There's Always Something

The Moment before the Primordial Scream,

For several Days, Aavesh had frantically tried to learn and simulate his knowledge to make sure that he wouldn't be useless in the Biomech.

But deep inside he knew it was nothing compared to someone with actual Mecha Experience, he wasn't a professional mech pilot, even if he had the aptitude.

Experience was crucial - He could simulate it thousands of times but the final barrier was Real Experience - if he didn't have it, things would not be easily resolved at all.


This was just pure torture, stuck in this Infernal Bullshit.

Biomecha were rare but not Illegal, they were created as Preservers to blend into fragile Ecosystems without causing irreversible Damage.

They were natural Adaptive Terraformers.

Making War Biomecha was considered Taboo as far as he knew.

But the one he was in - was a Biomecha crafted for absolute Devastation!

This wasn't any War Biomecha- This was a Forbidden Fucking Disaster Class War Biomecha!

Not to mention the eerily silent heart of Evil that had been implanted as the Power Core- The Thing itself was made in the most disgusting way- It's safe to say no one would be a willing pilot for this Biomech.

He had to keep fighting the undulating Bloodthirst and Evil Intent being radiated by the Biomech.

Aavesh then gazed back at his friends who were frozen in the stasis field with a soft sigh.


All he could do was wait in this shit hole.




Aavesh suddenly hear an ear splitting scream of a horrifying being and then felt a hook latch on to his soul and the gaze of something Terrifying.

It seemed to be telling him that there was no escape - he and the other's would eventually fall into it's grasp.

He then saw both Chu Feng and Anya's eyes slowly turned blood red.

It had happened to him as well.

He felt a restless urge build within him, albeit slowly,- but this urge wanted to him massacre and feed on everything.

Still he controlled himself, and calmed his disturbed state of mind -


He began to analyze just what the fuck happened, and then a flash of Neon Blue Light appeared before the Biomech.

Aavesh felt his consciousness transfer temporarily in a millisecond to a different space and time within the same Place.

A Peerless Woman made of shimmering Crystals that encased Stars and Nebulae approached him slowly and spoke in a very familiar voice,

"Greetings Aavesh Adhi"

"Machina",Aavesh recognised her instantly.

A new form too this time- the woman before him was the literal will of Higher Dimension Machina

"I have come to discuss few glaring issues and release the hidden restrictions that has been imposed on your Aeon Mythic Powers ", She spoke coldly.

"I'm listening ", Aavesh gazed at her curiosly.

"One- Khorramzadeh has been interfering with the grand scheme of things, especially with You", She pointed her sharp translucent finger at him.

"He has layered a lot of traps for you everywhere - Your Maledict status, the curses he has forced upon your Bloodline, etcetera -to slow your growth, it is frankly a nuisance to our plan"

Aavesh listened on silently, as he grew a little curious- just what plan did they have for him.

"You've heard about his little club- don't you? All the members of the Club have a certain Realization of the laws of Causality - and there are 2 factions, the Weavers and the Strugglers"

"Weavers- who we despise for they manipulate Causality not with the strength of their own, but a certain Problematic Entity that doesn't belong to our Universe - the name shall not be spoken to preserve your life"

"Strugglers- We allow because this is a fundamental Constant of the Nature of the Universe, they rely on their own strength and opportunity to change fate, they are backed by the Goddess of Fate and Reincarnation-"

"Wait!", Aavesh suddenly interjected and asked

"Why would the Goddess of Fate allow Fate to be Changed?-"

" A common misconception - We will not explain this, if the first Human New God doesn't enlighten you, we will not"

"...", Aavesh felt speechless at that moment.

Still he controlled his urge and decided to listen to the rest of what she had to say.

"As we were speaking, the club represents the War between the Entity and the Goddess- they absolutely despise eachother, the Entity wishes to break Webway of Causality in this Universe to create a new system that works for him alone, the Heavens System- while Goddess wants to keep the Webway intact"

"The Entity wishes to create conscious Heavens that Absorb the Destiny of this Universe, by creating 'chosen ones' , you've read web novels Haven't you- it works kind of like that"

"...", Aavesh really wanted to facepalm himself at the last sentence, it was so interesting in the beginning but why did she have to... *Sigh can't be helped.

"The War between them is still ongoing, though 34% of the Webway has been annhilated and few heavens have been established, that go against the design of this Universe"

"Well if it's as you say- why have you not kicked him out!? Why keep spreading his cancer- oh wait, you can destroy the Heavens in the Mythic Dimensions but you can't destroy the Heavens within the Material Universe!"

"And it's because of restrictions imposed upon you all - that you can't directly intervene- Instead you want me to be your Errand Boy", Aavesh spoke scornfully as he immediately predicted what she was going to ask of him.

" Yes- We want you to destroy these Heavens that have been built across the Galaxy and re-establish the Webway, as for why? The Entity is hell bent consuming Mythic Essence and Destiny of this Universe, if he succeeds, he will establish the Control Extremity "

"We all do not want that to happen, as it would derail everything, thereby we want you to grow as per your potential", Machina explained as she waived a finger to show a 3 Dimensional Map of The True Universe.

