The N7 Labs Part - 4

Aavesh borrowed Sabine's blade and demonstrated Gutrend around a dozen times before going to show a Perfect Spectral Veil, Wraith Mark control and Finally the Dark Soul Fist.

Sabine was terrified inwardly on the Extreme fast ability of Learning Aavesh possessed - This was no longer learning - It was consuming Techniques like drinking water.

She then took her blade back and gazed at Aavesh seriously.

She then thought of something and began to communicate with Aavesh Telepathically,' Don't ask how I can do this- Aavesh this suit is meant to kill you, It is meant to accelerate Ceremorphosis not protect you from it, It's AI is actively analysing multiple ways to induce Ceremorphosis into your Genes Don't trust the map, the Nutrient fluids contained Dream Snaring Dew- Makes it easier to drag you into other people's dreams- The water as well contains it- I recommend not sleeping for a while until your system can find and remove the dream Snaring Dew, Don't purchase anything from the Shop - There is a Faction here, under the secret control of that creature that is trying to get it out'

'I want to kill them', Aavesh replied back mentally with a calm expression but even Sabine could sense the bitterness in his thoughts - someone here did not like being manipulated and she agreed.

'You can kill them if you kill that creature which is Nigh impossible - Even I wish to kill them', She shook her head.

'Did they get your son? I overheard Jiu Ming trying to insult you and Corvus- Well I didn't know about you and Corvus- before...', Aavesh guessed it was something related to their child.

Sabine stopped in her tracks and then asked,' Jiu Ming did what?'

Aavesh then gave a precise explanation of what he heard - only to see her fists clench as her nails dug into her hands, causing blood to drip down.

Aavesh immediately stopped and just held her hands, 'Stop- Don't hurt yourself like that-'

'No- My Son is not Dead!', She replied mentally in a manic tone.

'His Soul is Trapped in that thing! I have placed his body Stasis! If only I could kill that I could bring him back! - I'm not Crazy - Not Crazy - Not Crazy - Not Crazy'

Aavesh felt a pang of sadness hit his heart as he remembered familiar scenes from his past life, Death was never easy to accept.

The Pain he felt when he knew his Parents were dead was heart crushing.

He couldn't imagine the Pain that Corvus and Sabine were going through after losing their child.

"You're Not Crazy", He spoke to her with a smile.

Sabine snapped and then looked at Aavesh with new Eyes," You- You believe me?"

Aavesh nodded at her and asked her mentally,' Can you tell me how did that creature take your son's Soul?'

'My son - He - He was like you- A Candidate for this Classified Mission- But - But We were betrayed! Corvus and I rushed into the facility to save him- But That Illithid Hybrid Bastard tore his soul from his Physical Body!*Sob I Saw It Happen! But No one believes me- You must be asking all this to comforte right?', Sabine had become immediately depressed after she explained to the first person who said he believed her- But How could she know that Aavesh truly believed her?

'No Wait! - Tell me- you say you saw that creature Tear your Son's Soul out of his Physical Body, Now tell me what kind of Power did it use? Pure Mental Power or Curse Based Power- Just give me a description or a Video!', Aavesh asked now with a sense of Professionalism- He was a Crusader in his last life - A lot of his job involved provided manpower and getting logistics for his Team while planning out exfiltrations from Sensitive sites- The Very survival of his Team depended upon him doing his Job Properly.

Being Wang Zhong's Logistics Officer - He had seen his fair share of weird Phenomena and deadly curses.

Their Team did work with Several Paladins and Divine Shamans when they went to Investigate Curses, Missing Souls and Possessions of the like.

Aavesh was pretty well versed with identifying cases of Soul Stealing- Curse Based cases were a bit tricky but resolvable however ones with Pure Mental Power often resulted in the Death of the said Victim.

It's like those using Pure Mental Power never care about the bonds between the Soul, Energy and Body, they just rip it apart like brutes - In that case you either should have a merciful New God as your Patron who would be kind enough to snatch your soul back from your captor and send you back to the land of the living or subscribe to the very Very Star System Grade Expensive Abernathy's Resurrection Services where Abernathy's Priests would find your remains no matter where and still resurrect you within 3 Days - Another alternative is to have a powerful mage friend collect your soul and use True Resurrection or inscribe The Spell for someone else to use...

