The N7 Labs Part - 9

The Statue of Yama, King of the Underworld!

Aavesh felt a tremor within him, a tremor of excitement for reasons unknown!

An imposing Man with ancient Clothing and Armor with an imposing dreadful Crown that seemed to signify the end but also... hope?

The Eyes seemed to contain a calm, inevitableness but with a glint of Mischief.

Lord Yama had a warm smiling expression but at the same time he looked like an old friend that everyone would meet one last time in their lives- He wasn't cold , He may have the face and body of a Tyrant but on could sense a Profound empathy for all life within his gaze as he held the Book of Life and Death in his Normal left hand while holding the Pen of Judgement in his Normal right hand.

His Titan Hands which sprouted out from the Back were wielding a Black Gold Lotus of Samsara and a Gigantic Axe of True Death.

Aavesh gazed at the axe and saw a vision of hundreds of Humanoid monsters and spirit like beings charging at Lord Yama while he smiled brutally and Cleaved the Armies with his Greataxe on one hand while Burning the World with Black Flames from the Other hand like a Peerless Warrior who had started another world shaking Battle.

Aavesh quickly snapped out of it and felt his awe for Lord Yama increase - Even in this Simulation he could sense the Grandness of this Death God before him.

But Why did it feel like he had met this person before? Why did he feel a sense of familiarity with this person?

This could not be a coincidence - are there some kind of memories that had been suppressed within him?

He didn't know, but maybe he would find out in the future...

For now his intuition felt he should follow this feeling, follow his heart.

"Why is your heart rate spiking?", Coral asked in confusion as she observed Aavesh's sudden change.

"I don't know myself- But I feel a great sense of affinity with him",Aavesh let out a surprised involuntary grin and felt an urge to chant the Oblivion Mantra!

He then pressed his palms and followed the strong feeling within his heart.

*Burn *Ignite!

The Imposing Yama Statue Burned with Dark flames as if manifesting before him.

Aavesh now saw that his physique was strangely resonating and he felt a very strong Mental Energy Pulse erupt from within.


His Vision began to alter as he saw different Intricate Patterns Floating around the Statue- His felt his intuition go crazy - strongly recommending that these Patterns were exceptionally useful for him.

"These Patterns are in Sanskrit are they not? Can you please share your Sanskrit Knowledge with me and Keep Transferring Data about the New Techniques! Also can you help me prepare Training Scenarios? It must be of the highest difficulty- Thanks Coral!"

Coral immediately transferred all of the Combat Technique Data except for Yama's Descent without question as she could sense that Aavesh had just encountered an opportunity.

She would do her best to help him!

On the other hand, Aavesh calmed himself and sat down before the Statue while mentally dividing his mind into 3 wills - reciting the Oblivion Mantra, Activating Celestial Convergence Communion Technique and trying to decipher the strange Sanskrit Patterns.

The simulation was Powerful enough to help simulate the effects of Oblivion Mantra as Oblivion Energy Poured into Aavesh's mind from the void.

Aavesh now felt his mind numb and empty- No Anxiousness, No Agitation, Just serene calmness - He also ran his Cultivation technique without stopping, in this state it had actually become smoother before -


Aavesh now could see Primal Elemental Chaos - All nine Primal Elements strengthening and weakening eachother in Absolute Harmony forming a 9-Colored Energy Vortex before him which then slowly merged to give an ethereal Translucent Ball of Energy- No this was Qi... right before him.

Then he saw Golden Specks of Essence Liquid ripping from the Physical World from any matter and it then merged into the Translucent Ball of Energy giving it a Semi Physical Structure, But this was not over-

Shimmering Silver light Spirit wisps from The Astral Plane, also known as the Timeless Plane or Plane of Spirits or Mental Plane , had been drawn out as well to merge with the Golden Translucent Ball of Essence and Qi.

It merged with the Ball of Essence and Qi- Giving the Ball a depth of Spirituality as well.

Spirit, Essence and Qi- A Perfect Triumvirate , signifying the true Meaning of Contemporary Cultivation - it had formed perfectly before him- Nine Elemental Primal Qi, Golden Cosmic Essence and Silver Astral Spirit- when merged don't form Some kind of Nectar but Origin- Stable Origin at that!

'It was not a Nectar but a Nectar like substance that Had been created when all 3 Systems had been merged- I see now! My Origin is stable and Neutral because I have Perfectly Balanced all 9 Elements, Refined the Purest Golden Vital Essence from the Universe and Drew out Perfect Silver Spirit Wisps (People also refer it to as Astral Qi or Astral Energy) from the Astral Plane!'

But this is not the end again- What if Cosmic Force is merged in as well?

Aavesh then slowly controlled the cosmic force within him to merge into the Origin Ball.



The Shape of the ball remained stable but it became colorless and some what active in a gentle manner.

He could see that Cosmic Force had brought in Raw Power into the Origin Ball- making it 100 times more Pure, Potent and Versatile!

It's name now should be Cosmic Origin.

Aavesh still felt somewhat off- it felt like a layer was missing - like only the Basic Structure had been achieved not the true form, what could it be?

'Is this it?'

'No... I - I feel Strange... like That Black fire on the Yama Statue', Aavesh's eyes glinted and reached out to Black Flames on the Book of Life and Death.


Aavesh's eyes turned white and he seemed to have entered a Trance- rather an Enlightenment about 2 Unique Planar Imprints - Absolute Elements were different from the Nine Primal Elements, Absolute Elements required one to have a Elemental Imprint which could be only acquired in form of Genes, Soul Knowledge Blessing or refining Special Types of Qi.

