The N7 Labs Part - 8

Meanwhile, in the Inner Rings, GLNAC capital Planet, within Kumaran Estate- Antriksh, Traven and Vishwa sat by a Table along with another Middle aged man with Silver Draconic Horns- Eitra Kumaran, beside them was a Majestic Sight- A Dense Spiritual Landscape - where the elements where in Excess abundance yet with a beautiful Balance between Order and Chaos.

Soft Mist of Pure Virtue floated around the massive lake- This was a Sacred Land for those who were of Neutral Good Alignment.

Eitra poured Emerald Divine tea for all them and took a sip.

There were still recent scars on his Face but he seemed quite serene - Unbothered by them.

Eitra smiled and spoke while breathing calmly,

"After being asleep for so long and missing the birth of my Triplets, So Much has happened! My eldest daughter Kriti went missing as an infant due to a certain Undead Bitch's schemes Tch! But everything turned out well in the End-I can't believe I became in laws with a lard ass like you Vishwa- But you did raise a Fine Son, I have no complaints about him,So as long as he keeps Kriti Happy"

Antriksh coughed a bit awkwardly as he heard this and felt this new father in law to be a bit terrifying.

Even though he looked like a patient who had just recently recovered, Antriksh knew every Breath and gaze that Eitra was giving out could Decimate him hundreds of thousands of times!

A King Grade Demigod was No Joke. Especially a Silver Dragon with the Bloodline of the Dragon King. Being a Dragon King's Son in Law felt Intimidating.

However Traven felt doubly intimidated, One was the Dragon King even his family had to worship as an Ancestor who fought against undead Legions in his heyday and forcibly kicked the ass of the Ruling Gold Dragon clans to win the right to marry the Lunar Silver Agathion Maiden then went on to Enter Kayamaat to save his Sister in Law, the Gold Dragon Empress who was caught by the Undead Bone Dragon Clans for a Ritual sacrifice - He was then Named the Agathion King of the Mortal World!

Another was a Famous Demigod who fought against Khorramzadeh and his Nine Generals- In his Prime, He doggedly fought them and managed to Wrestle 7 Star Countries out of that Devil King's Control! He faced an Infernal Army and still was undefeated!

Heck the only thing stopping him from charging into the Imperial Capital was the Clan Enforcing Treasure- Blazing Blood Chains of the Adhi Clan.

The Chains would appear whenever an Adhi Clan member broke the Rules and would immediately lock them up in some forbidden space that was exclusive to those wielding the Imperial Adhi Seal.

The Thought of this sent shivers within his spine. Traven obviously felt extremely Intimidated when facing the duo.

Vishwa just let out a soft chuckle upon Eitra's Remark,

"Even I am in disbelief - But nevertheless I am happy, I got my family back and managed to repair what I got left... Sigh Unfortunately My Main Clan is in Trouble now"

"The Radiant Crusade against Khorramzadeh's Rule will resume soon- Unfortunately I am not strong enough to kill him now- He's grown too Powerful even for an Elite Demigod like me to kill- Now I can only support the Crusade and. Whittlw away Territories bit by bit- Tch I missed by Best Chance to Butcher him..."

"Yeah that Khorramzadeh is a True thorn for the Mortal Plane - Give a him a century more and he'll reach the level of the Ancient Human Emperor- I hope we all can kill him Jointly within the next 2 decades, Having a Living Asmodeus's Chosen stay on the Material Plane is worrying enough"

"Him selling Mortal slaves to the Infernal Realms is a whole other matter- The Devil Slaying Council must reconvene, I will be sending you an Invite to join this time- But Vishwa on a Personal level, for Nalini, Vatsya and Chhavi to live Khorramzadeh must die"

Saying that Eitra had a condensed killing intent in his eyes- if he were to let loose he might destroy this whole world several times!

One could easily understand his rage after what Khorramzadeh pulled- He was sure what happened to Nalini was because of Khorramzadeh!

That Bastard would not let any member of the Adhi Family our of his sight!

