Death Sentence of Ho-Jax Sector

"So Manek, I don't believe you'll be so kind to give us such precious information about such Treasures- If you designed a trap for us- Our Torpedoes have locked on to your fleet, the moment you start some shit- We have all agreed to unanimously bombard your fleet and our Stage 8 Powerhouses who have come here will take your life", A rather brawny man in a Military General's uniform threatened Sam Manek.

"That's obvious - so shut the fuck up Kudu Desia, you are not your Daddy - speaking of which he doesn't seem to be here, Heh Kudu are you sure you are unaware of the Treasures? Are you even willing to share with us you little shit? Or you want to pull wool over our eyes?", A Bespectacled man in Black Velvet suit with a distinctive Gold crown spat out at the Brawny bloke in a threatening tone.

" Come on Jax- you we'll be sending the little shit and his army to test out things first, let's not make it too hard as he'll get about 2% of the spoils we find", An elegant middle-aged women wearing heavy Armor while holding a Menacing large pistol spoke out in a seemingly kind tone.

" Pah! Your Homeritus Empire truly likes dogs! Look at his face- look at those uncultured Design brutes! Getting 2% is too much for even them! They should be happy that we have not Raided their territories yet!", The Bespectacled man argued while staring at the Kudu Desia in contempt.

Kudu Desia kept his mouth shut and dared not speak- these 2 Goliaths already controlled most of Desia Kingdom, although they left the Royal family with some power, it wasn't enough to even argue back.

If only they could expand and seize Rathiel - * Sigh

'As long as this old geezer lives he couldn't dream of it',Kudu Desia stared hatefully at Sam Manek who just returned a non chalant yet grim smile.

" Coming back to Topic- our good friends from the Kyberion Collective have indeed hacked Desian Intelligence Archives, and found that most of what our Dear Sam spoke was indeed True and as of last month- these Treasures do exist- but what Sam Neglected to mention was- Conrad Konstantin", The Heavy armoured woman spoke with a smile, staring at Sam Meaningfully.

" Conrad Konstantin - Ah That brutal motherfucker from the Kho Min Sector- Ah Hahahaha - Sam your scheme is great! You want a Sector wide war?! You want us all to get embroiled in Sector war to bid time for Saving Rathiel, I am impressed! So now that's in the open- I believe Rathiel doesn't need a cent of share in our current venture right?", The Bespectacled man smiled like a Shark and immediately started a vote.

Everyone raised their hands and stared back at Sam whose expression did not change as he stood up and spoke, " I don't care for the Treasures you find- the Archeotech or the Immortal Ice Flower Elixirs- The intelligence division of Desia is absolute Trash"

Everyone stared at him incredulously, Kudu Desia stared at him with even more hatred than before.

" I brought you all here- Because I hate all of you to the bones for what you put me through, for what you all out my people through, but it doesn't matter now, I have sent Data Caches to each one of your ship"

" you don't need to connect it or plug it, it's not an explosive device but there are some things we can't use this line for- Somethings only we should see", Sam spoke indifferently and waited for them to recieve and open their Data Caches.

The Heavy armoured woman was the first to open her Data Cache and as she read through it, swiping furiously at the Data Screen her face grew paler and paler, almost bloodless - but she then immediately crushed it to smithereens and - swallowed the pieces with a pale, fearful gaze as everyone looked at her in bewilderment.

"Huh?" The Bespectacled man frowned as he began to read through the Data Cache, but soon even he turned pale and began to sweat profusely - He read through it and then crushed the Cache and swallowed the Fragments while gazing with a blood shot expression at Kudu who was the only one who didn't recieve a Data Cache.

Similar events happened with the other representatives.

Kudu was at first a bit dumbfounded but then he grew fearful as he sensed all the other members who were gazing at him as if they wanted to tear him to pieces!

"He still doesn't know anything? After all this shit pile?! We made Mistake- WE MADE A GRIEVOUS MISTAKE! ARGHHH!!",The Bespectacled roared out in fury and despair as he clutched his head and spat out Blood.

" I should've destroyed your little Kingdom- Hell I should've supported Rathiel Republic! Atleast their Military knows where to draw the Line! BUT YOU BASTARDS! DESIAN SCUM LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME CAREFULLY! YOU FILTHY DESIAN SCUM - DO YOU FUCKING REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE? DO YOU!!", He roared out angrily.


" Wait- Jax Hold it - JAXION JAXOS- I am telling you keep it COOL, You will not be the only one who gets to take revenge ", the Heavy armoured woman spoke in a chilling tone, having recovered from her previous pale state.

