The N7 Labs Part - 7

Aavesh and Coral entered the Resting Room and he then sat down on the floor, not using the comfort of the bed.

"Tell me about yourself Coral", He asked, curious about this new Potential companion.

"I am a Thought Prism - Forged by Mindbreakers using Materials found in the Astral Plane", She then replied in a serious tone.

'Materials from the Astral Plane - That's new- But if I gaze at metal components on her, then they seem very strange- Almost timeless', Aavesh surmised and continued to listen to her.

"I was created as an act of Rebellion against the high Council - so that future Mind Breakers may never fall into their Traps, there Five Thought Prisms in Total- 5 of me, 'We' have been scattered across the Planes so by Fate we may come across any surviving Mind Breaker to resume our Core Purpose "

"Drive the Creatures of the Far Realms out of this Universe!", She spoke with heavy conviction.

Aavesh immediately became curious," Far Realms? I've never heard of that Plane before"

"Because it's not a Plane, It is an Anomalous Higher Dimension, one of the 10 Foreign Dimensions that have latched on to our Universe with assistance of the Eldritch - These are not of our Universe and they are hungry for Souls... I see the High Council has purged all of our findings and let the Milky Way Galaxy become blind Tch Tch",Coral really felt irritated while thinking about the High Council but then Looked at the confusion in Aavesh's Eyes.

"The High Council - It's a Super Secret Organization based in the Galactic CORE -made of the Top Ten Races- Now you understand?- They helped to create You when this and several Neighbouring Galaxies were invaded by Illithids and Tyranids- Believe it or Not, Currently out of Several Galaxies that had been explored, very few have actually developed life and a handful are comparable to the Milky Way Civilization - Unfortunately we are the most advanced for now - Maybe if we develop Technology that can allow us to leave the Local Cluster - We can actually explore our Material Universe Properly...", She spoke with a deep sigh but all this information had blasted out Aavesh's mind! There was actually life on other Galaxies- Trans Galactic Travel had been made possible long long ago- Incredible!

But all of this was purposefully hidden from the Public.

Interesting - Something to look into for the Future.

"Besides, I haven't told you about my Abilities yet- I was primarily created to Protect and Guide Mind Breakers, My Protective Ability is but one - Guard against Fate and Karmic Techniques, I also work as a Navigator with Astral Engine Ships and I can Enhance a Mind Breaker Weapon to suit your needs- If you can get another Thought Prism, My abilities will improve significantly and I will have access to additional Travel Routes", Coral Floated and spoke to Aavesh.

"Mind Breaker Weapon? You mean this- Aavesh summoned Black Volt into his hand much to her surprise.

"You got this weapon... you even named him, Black Volt, You are truly fated with our school- Aavesh do you want to commit and become an Inheritor of the Wraith Arts School? If you do- you will have to journey to find the Other 4 Schools- Asura Arts, Naga Arts, Garuda Arts and Deva Arts- You seem to understand the meaning behind the words I just used- You know Sanskrit?"

"I'm still learning- But I understood the Gist, is the Wraith Arts School Names differently?"

"Yes - It's True, I called it this way so You may understand the name in this... Universal Language - It's True Name is Yama Arts- To Learn from and Emulate the Ancient King of Hell, Divine Death Judge",Coral spoke with a solemn tone.

"I don't mind finding the Other Schools and I agree to becoming the Inheritor of Yama Arts- School", Aavesh now spoke with agreement. This was one way he could properly learn and use his Oblivion Powers- He would not give it up.

"Excellent - Let's find the Fabricator and I will assist you in making the Novice Set- as part of your Training and a Special Equipment so that you may truly Trust me", Saying this Coral Floated and Aavesh followed her through the N7 Labs, until they entered a High Tech Workshop where he saw Corvus work on a - Mini Space Pod that looked strange. Corvus Paused and spoke," How did your meeting with the Chief Go?"

"It was bad news after bad news - But I think it went alright, What are you working on Corvus? Hmmm A De-Cryogenics Pod with functional mobility - Ohhh I won't Press you further, I am with Coral- She wants to Borrow the Fabricator to craft Equipment ", Aavesh rubbed his nose and replied.

"Don't stay up too late, It's unfortunate that those Devils want to kill you fast- They have been exploiting a lot of loopholes to get you to attend the Ten Tyrants Program as soon as possible in the worst form, Don't ever trust a Devil to truly uphold it's words in the future and All the Best", Saying this Corvus also ignored Aavesh meaningfully as both of them were engaged in certain Questionable Craftsmanship.

Corvus was building a Medical Transport Pod for Calvin without Permission while Aavesh was not disclosing the Secrets he had found in the Thought Prism.

Both understood this and decided to simply look the other Way.

Coral then connected to the Fabricator Interface and began to modify it to suit her needs while Aavesh watched on with great curiosity.

The Blueprints and the New Techniques were injected into the Fabricator as it first began to Craft Pieces of Half Plated Tech Cloth Armor - The Main Color was Black with Neon Green Highlights, The comfortable cloth Armor also had a Synthesized Hood which would greatly help in stealth.