The only consolation was that he didn't have the Authority to change the Clan Rules- Atleast until he refined that Sacred Sword Artifact.

Anyhow- They had to find a way to kill Khorramzadeh, and he would call in the others of his level for the Endeavour.

" I will speak with the Chief Arbiter and Empyrean King... Khorramzadeh will stop at nothing to kill the Kids- Antriksh and Traven Zenix, you will cultivate along with me now- Besides hmmm?"

Eitra frowned as he realised something,

" Now that I think about it -;why is your Cultivation so low Antriksh? your talent clearly exceeds that of your father! I can understand Kriti's low Cultivation because of her Runic Blood which she inherited from me- but you-"

Even Vishwa was curious about his son's regression," You've never told me about this- what happened son?"

Feeling the gazes of all the Powerhouses on him- wanting to know that matter,Antriksh then spoke bitterly," This has to do with when I was part of the special forces in the Imperium Federation - We were part of an Elite group that had reached stage 9.0 Peak and had entered Avernus for special Training in the Blood War"

" An accident happened when I was exploring the Old Wild Magic Ruins where a Stage 2.0 Cultivator - Kriti - had been forcibly teleported to Avernus due to some kind of ancient Summoning Circle"

"It was the first time I met her *sigh With her weak Cultivation.. I couldn't leave her there alone, So I accompanied her to try and send her back- Unfortunately this had attracted the attention of a Arch Devil named Zariel who chased after us into the Ruins"

" I was not powerful to protect us against her, So I did the only thing I could- I burned all of my Cultivation away to gain temporary strength to shield against Zariel's attacks while Kriti worked on the spell to that could send us back to the Material Plane, I was nearly torn apart by Zariel but Kriti Saved me in the nick of time and we escaped!"

" -* heh she could have simply left me and escaped but she dared to drag my Battered body into the Escape Teleportation Formation, defying an Arch Devil in the Process, She sure was made of stern stuff!"

" We then unfortunately ended up in the Icy Blizzard Realms of the Abyss- I had no choice but to recultivate using Corrupted Abyssal Energy to gain strength to protect us both..."

"Not long After, We were then hunted by a Blizzard Rat Demonlord for Days until Kriti managed to redraw that strange Teleportation Formation-"

"Again I burned my Cultivation again but this time to let it serve as an additional potent fuel to activate the Formation which had been changed thoroughly by her"

"As Luck would have it- We then ended up escaping to a Nekron Tomb in Kayamaat, Now that was a bad idea we accidentally awoke a couple of sleeping Nekrons that chased us until they found Daemons and started a mini war with them"

"- I forced myself to recultivate again using that foul Undead Energy and I was beginning to lose my sanity - My Mythic Powers wouldn't work at times, my flesh became Icy and had the stench of rot..."

"I - I was going to lose my mind but Kriti kept me sane- She would not give up, She exerted herself and finally managed to draw the Right Escape Formation that would lead to the Material Plane!"

"I burned my Cultivation again to activate that high level Formation while protecting Kriti from the undead War going on- "

"We finally managed to escape but I became a cripple with a Corrupted Physique, I thought I was going to be abandoned but Kriti never gave up on me"

"She took me to Traven and cared for me while My Body was being cleansed- We fell in love and now we are before you as you know..."

" My actions in the Lower Outer Dimensions severely damaged my Physique and my Elemental affinities, after years I managed to recultivate with whatever talent I had left to this Stage- I don't regret it even one bit!"

"Meeting Kriti was the best thing I've ever experienced in my life- So I thank you sir for accepting me as your son in law!", Antriksh spoke with pure Emotion as the others felt silent upon hearing this.

"Good Kid! As expected of my Son- No wonder you wouldn't ever talk about this- But I am proud of your actions!"

*Pat *Pat *Pat, Vishwa vigorously patted Antriksh's back with a smile.

Even Eitra's gaze became softer on Antriksh and Traven nodded in approval, only now realising the hidden story behind his youngest disciple's Love life.

