Looming Dark Fate

What is Naraka like?

What is Hell?

One might compare mortal analogies and metaphors but what is truly the Physical Embodiment of Naraka?

Or more... should one ask what is worse?

These questions have been answered by those few who go Beyond Stage 15.0

And they have one sentence,

" Incomparable Horrors to Shackle the Sinner"

And another thought provoking concept of the Original Sin, from Lord Asmodeus himself,

"You ask me what Original Sin is? Why you have been brought to My Hell? Why you were chosen for Naraka? "

" Hope"

"Hope you can change everything "

" Hope you can escape your mundane shackles of mortality"

" Hope you can gain power for the brief speck of your life that is mortal by playing with Mythic Power that you could never comprehend"

" In my view, Hope is the root cause of your greatest Imprisonment "

"It is such a fickle thing... Hope you see"

" Because there is no Hope in Naraka"

It was such a dangerous statement yet had it's own truth... Aavesh could not agree more with it as he was just dragged into the Naraka along with Chu Feng by Khorramzadeh.

Aavesh had seen countless Devils and Infernal Socery... He had seen Artificial Dimensions corrupted by Infernal Mythic Power...

Buy he had never seen Naraka in the flesh, and this was not a Pleasant Experience.

Not at all.

Naraka was Dimension with it's own Peculiarities - Like Empyrean had Ordered Heavens and 9 Great Mountain Ranges- Naraka had 9 Great Layers of Pits if you will of Ordered Burning Prisons.

Even the ice here could burn you- well your soul.

And each of these Layers are Connected by a Terrifying River of Souls- the Styx.

Anyone that dares to enter Naraka must first face the Taste of Hell- the Styx.

This Mythical River would seep into you and give you a glimpse of what each Hell layer-feels like going through your flesh.

The Blood of Naraka. Styx. Born from the violent butchering of a benevolent goddess who had come to save the souls that had been damned for eternity, severed from Reincarnation- that's what the legends say, although nobody can say for sure.

After all, Asmodeus himself is the king of True Deception.

There is another legend... The River Styx is a slave of Asmodeus, anyone that enters Naraka Dimension - Lord Asmodeus will use the River Styx to mark them and give them a trailer- an appetizer of what happens when you try to break the Rules he has laid down.

Not that it stopped Azatas and Vengeful Angels but any Mortal that wanted to break the Rules would feel the full impact of this little 'appetizer'.

Many people believed it.

After all it was Naraka- A Place of Order and Sufferings.

An unparalleled Prison.

Aavesh and Chu Feng had experienced 0.01% of each Hell Layer through the River Styx along with the wails of countless tormented souls that had become part of the River.

It was too fucking terrible - Terrifying!

The Moment they were thrown out of the River and landed onto a Red Brick Floor their 7 orifices bled as they stared at Khorramzadeh with Bloodshot Eyes.

One was unafraid of suffering but one was most afraid of needless suffering.

The Duo didn't fucking want to come to Naraka in the first place and now they were extremely stimulated.

They stared at Khorramzadeh who stood before them with a smile - it almost made you want to kill people.

Aavesh suddenly felt extremely hot from within his bones all of a sudden.

It was too hot and his Blood pressure had suddenly become excessively unstable - causing him to out glowing Orange blood like molten magma as small red veins began to flare around his body.

His right hand began tremble unnaturally.

His head felt heavy - and his thoughts began to have a darker tone.

He immediately focused on his body and felt something malicious within - something had been suddenly triggered after he entered Naraka.

But what...

The fuck is this?

It's happening again.

"Ahh", Aavesh squinted his left eye in pain, as stinging black liquid oozed out slightly.

He then stabilized his thoughts and observed where he was first.

Khorramzadeh had brought them to a specific layer of who Knows where in Naraka.

The air was filled with scent of burning sulphur and brimstone, each blood red brick seemed to be alive and yet not.

They all were outside and imposing castle of some kind of strange exquisite yet mortifying architecture.

From what he could tell with his right eye- this place was situated in the middle of a vast expanse of Darkness - if not for the burning orange brazier at the top of the castle tower.

The sky was incomparably black and smokey,

In the distance one could faintly see fires erupting vaguely but it could not be ruled out of the dimension was playing tricks on their minds.

He felt a strange heavyness and a shackling aura on him- he could tell that this Dimension was not meant for someone as weak as him and staying too long here was incomparably dangerous.

The Mythic Power here would slowly seep into his Soul, Energy and Body as he didn't have a Mythic Core to resist.