Aavesh had Oblivion Genes but this was because of a Terrifying Oblivion Test- The Elemental Imprints for Absolute Abstract Elements like Oblivion and Primordial Chaos had Extremely harsh requirements to acquire- They were Nigh impossible to achieve as a mortal but Aavesh did it for Oblivion atleast.

In terms of difficulty of acquiring - Oblivion and Primordial Chaos were First due to the Cultivator being forced to undergo a Terrifying Unspeakable Trial that may be mostly fatal - Planes of Oblivion and Primordial Chaos would never let just anyone to wield their elements.

Second Time and Space - this due to the Planes requiring The Cultivator to sacrifice 50% Lifespan for each at Space Time Junction Altar which is not easy to find in the first place, No Cultivator has ever dared to Cultivate Both Time and Space together at the same time due to this, Although if someone intervenes there may be special outcomes.

Third Life, Death and Samsara- Can be bestowed upon by the Gods, or comprehended through experience.

Fourth Antimatter(Destruction) and Matter(Creation) - Can be achieved through Ancestral Enlightenment or Special Fruits or Randomly during Constant Combat(Not that easily though)

Life, Death and Samsara were more easier to acquire due to Spells like Death Grasp, Life Link and Resurrection which offered a 7% chance at Minor Enlightenment for these Elements.

Currently Yama's Flame was giving Aavesh a Thorough Soul Blessing on Death and Samsara - Midway Aavesh also understood that this wall possible because of Sita Raman's Oblivion Mantra, Only a True Mind Breaker could actually see the Patterns and trigger the Black Flames!

Aavesh suddenly felt an innate process taking place within him- Certain bits of genes were getting replaced by new genes under the influence of the Soul Blessing- it didn't change his fundamental race or anything, it embedded the Permission to use death and Samsara (Reincarnation) Elemental Energy from those respective planes...

This was a hidden Gift from Sita Raman to his Descendant- or rather he planned to let the one who united all 5 Astral Thought Prisms to be a Peerless Genius who would not die as miserably as the Predecessors- It was effing ingenius!

A Deathly Aura appeared surrounding Aavesh, then the Aura flickered to Nothingness, then the Aura Switched to something Fresh- like something pure coming out of rotten, like a Rebirth- Reincarnation or Samsara to be precise.

The Cosmic Origin Ball now began to have Three more Elements surround it- Death, Oblivion and Samsara.

The Dark Neon Green Deathly elemental Energy merged into the Nigh Translucent Origin Ball giving it a Greyish tinge and a cold Aura.

Death Element was still recognisable but the Samsara and Oblivion - They were incredibly rare to the point only people from CORE and Inner Regions would recognise.

The Dull Greyish White Elemental Energy of Samsara merged into the Cosmic Origin Ball, now reverting it to simple grey color but Aura had changed into a Tranquility with a hint of

Inevitability yet lacking Vitality.

The Sky Black Elements of Oblivion merged into the Cosmic Origin Ball next, not changing the Color but now the Cosmic Origin Ball had become intangible - almost non existent yet existing with the final Aura of Cold Tranquility mixed with nothingness.

This Cosmic Origin could no longer be said to be of Low Grade - It had successfully entered Mid Grade Quality due to comprehending and merging Absolute Elements into the Origin.

This would be his fuel- the foundation for every ability, skill, Technique and Spell!

This was undoubtedly the best Source for the Cosmic Knight class, he had been stumbling in the dark and worried on how he would use Cosmic Force in his skills- this had solved almost everything!

But this Enlightenment seemed to have also affected his body in reality as well.

As this took place a certain figure in the Space Time Junction who meditating to heal her Injuries opened her eyes as if sensing something and immediately her gaze pierced through myriad Dimensions before landing on Aavesh.

"Oh? The Cultivation Technique has improved again? His understanding has also allowed him to unlock the Origin Path Systems which were exclusive to the Celestial Autarchs- Hmmm he's still not understood the importance of Thema in Cultivation- I must intervene lest he spoils his own foundation without knowing, Luckily this event is an incredible achievement and I should be well justified to contact him mode- No Time to Waste!"

Aavesh's True Body in the nutrition chamber was now surrounded by Intangible Grey Cosmic Origin- the one he derived just now and at the same time, a familiar voice sounded out in his head, as Aavesh Temporarily came back to Reality.

--"You did well little Brother, You managed to Comprehend Cosmic Origin and even upgraded it to Mid Grade Cosmic Origin as Zeroth Level Cosmic Cultivato, This achievement is a first of it's kind- As a Reward you will now be Elevated to the Peak of your Current Stage- I have detected that you have entered a Special Stage 0 using your Legend Mythic Path, Denser and Purer resources will be used, I will Authorise it immediately "--, Sara's familiar soft voice sounded in his mind, a mental channel had been opened by her with him.

Aavesh immediately asked with concern," How are you doing sis? Is everything alright?"

"Everything is ok- We all are just waiting for you to grow up and become a Mythic Immortal so you can come and hang out with us", She teased him knowingly.

"Hah Sis, I'll - I'll keep at it, What's this reward for? And what's this achievement thing?", Aavesh mentally asked back.

"Whenever a Cultivator accomplishes something Unique in each realm- They are worthy to recieve a Gift from the Universe, Say Aavesh your Current Cosmic Origin is at Mid Grade - do you want to complete it?", Sara's voice asked him back.

Aavesh was suddenly shocked and his heart throbbed wildly- All of the Absolute Abstract Elements?

But his Intuition felt uncertain about this- Should he easily accept this opportunity?

But why did she suddenly ask him this now?

Could there be something wrong...