Aavesh widened his eyes as he saw what he had hypothesised for such a long time.

It was just enough not to break his brain.

"This Universe is a Compressed stack of Planes and dimensions, the in between are the Cross Roads while the Nodes show the Alignment pressure - navigating to the Material Universe you will understand why more than 30% of the Webway is gone "

Aavesh then saw the map shift deeper, and then exploded out like a flat pane, showing the Material Universe.

With a wave of her hands, galaxies appeared like tiny dots spread across a massive map, she then made another hand movement and almost uncountable Galaxies turned red, as she moved her palm, the map shifted to a few almost tiny speck of dots that remained blue.

" The red ones are where 'heavens' have been created, although sentient life has not yet formed for 99% of these Galaxies- there a few Powerful Civilizations, more powerful than yours where they have sworn fealty to the Entity "

"But they are not the main threat- the Tyranids species are- see these Red Spots?"

"Who do you think built the 'heavens' in them? The Tyranids! They are the Entity's Terraforming Army- we may have managed to protect few Galaxies in this local zone but the situation is dire"

" if we lose the Material Universe to the Entity, then it just a matter of time before the Higher Dimensions fall and this Universe will fall to the Entity"

" Life as you see will cease to exist ", she then stared deeply at Aavesh.

But Aavesh remained calm and spoke," This is why you wanted to destroy the Material Universe, the Entity's hardwork will go up in flames and the Goddess will have superiority in getting everything back in control "

"You understand, but you are the one who stopped the apocalypse- there are Failsafes present, if the Milky Way falls then a Quantum Funnelling Weapon would be activated"

"Instantly destroying the Material Universe"

"But no one will escape unscathed, the Fall would reverberate across the cosmos - we all will perish but we will sacrifice our powers to protect this Iteration of the Fate Goddess"

" we will die but the Universe will survive as she will become the New Matron to rebuild everything with help from the Archaic Laws"

She spoke as if she disregarded her own existence as a means to an end.

"By the Cosmic- what the fucking hell?!", Aavesh gazed at the map and saw true situation.

"Well- I have so many questions for you, but this moment, as you stand before me- I take it that you don't want to destroy this Material Universe anymore "

"We are Forbidden to do so Now", She replied back.

"You want me to deal with this, I am assuming that If I destroy these so called Heavens, the lifeforms under them will die", Aavesh asked as his voice began to tremble.


Aavesh took a deep breathe in.

"The more you destroy, the Webway will be rebuilt and these Lifeforms will naturally be reborn", She spoke as Aavesh still remained silent.

"Machina- Even If I could destroy all of them- these are more Zeroes than particles combined on a Planet- do you understand the Karmic Implications of Killing on that Level?!", He spoke hoarsely, his voice rippling with anger.

" And Why me though?"

"What's so-"

"Because you are an Aeon", She interrupted.

"Only an Aeon has the Authority to Destroy and Seed Life in the Material Universe "

This shocked Aavesh, as he only stared at her silently.

"Maybe there is a way to save the inhabitants, but it can only be found by you- this is the Responsibility of an Aeon, many times you will see worlds born to burn this Universe- it will be your decision to decide it's fate, the only solace is that you protect their souls - be it mundane, sinner or saint, you ensure that Samsara is unhindered through the Webway"

"Alright - I'll think about it when I reach the corresponding Stage- As of now, I want to ask something further, does that Entity know about the Failsafes?"

"Yes, he wishes for Khorramzadeh to disable the Failsafe and in exchange he will cleanse the Karmic Threads that have wrapped around Khorramzadeh - it is also possible that Khorramzadeh is cooperating with the Entity to gain the Primordial Evil Shard for his Master Asmodeus "

"Either way, the Gods will only Protect their Designated Galaxies - they have realised that it is almost impossible to improve the situation, hence maintaining the status quo is acceptable now", As she finished explaining, her voice seemed a bit colder than usual - inefficient stagnation was Taboo for someone like her.

"Does Khorramzadeh need the Ancestral Adhi Sword to disable the Failsafe?",Aavesh asked.

"He needs the Sword to find the Failsafe, the sword Memories is what he's after- No one else apart from Your First Ancestress knows about this"

"For some Reason which I am unable to explain she had visited the site of the Weapon, which is now lost to time, her sword can show where the Failsafe Weapon is, I don't I need to elaborate further if Khorramzadeh subdues that Weapon"

" Aavesh, the Entity knows about you- your enemies have already begun to manipulate Causalities related to you- The Entity will do everything in his power to destroy you"

"You felt it now too right? The Primordial Screamer has awoken, You must Retrieve the Stolen Fate of Humans from it! At all Costs!"

"What?! What Screamer- ", Aavesh blurted out.

But then became silent, as a foreboding feeling arrived in his heart- whatever that Predator was, it had latched on to him already.

But how does someone stop something like that? How...

