The Third Great Cataclysm Begins...

Chief Sam gazed at the Storm covered atmosphere of Planet X from his Command office.

It was the same as always - No change, Probes would die out, no one would survive the journey.

The whole thing felt extremely ominous.

Especially so because the Gith arrived and took one look at the Planet in Person - although their expressions remained frozen those sharp nosed and bat eared -Gloating Gith faces couldn't completely hide the fear in their Eyes.

Or in their actions.

A Blood Thirsty Race like them merely glanced at them - wrote an extremely Expensive 'Blood Price's and demanded it to be paid within 3 Days or they would simply Nuke their Capital Planets.

Ofcourse, everyone complied as they paid in rare Mythic Resources like Essences, Cultivation Texts, Rare Equipment, Exotic Minerals,Strategic Weapons and Even the critical Apollion Class Flagships had to be sent out along with several other mundane resources.

Star Countries apart from the Imperium Federation and Rathiel Republic - were even forced to send sections of their citizens as slaves.

This had to be done within a few days and so it was done.

But after the exchange the Gith- consisting of only the Githyanki this time- immediately left with their Fleets into the Astral Realm, without even a word-Much to the disbelief of the Entire Ho-Jax Sector .


They were spared!

A sigh of bitter relief escaped from the Leaders of the Ho-Jax Sector.


They had been robbed blind instead!


Even if they had been spared - their economies were in shambles.

Sector wide riots and rebellions had begun to brew for the Star Countries.

Only the Imperium Federation remained somewhat stable but discontent on the matter was beginning to increase - After all the Higher Ups over there felt a bit unreconciled at the foolish behaviour of their neighborhood- the Imperium Federation had been randomly dragged into this bullshit.


Well atleast they didn't have to pay sections of their Populations as slaves like the others.

As for Rathiel - they didn't really have a Functioning Government to do so, the Githyanki did try to coerce Sam, but Sam Manek simply spoke Something in the Obscure Gith Language, that seemed to push them off.

Nevertheless, like Ruthless Debt collectors, the Gith had managed to take 12% of the Human Population in the Ho-Jax Sector.

No one was allowed to intervene.

It was an unprecedented Humiliation for the Homeritus Empire and the Jaxos Empire- let alone their small Vassal states.

But still it was better than the savage butchery they were expecting - atleast they had not lost 30% of their Populations right?


But instead of staying back to command the battle against the Illithid Threat, these Githyanki bastards had simply left.

To most it was unsuspicious as unlike the Githzerai - the Githyanki were used to raid Unofficial Territories and pretty much would loot the place dry to the point one would think they had too less.

This time it was probably the most easiest debt collection for them as the Ho-Jax Sector had practically lowered their defenses to the point of being completely vulnerable.

Nevertheless the other Star Countries heaved a sigh of relief and scolded Sam for trying to fearmonger- some had already begun to paint Rathiel Republic and Sam as the sole perpetrators of the whole event, trying to use them as the scapegoats to become the target of Sector wide discontent.

But Sam didn't budge from his position as the other Star Countries had begun to demobilize and use their remaining stockpile of Strategic Weapons to deal with the Situation.

The leaders even thought of letting Sam and his forces to do most of the work, while they would use their Strategic Weapons in the last- thereby claiming complete credit for Victory!

Some even smiled in their dreams thinking about such a good thing.

But how could such a good thing exist at all?

This was the Mythic Era.

In his Command Office Chief Sam held an ancient style hand mirror and spoke," The Githyanki Didn't massacre through the Sector, they seem rather... Fearful"

"That is to be expected - the worst case scenario has already been set in motion - you've implemented the Emergency Runic Shields on your armada?", Master Mirror's asked back nonchalantly.

"Yes- But we don't understand it's working and principle, we only replicated the pattern you provided and built the Shields and as per your instructions - we've shared the schematics to the fools as well-", Sam replied.

" These shields will give you one chance - but it is a poisoned chalice, Even if you survive - the damage will be done to your bodies- you will die eventually"

" The Gith fear this place because that thing is almost born, with this our bargain ends- 'he' will come but you will be long dead, still... our terms will be followed -that I can assure you off- Farewell", with that the ancient hand mirror turned into dust.

" The End is here... *Sigh So it shall be, so it shall be", Sam muttered and stood up as he gazed at the Planet again.

The Strange Spatio-Temporal Storm was still raging- as it did days ago.

But there was something he could not put his finger on- It was an odd sensation.

Like something was about to happen.

He immediately used his Comm Channels to yell to his forces," Everyone! Brace for Impact- I Repeat Brace for Imp-"


An wave off white Light Erupted from the Planet silencing all sound within the Star System.

It was eerily silent for a moment, as everyone saw the Flash of Bright Light Exploding from the Planet.

The light quickly dissipated while the silence continued.

However instead of a Planet- what lay in place horrified Everyone who gazed at the scene -

It was a Planet Sized Monstrosity - a Parody of an Infant, still in it's fetal position - It's grotesque appearance - the mix between demon, Eldritch, Human and Illithid could be seen in bulging Tumors of Myriad Limbs protuding to the space-

It had no Atmosphere to say the least- Yet one could see a Searing Innate Shield lighting up to protect it from the Power of the Sun that Even Immortal Mythic Creatures like itself dare not play with.

In a Snap it's extremely large Eyeballs snapped open and it seemed to stare at the Bacteria that these ships were to it.