Blueprints for Black Arm Guards, Specially crafted Footwear, Plated utility Pants and Weird Metallic Gloves were also uploaded in.

The Style was... interesting - Aavesh had not seen this style before.

Then A brand new Longsword was being created before his Eyes - It was a Dark Grey Titanium Steel Alloy with Mithril Lining.

The Hilt had a Black Skull with a Lotus Engraved onto the Forehead - A symbol of the Yama Arts.

While watching this process for a bit Aavesh decided to check with Aug Sys on Cosmic Crystals and Evolution Units.

This was a long time coming- Too long *Sigh

"So Aug Sys, how do I create an Cosmic Crystal?", Aavesh asked the UI stored in his Augmentations.

He was sitting on the floor in the Resting Room with Coral Floating by his side, patiently waiting for him to complete this task first.

---'I will transmit the Method to you now, Sir'---

Aug Sys who had been dormant all this while became active and Transmitted the information to Aavesh.

His Eyes glowed with a faint white light as new information was being consolidated and processed within him with the help of his Semi Active Augmentations.

Aavesh now understood what a Cosmic Crystal is- The literal True Essence of this Universe! Cosmic Force Crystallized with the help of Mythic Powers that could grant unexpected benefits to a Cultivator.

They essentially helped to slowly fix any kind of Flaws in the Mythic Power foundation of a Cultivator and sometimes consuming it could help them awaken strange Abilities inline with their Mythic Powers.

They could also assist in healing almost all kinds of wounds and diseases but as usual the effect was slow and gradual yet it didn't leave behind hidden diseases or Medical Toxins.

No Harmful Side Effects would be present unless the Mythic Powers didn't match.

Versatile Ingredients like this could also be used in other fields like Crafting, Arrays, Alchemy etc.

Like all Good things, Cosmic Crystals had their own drawback- Availability .

They were a Priceless Panacea that could not be sought but only encountered.

The method to create it was simple yet the Ingredients were almost impossible to find- Namely Cosmic Force.

One simply had to use the Mythic Power to create a shape - A Structure made with Mythic Runes so that Cosmic Force could be contained within and Crystallized.

The Primary Effects of a Cosmic Crystal also depended on the Type of Mythic Power used to condense it.

As long as the Mythic Power used to create the Crystal was of the same Type as the Cultivator- It would be safe to use.

For example a Cosmic Crystal created with Infernal Mythic Power would have properties linking it to Law And Evil.

It would be most useful for all Cultivators with Infernal Mythic Powers and it would be dangerous Poison to People with Azatic Mythic Power that represented Chaos and Good.

The information had been fully transmitted and Aavesh asked another question.

'I didn't know such a thing actually existed before this... I have to be careful now- This thing, Are all major Powers in the know about this and are Actively searching for it?- They can never know that I can create Crystals at Will due to my endless source of Cosmic Force- Hells they can't know that I have Cosmic Force in the First Place!', Aavesh cautiously thought with Cold sweat appearing on his forehead.

"Aug Sys is there any way I can hide the Cosmic Force in my body? Is it detectable by Others?", Aavesh asked quickly.

---'You Don't need to be worried Sir, No one in this Era knows of True Cosmic Force, Only New Gods and Eldritch entities have an inkling about it as Master had selectively erased Information about it and deliberately obscured any information regarding this'---

---'Currently Cosmic Force is recognised as a Strange High Density Power created with incredible difficulty with fusion of three Essential, used for Dense Chimera Classes created with Knight based classes, Some People have tapped into certain Pseudo Amalgamation of Minor Knight Forces which they have claimed to be Cosmic Force'---

---'But they are merely at the step 1 of the journey you undertook, making it essentially useless to Most Outsiders and only a beginner research field- But I recommend that you do not let anyone find out about it, For your Safety Do not let others find out about it'---

'God Damn - My Predecessor was Terrifyingly Thorough and thought of each possible outcome before leaving his Inheritance Behind, maybe He doesn't want the Eldritch to ever come in contact with Cosmic Force? Probably... But now I don't need to purposely hide anymore, Just need to keep my mouth shut and Be careful', Aavesh thought and decided not to craft Cosmic Crystals over here for the Time Being.

He was currently under full Surveillance and he needed to leave Rathiel or atleast get his own Private space.

'Work with what I have now...'

Aavesh snapped back and knew that Cosmic Crystal creation had to be done at an opportune moment- Juuuusst not now.

