The N7 Labs Part - 5

"*Tch Oww!"

"Stay Still!", Corvus spoke in his usual dry tone to Aavesh as he was operating on Aavesh's Gruesome Injuries.

Luckily He felt the shockwave and immediately came to investigate and found a Horribly injured Aavesh along with a completely incapacitated Abomination of a creature - the Very Creature they had been trying to kill for so long.

All the other Poor Bastards who had been infected were dead- Very dead after Aavesh destroyed the Crystalline Tadpole.

The Members of the Controlled faction died inexplicably after Aavesh destroyed the Tadpole.

Jiu Ming was one such unlucky fellow who essentially burst into pile of Flesh infront of Corvus - confirming that he was indeed a Traitor and had joined the Other Faction.

But something seemed strange... those who had died had left traces of extremely Powerful Mental Energy- No one knew what exactly caused their death.

Not that it mattered now anyway - the Cultist herself was captured- The main instigator was now in their hands.

Aavesh was laying on an Operating Table as Sabine carefully placed Vital Tube Needles into Aavesh's ravaged Meridians.

In fact Aavesh's entire Body was healing very very slowly now, Even Slower than a Normal Human's.

The 'Synchronization' Power he had suddenly learned and used had a Powerful Backlash...

His Body had gone into a 200% Efficiency state extracting every ounce of Potential and Super Converting Cosmic Force into Readily Available Immense Vitality.

Now he needed to seriously rest - After such a Powerful Move had been executed his Bio Nano Cells were currently in a cooldown-like state- His Powerful Regenerative Capacity as a result would be very slow and it was the Perfect Time to kill him.

Well atleast now nobody here wanted to kill him at the moment or he'd be long dead .

Aavesh recognised the danger and made a self mental Warning to not use this Move lightly in the future.

"So who is she? The Cultist... how the hell did you guys end up imprisoning a Baphomet Cultist?", He asked to Corvus who was using a Med Bot to accurately stitch up Aavesh's minor Wounds as Sabine prepared to inject artificial Tissue fluid into the gaping hole on his chest.

His Chest injuries needed to be dealt with quickly- Currently it was too dangerous to use low level healing fluid on already overburdened body... Synthetic Substitute tissue should be a good Temporary measure to let his Body rest and then heal at it's own pace.

But Unfortunately such plans are not in line with Fate.

*Magnetic Door Opening Sounds

A Clean shaven old man with a Crisp Military Outfit entered the Room while holding a Murky Blue fluid.

Corvus and Sabine turned their gazes and were shocked and immediately Nodded Solemnly to him.

"No need for formalities - You can pause your work- I have the Healing Potion for Mr. Adhi here", He spoke in a direct manner and then smiled at Aavesh.

"I am Sam Manek - I've heard of the Upheavals you've caused at this Place, Nice Work"

"You've read my letter haven't you- Now Our Mutual friend doesn't want you to rest just yet- Not when one of your Target's clues is nearby, I am Sorry for what comes Next", Saying that Chief Sam Poured the Murky Blue contents of the Bottle onto Aavesh's body.

Aavesh felt a bone chilling Sensation from the fluid and Struggled like an animal as he felt each cell forcibly cool down and reoptimize themselves leave their cooldown state.


"Ah...", Steam and sweat emanated from Aavesh's skin as he lay down with a tired expression as his Regenerative Capabilities returned and his wounds began to heal rapidly.

In a few moments, he was good as new- with no more repurcussions left from Synchronization.

"Our Mutual friend you say, Very well", Aavesh got up and sat on the bed while looking at Chief Sam with Inquisitive Eyes.

"He also said something strange -the Red Egg Spirit was too eager and lacked Tact as it wanted to Devour your Blood and claim your existence - the curse did not Fully affect you due to it's carelessness, but Next Time it shall not be the Case", Chief Sam spoke with a somewhat confused tone but spoke it out nevertheless.

Aavesh became silent and silently touched the Spot where the Red Parasite had attacked him.

That thing - Aavesh shook his head and calmed down- the next time it happens he was going to be prepared - Atleast some preparation would be there...

He briefly turned to see his side and saw the faint beating Red Egg- It was larger now, Waiting...

Aavesh turned his head away and cleared all other thoughts regarding this and then listened to Chief Sam.

"The Message this time comes as the information for one of your targets- I have been told to tell you it is the Gilded Rod, Information on him must be procured from the Cultist which you have captured for us", Chief Manek explained.

"Who is she and what's the overarching play here? I want to know", Aavesh spoke with seriousness in his eyes.

This has gone for far too long.

