The Program Begins

"Are you ready to leave?", Corvus spoke calmly but there was bit of pity in his eyes.

The Ten Tyrants - their reputation as the Outer Ring's Infernal Bloodthirsty Dogs was well steeped in infamy.

They were notorious for being deceptive and Tyrannical while ensuring their Target Suffered the maximum.

The Ten Tyrants Program was nothing but a Torture show funded by the Infernal Duke Khorramzadeh of the Adhi Empire.

As far as old records go- no Adhi Clansman has managed to truly 'Pass' the Ten Tyrants Program.

This wasn't just a Fucking Test but a Public Live Stream to thoroughly humiliate the unlucky Target, it was also to break the morale of the Anti Infernal Forces like the Radiant Crusade, The Azatic Renaissance and Sacred Alliance.

So far for thousands of years No Mind Breaker has been able to beat the Ten Tyrants.

Corvus glanced at Aavesh and thought,'Maybe he won't pass it but he will survive - because more than a warrior from Psychological Analysis of his behaviour - he is a Survivor, No matter how much you try to humiliate him, he won't get crushed like a bug, their Psychological tactics should be useless - Well then You better survive Kid, if you reach the brink of death, I - I will step in and save you, I owe you a life after all'

" Just a moment - As per the document, they will livestream this shitshow of a Program to the Entire Galaxy? He's that rich?", Aavesh asked in an amused tone.

" Being the Single Largest Slave Trader in the Milky Way Galaxy has its perks- Even those in the CORE region don't dare to remove him, if not for him staying in the Inner Regions as a whim, he would have expanded into the CORE as well becoming untouchable- just a step away from Apotheosis", Corvus replied.

"I suppose he has begun to promote my face to the Entire Galaxy to watch this Program, it's not a bad move- to make me public Target Number one by using indirect means, destroying any potential credibility I may generate and maybe try- try to kill me for good", Aavesh spoke with a smile.

It was honestly impressive - he quite admired Khorramzadeh's schemes - it would be definitely fatal for Ordinary People.

Plus, he didn't even speak about the most important point.

'Khorramzadeh only pretends to Arrogant- but he is not, he has never looked down on me- he is using this opportunity to Analyze and study me- he will generate the prerequisite Plans to eliminate me', Aavesh was assured of this thought, so he didn't really have a strong reaction to it.

'Any move I make now reveals information about me, my personality, thought process etc- this is a 'True Lose Situation' but what I don't understand is why does he not want to marinate my Psychological State? Why is rushing to kill me? This is not inline- unless he also sees me as a Variable - Something is off about this Program now, I can't put my finger on it but he wants to do something during this!', Aavesh reverse analysed his opponents Actions and came to a new conclusion.

He also tried to recall any suspicious information he'd been hearing lately, all of a sudden a faint almost unrelated memory surfaced in his mind but it seemed to be quite Plausible.

'Master Mirror told me I would go to the Place where I would find the weapon that holds all 3 Evils Mythic Powers- Could this program result in Something like that ?', Aavesh narrowed his eyes as he felt an unmistakable connection between these two seemingly unrelated events.

'No matter what- it is but a situation and I will face it, let's see what you cooked up for me Khorramzadeh', Aavesh mentally shrugged and then turned to Corvus.

"Let's leave immediately"



A Galactic Wide Notification Popped up on all Territories connected to the GAL Net.

----'The Infernal King of Adhi Empire Invites you all to witness the Latest Ten Tyrants Program- Tune in For Free'----

In the Non Human Territories, most of the Various Xeno races voiced their opinions immediately,

Space Whalejona:-"The Fuck! that Crazy Human Devil is at it Again!"

SavEmy33:-"Man why does he Torture kids? Of his own Clan No Less-"

Blackarin:-"Shhhh! Don't speak too much, who knows you may get blacklisted by Random Companies, Keep your mouth shut! We Savarin race should really not provoke that Human Devil!"