He then decided to take a mental break and think-' Yama Arts and Wraith Arts, Wait Yama- He is the King of Ghosts and Rules Narakh Lok, Collector of Souls upon death... Interesting - No wonder Coral called it wraith arts to everyone else, Maybe I am the only Person that she can dare to utter the Word Yama- If a Devil heard this, I am sure he would definitely come after us and make our lives figuratively Hell- '

'If Yama or atleast his Projection came back, All of Naraka Dimension would become his Personal Bitch, That's what is Written in Avernus Main Layer within Naraka- It's written in Bold, Like Some Giant took a Sword and essentially wrote this Message to spite Asmodeus, The Crazy Part? Asmodeus has tried very very hard to erase those Words to No Avail, No matter what it's still visible to All of Naraka... No Wonder that Name is Taboo for any Diabolist', Aavesh internally thought and realised now.

He then simply gazed as Coral Fabricated Fresh Equipment.

An hour later.

Aavesh wore the new Armor set and held the Longsword- A bit too large for his Current size but he was able to wield it nonetheless.

Beyond that- Using his Connector Augmentation - He was able to connect and control the Armor Completely... It was surreal to have such haptic feedback without malice.

He clenched his fist and felt the increase in his overall combat effectiveness.

This is Good Equipment - Top Tier for survival, It was almost to the level of a bonafide Battle Armor.

"It's just missing one thing- A Battle helmet- Otherwise It would be a Very Good Battle Armor", Coral sighed, But Aavesh was happy with this- He needed to be Stage one to even wield basic Battle Armor Let alone something Good.

"Coral - I'm ready to start the Initiation", He replied, clearly content with his new Gear.

Coral then floated to the Empty slot on his Right Glove- She Purposely shapes the slot so it may accomodate her shape.

*Click *Click * Click

Her Artifact Body merged into the Slot, Compressed into a flat shape leaving only a Soft Glowing Orange Outline while releasing Orange Light that spread across Aavesh' Armor.

Black Volt then turned into a Nano Sand like State and merged in within the Same Glove- But Aavesh also had a stronger connection now with it.

He Felt instead of remaining a Hand Gun, It had become a Wrist Gun now- He could now use the Glove to manipulate it's shape as he saw fit and just mentally command to shoot.

The Tech Armor was however Powered with Both Energy released by Aavesh and Coral.

But Energy Input that Coral Gave Gradually increased as now Aavesh could 'see' that a Mini Reactor of some strange energy had long been added to Coral, which she now used to Power Up the Armor.

In a few moments Aavesh did not have to even provide energy for the armor anymore- Coral had made sure that she could sustain it

Aavesh felt a shock run through his Body as a new Powerful and spiritual Connection had been formed- With Coral.

Their minds now had a Link- He could sense Coral's Intent- He knew now Coral Truly wanted to help him develop wholeheartedly and he sent his intent on following the Teachings of the Yama Arts School with full sincerity.

Both Parties were Satisfied with the Outcome.

Now Aavesh could directly hear Coral's Thoughts.

'This Armor is the Wraith Initiate Mk 1.4, Created for Newbies like you- There will be more specialized Armor in the future -Aavesh There's one more thing I didn't mention- I can create a Temporary New Identity for you once you activate Your Dormant Attochip- It is one of the Core Abilities present within me'

'Thank You Coral! That is most Helpful and I believe it will be invaluable for the foreseeable future', Aavesh replied with a pleasantly surprised smile- Now he just needed a way to hide his Augmentations and he could blend in with Society without revealing his True Identity!

"Now I will share the True Techniques of the Yama Arts School -"

"Wait! I have an idea- Let me show you something",Aavesh's eyes flickered with a thought as he remembered the Simulation he had created to practice those earlier techniques, an idea flashed as he could make use of his Connection to bring her into the Simulation as well.



Both of them entered a Blank simulated reality and gazed at the digital world created by Aavesh.

"How- What the in Sweet Hells?! Incredible !!", Coral floated around as she gazed in wonder and then immediately turned to Aavesh.

"You have a Digitized Soul... No wonder- But where's the Extransys?", Coral looked in confusion as if unable to find something crucial.

"Extransys?", Aavesh asked with an Eyebrow raised in a curious tone.

"Your Physical Body should also feel the improvements your Mental Self has achieved - Otherwise it will always lag behind during Training, Extransys is a Piece of Code that will reflect all of your Simulation experiences onto your Physical Body - But in a very refined manner, your mistakes won't get uploaded only your Proficiency and Expertise will be reflected - Your muscle memory should never be ignored "

"Okay- How do I get this Extransys?"

"I will inject a Piece of Code - Do not reject it", Coral Transmitted lines of new code which Aavesh chose to assimilate and execute.

"That's done - Aavesh please lie in a Nutrient Cabin during this Simulation Training - Your Nutrition needs mustn't be neglected and you will need a lot!"

"Okay Coral"

He snapped out of the Simulation world with a Thought and went to the Medical Section of the N7 Labs- The Good thing was the N7 Labs were nearly empty, devoid of most personnel, unlike the main facility of the Wraith Knight camp.

He then activated the local AI and opted to use the Nutrition Cabin available.

He just removed most of his clothes and Armor apart from his gloves which he needed.

*Hatch open

Aavesh got into the Nutrition Cabin and watched the doors close as he closed his eyes as well.

"Let's Begin Training"