These are the Best scenario options and the worst ones always include soul slavery or making Soul Coins.

Hesitating at first, Sabine Painfully shared that fateful Memory with Aavesh .

A Stream of Events poured into Aavesh's mind as he 'saw', a Teenage Boy who shared Corvus's Cold Face with Sabine's Eyes being held by an invisible force.

He was wearing a similar suit as Aavesh and was struggling Fiercely against the creature.

A Younger Corvus had tried to Reach the boy but was smashed into the wall- Unable to get up.

Sabine was being restrained as well as she tried to reach out to her son- Calvin.

Calvin reached out back to her but-

Suddenly Dark mist like Tendrils broke out from the Void and Pierced the Boy's Glabella- forming the Strange Symbol on his head.

Calvin's Eyes Buldged as if he was losing Something and then he became lifeless and fell on to the Ground.


The Memory ended.

But Aavesh knew the matter didn't end just like that - He knew that strange Symbol!

"*Sigh I showed you now...-", Sabine had become depressed after witnessing that memory again.

"It's strange", Aavesh who appeared thoughtful spoke with a inquisitive tone.

"What?", Sabine's Eyes shook and immediately grabbed Aavesh's shoulders and asked.

"I've seen that symbol before - But this - it shouldn't be in this Star Sector - The Symbol is that of an Demonic Aurochs - Demon Lord Baphomet's Symbol ", Aavesh explained.

"How- What do you mean?", Sabine grew worried and confused as well.

"Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth - These Assholes Exclusively use the Aurochs Symbol of Baphomet to ritualistically Claim Souls in his Name in exchange for Demonic Powers- I'm afraid your son had a run in with a Pyschotic Cultist who's obsessed with Riddles and Labyrinths- I am assuming that the Creature with the Illithid Genetics is a Templar of the Ivory Labyrinth - Now It's your turn to explain who exactly is this creature and how did you all end up being manipulated by it", Aavesh crossed his arms and asked.

Sabine shook her head and could only reply,"If I weren't oathbound I'd say everything freely- You aren't at all lying Aavesh- just tell me is there any hope left?"

But then-




The Floor beneath Aavesh opened up and he fell into the Dark hole below as he saw it close.



The sound of a Bone cracking could be heard in the Dark Place.

'That wasn't me... Wait what did I fall upon?', Aavesh curiously summoned a Light ball out to see a huge Horde of those Familiar Pale Faceless creatures surrounding him- this time numbering in hundreds...

'Ohhhh Fuck- Sweet Heavens... this is gonna take a while', Aavesh bitterly smiled.

And he stared down to see that he had landed on one of the Pale Monsters Back- Breaking it.

The Creature wailed in Pain and then stopped moving - It has died in a few seconds - Just from his fall.

Now- all of the others focused on the culprit Aavesh with killing intent.

" Well - Ahh hells Let's get this Over with!", Aavesh revealed Killing Intent within his eyes as well as His Mythic Powers Enveloped him.

Oblivion Energy condensed on to his fists as he saw the dozen Of those Pale creatures lunge at him to tear him apart.

"HAAAAAHHHHHH!", Aavesh roared out as he leaped into battle.




'Gutrend!', Aavesh tore through the stomach of one creature and then moved to rip the claw arm of another creature that came at him.

Oblivion Element was most useful for him as his touch sent each incoming enemy into crippling spasms.

But a human-like figure grabbed Aavesh from behind and then slammed him onto the ground with immense force and then threw him across the Room with blood sputtering about.

"Tch how pathetic of you- What a lousy child- you spoke too much and now you will die", The figure revealed herself -

Imagine a Crossbreed of a human, Illithid and an Aurochs- She looked quite terrifying and Eldritch like with those Bull horns, Tentacle hair and hooves for legs - She wasn't even hiding her skin- She was so nakedly grotesque...

Aavesh spat out blood as he could sense the familiar mental power present within this Baphomet Cultist before him.

With a wave of her hand she suppressed Aavesh's Mind causing him to become unfocused.

He felt a fist pound on his ribs and fell down weakly...

Aavesh however was used to the pain he immediately dodged another creature's attack with a spear but then felt the red Egg tremble beside him - with a crack.

