorts of strange Beings in this world? No! Your Mythic Power can't save you always! ", As she spoke the last bit, a faint sadness emanated from her Eyes as she thought of her Beautiful Little Boy- Just like Aavesh! Eager to Prove his Worth! Eager to Jump at any opportunity and Now he was...

She closed her eyes briefly and then continued sternly again," That Creature has Illithid Genetics- Not a Pure Illithid or we'd all be dead within Seconds! But it's slight Illithid Genetics has already caused us a Major Problem - we can't kill it with conventional methods - It is figuratively immortal, unless a Stage 9 and above arrives burns it with Infernal Hellfire or Divine Flame Burst, or other spells of the like! It's Mythic Power is what's terrifying - You are screwed if you don't know about it- Illithid Mythic Power is extremely dangerous to Strong Mental Cultivators like yourself! It used Dreamweave and was about to Turn you into a Thrall! The only thing that's holding the creature back in the facility is the Mental Strength of Victor Manek! Otherwise it would have long escaped and started a Ceremorph plague!"

Aavesh began to truly understand the urgency in her voice now. The Creature was a Threat that was capable of killing him.

"You are lucky that you chose to learn the Wraith Knight Techniques or I wouldn't have been able to intervene - Yes I have come to teach you the Combat Techniques of the Wraith Knights!", She now explained her the true Reason behind her appearance.

Aavesh was stunned - He'd never guessed that Sabine was actually - Nevermind, he was glad to have someone to teach him new combat Techniques.

Sabine tapped at a specific point on another wall and the safe room expanded to the size of a decent Training hall.

"Wraith Knight arts don't just use weapons - You are the weapon, Anything else is just an extension to get the Job done- Recognise this carefully - the Combat Techniques you chose will reflect on your chosen class - Luckily most Knight classes have a synergy so you won't have to make tough choices for now, But keep in mind choose to learn Techniques that are Just Right for you- You can't learn out of your limits, Your Mental Limits Of Course!"

"The Set 1 consists of Four Techniques - Spectral Veil, Wraith Mark, Gutrend, Dark Soul Fist! "

"First is the Spectral Veil- It is a stealth technique, that lets you enter the elusive Specter Seeker World which is enmeshed with the Real World, You need to carefully use the strength of Negative Elements like Darkness to channel the right Runes and you will disappear without a trace but you will see others, while they can't see you- But it's limitations are someone with a strong enough mental presence can detect you because this technique does not hide your mental Presence, also you can't stay too long within the Specter Seeker Dimension or you will go mad by the spectral whispers", after saying that, She disappeared right in front of Aavesh, to the point where couldn't sense her location ! He could only feel her Presence.l but very very faintly.


A Blade appeared before his neck and he Sensed Sabine right behind him. Aavesh wasn't frightened but excited - Stealth skills! He lacked learning any form of Stealth spell and often had to rely on Tech and Potions - He never had a killing move Like that!

She took her blade back and continued,

" Next - The Wraith Mark is a curse Type Ability - It's using your Mental Energy to cast a Tracking Plus Debilitating Curse on your Enemy- At basic levels it will weaken the Enemy with your Killing Intent and cause excruciating Pain to their mind! It's possible to hold the mark for 2-3 Km for now but as long as you train it to higher levels- You can track Marks across Star Systems...", An Intricately Formed black Runic Skull appeared in her Palm and she threw it on the Wall to let Aavesh observe and experience.

" Gutrend is a Powerful Killing Strike, it's an Infusion type Attack where you use your Vital Essence to Target the Enemy's Body with Blood Red Negative Vital Power, Remember this is very dangerous to use if you don't understand it! This can be infused into any weapon or if you're feeling particularly suicidal you can even use your fists, If Trained to incredible degree you can kill most in a Split Second, even if they survive their body will rot inside as their Cells implode, this is effective against living beings alone", Saying that Streams of Blood essence emerged from her hand as she infused it onto her Blade.

The Blade burned with an eerie crimson glow. Even Aavesh could feel the threat from it.

"Dark Soul Fist- that's a very rare Hybrid Technique - It's Versatile and can be used to Target Undead and Living but it is most effective against Specters or Mental Bodies"

Her fist turned Pitch black and emitted a soft dark mist, She then turned and punched out towards the empty section of the Training hall.

Aavesh felt his soul shudder at aura left behind by that fist- It was dangerous as heck!

"Now Memorize the information from this Tablet - it only contains the basic Levels of these 4 Techniques", Sabine Passed him a Data Tablet to go through.

But Aavesh switched his Omni Connector and Processor Augmentation on and simply consumed the information in it within 30 seconds.

Faint Zeros and 1s appeared in his Eyes as he attempted to recompile the entire collected information.

This skill was a cheat ability but it was necessary for him. His enemies had become unfathomable and he was still a Rookie Cultivator.

The Data Tablet was unfortunately not connected to any Intranet and was isolated, apart from the aforementioned Set Techniques it didn't have anything extra.

Nevertheless he handed the Data Tablet back to Sabine's Suprised face. He then sat down on his knees in a meditative posture, as he used his Augmentations to generate a Simulation Realm.

Within the Realm Aavesh began to practice those Techniques with a variety of different Enemies from his Past life- Be it Drows, Jogons or Battle Crazy Krorks - He generated his opponents with a thought and battled it out with them with life and death as the Theme!

He ensured his Simulation body perfectly represented his current Condition - No cheats.

He succeeded sometimes and failed at other times but he continued to practice those Techniques.

Sometimes using stealth to stalk an opponent and seize the Opportunity!

Sometimes trying to escape from a Horde of angry Krorks who lusted after his blood.

He even tried a Blood Battle Mode with Famous Serial Killing Drow and it was beyond painful- the Drow kept cutting into him faster than he could react and those slices of hers made it difficult to move.

But he slowly adapted to the Tempo and finally managed to Slice her Body with Gutrend - Watching her explode into pile of flesh and blood was gratifying to say the least.

Another Time he simulated an undead legion and used only Dark Soul Fist to take on all of them... and died miserably at first after getting torn to pieces by undead legion.

But Aavesh continued to fight even if it seemed hopeless at first and kept restarting the simulation - He had to have enough combat experience with these New Combat Techniques and finally managed to Decimate the Undead Legion after experimenting with using Both Mythic Powers and the Combat Techniques.

Aavesh kept exploring scenarios where used all of the Combat Techniques and tried to find the Perfect fit.

Once, Twice, Three Hundred Times and thousands of variations later- Sitting upon a mountain of corpses- Aavesh smiled and felt he had now Achieved Excellent Proficiency in the Techniques.

If he upgraded his Augmentations, the learning ability would be way more profound and he might have even perfected the Moves.

Alas , he still had to go and have a chat with his Manual to find out how to get Evolution Crystals.

Aavesh closed the simulation and opened his Eyes with a condensed killing intent and a very refined Battle Aura.

He should definitely use these Simulations and Maybe even practice while Sleeping to get stronger!

Aavesh controlled his Killing Intent and restrained his Aura as he got up with a Bit of Hunger in his stomach- He used a considerable amount of Vitality to Train but it was worth it.

He then nodded towards the Suprised Sabine and Performed all 4 of the Combat Techniques so perfectly that sent her into a Daze.

She then snapped her eyes and immediately began to shake Aavesh.

"You- How did you learn so fast?"