He had to escape this place fast or irreversible changes might happen to him.

Infact he could already see the adverse effects of him just being present here and there was something terribly wrong with his body when it came to Infernal Mythic Power.

* Bang

The Gigantic Gates opened slightly and Aavesh felt powerful hot smoke coming from within those gates- like they could simply burn him from existence.

But Khorramzadeh had been controlling them so for now he was safe but is it really'safe' anywhere here?

" This is a special Place- This is the Place where you will find your Destiny - where the Causality between you and I converge- This is the Boses Gefangnis Manor", Khorramzadeh smiled as his visage seemed exponentially powerful in Naraka and gave a seemingly welcoming gesture to Aavesh and Chu Feng.

"Now- Do cooperate with me or Coral bites the dust", He immediately reminded Aavesh with a harmless tone but the words were far from being so.

Chu Feng on the other hand turned to gaze at Aavesh and was immediately stunned- his eyes widened and mouth agape.

"Blood-", He immediately spoke but Khorramzadeh raised a finger causing his voice to become silent and his mental Energy to be completely restrained, fully immobilizing him as he could only stare at Aavesh like a mute.

Whatever he wanted to speak, Aavesh would not be able to hear further.

But it didn't matter if Aavesh had heard it at all, there was only one path forward -he had to cooperate to save Coral or she would be erased by Khorramzadeh.

He didn't doubt Khorramzadeh to do good on his threats- Khorramzadeh was a Demigod after all.

Aavesh could not watch Coral die- in this short time they were together -whether he spoke about it or not, she had slowly become a friend and was indispensable for a Mind Breaker like him- she was integral to his future.

He closed his eyes briefly and accepted the situation before him, for he could only grit his Teeth as he was tired of people threatening him with hostages and unwillingly walked towards the Open Gate as Khorramzadeh watched on with a knowing smile.

Then Aavesh's left black crystal hand suddenly twitched and exploded into black crystalline thorny chains and instantly wrapped around Aavesh.



The chains covered him in a black coccon like state as blood slowly tricked out from it's surface.

Chu Feng's Eyes were filled with horror as he now truly saw Khorramzadeh's brutality.




The thorny coccon then shrank to the size of a small toy ballnand floated into Khorramzadeh's palm.

Khorramzadeh then dragged the Restrained and Paralyzed Chu Feng as well into the Infernal Castle.


Outside Planet X,

The whole world had experienced atleast Ten Thousand Years while the Armies of Ho-Jax Sector waited out for days.

It was not that they had gotten bored- every hour a strong mental pressure was emanating from the Planet itself, they could only watch on passively as every person who stepped in to the Space Time Storm was torn to shreds.

They could only silently prepare for a full Blitzkrieg and Bomb the Planet to death- but whether this would work was highly doubtful.

Chief Sam Manek was aboard the Wraith Spear Command Battleship as all preliminary work for their plan had completed - everyone was present and accounted for , the Wraith Invictus Fleet - the last super Offensive of Rathiel Republic was ready.

They had been originally kept as a final resort- to be used oy when the Darkest Hour of Rathiel Republic had come and so now the time had come.

He had long sent away ordinary soldiers and people with weak Cultivation away towards the refugee Planets close to the Imperium Federation to protect the Citizens, his loyal colleagues had long left to protect the Civilian Migration routes and established Refugee Camps.

And he also received updates for his two Secret Orders from Sabine.

"The 'Skull' collectors are in Place, your revelation to the other Heads of state has sent them into panic - making it convenient to take position - the 'skull throne' can be 'created' as soon as you give the order but be warned- the losses incurred may have a devastating impact in the sector"

" Sir the Sectum Exterminatus plan is also ready - the moment you give the order, the backbones of our enemies will forever break and their populace will enter an induced extreme poverty state", Sabine reminded the consequences to chief Sam but he shrugged it off.

" If we win this battle, our Citizens will be captured enmasse and sold to the Galactic Slave Trade by our so called Neighbours to rebuild their Star Forces after the blood price is paid"

" So we can't let out Neighbours get off easily - besides this is the only time to execute such missions, they will not be able to retaliate due to the Blood Price which will be imposed soon", Sam explained lightly but his words sounded although merciless, it was the only way to protect their people.

"When must the shadow division start?",Sabine asked.

" If I am not wrong- in 20 days- we will be visited by the Gith Envoys who will ceremonially accuse us of negligence and failure to report Illithid Incursion, they will then impose a collective Blood Price upon us, give the go ahead to the Shadow Division once the Blood Price is paid", Chief Sam replied back and then sent an encrypted email to the General Jhansi of the Imperium Federation.