"Her name is Xarrah - Test Subject Alpha 91, Years back before the Wraith Knights were formed my little brother Victor Manek infiltrated a Top Secret Biologics Research Base in Desian Territory - What he found, it scared us to our very cores- The Desians had recovered an ancient Biological Spacecraft with Perfectly Preserved Dead Illithid Bodies and a Dead Mind Breaker from the Extreme Outer Rims! They were experimenting with Illithid Genetics to create Bio Weapons and Xarrah was but one of the several Test Subjects "

" They were also studying an ancient Knowledge drive , recovered from the Corpse of the Mind Breaker which Victor later stole along with a Particular Gun which you have now and escaped with Xarrah kept in a cryopod- Now you can guess the rest of the story easily", Chief Sam explained with a Grim look.

"Knowledge Drive- So the Wraith Knights were created after- !! You created the Wraith Knights with that Knowledge drive! But You also created this facility to test Xarrah and her unique predispositions and realised the horrible mistake of releasing her from her cryosleep, So you contained her here to try and learn anything you could from her deadly capabilities to atleast learn to Counter them-

But all these pieces lack something - Desperation! You all were desperate to create alternatives to counter her- Hell Now I believe you created the Wraith Knights as an attempt to create Pseudo Mind Breakers of your own... - This all points to one thing- Our Enemy is planning something big! I have an inkling that you all came across a massive conspiracy - they want to create an Illithid based Plague in Rathiel Republic!", Aavesh tried to deduce the cause and effect of the whole situation before him.

Chief Sam Nodded and spoke, " Well Deduced - I will give the Knowledge Drive to you - Maybe you can learn something more from it, Apart from that the reason why we need you kids - it's a suicide mission- One that all Wraith Knights will undergo should your Mission Succeed, We require you to pose as viable test subjects for the Secret Desian Biologics Facility while we send out our Entire Wraith Knight Force to surround Planet with Planetary Grade Explosives- If your Mission is Successful- we will Crash our Suicide Ships onto the Planet and Eliminate the Threat!"

"There's no way you have Planetary Grade Explosives-Wait are you all going to use a Forbidden Array technique? Now let me guess- this Array Technique was created with the help of the Knowledge Drive , No wonder you are going to use Wraith Knights only- No wonder...", Aavesh realised and became silent.

Chief Sam put his palm on Aavesh's back and said," You don't know what has happened to Rathiel in the last few months - the Capital Planet has been destroyed - We are in a new Civil War with the Government and Old Noble clans, there's no good way to say this but Rathiel is going to collapse - Soon and at that time - the Desians will launch their Plague Upon us and finish our People for good- We are trying to save what's left of Rathiel, if we succeed Rathiel Republic will be dissolved and the Imperium Federation will intervene- Once they do, the willing Remnants of the Republic will merge with the Federation, giving our People a way out of this Hell Hole- There will be mass Migrations to Federation Territory and Tough Screening as well but that's better than staying in a No Man's land"

It was such a Bombshell to his ears, Aavesh understood now how fucked they were- Rathiel was about to fall and nothing could be done about it, Inevitable it was.

His Birth Planet, Sarkon was about to become No Man's land... Nothing could be done to stop this, Aavesh understood that clearly now- the Government itself had betrayed the people, that was enough to crush the will of the people - why did they betray? He didn't know - he knew now there was no coming back from this- Rathiel woul cease to exist.

Chief Sam sighed as he looked at Aavesh's melancholic face. No one wanted their Homeland to get destroyed but now...

Nothing could be done to save it.

He then used his Spatial Storage bring a strange looking Artifact out- It was a uniquely shaped Artifact that Astounded Aavesh while Corvus and Sabine gazed at it with Awe.

It felt similar to the Gun within him- Black Volt- What was this Aavesh.

Aavesh reached out to take it and determined it was an icosahedron- a 20 sided Polyhedron with a Sanskrit Glyph on each face but it easily fit in his Right hand- It was Intricately made and he couldn't judge the craftsmanship behind whoever made this masterpiece!

It was so Unique...

"This is the Knowledge Drive- Be warned it is sentient and communicates only when it wants to-", Just as Chief Sam was explaining the Artifact.

Aavesh poured a small drop of Oblivion Energy into it and the Device suddenly floated from his hands - It's silvery Metallic surface trembling.

"You are a Mind Breaker? Let me scan your genetics", The Artifact suddenly spoke with a feminine Voice, suprising everyone in the room.

An Orangish Yellow light came out from the Artifact and scanned Aavesh from head to toe.

"You- You are not just a Mind Breaker!- My Word, Your Body- it's no longer just human- you are a Bio Machine! And Even I can't understand how you work! Incredible! You are Perfect for Inheriting the Wraith Arts School! No You are perfect for eliminating Illithid and Tyranid Scum! A Perfect Mind Breaker! This Time let's see the council try to eliminate you now! This time you will not be Beholden to Other Dogged Pricks! We will do our duty without interference!", The Artifact Spoke happily like it had just discovered a Precious Treasure.