" Milady Siana Homeritus, If I may- ", A Rotund looking pot bellied man spoke out in a deferential manner.

The Heavy Armoured woman nodded.

" The information is most definitely true, but I don't see why Lord Manek decided to share it with us now- I believe there's a reason why he's been doing this, before we proceed to Give Ordo Exterminatus to the Desian Vessels I believe we should not waste time and listen to Lord Manek first"

" I agree with Vimi Carmoditus for once, I Davy Drokhlan can't die without knowing the true Reason...", said a Gruff Hawn nosed man with a Prosthetic Black eye- his face seemed to be filled with scars and the despair he felt now accentuated this feeling.

"I concur Lord Jaxos", A woman or a Robot with a human head spoke out mechanically, but her gaze seemed to implore Jaxion.

"Kthonis Kyberion has also decided, we can ignore the Rebel Rathiel's Representative and the Desian Representative remarks", Jaxion replied with little reluctance.

However the hate directed towards Desia was extremely evident, infact Kudu did not even know why this was happening, his heart was in turmoil and endless coldness.

He could only curse his cu-*ER stupid father and Sam Manek for drawing them into this unspeakable mess.

Sam Manek simply spoke," It's simple - we were never supposed to be created, our Star Countries were not supposed to be formed at all"

" What?"

" What are you-"

Everyone spoke out but Sam forcibly continued with his explanation, as the representatives reluctantly shut their mouths.

" We are all pawns of a cruel game, an experiment orchestrated by a Devil- a Devil who's planned this exact moment", Their expressions suddenly turned solemn at this- if this was true then something worse was being planned here.

" Before you all argue with me- think about the formation of your Star Countries - I hope you all remember these names- Ibex, Serpentis, Rathiel, Cronet, Diavolos, Merde and Tsuno"

They frowned at first when they heard him speak this but they kept silent,

" Don't they all have something in common right?"

" You may recall the contraband history, before the fall of Final Sector Imperialists, in actuality this Sector was Enclave of the Adhi Empire that had broken it's connection to the now Infernal King, but originally it didn't agree fully to join the Resistance - this led to formation of two factions, the Imperium Federation and the Renegade Final Sector Imperial"

" But contrary to popular records, they weren't violent at first, clearly demarcating their territories - but for some reason because the Imperium Federation had chosen the Resistance against the Human Devil, it didn't face much internal conflict and remained in a rather progressive state but on the other hand"

" The Heads of the Final Sector Imperialists had gotten into all sorts of misfortune - They began to degrade and regress to madness, madness that seemingly seemed to inflict immense Tyranny on the Citizens "

This was true, they all knew about this- but soon they began to feel a bit of dread - their Prophets had nothing to do with the current situation - right?

" This led to the rise of the Prophets I had mentioned previously, who came out of nowhere and started the Great Rebellions that effectively balkanized the Final Sector Imperial Territory over time- or you could say over 3 Great Rebellions- Each Bloodier than the previous"

" But all of these Prophets would die mysteriously right before Each Star country was born- in a supposed Blaze of Glory... They were just Clones of a single person- A Devil "

"Clones to set up the state of affairs that the Ho Jax Sector has now become -My Source told me that you all would find it hard to believe but he gave me a name, the name of the Devil that arranged this whole orchestra of Conflict mired with Conspiracies- Khorramzadeh "

An audible gasp could be heard as those who were previously skeptical about this , now had to agree.

Khorramzadeh had personally arrived in the Ho-Jax Sector, this meant something horrific was going to happen, because wherever Khorramzadeh had personally stood on- Catastrophies are soon to follow.

But Sam Continued on further,

" We are the perfect mix of conflict - our constant conflict has infact blinded us all in securing this Star Sector "

"We had become more weak by each passing decade that it became bloody easy for a Rift Incident to occur"

"-similarly most of us never paid actual attention to the little Experiment that our Desian Friends Facilitated - all part of the plan"

"We found out first because it was in our backyard but um- We were embroiled in constant warfare until the Rift Incident "

"- Post the Rift Incident, everyone took a breather from our daily conflicts- But my Source told me that it was too late"

" we cannot stop what's happening here,' the experiment has successfully begun...' Is what my source said ", Sam Explained in a very cold- yet logical manner but that only sent chills down everyone's spine.

"What about the Gith? If what you are saying is true then- the Gith Armies should have already found out and laid waste to this Sector, but we have not seen them yet...", The Heavy Armoured Woman asked carefully.