'No- Not Now Please!',Aavesh suddenly felt an immense bloodlust surging within him as the A Grotesque creature emerged from the Blood Egg - The Time of the Curse had come- It wanted to devour him now!

The New Curse monster- A small doll sized- Blood skinned half centipede half humanoid with Insectoid mandibles for a mouth came out.

It leaped and latched itself onto Aavesh neck and bit down- to devour his blood for sustenance like a True Parasite it was.

A feeling of weakness overtook him as he tried to get the Parasite off his neck.

However it was latched onto him tight and he couldn't get it off.

He could feel the dense killing intent surrounding him- Everything here wanted to kill him- Monsters, his own suit, the people, this bloody curse!

Aavesh sensed the Hybrid Baphomet Cultist appeared right behind him and then simply held him like a defeated chicken.

"Look at this even fate wants you to die- hahaha... I am going to enjoy eating your brains, come Children - look what happens to the one that rejects my Gift! I shall devour his head so he may atleast serve as a Flesh Bag!", She opened her bestial mouth wide open and was about to chomp down.

At that moment Aavesh felt his Dantians seeds tremble and his eyes opened wide, An immense amount of Cosmic Force surged into him as his body went into self defense mode- Literally.

He felt all of his Augmentations Synchronize and each of synapses felt hyperactivated, his bones and flesh felt stimulated like never before! His cellular activity shot up to machine like states-

'Yes I am a Bio Machine'

At that moment - His Emotions blended with the Logical Reasoning... Everything here needed to be killed.

His eyes turned cold and his hands immediately grabbed the Cultist's hand that was holding him.

Aavesh snapped it like a Twig much to the Pain of the Cultist Creature who could only let him go Temporarily.

Aavesh then ripped the Parasite Curse Monster from his neck and then squished it like a bug with his left hand.

He then turned to Cultist and punched her back with insane accuracy.

But The Cultist wasn't surprised anymore and punched back.

Her Fist reached him first and sent a few steps back this time.

Now she could see- Aavesh's muscles had tensed as red lines appeared all across his Body... She could see that he had used some kind of forbidden method to survive her attacks and even try to fight back.

However Reality is different... Aavesh's Original strength was enough to kill Stage 2.0 Cultivators, with Mythic Power Enhancements he was able to kill upto Stage 2.5- Now After Synchronization His Augmentations Systems were working in Hyperdrive - Crazily Consuming the Vitality generated by Cosmic Force.

His Strength, Speed and Endurance had increased by a Terrifying 10 times.

It was almost enough to Match a Stage 3.9 Peak like her! Just a few fractional stages lower but not low enough to be killed easily.

'I need to eliminate all 547 of these creatures and the Cultist as well- Maybe let's keep the Cultist alive - her death could result in unknown repurcussions... Alright Let's slaughter', Aavesh surmised as he then Identified multiple Weak Points with his Renegade Aeon Mythic Power and he let the Cultist close in.

But at that moment - Aavesh grinned at her- his fists were covered with 2 distinct Black Auras- Dark Soul Fist and Oblivion Energy.

Instead he welcomed her fist and Punched at it with a right Hook.

This move was unexpected and when the Punches connected - the Cultist felt her soul shiver in sudden Pain and felt her Illithid Mental Power dial down dramatically...

This caused her to be dazed for a few seconds but that was enough time for Aavesh - who then proceeded to Punch into her Abdomen like an Unstoppable Piston...

*Pow *POW * POW *POW

She was unable to call for help- Her Mental Power was no longer stable and her soul kept feeling pain...

The Other Creatures fell down as the Cultist - Who was Core of their Hivemind had fallen into a Dazed Mental state.

Their Existence Depended upon her!

Aavesh's punches now caused her to fall upon her knees with dark blood spurting from her mouth.

Just as Aavesh was about to Punch the daylights out of her- He felt another Demonic entity watching like a Predator on the side...

It was a Blood Aurochs, a Demonic animal created to protect Demon Chosen- It had Crazy Speed and Explosive strength enough to kill Stage 5.0 Cultivators.

"Shit", Aavesh now stopped and immediately used the Spectral Veil to narrowly dodge that Aurochs attack.