PinkJoba:-"Another Talented Imperial Human Child eats the dust- this should atleast be entertaining no?The Jogon tribe shall show it to all Clansmen, everyone should see how filthy the Human Race is!"

Windbreaker:-"Tch what a fucking Disgrace! If only My Elf Race was allowed to Start A Galactic Slave Trader Purge- we wouldn't have to see this guy's barbarism!"

BlackCatty:-"Listen up Myriad Beast Members- No one shows this shit to the kids, the Beast Emperor and Phoenix Empress have initiated a gag order to censor this filth"

Kromothekrok:-"Whath ah whaste! Hyumansh Moore Shtupid thyaan Orkh Rasche! Shpilling Blud ouff Yunglings Pthui!"

GildeddPick:-"Shut your lard ass you uncivilized Ork Brute! But it's truly a shame- if only someone could kill that damn Devil, our Gold Dwarf Race was saved by the humans but this Human Devil is truly - *Sigh"

AstralGreen44:-"What a Cowardly Race! Nobody dares to step up to protect a youngling from a devil? Humans- you've let us- the Githzerai Race down 👎!"

ShElfmoon:-"Pathetic Humans- can't even protect a small kid- you really all deserve to lose all of your Star Territories to others when you can't even protect your own future"

Demspurt:-"Shut it you Soppy lot, the Blood Demonlong Race sincerely admires this act of Brutality - you should do this to all of your younglings and even invite us- We will help unconditionally!"

BigWhay:-"Hehehe our Human Devil Brother is truly interesting! The Devilish Black Whale Race wishes to become a Sponsor for such events! You humans should really amp it up a notch, start sacrificing genius blood - We will Personally send the funds over Hahaha!"


Meanwhile in Human Race side of the Network,

Matblud:-"Fucking Bastard! KHORRAMZADEH YOU MOTHER******" * * Beep User is Permanently Blacklisted.

Foxmi77n:-"Holy shit- he even paid for this Service!"

Teralina£3:-"Radiant Crusade,you Adhi Remnants - What the hell are you guys doing? Why didn't you grab the kid to hide- You fuckers are making the Human Race look bad"

Mied22y:"Hello the Shithead above, why don't you do it yourself? Why don't you face the thousand Infernal Infant Killer yourself? Don't spout nonsense, No one can interfere in this or we all will face Asmodean Infernal Legions "

Xaraj43:-"Poor Kid, I just looked him up, apparently he's an orphan from Rathiel - that backwater Outer Rings Country, he had the bad luck to carry the Adhi Imperial Blood and now he's going to face the heat"

Depressedjn6:-"Wait- is this not the Rift Breaking Kid- the kid who dared to insult the Demon Goddess's Projection? Even the God Irolin interfered in this matter!"

Depressedjn6:-"But this time, there is no legitimate cause for Gods to Intervene, maybe the Monks under AEON can assist?"

Lk67:-"Doubtful! do you not know they are spread too thin? The Lawful Neutral Faction of the Human Race is the Weakest you know"

Depressedjn6:-"So we all are watching a small hero get butchered? Tch our Race Heads are so spineless! Nobody dares to mess with this matter!"

Xaraj43:-"We can't keep going like this- Everyone check the Xeno Forums, this time the Entire Human Race is being dragged down to the filth!"

Haxi#8:-"Holy fuck- this is too miserable!"

Mila3&2:-"To think we even got insulted by Bloody Dumbass Orks!"

Modder32:-"Damn!- guys our Galactic Civilization Points are depreciating quickly, the Human Race credibility is definitely in the deep negative now"

Gigax@44:-"What a disaster! This Shit Happens Every Time they let a kid be sacrificed in such a spectacle- who doesn't know that after this the Adhi Infernal Empire gains huge momentum and the Slave Trade intensifies, After several years our Reputation as a Race has been severely tarnished "

Mat5¥4:-"Hey you stupid bigwigs, why don't you do something? Our Race being drowned in spit from all other Races but you all dare not save that child, come on- fuckers have a heart!" *Beep this user has been permanently banned.