" It's not simple as you think, especially when Khorramzadeh is the one that started out- I can't say for sure, but I believe that he's just delaying the inevitable - Every Star Country apart from the Imperium Federation will have to give a Blood Price according to Rules set by the 9 Supreme Powers"

"-as for why the Imperium Federation is exempt from this- they pay and comply with the PARS program- they give regular reports to the GRAT Union"

"You know how expensive and taxing that is right? And any one found to have something remotely suspicious will be thoroughly investigated and if found guilty - there's no trial, it's simple execution - they do this for all 33 Billion Citizens and a different set of rules are applied for non citizens who enter their Territory without fail- At most the Gith Armies would come and investigate them along with few fines but overall they will be safe as for us- heh"

" My country didn't have the budget as a bunch of stupid noble familes refused to this and hobbled up all money and resources, I am pretty sure all of you disdained to even do such a thing because all of You fucking believed that such creatures were fairytales and Gnomish Fart!", Sam severely chided them as expressions of regret could be clearly seen on their faces.

" Anyways if you are thinking of nuking Planet with WMD even if it violates the SAR Protocols by all means waste your warheads! We Tried an expensive antimatter Bomb and guess what happened?"

All of them stared Blankly at him as spoke ruefully," It was neutralized before it even reached Orbit by some kind of Mythic Spell that even I am not aware of, all I know is most of the people that went to the Planet have died and the ones that survived are as good as dead"

" You all should be more worried about the Blood Price of the Gith-

As you all are aware-

We pay in blood- our efforts are drenched in blood and our Worlds shall bleed enough as a reminder to what happens when doesn't comply with Rules set by the 9 Supremacy Powers"

" If you wish to save atleast a bloodline for your family, be prepared to die in this war, I have already assigned a PA to send Data to the PARS resident AI so atleast a bunch of my people will survive when the Gith Raze our Territories to the Grounds"

With that Sam cut the call, any chance of a joint alliance was out of the cards for him- he wanted those Greedy Bastards to now eat shit for what they had been doing to his people for years.

Corvus and Sabine had then spoke up.

" The Storm is impenetrable, all the Probes have somehow aged and deaged to the point of raw materials strangely - our scanners keep getting garbled data and... Screams of madness from that Planet ", Corvus paused for a bit and felt something off about the whole situation.

"I have asked our resident Diviner to check and even accessed the ancient records- this storm shouldn't even exist in the mortal world- It is of Spatio-Temporal Nature and the Diviner has spoken a single word should we ever set foot on the Planet ", Sabine spoke but there was clear exhaustion in her voice.

" What did she say?", Sam stared at them.

" Death", She spoke out as Corvus then clenched her palm tightly with a determined gaze.

"Oh- All according to Plan then", Sam spoke hoarsely and dismissed them.

He then walked to the ship Hangar and gazed at the Massive 8-Star Steel Mecha Knight standing wordlessly staring at the Hatch.

" It won't be long now brother, our final battle is upon us - you will never have to become a subject of Neuro SIM again", Sam spoke in a soft tone.

" I will have my revenge finally...", Viktor's robotic voice sounded out from the Mecha .

But his wrath was now unhidden and simmering relentlessly, waiting to explode.

"The Wraith Invictus Fleet is about to arrive soon, the New Wraith Knights will soon be arriving here for their preordained deaths, I really hope this Mind Extinction Array works",Viktor spoke with a little bit of skepticism - after all he knew the enemy's means, death would be the best- if not, then were things much worse than death.

"It should effectively dissipate all consciousnesses within a planet, with the amount resources we poured into crafting it- it will work, I heard from Coral it was a successful suicide tactic to prevent a Mindflayer Takeover when Mind Breakers were killed or not present", Sam spoke but inwardly he knew it was only the opening act- Master Mirror told him that this Nightmare would end only when Conrad Died and he could only be killed by Aavesh.


Most of his life could be described with that word.

An end to that...


Please let it all end here...

I am the end of wits and sanity...

Sam sighed inwardly and then took out a photo from his military coat- an old tech used to preserve glimpses of memories on poly paper.

He stared at the people in it with grief, guilt and love.

His wife, son and daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

His brother happy with his beloved .

But it all ended, the Mythic Era was not a merciful era.

Atleast his Granddaughter would be safe with Jhansi.


He closed his eyes briefly but not a single tear came out.

He had cried enough long ago and his eyes couldn't cry anymore.

He then stood with his brother and gazed Planet X with focused killing intent.