Aavesh was a bit flabbergasted as she spout all kinds of bombs before him and coughed a bit as he spoke, " Um who are you?"

"Oh Look at my Manners, After thousands of years of not seeing a single Mind Breaker, I have forgotten how to introduce myself! I am Coral - the Fifth Thought Prism of Mandivaraka and I carry the sacred teachings of Wraith Path to hunt down Parasitic Races that were not of this Universe!", She solemnly explained and insisted on

"Seeing that I had been recovered by a Human- I decided to assist them in surviving against the Illithid spawn they had inadvertently brought - that is how your Wraith Knights came to be- But they are not the True Inheritance, Only the one with the Mind Breaker Genes can recieve my True Inheritance!"

"Hey Chief- You may leave me with him, what I have given you is more than enough - He needs me more now and I will not go back!", She immediately expressed her desire to stay with Aavesh.

Chief Sam wryly shook his head and acquiesced to her demands- it seems he was used to her Quirks.

This chief Sam was quite good or was there another motive here? Aavesh didn't know.

"Corvus, Sabine - Leave us", Chief Sam suddenly spoke.

Corvus and Sabine immediately left without a word. He then gazed at Aavesh silently for a moment and then took out a bloody head- It was the head of the Cultist that Aavesh had subdued.

Aavesh looked a bit mortified and immediately calmed his mind to see where Chief Sam was going on about this.

"You destroyed her Crystalline Tadpole, It's loss decimated her Illithid genetics and within moments her Demonic Mythic Power demonized her blood further to preserve her life- you made her mortal again and let me personally kill this wretch! Now watch closely - I am demonstrating a forbidden spell used to retrieve information from dead bodies, Don't ever use it in public and dispose off the corpse cleanly when done", Saying that, He spoke in Universal Language and pointed at the Decapitated Cultist's head.

A dark spirit, summoned from God knows where wormed into the Cultist's head and then Chief Sam pressed his thumb onto Aavesh's forehead.


*Gruesome fragments of memories within the Cultist's brain had been fully transferred into Aavesh's mind.

Her was mind broken beyond repair. Abused and Brainwashed, Raped and breeded like livestock! A Pitiful life - But her soul had become equally cruel nonetheless to survive the darkness inflicted upon her.

Then the Memory fragments began to coalesce to show scenes of her meeting a Naked Male Tiefling with a literal Golden Dick which caused Aavesh to feel speechless.

This was Conrad alright - the Rapist Monster and the most disgusting of the five he needed to kill- Huh this guy has a deal going on with What seems to be the current king of Desia while both of them where fucking with the poor Cultist- A very very dark Grotesque threesome and one which Aavesh intended to delete immediately from his mind.

The Duo were discussing business while fucking her- How idiotic where they? Damn These guys are more disgusting than he thought.

Aavesh then found that this evil duo was planning to Create some kind of Illithid Super Army to Attack Rathiel when the Starry Corp Convoy passes through Rathiel Star Territory- Conrad wanted to essentially kidnap the Princess Jia Ling to use her as a Cultivation Cauldron and absorb her Bloodline while the Desian King wanted both Rathiel and a Shadow Army to take over this Entire Star Sector - Woah both of these guys had very Dangerous Ambitions.

Starry Corp had Influence and Power in atleast three Star Sectors and their Current Princess Jia Ming was the Clan Successor of this generation - She was guaranteed for the Inner Rings and could possibly even enter CORE Institute!

Aavesh knew of her from his Alternate life, she was truly an Invincible genius until a Lesbian Demon Lord kidnapped her and well... made her part of the harem.

Well she has truly such Horrific fates.

Aavesh now saw that Xarrah had now been enslaved by Conrad and experimented on along with several others , the memories became more incoherent after this strange Massive ship Wreckage - Corpses of Illithids and Dead Tadpoles, until- it came to Baphomet's Unholy Visage filling her head with Brainwashing Profane Knowledge, empathizing with her Trapped- Prisoner like status - He Bequeathed her with Demonic Mythic Power - Turning her into the hoofed monstrosity as he too wanted part of this interesting scheme.

But Conrad was- Damn what a fucked up guy! He got even more horny and well... crap the information beyond this was generic and useless- It had nothing to do with the mission anymore just fucked up discoveries by a Man who loves harming women.

Aavesh then puked allover the floor as even Sam spat out with disgust and revulsion filling his face.

This was too hardcore for both of them, Conrad had to die - No matter what!