And it's monstrous Mouth let out the first sound that shattered the Silencing Spell.


A cry- A Primordial Cry tore apart the silence and it drove Humans into a litany of Psychotic madness that reverberated violence, despair and fear!

The Rathielite Armada's shields lit up with a strange Rune that seemed to be bearing the brunt of the Primordial Scream.

But Human Lives still fell down like flies.

Those below stage 3 in this Star System had died instantly.

Stage 4 Warriors had been crippled with their minds broken as they descended into madness.

Stage 5 Warriors had managed to survive with severe injuries.

Warriors beyond this stage suffered from varying degrees of wounds on their physique and Psyche but they were still able to fight- to a certain extent- but everyone's eyes had begun to bleed blood.

But the Everyone felt one thing in common - A hook like piercing claim had been placed on Their Souls - in death they wouldn't go to their gods- they wouldn't go to Duat at all- they would be food for the Primordial Screamer.

It was like an inevitable fate had been latched on to them-

The Primordial Screamer would always gaze at them like a Predator awaiting sweet sustenance from it's dying prey.

They were the Prey.

Nothing could be done.

Soon apart from the Rathiel Armada - they saw the other Ships lifelessly descend towards the Planet like flies.

But the Cries were not limited to this System alone- They Spread out to the Entire Ho-Jax Sector, plunging it's Hundreds of Billions of denizens into absolute terror.

Nearby Star Systems simply lost Population at massive scale!

The Far off Star Systems in other Star Countries fell prey to a Blood Paralysis Pandemic.

Mortal and Cultivator alike had fallen prey.

Beyond the Star Sector, the Primordial Cry still reverberated - anyone from simply possessing a trace of Sol human Ancestry to pure regular humans had begun to feel an invisible shackle tied intricately to their souls.

No amount of prayer or Mythic Powers were able to remove this shackle.

Unrest began to spread across the Sol Human Zone, as fears of something Terrifying plagued them.

This naturally didn't escape the eyes of the Nine Great Factions and Myriad Gods who were watching the situation unfold, yet only a select few were powerful enough to jump into the frey.

The Nine Great Factions immediately launched a Galactic Wide ceasefire of hostilities and Wars being currently waged for and against the Human Zone Temporarily , to slow down the growth of the Cursed Infant Monster as each Human death meant that their soul would be Devoured by that Monster!

But the Chaos unleashed could not be stopped just like that- some cruel Races began to use banned genocide level Weapons on smaller colonies across the border, adding fuel to the fire!

At the same time a Divine Battle took place in the Cosmic Crossroads between all Dimensions- many Non Humanoid and Humanoid Gods began to suddenly fight it out with their armies of Mythic Immortals !

No one knew exactly who started this Battle or why- but it had begun to spread across the known Universe, and Even the Galaxies in the Material Universe would not be safe.

It was clear that ceasefire Order wouldn't last for long and soon the Flames of Galactic War would start- an unprecedented amount of sentient life could be lost and Humans would be killed in Trillions!

If so, that Monster would grow so strong enough- that once it was done with the Humans, it would turn it's attention against the other Humanoid Races to prey upon and then it would grow strong enough to prey on Non Humanoid Races as well!

The Situation was desire yet their hands were tied due to heavy Karmic and Curse Implications of trying to forcibly intervene.

This was a conflict that had chosen Chess Players- all they could hope was that chess move wouldn't be wrong otherwise - the future Milky Way Galaxy would grim.


In his command centre, Sam vomited blood out on the floor and weakly stood up.

He knew the crucial moment had arrived and hoarsely shouted," Everyone! Remain Calm! Don't forget what we came to do! We- are the Wraith Knights! If we accomplish our Goal- we will save our People! We Will Save the Human Race! We cannot Fall now! We must do our last mission - We Go to Hell- We Go Together!"

No one responded back but their eyes had become firm.

This is what they had been preparing for years.

It was just death.

Nothing too significant.

They would struggle until the grueling end!

Corvus gazed into Sabine's tearful Red Eyes and held her hands tightly and spoke,"I'll follow even after death- nothing will part us"

Sabine then leaned into his embrace as he comforted her.

Their end was near.

Their child had been sent to Corvus's brother's family, this could barely soothe her aching heart.

But as a Member of the Wraith Knights- duty was paramount to protect family.

Similar exchanges happened in the Armada.

This would be the last time they would get the chance to do so.

Soon the Armada poised itself, several guardian fleets surrounded the Invictus Fleet.

No matter what the Invictus Fleet had to land safely on the Planetary Monstrosity to set up the Sacrificial Destruction Array!

Within the Armory of the Invictus flagship, Sam's hologram showed before his brother.

"Brother - Are you ready with your squad?", Sam asked Viktor as he gathered the Neuro SIM mecha squad with him.

Viktor gazed at the kids- Ansel, Angelo, Atohi, ErDa and Ekon.

The Sacrificial Batch.

Each of them matched him in power and skill yet could never go above him.

They were just innocent kids months ago but now had Extremely Strong Men.

It was a grave sin - what they did to the kids- but there was no choice.

They would pay for their sins now.

" Yes - they are ready to kill", he muttered back through his Mecha.

" We are about to descend - but we must be wary of the other Armies, they must not hamper our plan- kill them on sight, it would be just putting them out of their misery",Sam spoke and then the hologram disappeared.

" So?", Viktor's hulking mecha gazed at his men.

"KILLL!", They roared back in unison.