'The Eve of saying Indomitus Exterminatus is almost here... This the last month of my life, so much has happened, but now it will all end... Finally ', A brief glintbof sad relief crept up into his eyes before being replaced with the same stern harshness and disciplined determination.


In An Unnamed Fragmented Dimension,

In a Broken Planet torn from the material world- Large Fleets of Battleships had taken shelter here from the Tempestuous storm.

The Chief Arbiter Roden and Protean Trickster Chu Ning'er worked on maintaining Environmental shields and reparing the ships damaged from the spatial storm.

Vishwa, Markus and Eitra were assisting their men to create a makeshift Device to bring them back to the Material Universe- the mortal Plane.

Devil Prince Longinus, Demonic Profane Child Vionne and Dark Specter Gathin who were just Demigod aspirants had already left with their Fleets- unwilling to stay under Demigods, it might take a few months or a year for them to return but atleast they would not be beholden to these damn Demigods or so they thought.

The Azatan Demigod Rachael was currently in a Dream State as the Goddess of Dreams- Desna had suddenly reached out to her causing her to enter a state of sleep.

She had been in this Dream State for a few days already...

She suddenly woke up as if possessed, her glowing eerily with green light as a powerful and ancient voice spoke out," Demigods of Humanity Beware! A Heart that has been sealed by ancients will be set free! A Being that should not be born has already taken birth! By The scheme of a thousand years, a new fate has been woven - The Fate of the Dark Emperor is... Inevitable"

With that the glow disappeared and she had aged considerably.

" Desna has given me the path ahead- everything will be revealed if we come to these coordinates, she has told me that the kid is still alive... But everyone is a part of a Cosmic scheme and she suddenly went berserk-", She spoke coherently at first but then began to mutter unintelligible words.

Markus and Eitra immediately moved to render her unconscious, she had just been possessed by Goddess Desna to warn all of them.

This did not bode well at all.

"We should headback quickly, even if the other 30 Human Demigods can hold the fort down for us- we should still get back fast...", Vishwa spoke.

"Something's not right", Roden suddenly spoke out, he came forward along with Chu Ning'er.

" I am feeling a subtle shift in the Laws of the Mortal Universe - it feels a new Demigod has been born", Roden spoke .

Just then all the Demigods of the Human Race began to feel uneasy suddenly...

" No - No way- the Chaos forces are telling me that this is not their doing and I can feel the surprise and ... Dread", Chu Ning'er spoke out suddenly as she felt a chill cross her spine.

Right now all of them had felt the signs- but this time there was no cause for jubilation, it was as if the apocalypse had suddenly crept up closer to the Human Race.

Then suddenly,

A Phantom of a handsome Martial Artist suddenly appeared before them,

" The Karma has tied to your race by blood- You must hurry - the Newborn Demigod has not started his flesh soul mending transformation yet- you must kill him lest all the souls of the Human Race be Claimed by him- Hurry...", with that the Phantom disintegrated into light specks.

All of the Demigods only stared in silence.

After a moment, Eitra suddenly spoke up," I believe that was Lord Irolin- Say what were those coordinates again?"


"As expected of my ideal Goddess, I should have made a deal with Slaanesh in the first place"

"To think I would be able to surpass my limits and levels- to metamorphose into a new Demigod State..."

"And not only that the Demon Goddess and the Crooked Clocksmith also arranged for me to comprehend the Obscure Minor Laws of Blood and Chaos State of Domination - these two things should have never fallen in my hand!"

"Master Mirror, finally your Karmic Gift has become useful for something now! I will now use these ingredient to achieve transcendence by Devouring all Human Bodies and Souls!"

"And then- ugh"

"Tchh but this flesh soul mending transformation is truly Infuriating me..."

"It's still taking too much time- haiz atleast I don't need to fear about the Little shits above"

" Well you can destroy this planet and what not! But in the end I will remain and become the final winner "

"All your Damned Bodies and Souls will belong to me ! To do whatever I damn wish "

"Now let's build an army to give my pathetic old race a reminder of the laws of the Mythic Era "

" I Conrad Konstantin will be the new Illithid Emperor!", Such Voices reverberated in what remained of the whole Planet X...

A loud Authoritative voice reveberat d across the Fallen and Mangled Planet X- Ravaged by the spacetime spell as those outside the storm could never imagine the horrors that had been done ...