In fact he felt a Slight graze on the side of his abdomen as he now entered the Wraith Plane.

If he stepped out, that Aurochs would kill him in an instant - should be just let her escape?

No! Of Course Not- He wasn't going to let things end so easily...

Aavesh scanned the room for a weapon and founded a rusty steel table- He quickly entered out of Spectral Veil and broke one of its legs before using Spectral Veil again to escape as the Aurochs slightly grazed his Back.

Aavesh then sharpened the Leg with his hands and then infused Gut Rend into it...

A Risky Plan had already formed in his mind but he was willing - He couldn'tet things just be.

Aavesh then formed a wraith mark Rune in his left hand and entered out of Spectral Veil again- this Time behind the Aurochs and applied it on its Butt before getting the Worst Back Hoof Kick of his life.

The Kick Sent him flying but he Activated Spectral Veil and barely escaped the Aurochs Rage.

Aavesh now was able to sense the Aurochs Location with uncanny accuracy and knew that in a few moments the Aurochs would go crazy after feeling his Killing Intent with the Wraith Mark.

Why was he doing all of this?

He Had dealt with Aurochs before and knew their Terrifying Regenerative Capacity - Normally Gut Rend would barely faze the Aurochs - their Demonic Blessed Physique could easily take care of it...

So What could Kill an Aurochs apart from a Stage 6.0 and above warrior?


He knew of the weakness that could beat it- It's own Demon Core Present in all Blood Aurochs.

It was located Right between their Forehead within their near impregnable skull.

If he could cause the Aurochs blood to react negatively with the Blood Demon Core- he would win.

That where Gut Rend played a huge Role- The Purpose of Gut was to cause Biological Cells to go Crazy and start a cellular aberration within the Target's Body- In Essence- highly Destructive Cancer at Best and Extreme Cellular Degradation at worst...

The Make shift Spear in his hand now Glowed with a Grim Crimson glow as he now came out of Spectral Veil for the final Time.

Aavesh saw the Aurochs becoming maddened under the influence of the Wraith Mark - That was necessary as it should not suspect his True Plan.

The Aurochs now sensed Aavesh again and Attacked him with crazed Eyes!

It dare not underestimate this annoying Human Cultivator again and it should gore it like the Bug it was!

In an instant, Aavesh a massive Horn impale his chest as spat blood in response but tightly held the Make shift Spear.



The Auroch then slammed Aavesh angrily into the wall for a good thirty times and Roared out with Fury!

His Internal Organs were a mess and multiple Bones had Probably Broken... But Aavesh held on!

Barely Conscious - Aavesh focused what strength he had left on the Task before him and with the help of his Mythic Powers he identified the correct weakpoint to pierce the Aurochs with- The Auroch's Eyes!

Aavesh mobilised all of his Legend Mythic Power in his Right Hand holding the Crimson Glowing Spear and then suddenly held the Horn Impaling him with his left hand as Painful Leverage and forcibly pierced the Aurochs exposed Eye with the Spear.

The Flesh was tough - too tough but he managed to Pierce it till he penetrated enough to let spear touch the Brains.

The Aurochs howled in Pain flung Aavesh away who flew and rolled over few unconscious Pale Creature Bodies as his Cushion.

Aavesh stayed still and he tilted his head to see the Aurochs Roaring out crazily in Pain- He observed that a Lump had begun to grow on the Aurochs head and immediately understood it's implications.

It was about to Blow!

Aavesh quickly entered Spectral Veil to escape as the Demon Core Blowing up was going to be Massive!


The Blast shook the entire N7 Labs!

Now only smoke and Incinerated flesh remain.

After a while Aavesh exited the Spectral while clutching the gaping hole in his chest as he slowly walked forward...

Each step was filled with Pain as he then summoned a light ball again to see the remains of the Room.

The Pale Creatures had their flesh torn apart from the force of the blast but still remained intact and weak...

The Cultist with her Eyes wide open lay on the ground with different parts of her flesh scattered apart- Only the Aurochs was thoroughly burnt away on account of not having Illithid Genetics.

'Damn- no wonder she's been so hard to kill- I guess I was the only one who has beaten her like this or the Aurochs would not have come... Hmmm I sense a strange Mental Presence from her...', Aavesh walked up to the Cultist and crouched down to observe the strange anomaly within her chest...