Madara12:-"You- huh, Damn it- why are you all so shameless?! No wonder we always stagnate- No wonder we are not united at all, This is our Karma *Sigh"

Iyun553:-"Yo don't give me that Text Sigh, Don't be Naive, this Notification is essentially to signify that a minor Civil War is about to happen between all of the Major Factions"

Madara12:-"What the fuck?"

Iyun553:-"Yes- inactuality, I believe all of the Major Factions will now take action against King Khorramzadeh and this Ten Tyrants Program incident is just the first Flashpoint "

Iyun553:-"His Entire faction was created from that incident- The Powerful Lawful Neutral AEON faction which has been torn into three New Factions- the Chief Arbiter's Group, the Radiant Crusade and King Khorramzadeh's Infernal Adhi Empire!"

Iyun553:-"But unlike other two factions, The Adhi Infernal Faction is the strongest as it can contend with all the other Major 8 Factions Combined!"

Xaraj43:-"What?! This should not be Possible-"

Iyun553:-"I'm afraid you haven't caught up onto the latest feed, The Infernal Empire has enough Military might to represent 34% of the Human Races's Total Military Might as of the latest Statistical Analysis from the Grand Neutral Faction from the CORE"

Teralina£3:-"It has reached 34%!? Pretty Sure 25% was already the maximum limit right?"

Iyun553:- "It was - infact the number shot to 34% this year"

Modder32:-"Holy - My word, just a year- Oh dear- I now understand why you would say 'civil war', if they don't do a civil war to bring those numbers below 25%, We will soon become a Infernal Touched Race and face Karma of Naraka, Even the few human New Gods may also be affected as well!"

Madara12:-"How Devious!"

Iyun553:-"Way to state the Obvious Bro"





Depressedjn6:-"We are Doomed😭💀💀💀💀💀"




The Various Anonymous Netizens on the Human Forum cried out at new revelations.


The Human Race Upper Echelons had various reactions as well.

Within the Neutral Good Territories,

The Silver Agathion King Eitra stared coldly at the Notification and spoke to his Steward, " Send the Silver Dragon Armada of the GLNAC to the Place, if things get lethal, rescue the Child at all costs, My Predecessors have been a little too stupid - this time Khorramzadeh does not get what he wants"

"Sir- But the Golden Dragon Clan?-"

"Tell them if they dare to Block, I will help the Empress to Cut down Weeds"

The Steward shuddered at this statement, his lord was always kind and gentle but this matter was like a sore spot, always triggering his Bloodlust.

Eitra had long called for stopping this barbarism but no one listened,but now he was the Agathion King- A Powerful Representative of the Neutral Good Factions- More Accurately the Ruler of it's Military and Intelligence, now they had to listen to him even if they didn't want to!

The Steward immediately went to execute this order.

Eitra stared at Aavesh's Face and could not help but feel a strange- faint connection, but this feeling immediately disappeared.

'Strange, why does he feel so familiar... Nevermind don't you worry kid- Khorramzadeh won't kill you while this old man lives'

He shook his head and entered the meditation room.


At Radiant Crusade Headquarters within the Lawful Neutral Territories, all of the Radiant Chief Officers had a terrible look on their Faces as they saw the Notification appear.

Immediately Space Warped, as Portal appeared and An Imposing Figure walked out of the Portal.

"What's the Status of the unlucky kid?"

Vishwa had arrived with a terrifying look on his face as he spoke out in calm voice, but nobody would be fooled by this- they knew Vishwa Adhi was about to Explode.

One of the Chief Officers, Roya spoke up," Sir- We have mobilized a the Bright Wing Mech Squadron present in Rathiel to intervene if things go South-"

"Not Enough! Mobilize the The Second Radiant Fleet which has been staying in Reserve within the Imperium Federation Territory, Khorramzadeh has a lot of hidden forces mobilized in Desia, waiting to intervene if - if something unexpected happens ", Vishwa spoke with a bit of unease.