"That's... good, No matter - It seems your aptitude is slowly healing back, anyways good job on exterminating that Orphanage where poor Nalini was kept captive", Eitra remarked.

"Oh that- Tyr was most Helpful and he helped to find them- Of Course I personally exterminated those Eye Sores, anyone that had a hand in it is long dead!", Antriksh replied with a grim smile.

Meanwhile in the N7 Labs, Aavesh was getting the History about Mind Breakers and Coral herself.

"I was forged with help of the Goddess of Fate and Reincarnation at the request of Sita Raman to save the Mind Breakers"

"Unfortunately there was an issue during the final process and our Fate Shielding powers had become inexplicably dormant"

" Allowing the High Council to slaughter all of the Mind Breakers except Sita Raman... "

"The Flaw was fixed at cost of her activating the Divine Blood within us but it was too late- The 5 Prisms had long drifted into the Endless stars - Heirless, until I met you!"

"I can roughly sense the location of the Other Prisms, you should venture out with me when you are strong enough to take them back! If we 5 Prisms merge as one, We will give you Sita Raman's Greatest Treasure"

Aavesh sucked in a deep breath as he prepared to hear this,

" The most Power weapon of a Mind Breaker- the Psionic Tricrystal Stones- that killed hundred Elder Brains in its heyday! So keep that in mind!"


Aavesh was flabbergasted at the thought of mere stones were strong enough to kill an Elder Brain- It was an Elder Fucking Brain, that too in the Hundreds ahhh!

'I will find all of them- A treasure that could kill elder Brains- It will definitely assist me in my battle with Khorramzadeh!- I know she hasn't told me more cuz I am not Powerful enough - Ah well, Time to get stronger then!', Aavesh thought and steeled his focus to Coral.

He immediately asked," How many Mind Breaker schools are there?"

"5 in Total- Yama, Asura, Naga, Garuda and Deva"

"Yama School teaches exclusively to kill Illithid and other Parasite Creatures with the Power of Death and Oblivion- You will learn Oblivion based Killing Techniques while also learning Oblivion Stealth Craft, similarly -

Asura School teaches Mental Dissonance, Frenzy Burst and Hive Mind Disruption Techniques with Oblivion Power while also teaching Oblivion Weapon Craft,

Naga School Teaches Strengthened Defense and Flexibility Techniques with help of Oblivion Power while also teaching Oblivion Poison Craft,

Garuda School Teaches the Fastest Oblivion Movement Techniques while also Teaching Specialized Oblivion Armor Craft,

Deva School Teaches the Obscure Oblivion Rune Techniques while also teaching Oblivion Healing Craft!

"Yama Arts school Teaches 5 Combat Techniques only, But they can be upgraded to whatever you imagine - You are not limited by them , they are limited by you-

Underworld Shadow, Death Mark, Rending Blood, Ghost King Fist and Yama's Descent- 4 Foundational Combat Techniques and one Ultimate Combat Technique"

"Spectral Veil was derived from Yama's Shadow, Wraith Mark from Mark of Yama, Gut Rend from Rending Blood and Dark Soul Fist from Ghost King Fist"

" What you've learnt is surface level Incomplete Basic Human Rank Techniques"

"Now remember - Stealth Craft is essential because you lack flexibility or Burst methods to escape! "

"Before Spectral Veil may have been like some kind of heaven defying ability- But in reality a smart cultivator will be able to deduce your escape and even enter the same Wraith Plane to kill you"

" Besides the side effects of the Wraith Plane will show more on you if you keep using it- You will become an undead!"

"So don't ever use the Techniques you've learnt - I will teach you the new Techniques that are a 100 times harder to master but do not have the same side effects as the derived methods "

"But First", Coral turned her Polyhedron Avatar into a Beautiful Female Chrome Humanoid wearing Traditional Indian Dharmic Warrior Clothing.

She then utilized Aavesh's Simulation to Manifest a Statue of Yama - King Yama before them.