He could see something shiny - almost crystalline, giving out a unique Mental Signature.

He then used his Oblivion Power and tore her chest apart to see something strange...

It was a crystalline Tadpole like creature fused into her chest... he could see its strange veins spreading out across her body... Modifying it at Every instant.

And Her heart- Aavesh could see something glowing within it giving off an innocent soul Aura... This Soul was special - It had a Soul Constitution but it clearly did not belong to the Cultist...

He then saw Baphomet's Symbol on her Heart and then felt he had seen the Same Mark Before...

He'd seen it in Sabine's Memories - Her Calvin had that same Mark when he got his Soul Stolen...

Then something clicked in his head.

"Wait - For Real? You stole the Soul because of the Soul Constitution? For Baphomet? of all the Demon Lords- Looks like you don't know shit and are just being used as a Test Subject.... The only thing you knew about your Powers was a couple of Killing and Enthralling Mental Spells... You didn't even know how to properly fight with your power- Someone was guiding you like a puppet otherwise killing me would have been very very easy for you- You were being used as a breeding slave or worse a Brood Mother", Aavesh was able to put some of the Pieces together here.

"Unfortunately for you - I do know how to deal with the Prison you created with your heart to contain the Soul in... But this Tadpole of yours - is interesting, it has no soul - Not one I can see or sense but It's mental presence is quite unique- Just that everything in Blood says to kill it- Can't help it, Mind Breaker and all that- But before I do I will free the Soul you have entrapped", Saying that Aavesh carefully dug her still beating heart out.

Aavesh then spoke 'Arise' in Abyssal Tongue... and the Marks glowed and turned into a Baphomet's Unholy Face...

It was a Riddle Test set by Baphomet's Unholy Genius, in a sarcastic way...

Wrong Answer and It would automatically send the Cultist to the Abyss- Even Calvin's Soul would be forced to the Abyss as well.

"My Labyrinth is Infinite, Full of Unending Twisting Turns yet- My Faithful must pass through it! They Must Suffer the madness and find the way or be become part of the Maze- How would you find your way in it?", It asked imposingly.

"The Way cannot be found, it can only be made", Aavesh answered.

"I was locked for eternity in the Infernal Ineluctable Prison by Asmodeus, A Prison that should have been Impossible to escape, A Prison that deprives you of freedom and pushes you to scream for Hope and makes you lost in your Illusory Selfhood- But Now I am the Master-How would you escape like me?", The Face asked with Piercing Eyes almost trying to stare into his Soul.

"Like You I'll Stop being a Prisoner and Become a Monster", Aavesh replied back.

"What should be a Good Devious Plot? How would you Deceive in my Unholy Name?", The Face had asked the Final Riddle...

" A Good Devious Plot should have 3 Layers of Lies and Deceit in it But to Deceive in your Unholy Name - I must speak Two Layers of Truth and See the Their innards unravel with the Third Layer of My Lies", Aavesh replied with Fake Admiration and Fervor.

"Very well I am Satisfied! Bear My Mark-", The Mark left her heart to move to Aavesh but he condensed His Legend Mythic Power in his hand and Slapped it to the side where it exploded in Purplish Crimson Glow.

At the same time in a stasis Pod, the same Mark on Calvin's head extinguished and turned to dust.

"Bear My Mark your ass", Aavesh muttered with disgust as he then turned to see a white Orb Glow before him... Calvin's Soul.

Aavesh spoke in a comforting voice," Go- I'll be fine, It's time you returned - I'll help you with this"

"Return Soul and Restore Order", Aavesh used his Renegade Aeon Mythic Power to restore the natural Order and eliminate the Chaos caused by the Cultist to Calvin's Soul.

Glowing Blue Mythic Power Enveloped Calvin Protectively as it guided him back to his body.

Luckily Calvin's true Body was in stasis and still alive.

He was saved.

Aavesh then turned to the Crystalline Tadpole fused to the Cultist's Chest.

"Time to end this Horror Story", Aavesh raised two fingers and Oblivion Power Erupted like Blow Torch and he pointed it at the Tadpole.

"Burn Bitch"