Roya looked a bit surprised upon hearing that and she spoke up quickly," We shall do it immediately Duke"

"Also the GLNAC under Eitra will also be Mobilized, you all can expect a Bloodbath Soon"

The other Officer's Eyes widened as they now understood the Urgency of the Situation.

Meanwhile the other Human Powers responded as well.


In a Massive Semi Tree like Mothership, Within the heart of the ever-changing Chaotic Good Territories -the Head of the Human Chaotic Good Faction -

The FNC chief Lyra Snowsong, looked at the screen with indignation and roared out," Send out the Havoc Riders and Crystal Halfings, we are gonna hunt down some Tyrants for Dinner!"

The People around her immediately cheered rowdily as another half Drunken Bard began to play a Mythic Infused Battle Song.

Apart from this there was no other major reaction from this Chaotic Good Faction.


Meanwhile at the Hell Knight Head Quarters within the main Lawful Evil Territories- the Lawful Evil Faction Official Chief- Infernal Duke Ramozith looked at the notification with amusement briefly, but then he got another notification from his private Channel which caused him to immediately turned pale and send out an Emergency Order," Evacuate our Recruitment Academies from the Ho-Jax Sector and get all of our forces out ASAP- Goddamn it Khorramzadeh! We had a truce but you want to take this time to butcher my Slaves? Fuck Your Mo-* Ssssssssss"

As soon as he spoke that last bit he felt his flesh burn with a strange Orange Flame.

"AAAAAHHH! KHORRAMZADEH! I WILL NOT LET THIS BE!", Ramozith screamed our loud but quickly calmed himself as he circulated his Infernal Mythic Powers to quench the flames burning him.

There was a deep ruthless flash in his eyes as he commanded his men again," While you are at it- Get me the Soul of Aavesh Adhi- I don't need his body"


In the Chaotic Evil Territories,

The Head of the Grand Human Demon Alliance looked at the Notification with a wrathful smile and spoke," Aavesh Adhi- Your Death Day has arrived! Get all the other Demon Houses to send a sacrifice - I will summon an Elite Baltor to Rip him apart! Remember Aavesh Adhi dies in our hands alone!"

His Demonic minions laughed with glee and rushed to perform the Task given by their Supreme Chaotic Evil Head.

At a Massive Boneyard of a ship, a Robed Skeletal Lich gazed at the notification and simply spoke," Childish, Ignore it- Focus on the Undead Goddess's Task"

"But Sir, the Silver Agathion King has woken up again from his slumber recently", A Dark Specter replied respectfully in a robotic manner.

"That Guy... He still owes us his soul for what his wife did to the Unholy Princess! Considering his character he might make a move-", The Robed lich contemplated while scratching his skeletal jaw with his bony fingers.

"Hmmm but send a minor Suicide Blast fleet if GLNAC or GRATU bother to intervene", Green flames burst out of the skeleton's eyes after he spoke and gazed at the Sea of corpses and Liches that obeyed his command without objection.

But then immediately he spoke in an irritated manner,

"*Tch how much time are you going to waste in the Inner Rings Khorramzadeh? You should've gone to the CORE by now and become an Untouchable Powerhouse, it seems you wish to send this old man more gifts- Grab that kid if you can- I want to study his soul at the highest property- after all he survived the Abyss Touch- Ordinary Souls cannot withstand the cleansing performed by Gods after all"

'This might be a little bit interesting after all Hehehehehehe', He mentally chuckled before restoring his emotionless state.


In the DLCL Temple, in the Lawful Good Empire Territories, the Empyrean King and Queen looked at the notification with a headache, the King spoke softly," So it happens again"

The Queen gazed at him and asked," You- You are going to take Revenge for your Sister aren't you... After all Vishwa is your brother in law"

The Radiant Gold haired King caressed his Queen 's face softly, " I won't die- I promise, But this time I must make Khorramzadeh pay the price, Justice can be delayed but never avoided- besides we are going to enter a Turbulent Era soon, A Civil War Is Brewing and it will decide the Fate of the Human Race, can we get a leader who can finally unite all of us? I don't know but I know we can never avoid this..."