That thing felt so oppressive- it almost felt inevitable.

Besides - this thing was likely going to be in his next fight.

He could feel it in his instinct that he was about to face this creature soon.

So what could he do?

What could he even do against Khorramzadeh's plans in this Upcoming Battle?

He didn't know.

But he gazed at Machina, she atleast seemed to have some kind of an inkling of a plan.


"What are you going to do?", She asked him.

" What are you proposing?", Aavesh gazed at her now sharply.

" As I said Earlier -We will release restrictions upon your Aeon Mythic Powers, you will now have the full support of the Axiomatic Godmind and your judgements will be unilaterally approved"

"We will also share a secret that we know about the Aeon Mythic Power- the power of Authorization, it's the most deadliest Mythic Ability of the Aeon that We have come across- we will give you a Temporary Imprint that can be used once- "

" One More thing- you can claim the Mythic Essence of these Chosen Ones should you kill them- we will not split it like before for them alone", With that she waved her palm and Aavesh reappeared back in his miserable Biomech.

He could feel a hidden Imprint form in Mind Pool, close to his soul and he wished he could just bash his head in.

He... Just knew that he fell into pile of absolute Cosmic Bullshit.

Trouble seemed really unending.

First it was the Eldritch, but now He learned it wasn't just them- there was some kind of bullshit Entity involved too.

Just what is with this Universe?

Why is everybody gunning for it?

Aavesh frowned, he didn't know.

Maybe he was too weak to know.

* Spark


A Gigantic Chaotic Gate suddenly flashed right in the Center of the Room and the Stasis fields holding Anya, Coral and Chu Feng had been released - they fell to the ground and began to wheeze as they gazed at Aavesh with a mixture of horror and pity.

Aavesh then felt a mental block release and he began to move the colossal Biomech.

He then stood still as he didn't want to accidentally hurt the others.

But at the same time- the corruptive influence of the 'Heart' began to pierce his mind as he squinted with pain.

He endured it and suppressed the pain for the Time Being.



The four of them felt a Vision,- No a Memory began to play before them.

They saw the same Throne Room where Khorramzadeh sat on his Throne with his usual smug smile.

A Shadow of being then appeared before Khorramzadeh, who chuckled.

"Is it done Conrad?"

"Of Course My friend",the shadow being replied with an amused expression.

"The Back Up Sacrifice is Ready, I am sure the Daughter of a Literal Goddess and a Terrifying Trickster should be enough to ignite your Deification Array?", Khorramzadeh then showed the projection of a chained Anya.


"She looks quite Tasty! I will 'Taste' her Nicely!", Conrad spoke in an almost possessed tone as he seemed to gazed at Anya with greed.

"Besides this, I have something else- I will be sending a Special Biomecha with a very famous Individual - Aavesh Adhi, the boy who spoiled all of your plans- The Biomech has the 'Heart' of Evil, if you manage to kill him- It naturally belongs to you my friend ", Khorramzadeh smiled maliciously as he spoke.

" Oh? I don't mind being your Test Subject, in this, after all we both know you want to copy my gifts which I recieved from Master Mirror - Tell you what, if he manages to defeat me, I will give you the full information My Various Abilities!"

"Besides - Destroying Aavesh's efforts in Saving this Miserable Sector is a Bonus as well! Soon whatever he did or sacrificed for Nothing!"

The Memory Vision Ended.

Anya shuddered from that Disgusting gaze she saw from Conrad.

She didn't want to go through that Gate.

She really didn't.

But it would be a far more gruesome death of they stayed here- atleast that's what Khorramzadeh promised.


Steam emitted from the Biomech.

It's 8 Eyes glowed Crimson Red as it stared at the Portal Gate.

"Destroy my efforts? - Invalidate my Sacrifices? Heh! Heh heheheheheh!!", A Terrible voice Cackles out lord from the Biomech.

" Coral- Protect Anya at all costs- Conrad can't have her- Chu Feng look for a way out once we enter this Gate and FLEE WITH ANYA! I'LL DEAL WITH THIS MYSELF! YOU THREE WILL NOT ARGUE! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DISOBEY MY ORDERS- ONCE WE REACH THE WHATEVER FUCKED UP PLANET BEHIND THAT GATE, YOU WILL LEAVE ! IS THAT CLEAR!!!", Aavesh Roared out forcefully from the Biomech with such Killing Intent it even made Chu Feng who was Nearly more than 12 Stages above him to shudder and meekly nod.

Coral grit her Teeth and Nodded as well.

Anya remained silent for a moment and spoke softly," Don't Die to that bastard- If it's too much-"

The Colossal Biomech's head tilted down to gaze at her coldly.

"Eeep- Kay, Die, Do whatever you want", Anya meekly scolded him.

The Colossal Biomech then picked up the Trio and kept them close to it's chest as it charged into Massive Gate.

'I am Going to tear a new one for you- You Stupid Demonic Degenerated Piece of Graxshit Pedophilic Cuck!'

'And I will Rip your Balls or Die Trying !"