"Just- Just be careful, or I will really start a life and Death war with Khorramzadeh", She hugged his hand tightly and sighed.

The Empyrean King smiled and asked her," Would you like to meet your Grand Nieces and Nephew Later? You know Vatsya may come to Cultivate Under us due to his Special Empyrean Blood, Maybe we can help him to Evolve towards a Sacred Aasimar?"

"Mmm Sure"


Meanwhile between the Border of the Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Neutral Territories,

The Chief Arbiter of AEON( Separate organization, not Aeon Mythic Power) stood facing a woman with Street Magician's outfit as her mouth curved with a crazy grin.

Her face covered with an enigmatic rose style Mask.

The Arbiter's Cold Robotic voice spoke out from Enviro Suit," Neither of us intervenes in the Program but instead we will focus on taking out Khorramzadeh's hidden forces, This time I won't say anything about your method as our Goals Align- Temporarily "

"Sure Chief, this harmless Prankstress will abide by the agreement", the woman replied with a grin.

"Don't give me that crap, everyone knows how terrifying your Chaos Coalition Committee is- don't put false pretense before me, I will know it in an instant!", the Chief Arbiter rebutted back.

"Hahahaha - is not strange? this is the second time our Order and Chaos Factions are working together because of this Kid- Do you still regret 'that'?", She spoke with an ambiguous smile.

However the next second the Chief Arbiter immediately reached for his Pistol.


"We will all take part in this fun- Ciao Rodent", She then retreated in flash of confetti and disappeared.

"It's Roden- dumbass, you always get it wrong on purpose", The Chief Arbiter muttered before turning around to enter a Blue Clock Dial like Portal.


In the Neutral Human Faction Territories, the GRATU headquarters...

A Powerful command from an Veiled being ensued," Do not send Our Battle Fleets - Just send in logistical support to the GLNAC battle fleets, in case if this truly becomes a precursor to a new Civil War- We will unleash the full might of the God Breaker Project onto Khorramzadeh "

"I pray that this time this Program doesn't start a new Civil War, otherwise the Losses the Human Race will face will be massive "

"Also if any Xeno Race dares to invade we will stop and immediately work on repelling them- We have this understanding with the Other Major Factions atleast "

"May we live another Peaceful Sol"


"We're here", Corvus woke up Aavesh as the Spaceship had begun landing procedures on a dusty, red desert planet with minimal Simple Plant life.

Aavesh immediately wore a Rebreather mask and took a Space ring containing emergency Supplies from Corvus.

"Sabine and I are forever grateful for what you did- She smuggled something for you -here, use this injection for emergencies and run like hell- got it ?", Corvus passed a special metallic injectir device which Aavesh recognised.

"Last Breath? I got it Corvus- Will do", Aavesh then stored the injector under his left glove .

LB67 was an injector stimulant that immediately took you to peak state temporarily but to escape the situation instead of fighting back as you would enter into semi Commatose state within an hour of usage.

This was a last resort drug.

Aavesh still felt grateful as he could use this drug after being forced to use SYNCHRONIZE and manage to escape.

"Good luck kid", Corvus spoke with complicated Emotions in his voice.

Aavesh nodded.



Aavesh stepped through the opened hatch of the Spaceship as a new Desert and dusty sight greeted him.

There were no mountains or rivers - just an open stretch of an endless desert before him with few cacti flora growing.

This is it- The First Test which Khorramzadeh would assess him with.

Aavesh then unsheathed his sword from his back and checked if Black Volt was primed with concentrated Oblivion Energy.

In the distance he saw Ten Figures, waiting for him.

The Ten Tyrants had long been awaiting him.


*Livestream Starting